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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11849586 No.11849586 [Reply] [Original]

Eat food
Get fat
Fuck you, food

>> No.11850944

Eat normal food at reasonable portions
Stay skinny
Thank you, food

>> No.11851043

>Eat normal food at reasonable portions
So like... only six cheeseburgers and leave off the bacon, mayo, and extra patty?

>> No.11851058

>work out a lot
>eat as much as i want
>stay fit
feels good man

>> No.11851078
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Eat food
Get muscle
Thanks, food

>> No.11851087

Eat healthy nutritious food that satiates you in healthy portions
exercise regularly and at challenging levels
drink water
treat yourself once in a while with a cheat meal
stay healthy and fit
thanks food

>> No.11851092

T. fatties.

>> No.11851612

>eat whatever you want
>don't eat for 2 days after that

food :)

>> No.11851630

that's equally as unhealthy as being fat, dumb shit

>> No.11851642

>eat food
>finger down throat
thank you emetophilia

>> No.11851652

Eat more energy than you use up
Body stores excess for later
Fuck you, body

>> No.11851692

>intermittent fasting + weight lifting
people think I'm bulimic with the amount of food i eat and still manage to stay lean

>> No.11851694
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Lmaoing at u fatty

>> No.11851713

> tfw you eat shit loads of calories and high fat meals and still lean
I don't know how people who's hobbies aren't athletic do it, if my hobbies didn't burn so many calories I'd be so fat. A normal lunch for at work is to pop to weatherspoons and have an full english breakfast or a full rack of ribs etc.

>> No.11851716

Most fat people I know blame their "metabolism," not food.

>> No.11851728
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Smoke crack
Become crackhead
Fuck you, crack

>> No.11851733
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>In Soviet Russia, food fucks you!

>> No.11851822

In Soviet Russia, there is no food.

>> No.11851838

I think OP meant to quote but he didn't know how. He probably screenshotted it for reddit anyway.

>> No.11851844

maybe his quote button is broken

>> No.11851883

Drink water
Have to pee
Fuck you water

>> No.11851889

t. fatty