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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11852214 No.11852214 [Reply] [Original]

>Let the flavors get to know each other

>> No.11852215
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>fast food

>> No.11852226


>> No.11852260


>> No.11852264


>> No.11852270


>> No.11852274

keto and vegan

>> No.11852276
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>> No.11852279

No ur mami lol

>> No.11852280

>marry the flavours

>> No.11852285


>> No.11852296

who the fuck is Julian?

>> No.11852312

He’s the dude that always has a glass of captain and coke in his hand.

>> No.11852321
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but why do chefs always talk about Julian when they prepping?

>> No.11852329

>Chip (when it's crisp).
Fucking Americans.

>> No.11852336

>Biscuit (it's a fucking scone).

>> No.11852349

We invented chips, so that's what we fucking call them, limey.

>> No.11852358
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>> No.11852364

Potato crisps
Place of origin: United Kingdom, 1817

>> No.11852367

falling for mutt bait, shame on you

>> No.11852390

There's a difference between American biscuits and scones, though

>> No.11852407

They must be trying to refuckulate those orange carrot DICKS.

>> No.11852410


>> No.11852525


>> No.11852529


>> No.11852578


>> No.11852590

>it will put hair on your chest if you eat
mum lied!

>> No.11852693

>choose your protein!

>> No.11852709
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>> No.11852738

our expertly trained
from our famous
just like in
the experience of

>> No.11852785
File: 35 KB, 838x172, Clipboard-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the /ck/ section of my filter list

I just added "let the flavors get to know each other" to it too, btw

>> No.11852863
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>> No.11852867
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> scrumptrulescent

>> No.11852882

how much of /ck/ is left for you after this

>> No.11852886
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>> No.11853096
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farm to table

>> No.11853108


Literally the gayest thing I've ever seen

>> No.11853110

What's wrong with this?

>> No.11853114

I just hate it when faggot judges on food shows bitch about contestants "respecting" the ingredients.
Motherfucker, rainbow carrots are "respected" however I damn choose to cook them.

>> No.11853171
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I punched the screen when Richard Blais judged a dish on Hell's Kitchen and said something like "Sometimes people look good in jeans and a t-shirt. You don't always need to be fancy and get dressed up. I wish this dish was more jeans and a t-shirt."

>> No.11853173
File: 76 KB, 586x448, 9AC3B19C-DBDB-4A97-AE22-0ABE60B28C76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Farm to table, full bodied, zoomer-friendly, umami-rich mouthfeel, food mummie blogging sweetieposters. Pick your protein anons.

>> No.11853178


>> No.11853185
File: 576 KB, 1257x835, 7E086F22-06A5-46D3-91A3-D08BA0E6D337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”And how are the first few bites?”

>> No.11853188

looks like those wall of text shitposts someone posts and 30 people reply to

>> No.11853192
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No. Even Americans don't do this. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.11853204

why do you hide from reality?

>> No.11853253

Right now, it shows 31 threads hidden.
The comment filters are applied to subjects too, and I filter any wojaks or frogs I see.
Personally I'd rather have to do my own filtering then have the mods actually do their jobs. That's why Danbooru is such fucking trash. "durr filtering is not a substitute for moderation!" Eat my entire fucking ass.
You want to have your fun, you can have it. I just don't want to fucking deal with it anymore.
Who knows? When I first started using 4chan in 2005 it was the kind of thing I laughed at, but now I'm just sick of it. It used to be on the hobbyist boards you could have actual conversations and all the dumb shit just stayed on /b/. Now people just puke shitpost frog threads on otherboards because they think it's funny.
I personally thought it was closer to "/b/ writes a letter" threads but w/e

>> No.11853262

lmao did you really?
he's right though, not every dish needs to be fucking stupid and pretentious

>> No.11853273

They do. And they always come when you have a mouth full of food.

>> No.11853280
File: 191 KB, 1180x590, apu-cooking-chef-pasta-roll[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want to have your fun, you can have it. I just don't want to fucking deal with it anymore.
>now I'm just sick of it.
>they think it's funny.

>> No.11853298

It’s because they really don’t want to invite you to order/bring anything nonessential, but if there’s something missing that will interfere with your total meal enjoyment (and hence their tip) then they want to know right away. Like they forgot to bring hot sauce, mustard, wasabi. Or if you need a steak knife or more napkins. Another function is to allow you to preorder another very profitable round of beers, etc.

>> No.11853303
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Based "I hate shitposts" poster

>> No.11853305

the guy was wearing some faggy coif and i think he had clear framed grandma glasses. when you look like that nobody expects you to want unpretentious food. he was just being a dick in the mud

>> No.11853317 [DELETED] 


>> No.11853336


>> No.11853344

last try

>> No.11853356

i give up and now it won't let me delete it any more. sorry for the mess.

but i thought sh's trip was 'lovelouise'

>> No.11853365


>> No.11853372


>> No.11853380

>Let's kick it up a notch

>> No.11853394

I mean we call fries what they're actually supposed to be called fuckin limeys and their bland food

>> No.11853424


>> No.11853447

any adult that uses the word
>>the "impossible burger"
or various catch phrases vegans use to describe their meatless mashed vegetables.

>> No.11853461


>> No.11853530
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>> No.11853591


>> No.11853617

>grilled to perfection
> “a”

>> No.11853666

>do [type of food] or [breakfast/ lunch/ dinner]

>> No.11853671
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>sealing in the juices

>> No.11853676
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When have you heard someone ever say this ever?

>> No.11853681

Toothsome is actually useful. Try saying "my my, you're a toothsome morsel" next time you spot a cutie. Guaranteed success if you don't spaghetti out after.

>> No.11853695

>say something a fedora tipping autist would say but dont drop spagetti

>> No.11853711


>> No.11853823
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>> No.11853858

Missing out on dickered cat poster, dino tendies and the McChicken memes. Why even come to ck?

>> No.11853918

Why do you filter the Big Bab?

>> No.11853943
File: 414 KB, 1024x1024, 7CC57867-CD06-4633-A3F6-F3D486450D20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best meme on reddit by far

t. r/boomer user

>> No.11853971

I hate that Christopher Kimble prick
Because he gets so triggered over umami
On so many levels

I want to choke him out for his bow ties alone.

>> No.11854413


What the fuck does zesty mean? Flyovers, you really need to explain this shit

>> No.11854467

Umami is a useful scientific term

>> No.11854481

Having the quality of citrus, as in lemon or lime zest?

>> No.11854491

>seal in the juices
>lock in the juices
>yummy delcious goodness

>> No.11854500

Why are people triggered by this? There are a lot of cooking situations where flavors are blending in the pan (like tempering oil or whatever) and this makes perfect sense.

>> No.11854552


>Are you still working on that?

No, cunt, I'm still taking my time to enjoy it.

>> No.11854602

still pretentious

>> No.11854616



>> No.11854644
File: 69 KB, 640x1052, 534762423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let the flavors adopt an 11yr old orphan from Cameroon and teach him to play the harpsichord.

>> No.11854649

Did you post that pic to exemplify the "$500 jeans and t-shirt outfit (not including shoes) that I wore to feel comfortable" version of what you're talking about, or am I missing something.

>> No.11854657

Guaranteed you need at the very least pants showing off your tremendous bulge and a shirt with a graphic pointing down from your 9+/10 face to make this work under any circumstance.

>> No.11854660

There is literally no reason to spend more than $200 on jeans or $100 on a t-shirt unless they're made out of exotic materials (raw silk denim is amazing but not everyone can rationalize something like that unless they're a sperg like me)

>> No.11854704
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>> No.11854707

Well I agree that "zest" is a legitimate term but I only see "zesty" used to describe Abblebee's tier flyover slop. I swear I'm not nearly as pretentious as this post makes me sound, but you never see serious food described as "zesty" so it makes me triggered

>> No.11854733


>> No.11854746
