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File: 131 KB, 713x440, main-bar-at-tir-na-nog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11857483 No.11857483 [Reply] [Original]

What's the appeal of bars?

Everyone my age (27) goes to them but you're paying $11 for a beer that you could get for 2 bucks at the supermarket.

What the fuck is the point? Just invite some friends over and get drunk at your house for much cheaper

>> No.11857490 [DELETED] 
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>everyone does it so it must be done by us too

that is why

>> No.11857492

Socialization mostly.

>> No.11857498

how will you find your drunken whore slob of a soul mate though?

>> No.11857503

The more time you spend in fluid spaces open to the general public, the more interesting life becomes. Your home is too safe and controlled for the unexpected to transpire.

>> No.11857536

Sorry you live in flyoverville and the only bars are dirty boomer bars where they wont serve you if you dont look like a construction worker.

>> No.11857568

>What the fuck is the point? Just invite some friends over and get drunk at your house for much cheaper
okay than do that, invite your imaginary friends over.

The way to go to a bar is pregame/predrink at home, then get an uber to it and order just enough to keep the buzz going. If you go to a bar outside happy hour to get drunk, you are doing it all wrong

>> No.11857573

Because it's fun retard

>> No.11857583
File: 105 KB, 750x1334, 5F171734-9351-4D2C-A927-0C28EDFF0EA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the only place a random girl will let me touch her if I’m lucky

>> No.11857599

Sometimes it's fun to drink somewhere other than your place. Plus you can meet new people which is fun.
This guy knows what's up.

>> No.11857607

This. Bars are a place to meet people and socialize. The fact that alcohol is served makes it easier to just up and talk to strangers and people you sort of know but don't know all that well. Of course you pay a premium for this opportunity because the bar owner assumes a fair bit of risk having to look after a room full of people drinking alcohol that they're responsible for. There has to be enough incentive for them to take that risk. There's all kind of legal hurdles to jump through and liabilities involved. But bar culture, though on the wane may still be worth the cost of entry if you don't have that many other socializing options.

>> No.11857619
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I just go to gay bars. Drinks are cheaper and I can flirt with dudes to get more

>> No.11857635

They don't let you in if you're already drunk, retard.

>> No.11857642

where the fuck do you pay $11 for a beer?

>> No.11857647

Don't act like a fucking drunk walking in retard. Seriously, how is this a hard concept
>drink enough to be toasty
>call uber
important part
>keep mouth fucking shut when entering
>order drinks
>drink at the bar like normal

unless you are tripping over yourself to get in the door no one cares

>> No.11857649

>What the fuck is the point? Just invite some friends over and get drunk at your house for much cheaper
the point is to not have to clean up afterwards, and being able to leave whenever you feel like it

>> No.11857656

you have to be pretty fucking drunk to not be allowed into a bar

>> No.11857658

I got kicked out of most local bars for fighting and other obnoxious stupid fucking drunken behavior. It seems I forgot how to not gulp down drinks to get drunk as possible as fast as possible even if I'm really trying. why?

>> No.11857670

>drink a few rum an cokes at home
>starting to feel it all hit
>fire up lyft
>get to bar as shit is hitting in
>keep doing a drink or so an hour to keep it going
>no issues

If you are trying to be a black out drunk fuck then obviously a bar isn't for you.

>It seems I forgot how to not gulp down drinks to get drunk as possible as fast as possible even if I'm really trying. why?
the fuck

>> No.11857675

Not gonna meet many new people if yo just stay with your pokemon playing friends, pally.

>> No.11857682

"What have you had to drink tonight, mate?"
"A few rums and cokes"
"Go home"
Every time.

>> No.11857752

>go to gay bar
>nobody buys me any drinks
>go to irish gimmick pub
>everyone is buying me drinks, bread pudding, and potatoes just for having a ginger beard

>> No.11857756

Actually most of us millennial boomers don't go to bars.

>> No.11857759

You forgot the part where everyone is retarded there especially the women.

>> No.11857786
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bullshit, nothing but 30+ tatted hipsters drinking pbr out here

>> No.11857789

Getting drunk and chain smoking is better with an audience.

>> No.11857792

how much of a literal boomer are you? Who the fuck smokes at bars? Do you live in 1992?

>> No.11857795

When dealing with the public it becomes really obvious really quickly that a surprising number of people out there are retarded, especially when they've been drinking. That's a good thing to learn.

>> No.11857801

You could smoke at bars until the early 2000's.

>> No.11857803
File: 76 KB, 744x883, 5810AFB4-27C3-4B32-884E-F2ABB1ED33EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is jerking off

>> No.11857804

It's a scam to get money, based on the chance of meeting a girl.

Pussy is man's biggest Achilles' Heel.

>> No.11857806

yeah, a time in which no millennials could yet drink in bars

>> No.11857812

Go to better bars. The kind that don't attract retards.

>> No.11857814

Do you honestly think the majority of people in bars are there primarily for the chance to meet a potential sexual partner? I mean there are definitely some bars where this is the primary draw but its hardly the primary draw to bars in general

>> No.11857817

i miss al/ck/ohol threads

>> No.11857824

depends entirely on where you live
bars in DC are absolute trash, but I went up to pittsburg and holy shit everything on tap is so fucking cheap I would be in a bar 5 days a week if I lived there

>> No.11857828

It's social only.
I'm similar age and I go to a local bar that does motorbike night when everyone turns up with all kinds of bikes from 1920-2020.
It's a good night every week where everyone has a couple pints and has a topic in common already.
A good night has 200+ people show up.
No one goes for the beer even if it's good

>> No.11857844

Yeah, man, fuck being safe, alive and with more money. Go to a bar and get stabbed, end up in a fight AND all your money gone!

>> No.11857862

is that the tir na nog in midtown?

>> No.11857871


>> No.11857874

You guys are too busy with social media and figuring out whether you want to be a boy or a girl to make going out drinking any fun anyways. Have fun doing whatever the fuck you do for fun. What is that anyways? Crying to your girlfriend because your boyfriend broke up with you when you decided to start presenting as a man? Then bitching about what a homophobe he is? Really sounds like fun.

t. X'er

>> No.11857880

Flyover bars are so much better than coastie bars

>> No.11857883

I think you are confusing coasties with millennials

>> No.11857885

youre a faggot

>> No.11857889

that place is bretty cool i've been there before. though if there's anywhere in the world you'll pay $11 for tap beer it's midtown nyc.

>> No.11857901

Millennials I know seem to be like that, aside from the ones who bitch about being shunned for trying to have opinions beyond that. And those start talking crazy shit about everyone just quoting the script of what they're supposed to believe like npc's. So fucking glad I grew up in the 80's/90's, and it wasn't even that great. But compared to now it looks like paradise.

>> No.11857902

Yeah, if you like blowing money on booze that can be bought for way cheaper. Only reason to go to a bar is to make bad decisions or listen to shitty cover bands. I know, because I was in a shitty cover band for a year and I saw enough of the "bar/club scene" to know that it's overrated unless you're a degenerate.

>> No.11857908

I found a really nice basement bar in Montreal last time I was there. Not TVs, owner is really fun, bartender sometimes would drink with me before closing if it was really dead. I try to visit the place at least once whenever I'm in town. I can never remember the name but I know how to get there via the metro line.

>> No.11857914

>unless you're a degenerate
Degenerate is the only way to be.

>> No.11857916

If that's what happens to you, you were never fit to live and are just wasting space anyway.

>> No.11857923

Maybe bars aren't for you then?

>> No.11857931

you thats just life as a coastie these days

>> No.11857932

Fuck, you're right. I bet you can withstand stabs and possibly gunshots with your steel exoskeleton. I'm such a failure!!!

>> No.11857944

fucking loser

>> No.11857953

Flyovers detected. You know how? Because I'm from a crappy flyover town where all the bars are full of scumbags and there is nowhere for actual decent folks to go out at night. In actual cities with educated and ambitious young populations, on the other hand, there is a wide range of nightlife options that you can't even properly conceive of if the best bar you've ever been to was near the local land-grant university.

>> No.11857955

Well having been to the so-called heartland I'll still take it over the Walmart driven shitholes you live in.

>> No.11857956

There are some bars in my area that have smoking sections and some that allow people to smoke in the bar as well. Granted, I do live in the Deep South, so it isn't too shocking to see it here.

>> No.11857970

Don't point your flyover finger at me bro. I'm >>11857874 and I'm in fucking Brooklyn. But I still have no patience for Millennials and their bullshit.

>> No.11858020

Well yeah you live in a particularly obnoxious place. Even other coasties don't like NYC man.

>> No.11858028

Yeah, if you hate having a healthy liver and want cirrhosis at the age of 30. As far as social interactions go, there are alternatives to going to some bar or club, paying exuberant amounts of money for the cover charge, the shitty beer/booze and for the shitty food. I'd rather save my money than blow it on dumb shit like that.

>> No.11858054

Men go to bars to avoid going home.

>> No.11858074

Yet it's fucking great here, so I'm really convinced it's so much sour grapes from people who can't afford it.

>> No.11858318

I'll be a boy OR a girl if I damn please okay? mister?

>> No.11858347

26 here, and I once also had the same view as OP on bars. Who wants to pay 6-15(!!) dollars per drink to have to sit in a chair that someone else's ass was just in, listen to some other person's version of good music, ect. and then have to worry about getting home safely. Then a bar opened up within walking distance of my apartments and I hanging out there 24/7. I got to know the bartenders really well and would likely only be charged for half of my drinks. Bars are a great place to meet and hang out with people that you'd never want to know where you live. Many bars also have EXTREMELY good deals during the week or on certain nights, I know many places that do 2-4 dollar domestic beers. I think OP should find a comfy irish bar and bring their laptop and kick back with a pint or two an hour and see how it goes.

>> No.11858364


>> No.11858365

Not everyone can be so lucky anon. Closest bar to me is a Country music bar that has been around since my grandfather was my age. Only people I know who go there are teachers who I had in grade school and other boomers who are my father's age. Second closest bar is a shit-hole and is located RIGHT NEXT TO the liquor store, so I'd rather go to the liquor store right next to it than spend mark up on the same product.

>> No.11858390

Why do people from the US talk as if their country is the only one that exists?

>> No.11858403

Because they're retarded.

>> No.11858406

Not all of us are like that, anon.

>> No.11858703

It's not the only one that exists, it's just the only one that matters.

>> No.11858708

It's the only one they know anything about. It's not their fault. Their media doesn't report on international issues.

>> No.11858729

As a bong this is some interesting shit. I didn't know that bars in the us were mostly shitholes outside of built up cities. In the UK it's almost the opposite, bars in the city are friendly places usually packed with people who just want to drink and chat. In the country bars are basically the same except everyone wants to be your friend and you better be into that because they pack them full of people.

>> No.11858731

If you live in the city, they're great places to socialize. If you live somewhere where you have to DRIVE to get to/from the bar, why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.11858750

They usually offer a courtesy bus.

>> No.11858755

Also in actual rural areas you work hard all the time in the fields and see other people like once a month and that's at the bar.

>> No.11858760

After finishing college a single man has to face the reality that life begins and it's a complete shitshow of loneliness and misery. While in school and college you were forced into class with other people who you could connect with via shared interest, girls were all over the place doing their shitty art degrees and you had all the time in the world to try and build yourself up. But you didn't, and now when it's too late all you have left is going to a bar and either drink the sorrow of your shitty 9-5 soul sucking job or hope that you can build up the courage to actually approach one of these used up whores and hope she might let you buy her a drink, just like that shitty dating self help book you've read told you to do.
There isn't much more to do in life after you're 25+ as a single man who isn't swimming in money. Trust me, I know.

>> No.11858765

Have you tried soldering electronic hobby kits together?

>> No.11858823

I live in commiefornia and the most I've ever paid for a beer was $8, where TF are you drinking?

>> No.11858840

Pub > bar

I'm 100% correct

>> No.11858847

Whats the distinction?

>> No.11858880

>$11 for a beer
The fuck are you going? Even the highest end crafts in a hipster bar only go for 8. Most decent beers are 4-5 a pour.

It's socialization or a place to relax after work rather than go home. Sure I can drink at home, but it's lonely there. I know the regulars at the bar. Or I did before I moved.

>> No.11858882

If you order a cocktail at a pub you get laughed at and they suggest you have a beer if you're a man or a wine if you're a girl

>> No.11858895

It's a social thing. It's a space you can go for drinks and fried food with live music or trivia or karaoke or the game or whatever else. You don't go there to meet women unless you're a creep.

>> No.11858897

Sounds like a really shitty pub. You should start going to places run by human beings

IMO the distinction for me is the food. A bar's only going to have drinks and apps or fried shit. But a pub will have some real food you can get

>> No.11858906
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>What the fuck is the point? Just invite some friends over and get drunk at your house for much cheaper
Most people under the age of 35 have already figured that out. The bar/pub jew is a scam and that's one of the reasons why so many of them are closing.

Go to a bar, pay high amounts and still wait for service or get everybody round at your place order some drinks via uber and just enjoy in comfort. There are far better ways to socialize in 2019 than sitting in a bar with shitty boomers, we're moving away from that setup.

>> No.11858910

People have a hard time distinguishing between exactly what they enjoy doing. A lot of the time they think they enjoy one thing, but it's really another.

For example, I'm a nudist. But I don't go to nudist colonies, because my hobby is losing interest in what I'm typing halfway through

>> No.11858929

> father issues

>> No.11858935

t. soyboy incel who beats his own cats and or dogs

>> No.11858936

You are trying to rationalize $11 beers. That is just the other side of the coin. You are a slave to your regrets.

>> No.11858943

I don't know but you didn't even mention your own country while you brought up ours.

>> No.11858949

You are 50% correct.

Inn > Tavern > Pub > Bar

>> No.11858952
File: 1.67 MB, 480x270, boomer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are too busy with social media and figuring out whether you want to be a boy or a girl to make going out drinking any fun anyways.
based boomer dabbing on us

>> No.11858955


>> No.11858964

This for a large part. I mean, that's the original intent. Now more and more people stay in tight groups and don't socialize, and it certainly puts their utility in question, especially now that there are so many internet-ways to socialize, bars become useless.

The other aspect of bars is for people to get to know each other. Between meeting someone at a library or in the bus, and inviting them into your home, there's a slow transition where people are more confident meeting in public places. It can be a restaurant, a museum, a theater, or a bar. But bars are terrible for that, they tend to be loud, they're meant to socialize, and more cozy, calm bars are either overpriced, or terrible which is why they're empty.

So I'll be honest: I think bars belong to the past mostly, even though modern bars are largely different from bars of old, but still I think that's not enough. More and more people drink in the street, in parks, and other public places in all western countries even though this is illegal in most, but it's become more than usual and accepted.

>> No.11858987

I have lived in major cities my entire life except for one 6 month stint living in a trailer in the country, so I take that for granted. If I was in your situation I wouldn't want to go to the bar either.

>> No.11858994

It's not pertinent to the point I'm trying to make.

You guys will say "but it's 6:45!!" like it's that way everywhere. It's bizarre. Always from the US.

>> No.11859143

The only reason to go to a bar or club is to find a piece of ass. Once I got married it lost its appeal. Now I just drink at home or at a friend's.

>> No.11859148

going any place to meet women makes you a creep, despite the fact that at least one woman you meet will be into you

>> No.11859245

You miss the point of life entirely regardless if you go to bars or not.

>> No.11859255

>Just invite some friends over

So how you gonna meet new people?

>> No.11859524

Same with most dive bars. I hope you're not going to always sunny tier bars and ordering fancy cocktails lmao.

>> No.11859531

Literally every bar is a smoking bar here.

-Midwest, where time itself is outlawed

>> No.11859559

>your house
These are the main reasons people go out to bars. They don't have good friends, only "bar buddies," and they don't have a good enough place to take people back to as an option.

>They don't let you in if you're already drunk
No, they definitely do. End of the line bars know their only market is selling drinks to the already intoxicated. The point is that you can't be too drunk to function, because if you're obviously not just drunk, but wasted, it's illegal to serve you any more.
You've clearly never been to bars if you think they don't let obviously drunk people in. You just can't be a violent nigger.

>> No.11859566


>> No.11859819
File: 74 KB, 597x900, 6A8BA39E-CC6F-4C8B-AFF0-8DE5463D9752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like my alcoholic friend trying to sell me on his bar.
>”the bartender always hooks me up so I just pay $80 a night drinking instead of $95 like a non regular”
Rather do it at home for free if I must

>> No.11859859

I'm sorry that I don't care to put myself in the middle of drunk retard strangers.

>> No.11859876

Irish bars ARE gay, anon

>> No.11859879
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Because America rules the world and all other countries are its bitches.

>> No.11859881
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Oh boy! I really don't know the purpose of life because I don't go to bars!!! I really wish this was me right now. I really screwed up and missed out on what life is all about.

>> No.11859909

Because we honestly don't care about you, serious answer, you're ancillary.

>> No.11859919

Socialization. Did you really need to make a thread to answer this?

>> No.11859925

Not at bars, lol

>> No.11859932
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2 words:

>> No.11859944
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smoking banned in public places in MI
live in Detroit area
only go to bars where you can smoke
sometimes smell weed, too
feels good man

>> No.11859954

t. Norm

>> No.11860029

it doesn't count if she's passed out

>> No.11860030

Drinking at home is depressing as fuck though. But who am i kidding 70-80% of this site is unironic shut ins

>> No.11860038

11$ for a beer? You're thinking of night clubs.

>> No.11860093

This. Local bar near me has $3 pints till 8pm and $6 margaritas with a shit ton of tequila in them. Real margaritas not that slushy crap.

>> No.11860129

>a nice book and a bottle of brandy before bed
>mint julips after tending to the lawn
>Irish coffee in the morning with ham, hashbrowns, and redeye gravy paired with Three Stooges reruns
>scotch and soda throughout a night of watching the latest Netflix must-see hype show everyone is talking about
You aren't drinking right.

>> No.11860141

I mean drinking as in plural, as in getting drunk. Having a glass with a movie isn't what i had in mind

>> No.11860153

I never said just a glass. The only situation there that you should stop after less than three drinks is the coffee.

>> No.11860217

This is just another "why go to a restaurant when you can cook at home" thread started by a neet who needs justification for having no money or social skills.

>> No.11860361

Some people can afford to pay $11 for a drink if they please. No regrets when you’ve got a good career.

>> No.11860369

Only retards go to bars.

>> No.11860376

No, he's right. That's fucking depressing. Imagine needing alcohol to enjoy books and movies.

>> No.11860404

You're forgetting /ck/ is overwelmingly populated with NEETS and minimum wage workers that only eat rice and beans and only drink tap water.

>> No.11860416

People who actually pay that price for a beer usually arent wealthy for very long

>> No.11860445

Cope. First off I’ve never actually seen a beer for $11 anywhere but Ive seen cocktails and wines at that price so I’m mainly talking about that. Second, while spending too much can ruin your finances that comes down to priorities. Social life actually benefits your personal happiness, career and sex life and if the occasional $11 drink is the price of admission that’s not a big deal for everyone.

>> No.11860480

If you're dumb enough to go somewhere that charges 11$ for a drink you're probably too dumb to manage your own finances

>> No.11860599

Lmao if you believe this.

>> No.11860610

It's not dumb if you can afford it, Cletus.

>> No.11860631

Or you're doing well enough that a few expensive drinks every now and then isn't an issue. Plenty of places in NYC charge $15 for fancy cocktails. But the folks who order them are usually pulling six figures a year.

>> No.11860634

It is dumb even if you can afford it because you're opting to be upcharged for no reason. It's like buying a plain white t shirt for 100$ because you can afford it instead of buying the same thing for 5$. You're paying for a fleeting status symbol

>> No.11860707


You seriously don't like the vibe of a cool, chill bar with a band playing in the background, faded lights and you shooting the shit with your buddies?

No one goes to bars because they like to pay extra for their booze, dude. It's what people like to do when they enjoy drinking socially. How is this not registering with you.

This doesn't exclude said people from just doing the same in-doors, by the way. Quit your do or die broad stroke bullshit, anon.

>> No.11860756

I only drink in public if there's an actual goal. Like watching a band, dancing, or cheering for a team. But standing around talking to other idiots who haven't accomplished anything and are proud of it? Nope

This guy knows. People are arrogant and stupid all day every day as you walk past them in life. Alcohol just presses the "be my real self" button and allows these people to reach turbofuck. You really start to understand how businesses and the government don't give a fuck about us

I talked with this hammered drunk girl who worked for racist Gov. Northam the day his shit came to light. She was actually the worst person I've ever met

>> No.11860760

Smoking is banned indoors but everyone just stands out front smoking and drinking in front of the bar.

>> No.11860775

If you genuinely live in a shithole where the social order is that degenerated you are probably at as much risk going to local shops.

>> No.11860798
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>the goyim really believes this

>> No.11860800

>Go to a bar and get stabbed
Yeah because, you know that stuff happens ALL THE TIME.

>> No.11860811
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are bars still a good place to meet people in 2019 united states???

>> No.11860814

I drop off and pick up my wife at a bar when she meets her boyfriends. I buy their drinks, but I sit at the bar while they get a booth. I can talk to the bartender, as long as it's a man. It's OK, but the bars are usually in parts of town where I don't really fit in, and the music is really loud.

>> No.11860831

You realize millenials are hitting 35 years old, right? Stay the fuck off /pol/ because you clearly have no idea what's a meme and what's actually real.

>> No.11860835

I can tell you're underaged with no friends or life experience.

>> No.11860841

Because we have states whose culture is just as, if not more so, diverse as Europe and just as much landmass. Who the fuck cares about anything outside America when you can spend a good portion of your life just experiencing shit within our own borders.

>> No.11860855

I get where you're coming from. However, traveling abroad has led me to feel like a stranger in my own land at times. I feel right at home in 75% of the US, just as I do most of Europe, South America, North Africa and the Middle East, and a lot of Asia and Oceana.

NYC? Awesome.
LA? Go fuck yourself.
SFO? Fantastic.
PHL? Festering pool of retardation.

>> No.11860868

Proof that /pol/ thinks it can invade /ck/ to nazify food. Gawd you guys are fucking morons. Good job shitting up what already was the worst board.

>> No.11860881

32, married with kids. Never saw the appeal in bars or clubs. I enjoyed my friends at small hangouts at each others' homes. I'm not the kind who has ever been in a fight, small and petite so there's no way to really hold my own against anyone. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Putting yourself in dangerous situations around boozed up strangers who are out of your control is top notch life living to it's fullest, though, right?

>> No.11860899

>11$ for a beer

>> No.11860903

bars are for sluts and either chads or incredibly patient pathetic guys who occasionally get lucky

if you're not any of those three then just don't go

>> No.11860909

I'm Chad though, so see ya.

>> No.11860912


>> No.11860914

Where the fuck do you live shit is that expensive?
Here bars have specials all the time for $1 pints and well drinks. Hell Monday night here the bar I got to has half price all drinks. I plan on heading down and getting loaded for like $10.

>> No.11860915

LOL you're asking the point of bars? Its something you've probably never done, get laid.

>> No.11860926

>he isn't a construction worker


>> No.11860957

Do you really socialize at bars? My brother dragged us off to three of them one night and they were all blaring loud music. I couldn't even hear the person next to me. Same thing happened when my cousin took my sister and I to a barcade. It wasn't fun at all

>> No.11860984

because 90% the assumption is apt and the other 10% we'll be sure to have people like you reminding us

>> No.11861002

Depending on the bar, getting drunk there is far more relaxing than home.

I used to hang out in a place that knew several of us, and would "close" when the city deemed it. And by that I mean they locked the doors and turned off the lights. Then put 80's movies on the big screen and several of us stuck around and got drunk whole watching stuff like Terminator and Robocop while talking about life. Shit is cozy.

>> No.11861276

>and there is nowhere for actual decent folks to go out at night. In actual cities with educated and ambitious young populations, on the other hand,
Most midwestern cities are loaded with educated bargoing young people. I think you are confusing flyover with the middle of nowhere

>> No.11861284

the fuck part of the midwest still allows smoking in bars? I have only ever encountered it in Indian owned casinos

>> No.11861291

yeah... most 35 year olds could not smoke in bars at 21, smoking bans are not that recent. The large majority of millennials have never lived in a state where they could both legally drink and legally smoke inside

>> No.11861296

my favourite bar is a chocolate bar

>> No.11861312
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>durr if you think bars are degenerate you must be from places I don't like
I've been to bars in major cities, they are probably the most miserable environments known to man.

>> No.11861318

1. Flyover city bar
2. Flyover dive or country bar

meh. College bar

9001. Coastie Bar
9002. Southern bar
9003. Ghetto bar

>> No.11861388

Sorry that you live in some shit smelling rat infested dump of a city full of poor criminals and mentally deranged losers. All while pretending you live somewhere important because the few wealthy have built towers to their egos and lock out the underclass. Yeah, sounds great.

>> No.11861488

Bartender here.
Depends on the type of bar really.
Sports bars are where you go to watch the game over a beer and some nachos either alone or with a couple of friends. Also a great place to meet people who support the same team or sports as you.
Upmarket fancy bars are the ones that'll charge you more than $5 for a beer. They're more focused on the atmosphere and have a food menu usually. They're intended for established groups of friends to go to together, rather than for randoms to chat each other up.
Cocktail bars are exactly that. Wear a tie and expect to pay $15 for a glass, but they'll usually be expertly made cocktails and carry liqueurs and ingredients other bars wont carry.
Standing bars don't have any seats. Usually they're a hole in the wall that about 5-10 people can fit in. I work at one of these. They're intended for people to get that one quick drink after work or after dinner out but without wanting to invest in a table, waitress, check etc.
Nightclubs are technically just bars with a cover charge and where people go to dance.
Then the Dive bar is the kind of place like Moe's in the Simpsons or in a lot of TV shows. They're bottom of the barrel, mostly for cheap drinks while you chat to friends or randoms.

Pubs are different, pub is short for "public house" and is kind of supposed to be like your living room away from home, but depends on the country, region or town.

>> No.11861492

BBC lover

>> No.11861520

i don't watch fake news

>> No.11861628

you mean a normal bar? say the name of the place so I can judge you

>> No.11861814

Again, depends on the bar, town or country in question.
Here you can be so drunk that you can't walk and they'll still let you in, they'll just offer you some water as well.

>> No.11861820

Maybe just don't be such an angry cunt and calm your tits.

>> No.11861827

Can still smoker in the bar where I work at.
I don't smoke and I think it's bullshit that someone can't enjoy a cigarette or cigar with a whisky in most places anymore.

>> No.11861833

lmao this has never been a problem during the pirate pub crawl

>> No.11861841

>Not going to the bar already drunk
What are you doing

>> No.11861843

Nobody is ever in your control when you're in public, you sheltered retard. Get off of 4chan and go back to helicopter parenting your pussy kids who are probably named Braelyn and Jaelyn

>> No.11861869

I’m not a drinker In the least. Maybe 6 drinks a year. I see the appeal of high end cocktails and enjoy that environment and enjoy beer gardens for their chill attitude but other than that I don’t care for it. I never understood pregaming, drink cheap shitty tasting alcohol for the unpleasant experience of being drunk so you can purchase less drinks at the actual bar/bars your going too?

This is coming from a guy in his mid 20s who’s in a relationship so Bars besides a fancy night out to take pictures and enjoy a classy drink it doesn’t play a factor into our lives. I don’t envy the army of single afterwork popped collar bros spending a 100 dollar a weekend for the chance to get laid with some random. I get the appeal for,socialization however, but I already have a friend group who we do a million other than being in a bar. In different life circumstances I could see the situation I’d be forced into that rat race tho.

>> No.11861875

I come off as a prude about bars but alcohol and drinking culture takes place more around the dinner table/ bbq/ events for memwhere we whip out the good stuff

>> No.11861903

When you add alcohol to a situation it immediately adds danger as a factor, it's definitely not the same as going to the fucking zoo which is public. It's also enclosed. How are you fucks so triggered over that fact? It can turn vile very quickly. You call me sheltered, yet I'm sure you're one of those braindead fucks who thinks the whole world is safe and everyone loves each other, only to go on a biking trip across a dangerous country and get murdered. Helicopter parents are detrimental to their children and society as a whole because they produce idiots like you. Gay ass names.

>> No.11861910

And asshats who are reeeeing about muh sacred bar culture don't understand this. Oh well.

>> No.11861926

>32, married with kids
Well no fucking wonder you don't like the bar scene.
Nobody with a gf or kids should ever be into the bar scene. The bars are for single lonely people to go hang out and socialize with each other.
When I got my gf I stopped going to the bars pretty much all together. After we broke up about a year ago I was right back at it.
Bars are a nice place to go to have a few drinks and do some socializing that you wouldn't normally do elsewhere.

>> No.11861935


>> No.11861936

>When you add alcohol to a situation it immediately adds danger as a factor blah blah blah

That's a lot of words for "my daddy was a violent drunk who threw me down the stairs every day" LMAO

>> No.11861961

I had went to a bar once on my 21st birthday because my uncle loves going. Twas a karaoke bar so it wasn't too bad, but I'd never had an inkling to go to clubs or bars before or after. I just don't see the appeal, clearly like a sizable amount of us here feel.
If he had been that involved in my life, perhaps I wouldn't have drank a few years of my life away. Granted, they were with friends, some alone, but w/e. I still don't understand why you're so horrified at the fact that sometimes drinking around strangers doesn't turn out good. Clearly it doesn't happen all the time, but you can't sit there and tell me you've not once seen a scuffle or something while hitting the bars.

>> No.11861981

Dude most of the fights I've witnessed have been between sober people not at the bar, that might be hard for you to believe. Anyway, just because some people get in a scuffle doesn't mean the bar turns into an instant death zone. Usually scuffles get broken, up, taken outside etc. I have no idea what you're so scared of. I get not liking bars but you act like it's as dangerous as getting in a damn lion cage at the zoo. Just because some drunks get into a scuffle doesn't mean the place it gonna get shot up. You're paranoid.

>> No.11862003

>My brother dragged us off to three of them one night and they were all blaring loud music.

That's a club, not a bar.

>> No.11862013

>Dude most of the fights I've witnessed have been between sober people not at the bar

I earnestly doubt this.
Every fight is always between two staggeringly drunk assholes and they never get broken up fast enough, someone always ends up in the hospital or dead.

>> No.11862021

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.11862026

You're looking too far into my words. I never said the entire bar goes into a brawl. The altercations stayisolated, sure, but the people it involves might be you or your group with another without any provocation on your part. Who knows how dangerous a drunken idiot could be. I had yet to introduce this fact about me, but I'm a small female. You all have probably taken me as Male pussy, understandable, but for myself I wouldn't put myself in a dangerous situation or want anyone hurt on my behalf. Any of this make sense now, maybe? I just don't see the point in putting yourself in a very uncontrollable situation around drunken fools, male or female, just to waste money and socialize. Isn't that what your apps are for?

>> No.11862028

Omg, where do you live?!! You mean to tell me not every bar and club is filled with the most loving, compassionate people?! No way, dude, you must live in flyover territory.


>> No.11862029

>I'm a small female
The fuck is a female with kids doing arguing on /ck/. Go clean your house or something bitch

>> No.11862030


I just graduated at 26 (had to do part time to fund myself from 18) and this just hit me too...I feel so dumb for wasting so many opportunities, even if I probably would have got rejected anyway.

>> No.11862031

>Aggression was defined as anything from a verbal insult

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.11862032

Already done. Nice rebuttal.

>> No.11862037

I already gave my "rebuttal" you braindead whore. You are paranoid. In fact, being female makes you LESS likely to be attacked at a bar, not more.

>> No.11862042
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"Already done!"

>> No.11862060

If you don't socialize with people your brain is going to enter an animalistic reptile brain state where your ego takes over and you dont care about social norms.
This can lead to insanity if you're weak willed, but it always leads you down a cyclical path of anti-socialization.
The less you care about your social status the less people want to be around you reaffirming the animal brains selfcentertedness.

You need to be socialized to succeed in society.
If you want sex, you have to be socialized.
If you want money, you have to be socialized.
If you want joy, yes, you have to be socialized.

People are endlessly complex, even when they're vapid and dumb.
When you interact with them your brain is forced into a reactive state rather than predictive state.
You are forced to stop thinking about worrisome futures and consequences and simply try to survive in the moment.
This reorients your perspective around status, self-improvement, and finding mutually beneficial relationships.

>> No.11862077

That was stupid and could have skewed the numbers. The actual altercations though do arise from simple verbal arguing.

>> No.11862085

Kek, there are normal mothers/wives that exist. I pick up throughout the day and make lunch and dinner, washing as I go. It's not that hard, guy.

>> No.11862089

>the study is inherently flawed BUUUUUUT it supports my point because I say so

Fuck off

>> No.11862094

There is just something about the atmosphere of bars that really appeals to me. I love just going out to a bar to drink and talk.

>> No.11862099

>I pick up throughout the day and make lunch and dinner, washing as I go

Is this between xanax or do you do that on more of a "before and after sleep" schedule?

>> No.11862224
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Unfortunately OP as prevalent as drinking is few people drink to "get drunk". For actual al/ck/s we're content to get the biggest bang for our buck and drink alone or in a chill setting. For normies they desire the social experience and a light buzz, maybe try their shot at some easy pussy.

I used to be a regular bar goer with my group of friends but as my al/ck/ dependency grew so did my desire to be around anyone but the closest of friends but they find sitting around drinking heavily and talking bullshit to be boring. Just get yourself a GF it makes not going out to the bar more bearable and a convenient excuse.

>> No.11862526
File: 229 KB, 1400x934, 20170319-2048-HorseshoeTavern14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the appeal of bars?
Live music.

Protip: have a couple of beers before you go, have a couple of three more beers there, have the rest when you get home.

>> No.11862540

The bar has the possibility of pussy.


>> No.11862553

I am 35 and have never been to a bar. Have I miss out on anything good?

>> No.11862559

One of the better posts I've read on the chan lately.

>> No.11862736

You are a real gentleman and a scholar of gastronomy, yeah?

>> No.11864359

>People are endlessly complex, even when they're vapid and dumb.
This is true, you really have to pay attention to pick up on those minute nuances, even if it only amounts to something trivial. People really hate not being treated as individuals imo, paying attention when people talk to you makes them like you a lot. If you're honest and remember what they say, they may even trust you.

>> No.11864381

Go buy a six pack from applebees cocksucker.

>> No.11864439

>Everyone my age (27) goes to them but you're paying $11 for a beer that you could get for 2 bucks at the supermarket.
Personally I go a bar or a brewpub to try stuff that I wouldn't normally buy and a lot of those places have their beer at pretty good prices compared to buying a 50cl or 75cl for a bottle or let you try before buying. I also like to go to whisky taverns that carry a lot of interesting whiskies that are either hard to find and/or well priced per dram. It's been a fun way for me to meet people who are interested in the hobby of trying and analyzing malt based alcohol or are just having a fun conversation.

>> No.11864467

Dude the Horseshoe fucking sucks now, it's all full of garbage jangle pop indie bands and boomer cover bands now with the occasional decent international act that plays every once in a while. Also their beer selection sucks and for the size its always crowded, even the Rivoli a few doors down is better and their beer prices fucking suck. C'est What? is probably the best small venue in Toronto and I wish it wasn't so far out of the way.

>> No.11864493

Now that I think of it, I do not think I have ever arrived at a bar sober.

>> No.11864546
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I also occasionally go to bars/pubs to watch sports, mainly soccer because my family doesn't watch it.

>> No.11864607

The only reason people, male and female, go to bars is to hunt for a sex partner.

>> No.11864621

Which town you from m8?

>> No.11864682
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Boston. Didn't go to the parade today because I had work, but still had fun Sunday night.

>> No.11864715


>> No.11864716

Not in Australia.

>> No.11864732

what city

>> No.11864747

I remember when I was a kid and smoke was everywhere. It was disgusting. Common courtesy for others should have stopped those idiots from smoking indoors even without legislation.

>> No.11864761

I heard alcohol is wicked expensive down there. My condolences

>> No.11864762

>love to read at bars, 10x more comfy than coffee shops
>favorite authors all hung out at bars all night while writing, it just fits
>always expensive and crowded with uncomfortable seating at the majority of them
>2 drinks is $14 plus tip
I just want to be /comfy/

>> No.11864773

>favorite bar was a cozy little place with lots of fireplaces to sit around on couches and armchairs
>relatively quiet except for the upstairs, where they sectioned off all the loud college sluts
>it wasn't a sports bar or a gay hookup dance club so it got shuttered


>> No.11864788

>sports bar
I like old speakeasy style bars. Unfortunately they're all overpriced tourist traps.
>tfw will never open a speakeasy with a "no tourists" sign on the door
>will never hold a bookclub from the back corner while everyone sips gin and tonics or old fashioneds or tom collins and talks about literature

>> No.11864847

That's a shame because I saw a lot of great shows there back in the 90s and on a good night it was hard not to pick up girls. Don't go to bars much at all anymore because it seems it's mostly garbage jangle pop indie bands everywhere. I went for the music and usually just drank Molson Export when I was there even though I don't like it because "EX" was the easiest thing to shout over the noise of the band (or make an X with your fingers). If I wanted a beer selection I'd go to C'est What or The Only Cafe.

The Rivoli was a bit too gothy and pretentious for my taste back then and I never could figure out which washroom I was supposed to use. Do they still have those weird pictures on the doors or are they labeled now?

>> No.11865042

Too trashy to kidnap

>> No.11865961

If you don't like going out to venues have the confidence to say so outright, don't make out like your local sports bar has a murder rate that would make Honduras blush. All across 4chan autists blatantly lie about various things to try and make out like their opinions and tastes are objectively correct. Why? The only people that go along with it are other spergs who are equally spineless in expressing their opinions as such. It's not the opinions themselves that are contemptible, but the insecurity and insincerity with which they are expressed.

>> No.11866009

Anyone who goes to bars doesn't belong on 4chan. Especially now that sites like Facebook and Twitter exist.

>> No.11866027

>$11 for a beer that you could get for 2 bucks at the supermarket
Is that an american thing?

>> No.11866660

I drop off and pick up my wife at a bar when she meets her boyfriends

wut so yer a cuck or what? lol

>> No.11866664


>> No.11866693

people just go to barz to fuck and drink alcohol.


>> No.11866830

Wish I wasn’t so awkward in bars, always feel like if I’m going alone that everyone’s looking at me. Doesn’t help that there’s only 3 FUCKING BARS within close walking distance of my campus (big chain bar came in and killed off 3 others) and none of them are very good except for Tues/Thurs drink specials. To go to a decent bar you need to either walk 30 min or hire an Uber to go downtown to find actual bars not populated by assholes.

>> No.11866863

Not 11 USD, but yeah. A lot of areas require taxes and "licenses" like hell to bleed the fuck out of bars. So any beer that isn't piss-water costs way more than it should.

>> No.11866901

(And that's a good thing)

>> No.11866906

Still doing the chans at the age of 27? Nobody took this bait? I'm going to be too busy looking after my wife and two kids when I'm that old.

>> No.11866916

>Crying to your girlfriend because your boyfriend broke up with you

>> No.11866985

>having kids before 30
found the redneck

>> No.11867054

Bars in the u.s. are full of drama and pathetic desperate sexuality

>> No.11867091

Yep our best pubs are like extensions of the front room.

Food, new people, different drinks that you can try. nice roaring log fires, dogs, often a great view or some decent history behind them.

>> No.11867492

Lmao i can picture it now
>everyone socializing and having a good time, the ambience is filled with laughter, smiles, and good vibes
>faggot autist in the corner who made it out for the first time in months stays in corner judging everyone, calling them miserable losers.

>> No.11867496

I guess the main thing is most people don't have a home that is as nice or as suited to socializing as a bar.

>> No.11867560

they're like highschool lunch breaks for adults

>> No.11867922

You have it backwards. The books and movies make you enjoy the alcohol.

>> No.11868406
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which one of these guys is you?

>> No.11868464

You meet girls at bars you virgin

>> No.11868470


>> No.11868747

beer is like 1-2$ where I live, for 5$ you can get a fancy fucking drink or two Jacks

>> No.11868753

fuck off jannie

>> No.11868783

No, those are found in brothels.

>> No.11868843

Those are working women and deserve respect unlike bar whores.

>> No.11868893

Only bar I go to somewhat regularly is a local one that my family's been going to since it opened in the 70s. Food and beer is very reasonably priced, atmosphere is very cozy, other customers are almost always chill.

>> No.11868949
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I want to open a comfy bar with live jazz music on the weekends and just smooth jazz playing in the background during the week. Dimly lit and with a New york business style and new yorkish style type of jazz, I think the ambience would be great where you can go to unwind and relax, dont see many places like that in California.

>> No.11868972

>I never could figure out which washroom I was supposed to use. Do they still have those weird pictures on the doors or are they labeled now?
I was at a show there a year ago and I never had an issue with the bathroom signs, I think they’re still Male and Female and not this “mixed” shit which makes you feel like a fucking creep taking a shit next to the other sex (trannies disgust me so that’s a different emotion altogether). The music from when I was there last was a lot more varied, I find the Velvet Underground is a lot more heavy for the goth/emo scene.

>> No.11868986

>smooth jazz
yikes lad!

>> No.11869153

Virgin here, when you say you can pick up girls at a bar are you fucking them that night? Or just getting a number

>> No.11869274

Bars are fun when you feel lazy and just want to be in a comfy place that's out of the house. They're great because:

>no glassware to clean afterwards
>don't have to carry any bottles home
>you can be anti-social or not, your choice
>can let loose, talk to people about anything without ever having to see them again
>deep fried pub grub that you don't have to cook yourself or clean up after

If it seems expensive, then it's obviously not worth it for you. I remember even the cheapest bars ($4-6/drink) seemed really pricey to me when I was in college, but now it saves me more time and money now to just pay for drinks at bars and not have to do any cleaning afterwards.

BTW I used to work a block away from Tir Na Nog, the bar in your picture. They have a good happy hour for NYC; $5 beers. Don't know where you're getting $11 from.

>> No.11869390

>paying $11 for a beer
amerifat detected. a beer costs 1.5$ in a nice bar here

>> No.11869397

It's actually more of a competition to physically lift the heaviest ladies present.

>> No.11869417

I want something comfy as shit. No gay pop music in my bar.

>> No.11869438

You think that jazz music will keep out the undesirables?

>> No.11869484

>There's all kind of legal hurdles to jump through and liabilities involved

one major downside is police keep tabs on it as well. last time I went to bar I was arrested. not gonna tell what I did before I went there.

it's like a trap for toxic extroverted people.

>> No.11869485

bars (once you get past the "going out to get laid" stage) are for when you want to socialize but you don't want to pretend to have a common hobby in order to do so

>> No.11869526

are you from eastern europe?

>> No.11869587

yes. czech republic.

>> No.11869701

Then don't go tto that establishment? Are you a fucking retard?