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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11874087 No.11874087 [Reply] [Original]

These fucking self checkouts are why I stopped going grocery shopping. Thank God they have grocery pickup or I'd only ever eat out.

It's not my job to be a checkout clerk for your massive company.

>> No.11874103

I like not having to deal with clerks.
Or being stuck behind some spic family with 12 WIC checks that need to be processed individually.

>> No.11874120

As a former retail cashier I know these things like the back of my hand
I put the bitch on mute and scan everything perfectly
Or if I'm feeling goofy I'll put in in spanish

>> No.11874121

Dealing with the cashier is not exactly stimulating social interaction. I'd rather shit-n-get so I can get home and make a meal for my wife and friends.

>> No.11874127

>Or if I'm feeling goofy I'll put in in spanish
*holds up spork*
So random XDDDDDDD

>> No.11874142

This. And then you run into them in the parking lot loading up their groceries in a late year BMW whilst i paid full price and driving away in a shit KIA

>> No.11874150

I feel the same about korean bbq where you cook you're own food

>> No.11874156

>grocery pickup
a couple weeks ago the local store was giving out cupcakes and I skipped breakfast so I was talking to them while eating one. come to find out they are starting grocery pickup free of charge. I will probably try it. but I'm almost positive they will fuck up my order
any stories or tips about it

>> No.11874166

Here’s the way my friend looks at it, you are doing labor for them so pay yourself your hourly rate by not scanning one or two items. Problem solved

>> No.11874169

I have used the grocery pickup at my local Harris Teeter a few times. My biggest complaint is that about 10% of my order will be out of stock, with about half of them getting substituted. Also, there are items that I know are on the shelves, but not listed online.

I will say that every time I've gotten produce, it was very well-selected. One time I wanted fresh corn, and I got an email from the order picker saying that she looked at the bin, and there were none that she'd buy for herself, so she didn't fill that item. I appreciate things like that.

>> No.11874176

>pay yourself your hourly rate
You should report that as income, then.

>> No.11874185


>> No.11874187

So charge yourself for an extra item to pay the income tax.

>> No.11874192

Same, my former coworkers even let me handle the overseer check prompts myself when I use the self checkout at the store I used to bag for.

>> No.11874197

>hourly rate

Your 5 minutes of back breaking labor at the self checkout would land you about 50 cents

>> No.11874205

Chill out bud

>> No.11874208

In-kind compensation should be reported as "Other Income" based on the fair-market value of the item.

Alternatively, don't be a fucking thief, nigger.

>> No.11874209

What is going on in this video?

>> No.11874218

Asperger's Syndrome

>> No.11874226

This is entirely made up, I assure you.

>> No.11874244
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yeah, I usually see them pile into one of these.

>> No.11874311

>It's not my job to be a checkout clerk
Do you use the services of travel agencies or do you do their job when planning your trips

>> No.11874326

>listen to music
>use self service
>don't have to stop music to talk to someone at a checkout

I like to think I'm helping someone at a checkout having an easy day at work by not scanning my shit. Gives them time to reflect on their life and where it all went wrong.

>> No.11874358

>It's not my job to be a checkout clerk
but it's your job to post on 4chan?

>> No.11874377

False equivalency. You're way off base.

>> No.11874405


I stopped using the self checkout at my grocery store so I could interact more with a qt cashier that works there. eventually she'll fall in love with me

>> No.11874410

Why are people so fucking immoral? Just do the right thing you fucker.
>That guy that self checked out a ps4 for 83 cents and got away with it only to get caught trying to do it again.

>> No.11874426

Stop being redundant

>> No.11874427

Do you also check in online when travelling by plane? You're doing their job!

>> No.11874445

You live in a nice neighborhood.

>> No.11874471

>dont have to talk to a total dimwit
>dont have to worry about them missing something
>can bag your own stuff how you want or need
>can be out of there in much less time than if you used a cashier
Fuck you, self-check out is a god send.
Walmart took away Scan-N-Go and I'm still pissed about it. It was the best way to shop for shit.

>> No.11874477



>> No.11874481

Always state no substitutions, they will send you the most retarded shit instead of what you asked for

>> No.11874486

Again, false equivalency. You're very /pol/-esque.

>> No.11874489
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>> No.11874493

Would be fine if the things didn't get an error every 5 items and need their employee to come and reset it anyway

>> No.11874494

>I got an email from the order picker saying that she looked at the bin, and there were none that she'd buy for herself, so she didn't fill that item. I appreciate things like that.
I wish everyone thought like this. I tried doing this for a customer once and the bitch got pissed. My manager chewed me out for "compromising a sale."

>> No.11874498

I love them because I can save about 5-10% on my groceries every time I go by stealing shit.

>> No.11874506

>receipt says 3 individual onions
>no onions in bag
>there are however three pizzas

>> No.11874511

The next time I went in, I showed the email to the manager, and she said, "Yeah. Doesn't surprise me. Susan (maybe?) is the most conscientious employee I've ever had." Makes me happy to live in a world where people like Susan (I guess) exist, and that her work is genuinely appreciated by her supervisors.

>> No.11874518

ITT: People who are lying about being thieves.

Also ITT: Thieves who rationalize thievery.

>> No.11874519

No one checks my receipt when I leave. Mostly I just don't scan stuff in the first place. If I get called on it, stay calm, blame the machine, and pay for it.

>> No.11874521

Never tried self checkout. Can't scan an item once when you have several of them and make them pay? It's not like you can be accused of theft easily, plausible deniability and all. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

>> No.11874528

Amazing how you don't see when companies make their customers do the job for them. Except with self checkout.

>> No.11874529

UK is trialling stores with no checkouts at all. You take a hand scanner when you arrive, scan your card then are trusted to scan every barcode as you go and then at the end it just deducts it from your card.

I say trust, I wholely expect that they have Vegas Casino-tier cameras watching you go

>> No.11874538

I don't steal anything, but good fucking christ my local Walmart supercenter is at a college town so there is absolutely no one watching the self check out. you could easily just put in 5 pizzas and check it out as a few potatoes or whatever and no one would bat an eye

>> No.11874543

>I put the bitch on mute
y-you can do that?

>> No.11874549

In most chains, yes. I always do it, the ones I use seem to think I'm some sort of superhuman who can bag an item in 0.2 seconds

>> No.11874555

The Superstore / Loblaws chain in Canada updated the UI on their self checkouts to remove most of the text. It makes them much less intuitive. But it does save me a minuscule amount of money, as I just mash the $ button when I'm done and blast past the part where you are supposed to pay for bags.

>> No.11874560

>superhuman who can bag an item in 0.2 seconds
That gives me an idea. I'm going to befriend an Aldi cashier and bring her with me when I go to not-Aldi to scan my shit for me.

>> No.11874563

>not paying for bags
This is regularly cited as our biggest micro-crime nationally.

>> No.11874564

>if I’m feeling goofy
le XDDDDD!!!!

>> No.11874569

t. depressed fags

>> No.11874570
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>> No.11874573

what does that even mean? Step in front of a moving semi truck please, no one will miss you.

>> No.11874582

It works by weight. You scan one item and put it in the bagging area, which is basically a big scale. You can't scan another item until the first item is scanned and in the bagging area, and the system verifies that it weighs correctly.
You could try and cheat the system by inputting the item as produce, say, bananas (PLU 4011), weigh it on the scanner and then put it in the bagging area and you'd just pay that item's weight as if it were produce.

>> No.11874595

Why bother paying at all?

>> No.11874603


That's the cashier's id number that I use to authorise my purchases rather than having one come over to check.

>> No.11874618

I dare you to try to explain in what way that is a false equivalency.
I fucking dare you because you can't.

>> No.11874623

Or check ID for paper glue.

>> No.11874625

is that you sperging out like a retard?

>> No.11874657

Store I used to work at would be 1$ before taxes for that five minutes of work
That still sounds awful though

>> No.11874669

> trialling
Dude they've been going for decades

>> No.11874677
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t. Braxtylynn

>> No.11874832
File: 233 KB, 500x475, okay fam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self checkout at any chain grocery store, the store usually has both self-checkouts and regular checkouts
usually works fine, pretty fucking great
>self checkout at a local store where the ONLY fucking checkouts are self-checkouts
fucking piece of shit needs to get watched by an employee because if there is even a 0.01 LB difference in weight it will lock your register. these same checkouts also flip the fuck out 1 microsecond after you scan an item, as if you're expected to just throw items onto the weighing area without bagging them.

Self-checkouts are great when they work. If they don't work, then either go to a traditional checkout or go to a different store.

>> No.11874873

There is normal checkout. Use those. Leave self checkout empty. Make them regret their decision

>> No.11874913


>if there is even a 0.01 LB difference in weight it will lock your register

Lock? Like an employee has to manually confirm and unlock the damn thing? Like "This person could be a thief! Please check!"? Isn't that pretty dumb because if you wanted to steal something wouldn't you just not scan it in the first place instead of "scan this, then remove something of it" or "scan item A, put item B on"?

>> No.11874949

Yeah, a pop up blocks you from scanning more items and hitting buttons while the generic self-checkout girl's voice says "PLEASE WAIT FOR ASSISTANCE". It's pretty common for most self-checkouts, but it usually only happens if the "UNEXPECTED ITEM IN BAGGING AREA" message happens 2-3 times in a row depending on the checkout. If the self-checkout is calibrated properly and isn't hypersensitive, you'll almost never have this happen.

With how often it happened the last time that I went to that store, it completely defeated the point of it being a self-checkout since it had to be watched. What made it funny was that the self-checkout directly across from me was having the same issue so the employee was just running around back and forth unlocking our checkouts.

fuck me for wanting to get some treats at 4 am though

>> No.11875211

My only regular annoyance with self checkout is when I bring my own plastic tub, having to empty it onto the tiny platform before scanning.

>> No.11875219

I love self checkouts because boomers never use them, literally like 10x faster.

>> No.11875264

Ah yes, all the rich mexican families who have 12 WIC checks, a late model BMW, flouting their affluence to us poor white folk.

Fucking kek.

>> No.11875308

Around here they have huge SUVs with blacked out windows, probably to smuggle out their WIC vouchers and relatives for sex trafficking

>> No.11875327

Sometimes I just need a few things, and it's great to avoid the bigger queues.

>> No.11875397

have a cry faggot

>> No.11875403

>handling filthy touchscreens that thousands of unwashed smelly hands have smeared all over

Enjoy getting other people's poo on your hands, you disgusting faggots.

>> No.11875419

strengthen the immune system
become strong

>> No.11875439

go to white neighborhood or a small super market near a train station, most of the time they don't have all the bagging area bs, you don't even need to put the item in the bagging area most of the time. though it's fun to watch chinks (probably very respectable black gentlemen in your case) try to steal shit and act like they don't speak english/chimp out at the bigger super markets.

>> No.11875488

Assuming webm related is you given how fucking stupid you sound in which case I'll remind you that the forum known as 4channel is forbidden to those under 18 years of age so kindly fuck off.

>> No.11875533


>implying I use my fingertips at public touchscreens

Ewww, I always use my index finger knuckles.
I really wonder why not everyone is doing that whenever I see other people touching the smeary mess.

>> No.11875537

>Step in front of a moving semi truck
but its not my job to step in front of a moving semi truck

>> No.11875640


they don't have any human registers open and im forced to use these damn things when i do my regular shopping. how the fuck am i supposed to fit my week of groceries into a single fucking bag?

>> No.11876595
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There are people arguing in this thread.

>> No.11876617
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Chance would be a fine thing.

>> No.11876647

>can be out of there in much less time than if you used a cashier
unless you only make small trips this is absolutely false. the cashier can be ringing things up when I'm still emptying the contents of my cart onto the conveyor belt. if they gave me a scanner on the cart I'd agree but dealing with those tiny checkout spots are annoying as fuck when you are buying $150+ in stuff

>> No.11876679

Scan something once
Why scan it again

>> No.11876919

yes it happens.

>> No.11876981

Only retarded apes can't figure it out. This is why sub 100 IQs should be euthanized or put in camps. I hate having my time wasted by retards who are unable to comprehend basic instructions.

>> No.11877003
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>not using Instacart

It feels great not having been to a grocery store in months

>> No.11877011

If you can't figure out how to use one you need to file for some sort of disability. The last time I needed help was because I accidentally double swiped while I was on zero fucking sleep for two days. The time before that was like four months ago when they hadn't put a shipment of dragonfruit into the system yet.

It's faster and more convenient than a clerk if you're competent at all, as you know what you purchased, and you can pack it the way you want to. Also if you're too retarded to use the barcode there's a number on fresh products.

>> No.11877062

only ever used Winco and Target self checkouts but I've never had a single problem in probably 200-300 uses I don't know how someone could fuck that up

>> No.11877103

I like em
I always sneak in the high value items into the bag without scanning

I think I'm doing a good thing, I dont want all casihers to be replaced with machines

>> No.11877155

no it's not your job, you volunteer to spend money there on the understanding that you will be using a self-checkout, which ultimately allows them to reduce or otherwise defer increases in prices.

you braindead runt

>> No.11877159

>I always sneak in the high value items into the bag without scanning
no you don't, because the machines sense when items are added. very badass story tho

>> No.11877171

>don't use words i don't like

>> No.11877199

I bet they do this to earn more rather than for us to spend less. Does this make me cynical?

>> No.11877286
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>reduce or otherwise defer increases in prices
Oh anon...

>> No.11877299

Wel actually as you haven't been hired you're volunteering which doesn't come with a salary

>> No.11877305

>friend is cart wrangler at grocery store
>scans soda as water so it's only a bit over a dollar
>lady calls him out just to be a snitch really
>he gets fired and banned
is this retarded or near harmless given the shit they were putting him through

>> No.11877347

are you a women? wanna be my wife? you have to be mexican and not be a used up 20 yr old.

I make 150 with no college degree, and i have a stable career.

>> No.11877393

Since you know so much, can I trick the machine if I bag 4 small avocados and 1 large avocado together? They're sold by unit, not by weight.

>> No.11877589

>no argument
>just hurr durr no ur wrong!

>> No.11877590

>>friend is cart wrangler at grocery store
>>scans soda as water so it's only a bit over a dollar
>>lady calls him out just to be a snitch really
>>he gets fired and banned
>is this retarded or near harmless given the shit they were putting him through

>friend is cart wrangler
>cart wrangler
>is this retarded

Well, do the math.

>> No.11877914

Found the thief who projects his sins onto others

>> No.11877915

I miss enjoying this show.

>> No.11877924


my friend used to steal hundreds of pounds worth of avocados every month by going through self service with avocados and ringing them up as potatoes.

>> No.11877931

you can consider that since the store doesn't need to staff 6 cashiers to checkout 6 people, you area technically getting paid to do it by the way that profit margins on food can be lower without that extra labor cost

>> No.11877934

And then what?
Sold them? Ate them? Who needs that many avocados?

>> No.11878144

Sounds like jewish standup

>> No.11878157

Yes, because they're the same fucking thing. It's another glass half full/empty

>> No.11878175


>> No.11878208

Precisely why I refuse to use them. Not getting a discount for a doing work the store should be doing.

>> No.11878211

t. person who knows his time has less value than a grocery store cashier

>> No.11878214

>scan item
>place in bagging area

Fucking CODE YOUR SHIT PROPERLY YOU FUCKS. There is a dedicated employee walking between the checkouts and the ONLY thing he is doing is correcting this FUCK-UP.

The scales on the sides probably made the thing ten times more expensive to code and set-up, and they do fuck-all for theft security.

>> No.11878216

Then he woke up smoked some more weed and went back to sleep

>> No.11878219


>> No.11878220

Ah yes, the ole brainlet-tier logic. That'll show me. You should head back in for the rest of your shift, those groceries won't scan and bag themselves!

>> No.11878221

So you stand there like a slug while the fat woman dies it? And you get paid how much to stand there?

>> No.11878230

>I hate this optional feature that still passively benefits me by taking people who would otherwise be in my line and putting them in another line.
Yes, I also long for the time when my grocery store had 6 manned fast lanes, 2 manned normal lanes, minimum, 24 hours a day.

>> No.11878231

You would steal work from an innocent fat woman trying to make ends meet as a cashier?

>> No.11878232

As long as no one is watching I just ring everything up as bananas. $0.30/lb on everything is a great deal.

>> No.11878235

I never use these, and most of the time I do my shopping in the cheaper places that don't have any of these at all. fuck this shit.

>> No.11878239

>I enjoy working for free and losing jobs to automation

>> No.11878248

My gf does this. It works. Play dumb if they catch you.

>> No.11878255

Ever worked in one? They have 6 lanes, which are manned depending on demand. Only all are ever in use during rush-hours. Rest of the time people are working around the place, stocking shelves and whatnot.

>> No.11878267

>Standing in line staring at candy isn't working
>Machines that require dedicated, actual skilled support staff are taking jobs
I take it you're one of those so-called brainlets.

>> No.11878278

In MA you automatically qualify for a year of WIC if your kid is on MassHealth, and your kid automatically qualifies for MassHealth for the first 2 weeks with no income check.

I know this because I've witnessed it:
>family with an income of ~$120k
>sets up WIC appointment
>puts kid on MassHealth a week before the appointment
>provide no income, but ask the WIC officer to check the MassHealth status of the kid
>checks out, here's your WIC approval for the year, just take a family nutrition class first

>> No.11878282

yeah i hate that fucking shit

>> No.11878288

when will they learn

>> No.11878290

>Manlet gets angry
lmao, look at the chicks who walks past him. She doesn't even have heels on.

>> No.11878298

>Machines that require dedicated, actual skilled support staff are taking jobs
>4 registers = 4 people to man
>4 self checkouts = 1 Pajeet to come over with a key when you fuck up using it
Based brainlet anon

>> No.11878305
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>Standing in line staring at candy isn't working
Yeah I'm a structural engineer, what do you do for work? Oh I stand in line staring at candy at Tesco's

>> No.11878306

>in store
>have bag filled with stuff
>empty it and scan the stuff in, putting the bag in the bagging area
>machine doesn't like it, you have to individually move each item into the 'bagging area' (where you cannot have a bag)
>trying to help my mother with it
>cocky robot watcher comes over and tells me what to do
>tell her that I know what to do, that this stores the only store that reee's if you have your own bag in the bagging area before you move shit into it
I hate how every fucking store has a different machine with different do's and don'ts. Any UK anon's in gone into Poundland? My local one has fucking Elvis Presley impersonator as the voice. It's fucking insane.

>> No.11878391

Oh boy, another tedious discussion on 4chan where people pretend to not get basic concepts to get into a two hour long last-word war.
I'm just going to skip the part where I pretend you aren't pretending, and just call you guys boring for still thinking this shit is still an interesting pastime.

>> No.11878408

That was the retarded electronics department that allowed that. You never let a customer carry a console. You take it to the cash register yourself.

>> No.11878424

>le based centrist

>> No.11878479

How is your gated community?