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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11865973 No.11865973 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else notice chocolate just doesn't taste good anymore? Lately all major chocolate brands just taste so...dry and bland. Same thing with cocoa milk. Even my favourite chocolate bar I've been eating since I was four tastes like cardboard now.

What happened? Is this because of those cacao shortages I've been hearing about? I don't want to live in a world where only rich people can afford chocolate.

>> No.11865976

only rich people have ever been able to afford chocolate. the rest of the world has money now so all the nice things we used to have are going to go away

>> No.11865977


>> No.11865980

>what happened
You became an adult, at least in body if not in mind.

>> No.11865987

this change happened after i became an adult though

>> No.11866001

Corporations switching to palm and other cancer oils to make more profit. Basically all store-bought cookies and shit has the same problem too.

Bad for health, bad for the environment, makes the product taste like shitty cardboard, good for CEO's wallet.

>> No.11866003

Soy too

>> No.11866021

Welcome to adulthood, anon. Nothing will ever be great again.

>> No.11866033

>*we discovered a cheaper way to make this product yet taste similar enough that people still pay shekels for it*

>> No.11866048

Cut production costs = more profit.

>> No.11866049

Wonderbra, snickers and Coffey crisp are the only chocolate bars i like (other than plain high end chocolate). But the only candy bars I ever eat are elftovers from Halloween.

>> No.11866051


>> No.11866106

>boomers recognize that companies are constantly cutting costs and making things cheaper
>"they don't make 'em like they used to"
>still supports capitalism
You reap what you sow.

>> No.11866121

>Millennials spend all their $ on avocado toast
>Can't afford real chocolate anymore
>Demand cheaper chocolate
>Blame boomers and global warming
>Cry into their Karl marx pillow bought from China

>> No.11866128

Good point

>> No.11866133

Vanilla is better

>> No.11866163

None of those are chocolate bars.

>> No.11866178
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>tfw a 250g block of whittakers in NZ is only $5
>10+ great flavours
>available everywhere
>real Cocoa butter, not palm oil

Ingredients: Dark Chocolate (Cocoa Solids 72%* [COCOA Mass & Cocoa Butter]; Sugar; Emulsifier [Soya Lecithin] And Flavour).

feels good man

>> No.11866189

Never being willing to pay more for a product or protest en masse, or stop buying, has led to shit like this. The same applies to government. The worst that happens is idiots whining on the internet, or in the back of uber cabs.

>> No.11866194

Canadian chocolate is perfectly fine. American chocolate is shit

>> No.11866213

its just you

you discovered newer and more interesting foods

>> No.11866221

You got Brexited, retard.
Toblerone did that in direct response.
Too expensive to export the good stuff now, so you get the dregs instead

>> No.11866234

You start to build a tolerance to chocolate over time. However, very pure forms of chocolate, such as BBC should always satisfy your cravings.

>> No.11866236

>Anyone else notice chocolate just doesn't taste good anymore?
chocolate is candied fat. A chocolate bar is a fat bar.
It's disgusting! Never eat chocolate candy.
make a chocolate drink with cocoa powder, or mix in cocoa powder with something else if you want a chocolate flavor.

>> No.11866252

nothing taste good anymore :(

>> No.11866265

How hard/expensive is it to make your own chocolate?

>> No.11866275
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all you need is some cocoa, patience, and a lot of love

>> No.11866292


>> No.11866392
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>some NEET incel on a nicosian abalone shell carving forum talking about rich people
>using "we"

>> No.11866468

You are minor yet has an adult body

>> No.11866481

literally just buy raw cacao powder, coca butter, and sugar and make your own FUCKING chocolate

>> No.11866496

just more capitalist bullshit desu

>> No.11866928

It's probably just you OP. Lately, ALL processed food has been tasting like shit to me. I dislike the taste of canola oil, excessive amount of salt and artificial preservatives. HFCS and pure sugar too. Now I choose raw veggies, even if veggies taste bad, they at least have a complex flavor which makes eating it more entertaining.

>> No.11866937

He's talking about the West being comparatively richer than the east you fucking twelve year old

>> No.11866940

You. You know what you're talking about.

>> No.11867250
File: 121 KB, 960x504, shut up boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to be fucked in the ass and be thankful for it by plutocrats means you're a communist
tick tock boomer you'll be in a Flip nurse staffed nursing home before you know it!

>> No.11867257

A lot of them are already in nursing homes. It's hilarious, we give them empty salt shakers and they think the food tastes so much better after they season it.

>> No.11867282

Never in my life have I eaten avocado toast. Real chocolate also isn't prohibitively expensive if you don't make it a staple of your diet. Chastising milennials about economics is funny, when boomers were the ones to export manufacturing jobs to China for their own short-term financial gain.

>> No.11867419

Chocolate in Canada tastes like shit. It's waxy and tasteless. The only time I eat chocolate bars is when I find imported candy from the UK in a store.

>> No.11867427
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>> No.11867430

False dichotomy

>> No.11867455

I'm glad that the awareness level is increasing, at least.

>> No.11867459


>> No.11867815
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>> No.11867818

Let's vote with our wallets, fuck these greedy kikes.

>> No.11867822

Lmao boomer cope

>> No.11867823

Only the very first piece of chocolate was ever good. Fuck chocolate. It's for old women and soyboys.

>> No.11867842

They started using palm oil when governments started banning hydrogenated vegetable oils, which is definitely worse for you than palm oil.

I just checked the ingredients on a bag of very good chocolate chips I have: Cane sugar, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, lecithen, vanilla
No palm oil. This is the Whole Foods 365 brand, about $4 for a 1lb bag.

>> No.11867857

>waah capitalism
I'm sure the chocolate was great in the gulag.
Retards. You wouldn't have chocolate without capitalism unless you live in Guatemala.

>> No.11867882

>"$4 a lb"
>"very good"

No. Try again sweetie.

>> No.11868031

>trade can't happen w/o capitalism
>get the camera hubby, babby found his first hack philosopher, ayn rand!

>> No.11868059

You can pay more if you want but it won't necessarily be any better than this. Only thing that would be better would be like a single origen estate product, and even then not necessarily so.

>> No.11868157


>> No.11868205

I never really fucked with chocolate but yeah, basically everything is decreasing in quality and eventually increasing in price. I can see it happening.

>> No.11868225

i bought 24 kinder eggs the other day and the chocolate tasted like shit, seriously waxy garbage. also all the toys sucked

>> No.11868252

Getting a quality chocolate bar with no additive crap in it costs like $5+. Luckily I actually enjoy the taste of hersheys kisses like a pleb

>> No.11868253

How would you conch it?

Just buy couverture and pour it into a bar.

>> No.11868266

>basically everything is decreasing in quality
No. Only the cheap mass-market crap is. The alternatives are becoming more and more common.

Don't blame the corporations if you choose to buy the cheapest crap there is. Remember, the market follows what people buy.

>> No.11868310

>the market follows what people buy
and then fucks it up

>> No.11868313

It doesn't fuck anything up. Rather, the customer doesn't understand what they are choosing to buy.

If you chose based on price or brand name then why wouldn't you expect corners to be cut? Choose based on quality instead. If brand X isn't good anymore then switch.

>> No.11868332

What dichotomy? Just pointing out the irony of boomers of all people criticizing milennials over economics.

>> No.11868348
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>milk chocolate
>marketed towards kids
>it sucks
>somehow, this comes as a surprise to Anon

>> No.11868352

it used to be nice and decent chocolate, these were all waxy.

>> No.11868354

>costs like $5+
I hope you don't eat chocolate regularly enough that this is an issue for you.

>> No.11868437

>it used to be nice and decent chocolate
It never was, you just grew up.

>> No.11868473

Less cacao, more everything else to try and make it taste almost the same.
It's just good business. Especially when you need that UTZ brand on the front.

>> No.11868479

You just smoked too much.

>> No.11868528

t. american who has never eaten a kinder egg

>> No.11868567

Diagnosis: severe inherited boomer autism

>> No.11868596

Do you live in the UK? Most major chocolates have switched to fake sugar in order to avoid the sugar tax, which affects the taste.

>> No.11868600

I'm Dutch. Everything by the Kinder brand is unpalatable.

>> No.11868626

no, i buy them annually. people always make this arguement with "nostalgia" but most of the time the product actually does change

>> No.11868718

It's been shit for at least 20 years now. Maybe it became even shittier, I wouldn't know. I don't make a habit of tormenting my tastebuds with shitty chocolate marketed towards children.

>> No.11868767

whatever mür

>> No.11868973

vieze vuile teringmof

>> No.11869326

you can't allow corporations to spend billions in advertising and then blame the consumer.
advertising works on humans, that's why they put so much money into it.

>> No.11869607

Not that mass-produced choccy is anything less than trash, but it's probably you who's changed.

These last three weeks I've had a 25g chunk of trader joe's belgian chocolate with my coffee each morning. Today I ran out and bought a reese's cup from the vending machine instead. The chocolate might as well have not been there, it had such a complete lack of presence.

>> No.11869612

But anon, capitalism also supports the proliferation of higher quality brands. Besides, there aren't any functioning modern societies that don't use some capitalism.

>> No.11869636

It's more akin to a solidified nut paste candy bar. Like if peanut butter was sweetened and could be solid at room temp

>> No.11870851

>eating chocolate as an adult

You need to be 18 to browse this board kiddo

>> No.11871013

Just get Valrhona

>> No.11871026

Shits cash. Sheepfags know how to Chocolate

>> No.11871031

In the UK most chocolate has been steadily turning to shit, Cadburys was once an ok tasting cheap chocolate now it tastes like shit. I avoid all chocolate now.

>> No.11871105

I fucking hate canola oil, it tastes like garbage and for some reason it continues to taint more and more foods

>> No.11871127

explain this image

>> No.11871145

Make your own chocolate.

>> No.11871150


>> No.11871154

Five star post right there.

>> No.11871235

ritter sport

>> No.11871248

ameritard has clearly never had cadbury

>> No.11871253

Your taste buds dull with age. Probably that.

>> No.11871305

nah, stop pretending you know me

>> No.11871489

Read the ingredients:
>soybean oil
>soy lecithin
>natural cocoa flavor
>corn syrup
Oh gee whiz, maybe you're not even eating real chocolate at all?

>> No.11871496

You need some decent dark chocolate, like Guittard.

>> No.11871503


>> No.11871564

I used to Be really into melting my chocolate before I ate it. And then I discovered Nutella.

>> No.11871566

Whittaker's is probably my favourite chocolate brand

>> No.11871593

god outsourced the code mainteance on our virtual reality universe to really cheap young students with no training in megabasic, so there are more glitches in the matrix.chocolate is one of them.

>> No.11871598

Maybe you just celebrated your 13th birthday and thus have reached an age where children's food like chocolate seems less appealing to you.

>> No.11872192

It's because you are depressed.

>> No.11872513
File: 90 KB, 800x602, IMG_1051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism Bad
Yeah plenty of quality chocolate in venezuela for you