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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11847869 No.11847869 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, I would like to ask you a few questions if I may. Since I'm curious about the users of this board you can answer any or all of them, or none at all!

Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?

How experienced are you at cooking?

Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?

What are your opinions on fast food?

Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?

And last but not least, how are you anon?

>> No.11847872
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>> No.11848152
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>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
I enjoy it, but I enjoy the reward dicking I get from my bf afterwards much more.
>How experienced are you at cooking?
Learned from my mom since 6. Been cooking every chance I get ever since.
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
I cook for my bf and he sometimes bakes desserts in return.
>What are your opinions on fast food?
Fried stuff screws up my stomach, making me unable to bottom. Otherwise some of the grilled stuff is ok.
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
Not right now no.
>And last but not least, how are you anon?
I'm very good anon, thanks for asking sweetie.

>> No.11848196
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>I cook for my bf and he sometimes bakes desserts in return.

Where do I find a boyfriend who knows how to cook? Everything else I asked is sort of just filler.

>I'm very good anon, thanks for asking sweetie.

You're welcome!

>> No.11848210


>> No.11848224
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Just find a boy who lists cooking as one of his hobbies in his tinder bio anon

>> No.11848261
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Guys are scary and I don't want a hookup.

>> No.11848273
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>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
Of course I cook to sate my hunger, but I also quite enjoy it.
>How experienced are you at cooking?
My parents were cool getting me in the kitchen pretty young, and I've being cooking professionally for thirteen years.
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
I have a wife, though perhaps not for much longer. We both cook, but I mostly do it, and she does essentially all of the baking. I don't have the patience to bake.
>What are your opinions on fast food?
I like it here and there, but I probably eat it once a month, if that. I don't care how other people eat, not my problem.
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
I dropped an insert of hot coconut curry sauce on the floor this one time... the insert hit the floor perfectly flat, and this near-boiling sauce came flying straight up in the air, and almost touched the ceiling of the kitchen before slamming back down into the insert and making a horrible mess. It was worth a hearty laugh.
>And last but not least, how are you anon?
Fuckin' shitty.

>> No.11848286

Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
to stay alive. I hate clean up and that prevents me from cooking mostly.

How experienced are you at cooking?
When i moved out 10 years ago i started trying to do things.

Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
I'm probably dying alone but one time I had girlfriend and I'd make breakfast satuday mornings. That was my favourite part of dating her.

What are your opinions on fast food?
Delicious and cost effective.

Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
One time I was trying to make twice backed potatoes. So I scooped out the potato in a bowl. Added milk, then some white cheddar then when I went to grind some salt the top of the mill fell off and I spilled a whole fuck of un crushed salt into a bowl of white ingredients. I fished out what I could and kept going. They turned out mostly okay but a little salty in some bites.

And last but not least, how are you anon?
I was super stressed at the end of 2018 and have been eating like a maniac to cope for the last 3 months and put on like 20 pounds. But I got a new job that starts in a week so i've course corrected recently.

>> No.11848307
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Why shitty?
Congrats on finding a new job anon, I hope it works out. What will you be doing?

>> No.11848315

Thanks! ;)
I work in the video game industry. I'll be managing QA teams.

>> No.11848338

>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
I enjoy it
>How experienced are you at cooking?
Advanced home cook. Food Network was our family TV time when I was growing up so I had years of knowledge before I even started really cooking in college. Now I cook adventurously and try dishes that stretch my repertoire
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
Have a girlfriend, I cook for her plenty.
>What are your opinions on fast food?
It's fine - I'm not fat and can control how much I eat. The only thing I don't like is how greasy it is, I usually feel like I have to wash my face 20 minutes after. I probably eat unhealthy fast food 3-5 times a year
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
Just a tip - learn how to make flan. People will be endlessly impressed if you show up somewhere with flan.
>And last but not least, how are you anon?
I'm well. NY strip is on sale so I'm going to pick some up tomorrow and reverse sear it. Sides will be potato gratin and a baby lettuces salad with a homemade balsamic/olive oil/egg yolk/salt/pepper dressing. Then Sunday I'm cramming lots of unhealthy food into my face for the superbowl, then the next day I start restricting calories to get a six pack in time for late spring

>> No.11848343 [DELETED] 

>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
>How experienced are you at cooking?
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
>What are your opinions on fast food?
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
i cook, i eat, ehat's to tell?
>And last but not least, how are you anon?
honestly? ok, i guess. not one of my better days but i'll manage, how are you, good? i'm good thanx. sorry, i probably talk too much. i try not to but, shit. sorry, i'm doing it again. i'm, um. well, i'm ok, thanx.


>> No.11848351
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>Why shitty?
My wife hates me, I'm sure I'm well on my way to divorce, I'm currently staying with my ex-girlfriend (but at least I get to hang out more with my daughter), I'm out of my anti-depressants, I've recently discovered that I'm an alcoholic and I absolutely hate my job. The people and owners are nice, it's just not a kitchen for me.
Thanks for letting me vent.

>> No.11848354

>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
>How experienced are you at cooking?
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
single white male
>What are your opinions on fast food?
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
i cook, i eat, what's to tell?
>And last but not least, how are you anon?
honestly? ok, i guess. not one of my better days but i'll manage, how are you, good? i'm good thanx. sorry, i probably talk too much. i try not to but, shit. sorry, i'm doing it again. i'm, um. well, i'm ok, thanx. yea. how are you?

>> No.11848355

refill your anti-depressants anon. Then start accomplishing small goals, stack a few of those in a row and you'll be on your way out of depression.

>> No.11848366
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I'm sorry your relationship is struggling, anon. People respond to stress differently and alcohol is a very common way of coping but it's not good for you. Try to look on the positive side of your job even though you're not in your ideal workplace yet. I don't enjoy mine either but there's people who depend on me so I don't have much choice. I'm here to talk as long and often as you want.

>> No.11848426
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Yeah, gotta get into my doctor for a refill prescription. My depression is pretty mild, though I should have been on these twenty years ago.
My wife decided a couple months ago that it was either drinking, or our relationship. I'm going to AA and she stopped drinking as well, but it got the better of me a few nights ago. Ah, these things happen, though.
The job, on the other hand... recently the boss lady fired one of the guys who'd been there for years and moved me into his position with literally no training at all. Cooking is cooking, but there are various differences between kitchens. The boss lady is nice, but she gets in the way, has strange ideas that just don't/won't work, and generally makes the day's work harder in general. The place is absolutely hemorrhaging money, and I've seen some cooks do things that I don't want to be a part of, such as dropping food or ingredients on the floor and still using them... man, the list could just go on. I don't take the moral high ground on things very often, unless it's related to my career choice. I don't want to be part of a place that could potentially poison people.

Oh, and I haven't seen a drop of pink sanitizer solution in the two months I've been employed there.

>> No.11848493

>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
I'm a strong independant black woman and I really enjoy experimenting with foreign cuisines. Next week i hope to try making some Californian style fried chicken. Ask me about it!
>How experienced are you at cooking?
Oh, lord, Jesus Christ, I've been cooking up a storm my whole life. Mamma says I was born in the kitchen!
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
I got me fourteen beautiful babbies to feed, plus my parents and my brother. He doesn't have any children of his own because he's one of them ass fucking queer boys you probably heard about. you know the type. My grandaddy used to say they be the devil's children but i gotta love him cuz he's my brother and all.
>What are your opinions on fast food?
Oh lordy, I love me some fried chicken oh lord jesus christ, yes yes yes!
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?
Oh lawdy, do I??!!
>And last but not least, how are you anon?
My ankles are swollen and my back is sore, but you don't want to hear about lil old me talking about my aches and pains. i'm a soldier anyhow! hold up. Jimaia just done gone and bumped his head again. I'mma finish this later..

>> No.11848501
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>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?
I don't cook
>How experienced are you at cooking?
>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?
I'm not single, I have mummy.
>What are your opinions on fast food?
The tastiest.
>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?

>> No.11848512
File: 150 KB, 540x720, Mother-Abigail-stephen-king-the-stand-39875873-540-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like a more racist version of Mother Abigail from Stephen King's the Stand.

>> No.11848545

she's slightly older than the demographic i was gunning for but i'll take it.

mere stereotypes. no harm intended.

>> No.11848563

>she's slightly older than the demographic i was gunning for but i'll take it.
I was with you up to the "how are you" part. That bit made me think of her straight away.
>no harm intended
I found it hilarious.

>> No.11849049

>Hi /ck/, I would like to ask you a few questions if I may. Since I'm curious about the users of this board you can answer any or all of them, or none at all!
>Do you cook mainly to satisfy your hunger or because you really enjoy it?

I enjoy it. I hate dishes though.

>How experienced are you at cooking?

Basically self taught.

>Are you single or do you also have a partner that you cook for?


>What are your opinions on fast food?

Its okay. My cooking is better though most of the time.

>Do you have any cooking related stories you wish to tell?


>> No.11849053

>opinions on fast food?
>My cooking is better though most of the time.
Based as fuck.

>> No.11849142
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>> No.11849814

Thanks anon