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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 1024x576, 1548775540198m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11854692 No.11854692 [Reply] [Original]

>killing baby veal
>killing baby human

Whats the deal with carnitards?

>> No.11854699

I frankly don't understand why people care so much about our species, let alone lesser ones.

>> No.11854708

Those radical damn ideologues, bucko.

>> No.11854724

Is conservative Chopra a vegetarian or something?

>> No.11854775

>Starving myself to death
>Massacring countless innocent animals with pesticides

What's the deal with the nutjob vegans?


>> No.11854793

Vegans are against pesticides, but whatever, you only need ultra efficient agriculture if you grow a lot of animals, dude.

>> No.11854798

>Whats the deal with carnitards?
Veal tastes good. Animals aren't humans.
Simple as that broski.

>> No.11854920
File: 71 KB, 1000x716, ad_165422090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 10 mortality diseases caused by eating animal products
>vegans live 10 years longer on average
>vegans smell better
>vegans have higher IQ
>vegans blood defeats cancer 10x better
>vegans save lives of animals
>vegans live a more ethical lifestyle
Ftfy fatty

>> No.11854925

Why the fuck do I have to look at this fuck's ugly face on my food and cooking board? Can we just ban this vegan spam already?

>> No.11855025

Carnivores dont taste good, which is why we don't eat tigers or hawks. Vegans are probably probably pretty tasty though, I'd definitely be open to eating nice farm raised vegans, or maybe an annual vegan hunting season for those on /k/ that might prefer the slightly more gamey taste of free range vegans.

>> No.11855030
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Mostly, vegans are an utterly delusional suicide cult.

>> No.11855037

>killing baby human
Are both of the parents white?

>> No.11855044
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>> No.11855061

I wish there was something that made me as happy as pizza makes her.

>> No.11855076

Baby humans just taste better when eaten alive. That's all. What's wrong with that?

>> No.11855145
File: 59 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans are against pesticides

TFW u still buy bananas and palm oil and get half your food shipped around the world.

>> No.11855150

What else do you plan to do with all those male dairy calves?

>> No.11855175

sv3rige is pretty damn spicy when it comes to his raw meat diet, but it really gets the ol' noggin joggin' seeing thesevegans looking like Holocaust survivors.

(Admittedly, he's also crazy and eats raw calf liver.)

>> No.11855179

Vegans dont even touch unclean filthy spam, meatcuck.

>> No.11855185

Who's the semen demon?

>> No.11855445

>killing baby veal

>> No.11855473


>> No.11856127
File: 97 KB, 800x533, Cruel Factory Farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans are against pesticides

Right there. Biggest lie ever told on the entire Earth. every time a vegan spends money, he or she is directing it to agribusiness who will use the money for pesticides and more bulldozers. (to grow their business clearing forests to meat the growing vegan demands ie avocados, quinoaoa, etc)


My money goes for cow food and pays ranchers property tax so cows can have a semi comfy life.

>> No.11856142
File: 1.16 MB, 1300x1800, Are Vegans Healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans live 10 years longer on average

>Totally unsubstantiated claim?? (yes)
>Most-- 90% of vegans actually quit because it's killing them?? (yes)
>Actual long-term vegans look like living skeletons?? (yes again)

You can lie to yourself, but what do you tell the face in the mirror when your vegan teeth start falling out??


>> No.11856202
File: 31 KB, 802x450, Beautiful Vegan FREELEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats "FREELEE" or F R E E L E E the banana girl. High priestess of veganism.

Batshit insane, but she does have a masochistic following of beta vegan bottoms. Careful, she castrates her men, and that is no exaggeration.


>> No.11856522
File: 63 KB, 1324x696, 1547861092640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans live 10 years longer on average
This is a little white lie - they just look 10 years older.

>> No.11856528
File: 3.24 MB, 480x270, 1548848003236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans dont lose their teeth. They sacrifice them to gaia.

>> No.11856539

Schitzy’s off the lithium again

>> No.11856545
File: 44 KB, 768x432, trump_golfing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess when you've convinced yourself that this is the epitome of manhood, someone who's actually thin looks like a "living skeleton".

>> No.11856565
File: 175 KB, 1095x626, 2C48DB50-B396-436A-9E00-CE34B4AE6ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convinced is a strong word. Schitzy has deluded himself into a dogma where killing himself and others is preferable than not getting his meaties. He’s a death cultist, he’s on a 20 hour, 7 day a week mission to rot his peanut brain on a Guinean cooking digest forum. G*d Bless him

>> No.11856622
File: 29 KB, 799x449, Insane Vegan Slag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just have a different opinion of what the word "healthy" really means. For you it means this---


My opinion is different. I think teeth falling out and emaciation is not healthy. That is just my opinion, I respect your opinion too Mr. Skelton.

>> No.11856634
File: 42 KB, 750x476, u-cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the uranium pill if you truly care about kcals.

>> No.11856635 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 823x684, Freely Castrates Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In her recent videos, FREELEE has come pretty close to admitting the truth--

"Ethical veganism" means, you accept that the vegan diet will destroy your body and your health, and when it does, you DO NOT QUIT, because "YOU DO NOT GIVE UP ON THE ANIMALS"

This bird is 100% insane, but her followers are lapping this up.


>> No.11856643

Imagine having this much mental illness

>> No.11856648
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Chicken and hogs sure, (so many chickens are slaughtered in terrible conditions) but the comparison between vegetables and cows is insanely false and wrong.


Of course vegans lie about everything, so why should anyone be surprised?

>Chemical pesticides?
>Never heard of it lol!!

>> No.11856672

they dont browse the subreddit r/vegan xD

in all honesty please give it a visit, you might like it :)

>> No.11856684
File: 161 KB, 2249x1268, Emily the corpse face vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you post on reddit? I might try it, suspect they would just ban me quickly.

>> No.11856694

>retarded animals are the same as intelligent humans
hahahaha vegans. lmao.
inb4 you tell me to eat a dog or something

>> No.11856707


>> No.11856742
File: 259 KB, 620x600, Its Just Not the Same Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans don't give a single fuck about animals.


The whole LARPing as "animal rights advocates" is just a diversion for what veganism is, a starvation cult.

>> No.11856747

no kidding bro.

>> No.11856814

A cow is not going to one day find the cure for cancer or become president or discover aliens. All life on earth is not equal, a humans life is worth more than a cow.

>> No.11856834

Facts don’t care about schitzy delusions


>> No.11856843

>i can be a fat murderer because a cow will never achieve something even i wont

>> No.11856850

>killing baby human
Joke's on you, I'm pro choice.

>> No.11856851

Vegans know the truth that baby cows are only for sex not for food.

>> No.11856867

Goddamn Nuge is so fucking based.

>> No.11856876

It's not about me its about killing human babies who's potential hasn't been realized yet

>> No.11856891

How fucking insane are vegans?
You literally murder millions of animals, then make a post like that?? Pure delusion.


>> No.11856910

Throughout human history people have lost their teeth. It more normal than a mouthful of teeth, animal killer.

>> No.11856927

>animal killer
this doesn't really work as an insult you know.

>> No.11856928

>I think teeth falling out and emaciation is not healthy.
I guess meth addicts don't count as long as they eat baloney sandwiches, eh Cleetus?

>> No.11857057

You make a point vegi bro, maybe we should eat people.

>> No.11857076
File: 10 KB, 260x194, 1532655858789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veganism is just as healthy as meth

>> No.11857077

Did the veganism rot your brain? You realize that the statement teeth falling out and emaciation isn't healthy, includes people whose teeth fall out for other health related reasons, like meth.

>> No.11857161

Literally everybody who eats food takes part in plant agriculture, and you can choose not to buy the most destructive crops. I'd bet you with great confidence that vegans are more likely to be aware of and act on such issues than the general public.

Top delusion. Ranchers may use marginal land but they still have a major impact on water quality and use a ton of land for grazing in addition to all the corn and soy the animals are fed to fatten up (10x more plants than it would take to produce the same calories if you just fed people the plants).

>> No.11857222
File: 7 KB, 320x180, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans are more likely to be aware
If they were, they wouldnt be vegans.

>> No.11857235

>>killing baby human
Yeah, idiot. The flavor doesn't really come around until 10 or 12. You're just wasting meat at that point. Jesus fuck- vegans are dumb as dog shit.

>> No.11857308

>harvesting corn from the garden
>harvesting trees from the rainforest

What's the deal with vegcucks?

>> No.11857318

So you are saying we should eat the human babies?

>> No.11857340

Ofc the vegan mod won't prune this because it fits his fucking shitty ideology. It's still fucking off topic fucking fix it you retard mods.

>> No.11857362
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>> No.11858032
File: 45 KB, 540x405, 1548218679766-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kill 25x more animals than I do animal hater.

(1 cow per year for me, vs how many tons of pesticides do you dump on innocent wild animals??)


>> No.11858035

You missed out
>asians killing anything

>> No.11858099

vegans can lick me where I shit

>> No.11859455

>All of them are wrong
Nice job.

>> No.11859458

>CBF portrayed as poor
Didn't she become a millionaire overnight?

>> No.11859466

who the fuck lives in australia

>> No.11860094

U wot m8?

>> No.11860113
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Hamilton's law.

>> No.11860131
File: 906 KB, 2400x2400, 2EB29054-6733-4BED-9C98-81AA865F73A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd bet you with great confidence that vegans are more likely to be aware of and act on such issues

You’d lose that bet. Vegans are actively desertifying what little arable land is left of California for their breakfast cereal.

>> No.11860133

The more moustache a man has, the less I trust him.

>> No.11860138

He's hiding his upper lip, who knows what else he's keeping from you?

>> No.11860152

fuck California

>> No.11860156
File: 19 KB, 557x401, 9DA39488-9845-4769-9C82-0B013FFFC5BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11860160

Chick culling.

>> No.11860207

So does this mean you *won’t* stop drinking almond milk?

>> No.11860238
File: 239 KB, 800x800, 20BBBB1C-2D80-44D1-ABFE-539C19DB25B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know why you’re bothering picking on almond milk instead of almonds themselves. The amount of actual almonds in almond milk is very miniscule. But then again like most carnitards your reality is a mixture of your unchallengeable biases and the latest clickbait pop headlines

>> No.11860331

>everyone lives in commiefornia

>> No.11860344

>being this unaware of the history of farming in CA

Buddy there isn’t a lot of arable land in CA without irrigation, and the issues with trying to farm that way have been going on for over a century. That shit was desert when we found it and it’s going to be desert again when we run out of water growing almonds or olives or grapes. The same things and worse are happening in cattle country upstream on the Colorado river. Want to know why water is salty in LA? It’s because the government spent billions of dollars so people can irritate livestock feed crops in the desert, which leaches minerals back into the river.

>> No.11860422

At this point there could be hard-core vegans posting on this board and no one would know with all the shitposters.

>> No.11860432

> Killing human babies at 5 months
> Killing human babies at 4 months

Why is 'merican nigger logic so retarded?

>> No.11860435


Babies are much cuter at 5 months than 4 months, which is why we ban babykilling at that stage.

>> No.11860447

> Eating animals for food & sustenance
> Murdering babies at 4 months because you coun't be bothered to wear a condom

Why are 'merican liberals so fucking retarded?

>> No.11860449

>muh texas cows get water from rain dancing
>muh texas almonds kill 6 million a year
Sure thing

>> No.11860455


Checkmate vegans.

>> No.11860494

>killing baby lion bad
>killing baby gnu good

What's the deal leotards?

>> No.11860520

>> Eating animals for food & sustenance
>> Murdering babies at 4 months because you coun't be bothered to wear a condom

Are the babies black? Cuz that's pretty much why America has so many abortions right? Getting rid of the unwanted blacks.

Animal Lives >>>> Black Lives

>> No.11860557


Abortions are done mostly by poor blacks in America. Very few African Americans are vegans, so it's a win win for animal rights activists.

>> No.11860624

>sentient animals = non-sentient bundle of cells with no capacity for nociception

Now personally, I support the death penalty and eat many animals so I couldn't care less about some dead pre-infants, but these aren't suffering or even aware of their potential life/death.

>> No.11860628


That's some solid vegan Animal Rights Logic(tm) right there.

>> No.11860633

>88 posts
Learn to use the report and hide buttons, you fucking retards.

>> No.11860732

>> Eating animals for food & sustenance
>> Murdering babies at 4 months because you coun't be bothered to wear a condom

I get what you're saying, but humans make their own decisions to abort babies. Animals have no choice in being food.

>> No.11860876

That's not even true. Poor blacks are generally evangelicals just like whitetrash and won't abort. Most abortions are middle class/upper class whites who recognize it's neither good for the prospective human nor the carrier to spawn another being to suffer in this growing dystopian hellscape. It's a humanitarian act of compassion and evangelicals lack both humanity and compassion.

>> No.11860888

The baby has no choice in the matter of being grinded up into anti-aging cream or liquified for transfusions to keep Ginsburg alive either tho.

>> No.11860900

>Poor blacks are generally evangelicals
Evangelicals that commit half of all violent crime in the country, despite young negroes making up MAYBE 6 percent of the total population. They aren't above a little hypocrisy.
The whites are most likely Democrat faggots anyways, so they're just killing off their own voter base at that rate.

>> No.11860916

>baby veal
stopped reading

>> No.11860944

are you actually defending veganism by pointing out how a man in his 70s is overweight?
is that a victory for you?

>> No.11860986


Pretty sure if you ask the babies if they want to be aborted, they'd tell you "no."

>> No.11861157

And you'd be wrong as 90% of posters on this site could confirm.

>> No.11861184
File: 35 KB, 566x480, 1514267296196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: retarded vegans and retarded non-vegans have a retard fight

>> No.11861207


I'm a vegan but I also support aborting & killing infants... am I a bad person?

>> No.11861217
File: 83 KB, 1536x1079, 1539499506290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support killing calfs for veal and I support killing baby humans depending on the race

>> No.11861239

Vegans confirmed sociopaths

>> No.11861553

Basedest racest moeshit weeb.