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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 1540x1232, tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11873469 No.11873469 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: "foods" no self respecting adult would ever eat
starting off the thread with an obvious one

>> No.11873489

meh nothing with eating tendies

>> No.11873493
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t. r/vegan

>> No.11873502

If I respected myself, I wouldn't post on 4chan. You fags need to know your audience to troll us.

>> No.11873503
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>> No.11873511

nothing wrong with pretending to be stupid in the year of 2019 to bait incels

>> No.11873909
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I don't require diabetes and cancer though

>> No.11873920
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tendies are much less cringe inducing than tots

>> No.11874108

Flank steak is based tho.

>> No.11874123

Kek. "No".

>> No.11874151

as long as they're made good
I'm fucking tired of finding those cartilage-esque bits in them

>> No.11874250

as a vegan, tots are based

(I do miss tendies tho)

>> No.11874675
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TVP, fry, oil, bread, refry, $5 for a few pounds of freezer friendly vegan tendies

>> No.11874685

>muh virtue signaling ethics
then why don't you just go back to tendies you colossally hypocritical faggot

>> No.11874985

*nothing right

>> No.11875634

I like quorn

>> No.11875670

There's absolutely nothing wrong with fresh homemade tendies you make yourself.

>> No.11875807

self-respecting adults eat whatever they want anon

>> No.11875849

>hating on fried chicken

>> No.11877083

Its the tendon.

>> No.11877088

>self respecting adult
choose one

>> No.11877089
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>> No.11877601

pepperoni pizza

>> No.11877606

No self respecting adult would eat food fried in oil. Get a grasp in life, damn it.

>> No.11877663

Manchild detection items

Chicken strips/nuggets
Curly fries
Tater tots
Pizza rolls
Ham/bologna/deli """""meats""""
American cheese
Orange cheddar
Grilled cheese sandwiches as a whole
Chocolate milk
White and milk chocolate
Milk and sugar added to coffee
Milk and sugar added to tea
Candy bars
Plain cheese, pepperoni, and Hawaiian pizza's
Frozen pizza of any kind
Frozen pasta
Ramen noodles
Ranch dip
Chicken wings

All major red flags. Avoid all people who enjoy these items as adults, they have pleb pallets and will bring you bothing but fruatration and horror.

>> No.11877667

Who said I respect myself

>> No.11877669
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Did you outgrow putting milk in your coffee when you turned 13 too?

>> No.11877679

what if these things are guilty pleasure that i make at home that i wouldn't be caught ordering in public? i have a refined palette but sometimes you're drunk and want tendies and ranch

>> No.11877697
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I seriously hope you don't actually beleive this.

>> No.11877705

>Anything sweet unless its fruit
>Nut butter

>> No.11877707

>orange cheddar
how do you deal with the fact that american orange cheddar has beaten france white cheddar three years running in blind taste tests where 3/5 judges were french?

>> No.11877709

im going to go out on a limb and assume you mean breakfast 'cereals' and not actual cereal when you say this

>> No.11877721

If you truly respected yourself enough to not eat shit like that, you wouldn't have to go on /ck/ and make a thread about how much of a self respecting adult you are for not eating it.

>> No.11877731
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>one of the millions of ways to prepare fried potatos
>but this one is bad because I had it as a kid and kids have bad taste xdd
Its litterally just a hashbrown with a lower ratio of fried to unfried.

>> No.11877733
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>Not eating sunbutter or peanut butter by the spoonful
This is a /fit/ friendly board

>> No.11877749
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this is fairly accurate except for cake, the overly sweet ones are definitely for children though. I'd say most finger foods qualify as manchild tier

>> No.11877771

These are the worst type of thread. "I'm so superior because I place arbitrary restrictions on my own diet because I'm probably an insecure faggot and I need everyone to know about it."
Honestly pathetic.

>> No.11877778

>"five stoops"

>> No.11877784


It was mostly a joke you autist didn't grasp I even intentionally spelled palates incorrectly. Jesus christ you insecure manchildren.

>> No.11877785

Adding on to this.
>how could they not like my mussel soaked limburger wine cured steak
>oh my god how could you like (anything thats almost universally enjoyed)

>> No.11877789

Is that why everyone is replying to you in a serious manner. Your joke fell flat because its a completely beleivable opinion on this hell of a cooking forum
>im only pretending to be retarded

>> No.11877797

simple. The "orange cheddar" from those competitions is not the same as the generic shit you're talking about.

America does have some fantastic cheeses, but they're not named "orange cheddar". Like Euro cheeses, they have creative names based on their location or their maker. "Orange cheddar" implies industrial slop from wal-mart, not a well made cheese.

>> No.11877798

What are things that never happened for $1200, Alex?

>> No.11877799

Those are legit questions. Why does this trigger you so much?

I'm just guessing here, but is it because you were only fed Walmart slop, fast food, and instant meals by parents who were inept cooks and didn't travel much?

>> No.11877803

Fuck right off.

>> No.11877808

I hate everything posted in this thread but im not so stuck up that I act like everyone else is the problem.

>> No.11877817

As a omnivore, I, too, am definitely for world hunger.

>> No.11877820


No no you're just autistic

>> No.11877821

Please kill yourself

>> No.11877826

accurate, but there are some inaccuracies
can be enjoyed by all, but only classic sodas like coke and sprite. none of that mountain dew code red shit.
>Milk and sugar added to coffee
don't be a faggot, you were doing so well. not everybody has to follow the black coffee meme, but definitely people shouldn't overdo milk and sugar like fatties.
you should still be able to taste the coffee (unless it's really shitty and you need to cover the taste).
>Milk and sugar added to tea
other cultures have been doing this for centuries, it's not childish it's just another way to consume tea. again, however, it shouldn't be overdone.
>Pepperoni pizza
I'm torn here because I understand, pepperoni pizza by itself is very childish. I would say, however, pepperoni + green peppers can be a lil more refined.
>Chicken wings
not childish, but only with blue cheese and not overbearingly spicy like a s*yboy manchild would pretend to enjoy

>> No.11877830
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Behold, the most overrated shit.

>> No.11877911
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Every thing out of japan is over rated

>> No.11877925
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>> No.11877943

Tumblr and reddit trannies see

>> No.11878004

Literally and unironically, if you eat any of the following more than once a month, you're a manchild

>sweet breakfast cereals
>flavoured milk

>> No.11878066

I know for a fact you eat these everyday. Just because you are larping as a healthy person and someone who has good (((taste))) in food doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.11878682

>flavored milk
Does hot chocolate from scratch count?

>> No.11878728

they're pretty good but I prefer frozen mozzarella sticks
I drink soda every day because sugar and carbonation are good for you and soda is a good meal replacement option.
I buy twizzlers and airheads all the time.
>sweet breakfast cereals
I don't eat this because it's too much corn
>flavoured milk
chocolate/strawberry milk is so good

>> No.11878736
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>soda is a good meal replacement option

>> No.11878741

t. neet living with mummy

>> No.11878749

how am I wrong though. whenever I'm hungry I drink a bottle of mountain dew and I feel really full like I just ate a huge meal. obviously nutrition-wise it's lacking but it staves off hunger.

>> No.11878753

>soda is a good meal replacement option
Expand on this?

>> No.11878757

Am I the only one that feels full when I drink a bottle of soda? I didn't think that was weird.

>> No.11878760

So close

>> No.11878763
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>> No.11878785

Ah man I was hoping you knew the science behind it. I agree though, a soda does tend to stave off hunger, though I've never thought of using it in lieu of a meal.

>> No.11878792

I like tater tots..

Mac n cheese is inexcusable after you turn 13

>> No.11878800

I'm assuming it's all the sugar and electrolytes, although now all these sodas have artificial sweeteners so maybe not.

>> No.11878836

Thats right adults only eat unflavored food paste and room temperature water, anything else and you are a child, flavor is for kidding

>> No.11879371

Bitter or sweet?

>> No.11879404


>> No.11879445

People who claim certain specific foods are for children are more annoying than vegans.

>> No.11879485

It's just deep fried chicken tenderloin.

Is it just that cut of chicken, or are fried breasts, thighs and legs also forbidden in your fantasy of what adult life is like? What if the fried breast is still attached to the tenderloin? Do I have to eat around it?

>> No.11879545

the only smart thing posted here

>> No.11879550

Look at the grain direction in the op pic. That's not tenderloin, that's strips of breast meat.

>> No.11879584

>I drink soda every day because sugar and carbonation are good for you and soda is a good meal replacement option.
u wot m8?

You would feel full too if you ate a bunch of sugar and some water instead.
The fullness doesn't last though. Not gonna go into the whole health aspect of soda.

Just eat and drink what you enjoy and let others eat and drink what they like.

>> No.11879920


>> No.11879936
File: 236 KB, 1120x478, tendies vs chicken sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans hate chicken tenders so much? Why do you think that bread and mayo make it healthier?

>> No.11879986

how could an adult eat these? even my retarded 6 year self hated them

>> No.11880035

if you consider yourself a self respecting adult and eat at mcdonald's then you're not a self respecting adult

>> No.11880042

you might have mental health issues anon

>> No.11880055
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reminded me of this

>> No.11880058

Why? What's so bad about eating chicken tenders?

>> No.11880062

it's not chicken

>> No.11880072

Chicken tenders are chicken, white bread and mayo are not chicken.

>> No.11880076

Get a grip man

>> No.11880113
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enjoy your yummy tendies

>> No.11880164

this is just a bunch of chicken breast strips, is this supposed to be off-putting?

>> No.11880174

That's chicken, white bread and mayo aren't

>> No.11880217
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>> No.11880219

What the fuck are you talking about
He is a vegan, that doesn't mean he can't miss a certain food.

>> No.11880231

I enjoy 20 of these listed

>> No.11880260
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So... What's the verdict on raisin' canes

>> No.11880264

Most quorn is vegetarian but not vegan.

>> No.11880649

>Fran ce cheddar==

>> No.11880686

Jokes on you, I make my own from scratch.

>> No.11880731

I unironically agree with this list, joke or not. I feel terrible whenever I eat anything on this list - usually I'm offered these type of food as opposed to choosing to buy it or prepare it.

>> No.11880738

Based government telling people how to live their lives.

>> No.11880826
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>> No.11880833

I can’t taste bitterness at all!
Plants taste like sugar, starch, and sometimes chlorophyll. In a nice way. I also have no bliss point for sugar concentration. Which is fortunate.

So, is my unavoidable enjoyment of sweets childish? Even when these sweets are actually plain vegetables?

>> No.11880838

Best tendies but their sauces are meh, I always get chickfila sauce to dip them in

>> No.11880976
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I will eat whatever I want unlike insecure bitch boys like you. I would eat 5 pounds of tendies in front of you like a starving caveman so I could laugh chewed up tendies all over your disgusted face.

>> No.11881178

Why are Americans so obsessed with breaded chicken? It seems like a really weird choice to get so fixated on.

>> No.11881194

You are correct except for
>Chicken strips
>Curly Fries
>Milk (a very small amount) in coffee
>Grilled cheese (acceptable if not something nasty like American on wonderbread
>Hawaiian pizza

>> No.11881210

it's pretty cheap, it's pretty versatile and it's pretty easy to make.

>> No.11881218
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I had this and a large shake
cry more

>> No.11881234

>Ham/bologna/deli """""meats""""
Depends on the meat. Bologna's for kids, but roast beef, turkey breast' et. al. are always good.
>White and milk chocolate
Eating them outright is for children, but they can be good in recipes.
>Milk and sugar added to coffee
>Milk and sugar added to tea
As long as it isn't too much, this is fine.
Perfectly acceptable on special occassions, but childish outside of them.
>Ranch dip
Shouldn't be consumed by anyone, regardless of age.
>Chicken wings
Literally nothing wrong with these.

Other than these exceptions, you're 100% correct.

>> No.11881254


>> No.11881301
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I wish I knew a vegan so I could deep fry their tots in pure lard and not tell them about it

>> No.11881428

>Chocolate milk
Nah, science has proven it's better for you when working out than sports drinks.

>> No.11881638


>> No.11881675

Chicken from whataburger. I’m fucking fuming.

>> No.11881951



Completely okay if you are at a party. Just don't stuff your face with them.

>> No.11881987
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>curly fries
>candy bars
>chicken wings
These are perfectly acceptable normal foods to have once in a while, especially if the curly fries are from Checker's.

>> No.11882007

chain restaurant food

>> No.11882281

Only if they are poorly cooked. Tots dropped into a fryer are amazing.

>> No.11882292

Imagine living with this person.

>> No.11882296

Boneless "wings" for the manchildren that can't be fucked to pull bones out of their meat or appreciate the flavors bone-in cuts have.

>> No.11882301
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>only drinks his coffee black
Look out everyone, we have a badass here.