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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 594 KB, 1633x2000, baseddain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11856472 No.11856472 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11856477

why was this guy famous again?

>> No.11856480

he became famous by killing hinself

>> No.11856488

someone better make another ramsay thread the ratio's slipping

>> No.11856493

was a chef, wrote some books and had some tv shows

>> No.11856514

was he a good chef? did he know his stuff?

>> No.11856518

did he die after killing himself?

>> No.11856523


>> No.11856524


>> No.11856527
File: 63 KB, 400x233, 07E89CED-3AD9-4067-BE6B-2112C7696F2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I planned this all along.

>> No.11856590

im not glad hes gone, but im glad hes dead.

>> No.11856594


>> No.11856614

Pretty sad, tbdesu. Just like Robin Williams committing sudoku. feels bad

>> No.11856740

>no comment about lack of social life for drumpftards, just obligatory NPC orangeman meme
Pottery. Of course we miss him, he was a witty and erudite writer, showing cultures and their food which were otherwise off the beaten path and more importantly in this day and age, the humanity behind them. Did he expose exploitation and suffering inflicted by the west? To be sure, but recognizing evils committed is the first step to evolving. It was swept under the rug for far too long but as a secular humanist he felt the burden and did what he could to expose it. Sad that our best and brightest get ground beneath the wheel.

>> No.11856871

>le edgy old man

>> No.11856892

>Creepy male feminist never Trumper Jew supremacist

I'd shit on his grave if I was driving by

>> No.11856923

Orange man loves israel

>> No.11857061

Reminder that his gf started talking about metoo, got called out for fucking a 15 year old boy while making a movie, and then he killed himself because he thought he was going to be outed next because he probably fucked the boy too.

>> No.11857065

Why are you trying to throw dirt on him? He killed himself because he finally realized his gf was a nasty used up whore

>> No.11857085

He's gone, my dude.

>> No.11857093

you really don't think there's a possibility he was fucking little boys?

>> No.11857097

Don't think too hard about fucking little boys, anon. The thought police will be on their way.

>> No.11857121

I think it's probable that he was.

>> No.11858422


>> No.11858469

S for Skeleton cause he’s a skeleton now

>> No.11858476

I unironically knew nothing about him until he did. I recognized his face from /ck/ threads that I felt no urge to read, but that was all.

>> No.11858831

I suppose there was, and it wouldn't be the biggest shock but I feel like you're just trying to slander him because of his cuck politics.

>> No.11858849

Lemme tell ya about Bourdain, as a person who lived in Southern, NJ.

As a lad at the ripe old age of 27, I always admired Anthony Bourdain. He traveled the world, engaged the locals and always had a realist opinion of what was going on. He was a chef. He was a drug user. He grew up in Norhtern, New Jersey which was rough for anybody. For all accounts and purposes, he did damned fine for himself. He was a good fellow that enjoyed food and even moreso enjoyed talking to people.

I met him once. It was the episode with him and Danny Trejo. Me and my friends happened to be having our lunch next door and I noticed this HUGE white guy that all the corn girls where surrounding. Turned out to be Tony Bourdain. I shook his hand while he tried t get a cigarette in between takes. He was at least six foot but hunched over, and smoked his cigarette like anyone else. He was an introvert if I ever met one. He just had a way with words. He was glad to meet fans. He looked like my grandfather shaking hands with friends in the middle of a cigarette. God what a man. I just told him my mother loved his show and he said "Oh good, I'm glad." as he put the cigarette in his mouth and shook my hand vigorously. He was a good man. But I'm not shocked to have seen him go. Tony Bourdain had that deep sadness behind his eyes. It was plain to see. He was not happy but pretended to be for his fans. He lived as long as he felt he needed to. He was a good man.

>> No.11859063
File: 22 KB, 640x427, 541EF7F7-8BD0-4E1E-9446-03453D52F699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the best raids we did on our /pol/lite discord when he died.

>le ban

uhm, sweetie....

>> No.11859289

he got fucked up by a satanic whore.

>> No.11859473
File: 37 KB, 446x473, 1543837580231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got to meet him in person anon

>> No.11859616

thats because you are an idiot

>> No.11859628

Thank you Anon, this was very comforting.

A legend.

>> No.11859631

Why do you shill for a pedo? Nevermind I see you are a fellow diddler

>> No.11859653

the guy is dead show a little respect

>> No.11859666

Respect someone because they are dead? Feeling doubt on that

>> No.11859728
File: 61 KB, 640x750, 1527344922778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he was an alright druggie chef.

His food wasn't groundbreaking, it was decent french at a time that Americans didn't have that much decent french.

He's really just famous for making white hipsters feel "cultured" when they watched his show.

Also, the rumor on the street is that he didn't commit suicide; he was choking himself when he was jacking off and it went wrong.

(see Chris Cornell, Robin Williams)

>> No.11859745

I heard he got cancer.

>> No.11859755
File: 234 KB, 1000x900, ed3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead man bad

>> No.11859791

Bunghole cancer. pozz parties are a real thing

>> No.11859797


he was a dumbass and a bitch, i know a dozen people better and more interesting than him. i hope it hurt when he died.

>> No.11859806

Wow you are so edgy. I bet you browse pol and voted trump

>> No.11859813


don't get smart with me cunt i'm not the one with imaginary tv personality friends that you boobloobloo about. while you're pontificating about someone you never met there are better and more interesting people at a fucking grocery store that could be part of a real life. you're a fucking simulated human.

>> No.11859829

Looks like I hit a nerve.

>> No.11859839
File: 9 KB, 204x248, i am the prince of all propane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oops looks like ur fave fairy boodain hit a VEIN whoops bye bye boodan heheh

>> No.11859846

Hows that wall going, bucko?

>> No.11859852


hows that new book coming, anthony? oh weight, UR DEAD how'd that happen dude? WUT you killed urself? lmao was gravity too strong???????

>> No.11859858

Lets say both your wall and that book are equaly possible.

>> No.11859867


you mean the wall that poodain hit at 150kmph?

>> No.11859870

Calm down friend, be mad at cheeto elvis not me, calm down, breathe.

>> No.11859882
File: 41 KB, 640x562, 1546135111934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how is it so reliable that people who get complete unhinged at 'not respecting the HEROIC drug addict emo cook' are all the deranged lefty sorts who related EVERYTHING to trump somehow?

>a cook shoots himself

i legit just don't understand. whats the angle here.

>> No.11859884

You can always count on trumpshits to project their butthurt on others. Kino.

>> No.11859886

>whats the angle here.
Probably the same one as talking shit about some dead dude you don't even know for (You)s

>> No.11859894

President Trump made him khs. That's murder but it's ok cuz Trump bought burgers for Clemson . This fuckin timeline

>> No.11859924

You know you had a good life if internet losers keep gnawing their teeth over your opinions.

>> No.11859930


>> No.11859951

>Male feminist gets bullied to death by roastie pedophile

Still not tired of winning

>> No.11859961

You cant have the wall so you celebrate a death of some minor celebrity. Truly winning.

>> No.11859969
File: 23 KB, 256x257, 2393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, a man only dies when he is forgotten.

>> No.11859996

I'm surprised he hung around for as long as he did.

>> No.11861253

