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File: 62 KB, 619x333, kenji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11846974 No.11846974 [Reply] [Original]

Is this how Chefs are supposed to behave?

>> No.11846984

You shouldn't wear a fucking baseball cap in a restaurant no matter what it says. He is 100% correct to ban hats

>> No.11846991

I knew I couldn't trust a man named "Kenji López".

>> No.11847002

How about a rising sun bandana.

>> No.11847010

He’s not banning all hats, just a specific type of hat. Which makes him a cunt.

>> No.11847020

Whatever your sense of "supposed to behave is," it's entirely a business owner's prerogative to deny service to people based on their behavior.

>> No.11847047

It's called capitalism. They have just as much right as the guy that didn't want to make gay people cakes.

>> No.11847056

Didn't we have lawsuits about gay cakes to make sure this never happened again?

>> No.11847061

So if someone is wearing a "white women love bbc" hat that isn't going to bother you? Learn what the world is and you don't get to be a cunt without consequences.

>> No.11847063

Except for the fact that the baker was ostracized for it while this man will be praised.

>> No.11847066

So I should be able to wear my cap and walk in and sue this fuck?

>> No.11847070

Which is bullshit, I should be able to sue people if I have a red hat and a swastika armband and some business owner starts making a fuss about it.

>> No.11847072

>my little protest against perceived ""intollerance and hate"" is to display actual intollerance and hate
two wrongs...

>> No.11847073
File: 17 KB, 385x385, gay hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Anyone who proudly wears campaign slogans in public needs to be ostracized, probably shot, and ideally both.

>> No.11847082

>Leftists being intolerant and hateful.
It's actually their MO.
>N-no, YOU'RE the racist because I pointed out this tiny detail about race that you just brushed over!

>> No.11847090

You can make your own restaurant where nobody wearing a che guevara gets served if you're so chuffed

>> No.11847104


>> No.11847106


>> No.11847111

I love that I can cook my own food and I’m not dependent of these guys for a meal

>> No.11847114

it's sad. they're quick to talk about how the state of politics so so divided under trump yet they're the one's responsible for creating all the division. this is a prime example.

i feel sorry for the poor old guy who just wears his free hat to hide his balding head.

>> No.11847115

that's cool, what if i report his restaurant to ICE and have his staff arrested?

>> No.11847122

build a wall around his reaturant. simple.

>> No.11847126

>Get a nice free hat.
>Immediately get hit in the head with a bike lock by some college professor because you are the next Hitler.

>> No.11847128

yea, i know. it's tragic.

free country, rite?

>> No.11847129

>Bay Area.
>Ironically all the poor minorities this guy cares so much about can't afford to eat his food.

>> No.11847133

Because actions have consequences. Do an action that goes against the community, get rightfully ostracized.

>> No.11847134

No, because I am suddenly arrested if I stab some chucklefuck wearing a black mask.

>> No.11847143

The fucker is a Christian, he should know he owes people for all those Crusades his people did and shit.

>> No.11847146

>build a wall around his reaturant.
*build a wall around his restaurant

install traffic lights at the car park entrance that never go green.

>> No.11847153

Wearing a red hat is being a cunt? What a fucking retard.

>> No.11847157

The truth is, some people are simply in the wrong side. Preach hate, get hate back.

>> No.11847162

Wearing a red hat is like wearing a Klan hood.
You don't just walk around wearing that shit in public and not expect to get your face impacted.

>> No.11847170

Let homeless people shit on the sidewalks in front of his- oh wait.

>> No.11847190

yea and you're not allowed to wear socks with sandles either or you're a terrorist.

>> No.11847199

>It hasn't happened yet

So what's the problem, what provoked this.

>> No.11847204

I'm gonna make some recipes from Serious Eats and @ him with pics of them next to my MAGA hat.

I figured those guys would be a bunch of numale faggots. But they sure do know food.

>> No.11847207

Every night he lays awake just KNOWING some evil trumper is planning something so evil like force him to see a red hat.

>> No.11847209

Make sure the hat is just in the frame, don't make it obvious.

>> No.11847210

It's not even a political stance it's a business decision. He's fully aware that for any american other than @ 30%, some drooling mouthbreather wearing a maga hat will cause nausea and loss of appetite among the vast majority, 70% of americans. In addition, that 30% could neither afford nor appreciate the food he's serving since they're disenfranchised white trash, period which is why they put their faith in a hat.

>> No.11847211
File: 68 KB, 576x1024, lol_at_faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get triggered, soyboy

>> No.11847212


>> No.11847215

What is it like being a gay faggot sucking filthy black dicks?

>> No.11847247

>not even a political stance
>mexican lopez doesn't want his family to be deported
>not even a political stance
>not a political stance
>not political
do you often bite your tongue when you're chewing on food?

>> No.11847268

>"Individual Fun"
>actually an unbearable cunt
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11847276

>posters attached directly to the wall
>console notorious for overheating on the carpeted floor
Oh no she's retarded

>> No.11847319

>this level of disconnection with reality.

>> No.11847348

why is why denying gay people is also fine

>> No.11847356

but some denying black people is not...

Christians are against racism, but homophobia is fine...

>> No.11847358

This. Businesses have a right to refuse service.

>> No.11847367

i have the right to not tip

>> No.11847368

And subsequently lose, yes.

>> No.11847371

This is democracy manifest. You see this!

>> No.11847373

How dare you.
Those sluts now have to paint their tits on Livestream for donations because of you.

>> No.11847376

Unless they are gay or black or another minority, then its discriminatory

>> No.11847377

>make america great again
>keep america shit and divided
come in, sir. would you like a window seat?

>> No.11847382
File: 10 KB, 149x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Owner is being Capitalist as fuck in an attempt to stick it to a president who is Capitalist as fuck.
>And people who are also Capitalist as fuck.
>Just to appease his communist as fuck customers.

>> No.11847388

Or pretend to be Native American.

>> No.11847390

>mexicans weren't all over the southwest, TX and CA before the first sickly cumskins ever stumbled off the boat begging for food
LMAO, seethe harder!

>> No.11847393

Ok so why not open a restaurant that refuses to seat Blacks and see how that goes.

>> No.11847401

you're casting aspergers again

>> No.11847403

And why is it always the white women who are first to like these kinds of tweets?

>> No.11847404

It's called a member's club, but okay. Businesses have a right to refuse service based on choices a customer makes.

>> No.11847414

>Businesses have a right to refuse service.
so if i order a steak from the meny the business has the right to refuse that service and give me soup instead? the business makes my choices for me? in a free country? that's your definition of diversity?

can't build the wall fast enuff, in my eyes.

>> No.11847417

Dubs decide.

It's right and wrong think at this point. Red hats are "bad" right now.

>> No.11847421

So is smirking.
And especially being a Christian.

>> No.11847424

a literal mutt

>> No.11847430

the guy that didn't want to make gay people cakes got told to fuck off by a judge, so..

>> No.11847434

you're allowed to think what i tell you to think. anything else is wrong.

>> No.11847437

no no you see that law is only for hypothetical christian florists to refuse to send flowers to a gay wedding

>> No.11847439

Private clubs, in some states, can ignore public accommodation laws, but businesses open to the public, i.e. like a restaurant anyone can eat at, are held to them, including the federal Civil Rights Act which bans discrimination on the basis of race. This was settled in 1968 by the Supreme Court but y'all act like courts haven't cleared this up.



being gay or Black is not a choice, that's why they fall under various local, state, and federal laws because people are abusing you based on things you cannot control

>> No.11847440

Don't you think it's absurd, just think what'll happen if white chef says, "black are prohibited here".

>> No.11847444

Because by law, you can't discriminate based on race. Nothing says you can't discriminate on things under the discriminated one control like clothing or political stances.

>> No.11847453

In a state where sexual orientation is a protected class under state law. If anyone is allowed to walk in and buy flowers, you may not discriminate on the basis of membership in a protected class.

By the way, ZERO businesses have been forced to close because they somehow stopped making money after they refused serving gays. Some have voluntarily shut their doors, but none have lost so much business they had to close or been forced to close by the government.

In fact, most businesses that have refused to serve gays have overall made hundreds of thousands each from private donations in favor of their discriminatory behavior.

>> No.11847459

Lol, buncha angry Trump faggots in here. You wanna act like a douchebag then accept the consequences.

>> No.11847467

Some jurisdictions do hold political views as a protected class, some do not.

>> No.11847473

Yes, because we are the ones wanting to segregate people.

>> No.11847478

the only douchebag i see here is the resauranteur who refuses to serve people based on the colour of their hat. it's absurd.

notice i spell colour with a u. i'm not even american and this offends me.

>> No.11847481



I like the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation. But amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans — it’s only fair.

-Donald Trump

>> No.11847482

>Is this how Chefs are supposed to behave
Who cares how they behave as long as they make good food?

Chefs have been known to be cunts for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Don't piss off the people who make your food.

>> No.11847484

you seem to know a lot about it... fag

>> No.11847485

>Donald wants to protect the gays.
Oh shit, guess we have to start attacking gays now because Donald likes em.

>> No.11847488

>Bay Area restaurant.
>Good food.
Eeehhhhh, probably passable, but expensive as fuck.

>> No.11847493

>colour of their hat.
This is how you know Trumptards are mouthbreathing idiots that deserve the electric chair.
The post said Maga hats. Not red hats, or pink hats. Maga hats.

>> No.11847495

Fuck off tranny

>> No.11847498

>Don't piss off the people who make your food.
Have you ever heard this phrase, "customers are god"?

>> No.11847499

>by law, you can't discriminate based on race.
the sentiment is the same. it's racism. refusing service to a specific demigraphic is racsim no matter how you look at it. be it black people, jews, red hats, or leprechauns. singling out a specific demographic and refusing to serve them is racism. plain and simple.

>> No.11847500

Not if they make me angry.

>> No.11847503
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1027, GayFear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm gay. And I don't care if you don't like that.

I voted for Trump as a sensible isolationist moderate.

>> No.11847506

>He STILL thinks it's racism to attack wh*toids.
Oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.11847508

mental illness. i'd say autism but that's a buzzword these days. but you're definitely retarded in some way(s).

>> No.11847512

Progressiveness IS a mental illness.

>> No.11847514


>> No.11847518

>owns firearm
>but no furniture
priorities, amirite?

>> No.11847525

>haha fuck fags lmao we arent baking you a cake eat shit

>> No.11847528

Yeah, you know. Trump. The moderate that's building a wall and thinking of pulling the U.S out of NATO and polarizing the country and may be a foreign agent. You know. Trump. Haha.

>> No.11847529

Your job is to make food no matter who the customer is and how they behave as long as they aren't physically threatening you or your business.

>> No.11847532

>Your job is to make food no matter who the customer is
As the owner of a business, you don't get to tell me what my job is. You DO get to be thrown out of my business if I decide to refuse you service.

>> No.11847537

They are in MY domain, if they don't want to see reason and see that I am correct then they can get the fuck out.

>> No.11847542

i would order and eat the most expensive things and then declare my allegance to trump and watch you kick me out without paying.

>> No.11847544

I support border security and isolationism. I'm fine with that. He's not dismantling public accommodation laws.

Customers that enter your business in good faith and do not create a hostile environment deserve good service. If you discriminate on the basis of membership in a legally protected class, you deserve to be cited and fined.

>> No.11847550

Honestly, has there been anything more damaging to humanity than WASP culture?

>> No.11847551

I would be able to smell your ignorant inbreed odor the moment you even entered and have you removed before you could be seated.

>> No.11847554

>owner of a business
Yeah, right, without customers.
Happy serving, fag.

>> No.11847557

>the government is the community
next level bootlicker

>> No.11847558

>legally protected class
which is why I would kick you out for a legitimate reason, like your MAGA hat's presence making the people of color, and the gays, uncomfortable. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

>> No.11847560

And then burn everything inside the wall

>> No.11847561

of course they can serve or not serve whoever they want for any reason, but when your reason is stupid and petty, you can't blame everybody else if your business starts to do poorly

>> No.11847562

the dindu niffins of the world have damaged the gene pool

>> No.11847565
File: 91 KB, 309x726, GayMuslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Muslims and Catholics have come around to gay rights. Mormons and white evangelical protestants are the lone holdouts now.

>> No.11847566

I don't have an issue with the border security thing, and I respect the isolationism even if I heavily disagree with it. I just really don't like what he's actually doing persona-wise. Part of the president's job is to be a model U.S citizen. The way he treats party opponents and allies leaves something to be desired. By 'desired' I mean 'holy fuck it's bad'.

Just way too polarizing for me to call him a moderate desu.

>> No.11847570

>Securing the border.
>Getting out of NATO.
>"Polarizing" the country (Don't even tell me that it's the other side doing that, you are lying!)
I am still totally failing to see how any of this is bad.

>> No.11847571

Get a load of these fags.
Of course you can do whatever with your business, but don't expect that every guy who ate at your restaurant is a saint.

>> No.11847574

Hahaha foreign agent im sure they’ll find evidence of that sometime within the next few eons haha so slippery!

>> No.11847578

>People of color being in the same building as gays.
Is your restaurant like, bullet proof?

>> No.11847580
File: 60 KB, 764x690, man_who_wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*goes to restaurant*
*orders food*
*puts on hat after it arrives*
*get told to leave*
*demand money back then*
*end up getting free food because otherwise I will sue you for theft*
thanks I guess

>> No.11847584

delusional piece of shit. go kill yourself.

>> No.11847585

>muh genes
Nature has shown repeatedly that crossbreeding results in stronger and better specimens. yet here you are crying about gene pools when you probably are a genetic dead end.

>> No.11847586

>united they stand, divided they fall

>doing thy bidding

wake up

>> No.11847591

*orders food*
*starts eating*
*puts on hat while paying*
absolute based

>> No.11847593

>only 50% of a group wanting to murder gays is an accomplishment
It's also only American muslims, which are by far the most innocuous in the world. And I bet they cherry picked the surveyed people on top of it.

>> No.11847594

>Muslims come around to gay rights.
Indeed, they even allow them to fly.

>> No.11847595
File: 332 KB, 614x460, caveexplorer3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's already apologized and walked it back
good job crying guys

>> No.11847597
File: 880 KB, 911x1070, what the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> getting out of a security pact that is part of how the U.S, a country where our main export is war, exerts global power
> polarization isn't bad
> being more loyal to a foreign state than your own, believing that the main point of politics is not to gain an advantage over all other countries

>> No.11847598

Crossbreeding is a lot different than Tyrone and Shaniqua inbreeding, Violet.

>> No.11847599

the difference is non muslims who aren't tolerant of gays just don't like them, they don't want to stone them
totally the same thing though amirite

>> No.11847602

is your greentext broken?

also someone already had that idea إ>>11847542

>> No.11847603


>> No.11847606

Then why are you crying about a gene pool that is not affecting yours?

>> No.11847607

Gratitude politics are garbage. I don't accept ANY form of anti-gay discrimination as valid.

>we just want to make your life harder not kill you!

wow that makes me feel so much better :^)

>> No.11847610

>lose election
>ban half of population from eating in your restaurant
Liberal tears are hilarious. You guys are incapable of owning up to your own failures. Even China makes fun of you fuckers.

>> No.11847611

It should?
Unless you are just a bit suicidal.

>> No.11847614

Make your life harder how? By not being your friend? Not making you a cake? Discrimination against faggots barely exists, your fee fees getting hurt isn't a crime.

>> No.11847615

>crossbreeding results in stronger and better specimens
To do exactly what?
Manual labor are long gone, fag.

>> No.11847617

You forgot the best part.
>Bitch because you have to shut down, blame Trump for your own failures.

>> No.11847619

All racists secretly want to fuck people of ethnicity, they just never admit it to their racist friends.

>> No.11847620

Don't use twitter, show us the tweet.

>> No.11847621

>You guys are incapable of owning up to your own failures
He's literally already apologized for it

>> No.11847624

By imposing discriminatory policies and treating gays as second class citizens.

>gays aren't even discriminated against!

>but it is important we be allowed to do so!

Ok tell that to all the federally funded adoption agencies that refuse to serve gay couples because of "muh religion" even though gay people are 8x more likely to seek being adoptive parents than straight couples in some areas.

>> No.11847625
File: 20 KB, 350x350, kitchen-sinks-in-every-size-and-shape-to-make-intended-for-best-material-sink-remodel-10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods are asleep

>> No.11847630

Then what the fuck are you crying about "muh gene pool" if it is ultimately for naught. Because clearly being better, healthier in every aspect is not what you care about.
Oh wait, you think humans should be like pedigree dogs, all deformed, unhealthy, sickly for some arbitrary standard of beauty?

>> No.11847632

>all homophobic guys are closet fags
story checks out

>> No.11847633

And all aracnophobes want to fuck spiders, we know.

>> No.11847635
File: 58 KB, 1004x536, countly load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to start by apologizing to my staff and partners at Wursthall. Making a public statement without taking my team’s thoughts into consideration was disrespectful and reckless. My goal at Wursthall was for it to be a restaurant where all employees and staff are treated with respect and trust, and by making that public statement without your consent, I failed at that goal. I will work hard to earn back that trust.

>I am very proud to come from a diverse family. My mother is an immigrant from Japan and my father is from a steel town in Western Pennsylvania. My family spans across the political spectrum. Yet we still manage to have a wonderful time at our biannual family reunion because we have three things in common: family, a love for our country, and most importantly, respect for each other and our communities.

>Yet this is a far cry from the stories we’re hearing around the country these days. Like many people, I’m scared and confused by the anger, hatred, and violence that I’m seeing in our country right now. Scared for my family and friends, for my community, and for the most vulnerable people among us.

>Symbols have power and meaning and can mean different things to different people at different times and in different contexts. After having seen the red hat displayed so prominently in so many moments of anger, hate, and violence, to me—and many others—the hat began to symbolize exactly that: anger, hate, and violence. This was the context my tweet was meant to communicate.

>> No.11847636

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.


A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.


A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.


>> No.11847637

[citation needed]
If real, should have not apologized.

>> No.11847638
File: 515 KB, 1920x1200, IBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately the way I tried to communicate this ended up only amplifying the anger, and I apologize for that.

>My message was intended to reject anger, hate and violence, and indicate that these shouldn’t be welcomed in our society and aren’t welcome in our community. It was meant to be directed at those who would try to bring messages of hate, violence, and anger into my place of business, no matter what form it comes in. It was aimed at these three elements rather than at a physical object, but I understand that many interpreted my words in a different context, and construed a message of hate directed at them. This was not my intent in any way, and I am sorry for my recklessness.

>What’s more, my personal perspective in no way meant that Wursthall was changing its policy, as is being erroneously reported in media.

>Wursthall will continue, as it always has, to serve all customer regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, gender orientation, disability, or political opinion—so long as they leave hate, anger, and violence outside of the doors of our restaurant.

>> No.11847641

are you a bot?

>> No.11847644

what the fuck do you mean [citation needed] you fucking dumbcunt. It would be easier to verify that statement than make your retarded post questioning it. Why the fuck do you think I would make all of that up either. Get your tinfoil hat back on cunt

>> No.11847645

I promise you half of every Muslim you meet wants you dead, and you would do it if they could. Your words are empty, and you say them from the safety of a western state which you criticize.

>> No.11847648

>you think humans should be like pedigree dogs, all deformed, unhealthy, sickly for some arbitrary standard of beauty?
Jesus, being this delusional.
There is something called my people, my tribe, my culture, which obviously you bastards don't understand.

>> No.11847649
File: 139 KB, 850x827, gaychristmas3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11847650

there's no way you types all that out in 25 seconds. must be a bot.

post feet!

>> No.11847653

I will believe it when I see a link, not shortened.

>> No.11847655
File: 84 KB, 1000x662, GayDads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it saved, but I am not a bot.

>> No.11847657

>All I have seen is that red hat used in anger!
Does he mean like, when the angry people wearing black beat up the old people wearing the red hat of anger?

>> No.11847658

Plenty of agencies let gays adopt, although it's debatable that they should. Pick another if you get rejected. Of course, it isn't about that, you hear about this shit because people WANT to be rejected, they CRAVE victimization to justify their oppressed narrative to feel special. Sorry, there's nothing special about taking it up the ass, no-one cares.

>> No.11847660

I don't understand just like I wouldn't understand the appeal of living like a caveman. Because we have evolved as a culture, left behind such petty bullshit like tribalism.

>> No.11847661
File: 2.67 MB, 640x800, mcdonalds_ns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.11847662

>left behind such petty bullshit like tribalism.
Tell that to the ghetto.

>> No.11847663

>hehe aracnophobe
>you must want to fuck spiders hehe

>> No.11847667
File: 433 KB, 2000x2000, b-20cr332282c075-sullivan-33x22-inch-kitchen-sink-kit-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11847669
File: 656 KB, 2365x2057, Ladies-laughing-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this triggers the spider analogy posters

>> No.11847670

The point if Christian adoption agencies refuse to certify gay families for adoption, even ones that receive state and federal funding in some cases. This is actual discrimination, not just "hurting our feelings".

Parental Sexual Orientation and Children's Psychological Well-Being: 2013–2015 National Health Interview Survey:


Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School:






Farr, R. H. (2017). Does parental sexual orientation matter? A longitudinal follow-up of adoptive families with school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 53(2), 252-264.



>> No.11847671

>Is this how Chefs are supposed to behave
You mean like little bitches? Absolutely

>> No.11847674

You leave my tarantula out of this.

>> No.11847677

btw, i completely agree that homophobic guys are simply afraid of addressing their own sexuality because they're closet fags. 100%

>> No.11847678

>Maybe I DO want to fuck spiders...

>> No.11847679

How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?





Australia gay parenting survey:


Closeness to fathers best predicts quality of health for sons raised by gay dads:


Gay dads with kids earn an average of OVER 250k a year:


For instance, the table shows that the average AGI of different-sex couples is about $115,208 and about 19 percent had income over $150,000. Different-sex couples with dependent children had slightly higher incomes ($122,150 compared to $105,983) and were slightly more likely (21 percent compared to 16 percent) to earn more than $150,000. This pattern in which families with dependent children are higher income is also true of FF and MM couples, but is particularly striking for MM couples, for which the average income of couples with children is about $264,000. Almost half of MM couples with children earn more than $150,000. Differences between same-sex female couples with and without children are much smaller.

Children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers were reported as showing fewer psychological problems than children of heterosexual parents:


How many gay parents choose adoption?


>> No.11847680

Uh huh

>> No.11847682

You will grow up in time, or be left behind.

Racism is racism, no matter if black or white.

>> No.11847686

It's not about racism in the ghetto, I mean the tribalism shit.
"Some brother got shot, don't snitch." etc.

>> No.11847687
File: 107 KB, 940x788, GayAdoption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of other links, friendo. Most research indicates gays are equivalently fit parents to heterosexuals. Yet, Christian adoption agencies are still allowed to receive government money while discriminating against gay couples wanting to adopt.

>> No.11847694
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>> No.11847698

Kenji has apologised
>prove it i don't use twitter
*Copy his long apology here*
>nuh uh, you could have made that up

All you have to do is go to his twitter which you don't need an account to view, or google any part of his statement to verify it. Instead you go posting [citation needed] like a fucking conspiracy theory boomer who can't use a computer and is a paranoid delusional.

>> No.11847699
File: 70 KB, 1024x576, 56010E96-C438-4DB4-ACCC-7ED9663472BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about food and not politics for just one day.

>> No.11847700

>racism is racism
Should've know better before pushing multiculturalism shit.

>> No.11847702

I once got into an argument with Kenji by email that doing a "vegan month" was bullshit when he could do a month where he has to cook everything on a food stamp-only budget. He eventually stopped replying and got kinda mad at me. Pretentious sumbitch.

>> No.11847704

>Most research indicates gays are equivalently fit parents to heterosexuals
*Most of your gish gallop , actually.

>> No.11847707
File: 60 KB, 480x480, GayCake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, when Christians stop trying to refuse to sell food to gay people.

>> No.11847708

So i can show up dressed liked the khmer rouge?

>> No.11847710

It's called Serious Eats not poor eats fag.

>> No.11847716

150 threads on /ck/ and you found one to complain about. bravo.

>> No.11847719

I hate vegans too but he's being a smart businessman to try and tap into that market, and you do improve your skills as a chef if you atleast put a vegetarian limitation on yourself and try to make nice food.

I don't see what 'vegan month' has to do with 'food stamp month' either, like they're just different valid ideas, and the latter is basically that kind of bullshit guilt trip rich people like to go on. It's not like if you're genuinely poor that Kenjis stuff is all redundant, learning to cook is leaning to cook and those skills he teaches are valuable regardless of if you have salmon money or you're eating cabbage and rice.

>> No.11847723

Explain chic fil a and their consistent lines going around the building.

>> No.11847725

>already deleted it and apologized
lmao just lmao

>> No.11847726

Only when gays stop having parades.

>> No.11847727

I think it would have been much more creative for him to try to work in a narrow budget. It wasn't about creativity, it was about selling expensive food ideas to yuppies. He just comes off as really stuck up to me.

>> No.11847728

Go and build your own country, fag, if you feel the responsibility.
Oh wait, Canada is already a country for faggots.

>> No.11847729

He's right you know

>> No.11847730

He's a cook in the bay area, being a stuck up fuck is his life.

>> No.11847731

>i refuse entry to anyone smart enough to figure out that i can't cook for shit
pretty clever actually. he'll keep his four star yelp rating.

>> No.11847734
File: 228 KB, 800x506, NicosiaPride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever actually been to one?

>> No.11847738

you sound like kind of a dick yourself lol, to try and insist this via email.
they're both fine ideas. Infact 'food stamp month' is kind of offensive because it's like inviting rich people to have fun playing at being poor like 'dress like a bum for a week' as a fun game.

As I said, you can learn skills to eat on a budget from kenji, he doesn't exclusively cook with gold leaf.

>> No.11847739

He was in NYC at the time of the email exchanges. I just think he's full of himself.

>> No.11847740

Nah, I already hate myself enough.

>> No.11847742

and selling ideas to yuppies is the name of the fucking game dont hate the playa he just wants to make money

>> No.11847745

>Seething faggot still mad that the fag-cake case got shot down
>despite it obviously being a lawsuit in bad faith
epic :)

>> No.11847746

I actually was getting food stamps at the time. I think it would have been a much bigger challenge for him to actually work within a narrow budget but he doesn't really push himself.

Most of his food involves using expensive exotic ingredients OR just fucking adding fish sauce to European dishes (wow!).

>> No.11847748
File: 43 KB, 777x314, Screenshot_2019-02-02_08-06-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this jem...
can confirm this fag is beta and drinks onion juice

>> No.11847755

If that's discrimination then so is everything else, dunno if you realize this but everyone uses federal funding. Ever hear of roads? The police? The FDA? You're making this a Christian issue so it's worth stating that churches get huge tax exemptions, another extension of federal funding. And you know what? They have the right to deny services to homosexuals, which they believe is a sin. Go. Somewhere. Else. There are other agencies, other chuches.

>> No.11847756

And unlike you they will actually have sex, incel.

>> No.11847762
File: 88 KB, 986x416, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 9.39.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't get shot down. They just didn't rule on the merits of the case (first amendment issues). To my knowledge, Jack Phillips still does not make wedding cakes:


So we won.

>> No.11847764

But the Christians have the good looking boys.

>> No.11847767

>all this faggot butthurt itt
>w-we're discriminated against!
In reality you're treated like some kind of hero for taking it up the ass and sucking cock and have all kinds of privileges social and otherwise unavailable to "heteronormative" people. You even get priority hiring in some places, it's fucked up.

>> No.11847768

>Not making them right now.
>W-we won guys!
>It totally was not a lawsuit to shut him down.
>We won!

>> No.11847769

Having sex with thots that carries a belly full of STDs, no thanks, Roastie.

>> No.11847774

They do not have a right to use federal funds in a deliberately discriminatory manner. In some states, Christian adoption agencies are a large chunk of the adoption provision services. Why should we have to go elsewhere? Either you offer your services to all qualified parents, or you get shut down, as has happened to some Christian adoption agencies recently. They would rather serve nobody than have to serve gay people. Religion is just an excuse for their hatred.

>> No.11847775

Have fun not getting hired, cis fuck.

>> No.11847779

>Religion is just an excuse for their hatred.
Don't talk about Islam like that.

>> No.11847783

>drive 80+ miles
>drive by no less than 4 non-religious bakers that do wedding cakes, and 1 muslim baker that does as well
>just to BTFO some old christian guy
Yikes buddy, i thought you leftist types enjoyed free thought and opinion :(
i hope you'll see the light and become a radical centrist like us enlightened people.

>> No.11847785

Gay people still cannot be openly gay, let alone married to the same sex and work in religious environments, even in not ministerial jobs. Gay people still get fired from jobs or ignored by employers when they are looking to hire just for being gay.

It was a complaint to the state board, not a lawsuit technically. Colorado includes sexual orientation as a protected class and Jack Phillips has a business, open to the public, in Colorado. Religion is not an exemption from the laws or we would allow polygamy.

>> No.11847786

this chubby faggot is overrated

>> No.11847788
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>> No.11847789

Their reception was located closest to him and one of their moms recommended it. They had no idea he was religious or did not serve gay customers wanting wedding cakes when they entered his shop. It is not like he had a sign up.

They did not deliberately select him to harass him and you have zero actual evidence that they did.

>> No.11847794

god magafags are so easily triggered

>> No.11847797

>Y-your triggered!

>> No.11847802
File: 38 KB, 600x600, seima-kubic-1.75-double-bowl-kitchen-sink-the-blue-space-3_1024x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange man bad

>> No.11847803

I wondered why this board went to shit so fast, now I know. Look at all these buttmad faggoty GOP cocksuckers in here crying about getting treated the same as they treat others.

Stay mad, rednecks.

>> No.11847804

>+200 replies
>not even 60 posters
Now that's one salty homo

>> No.11847805

>Most of his food involves using expensive exotic ingredients OR just fucking adding fish sauce to European dishes (wow!).
That's fucking nonsense. More so than almost anyone else, he experiments with technique and you can apply that technique to anything. He absolutely doesn't focus on meme ingredients. And the fact he pushes umami bombs in everything is genuinely a good idea that more people should adopt.

Just because you were on food stamps, doesn't mean that when successful people (he's an ivy league graduate living in new york), choose to discuss ways to be extremely poor, doesn't mean that it's very easy to be insulting about it.

>> No.11847806

I hail from a country where others(myself) who later migrated are discriminated, but that didn't hold me down from getting a quality education and quality job, prompting to a better lifestyle.
Well, I'm thankful to this country for everything, rather than sitting on my ass complaining.

>> No.11847812

Well, you're no different, homo.

>> No.11847813


>> No.11847819

>crying about getting treated the same as they treat others
I don't go one treating other people like shits.
Only hate their prejudice beliefs and faggotry.

>> No.11847822
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>> No.11847835
File: 1.01 MB, 650x871, GayKidWantsMarriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the little sink for?

>> No.11847840

A chef's purpose in life is feeding hungry people. You may or may not take money for the food depending on personal feelings. Any chef that spews this political bullshit should be executed. You're like a doctor. Imagine a doctor saying they won't treat people who wear specific articles of clothing. Chefs help keep people alive with their food just like a doctor helps keep people alive with medicine.

>> No.11847845

Heres an autistic breakdown of the technique to make good coleslaw (cabbage and carrots)
An autistic breakdown of how to make beans & rice
Autistic breakdown of how to make chickpea curry (this one even counts as vegan meme food and poorfag friendly)
roasting cheap vegetables, absolute poorfag, eating well, stable, also vegan

I don't see how you think this stuff doesn't apply to you.

>> No.11847846

food scraps. there would be an insinkerator, or similar food disposal device in the drain there.

my mum has one.

>> No.11847849

Usually a disposal sink.

>> No.11847852

I would marry that man if he knew how to make a good burger
also if he was white
and a man

>> No.11847853

Why wasn't this thread moved to /pol/ already? Keep your bullshit where it belongs. No one here is discussing food OR cooking. Mod do your job.

>> No.11847854
File: 666 KB, 684x551, 1548786307972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gay
>tfw qt bf
>tfw still hate fags
Only thing that has ever happened to me for being gay in public was faggots sexually harassing me or my boyfriend.
95% of the LGBT community are hedonistic drug-addicted degenerates that only care for physical pleasure.
faggotry needs to stop being trendy

>> No.11847856

Mods too busy trying to remove alligator threads because it sets off an autistic Canadian.

>> No.11847859

Haha, you must hate gays because you are s-secretly a faggo-

>> No.11847861

It's related to food and food serving, Gaylord.

>> No.11847863

>Is this how tards online are supposed to act?

>> No.11847864

There's no Hippocratic oath for chefs. In reality he's a media personality as well as a chef and he has a brand and a cultural impact beyond just his food. He also feels that he has a social responsibility because of his exposure.
But what he did was stupid from a business perspective, and basically like shooting himself in the foot and alienating a whole lot of customers. Which is why he apologized.
I think it was admirable. You might disagree with him, but I think standing up for your principles and believes, to the detriment of your wallet, is something which deserves respect, regardless of what those beliefs are.

>> No.11847865
File: 52 KB, 691x691, glass-kitchen-sinks-group-19482-gallery-vzJk-default-H[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods are asleep. post sinks.

>> No.11847867
File: 64 KB, 1200x677, ClosedDuetoBigotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur so speshul for being a self hating gay

>> No.11847868

100%. On all sides.
It's probably less pride and more hoping to trigger someone anyway.

>> No.11847873
File: 115 KB, 742x1043, GayWeddingCake4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have all this money to spend on a nice sink why would you not want two large, deep basins like a commercial sink?

>> No.11847874

>i'm late to the party and no one invited me
this is why we can't have mexican things!

>> No.11847875

So an african american man hating gang culture is self-hating too?
excellent logic my dude

>> No.11847877

Might as well air it out now, if we're going to have polcunts crying here from now on, whenever someone mentions Kenji's articles on seriouseats, which are one of the absolute best cooking resources online.

>> No.11847879

Chefs can behave however they want. And you have every right to go eat at their competitor's restaurant instead.

>> No.11847881

Based retard, Kenji is pleb tier

>> No.11847884

i'd say they probably rely on a dish washer and just need one sink for rinsing fresh veggies. dunno. i see your point though and i'd want two big sinks.

>> No.11847886

Because some people don't like to fill their sinks with shit like a barbarian.

>> No.11847893

seems like they are designed for people who do not cook a lot then.

you can use sinks for lotsa stuff like defrosting big cuts of meat in cold water or ice baths for cooling stock and things where you want as much space as possible. Teensy sinks are dum as are sinks without built in disposals.

>> No.11847894

>If you have all this money to spend on a nice sink why would you not want a swimming pool in your kitchen
we don't serve your kind here! get out!

>> No.11847901

i defrost my meat in the fridge over the course of two or more days days. hope this helps.

>> No.11847903

Kenji experiments and explains broad technique with a scientific method because he is literally a scientist
It's extremely helpful

You're likely simply ideologically triggered by him

>> No.11847909

I have a big sink and a lil sink, it's good, it means when you're using your big sink, you can still empty pots in the drain. Two big sinks would take up excessive bench space.

>> No.11847913

Yes, because like all drumphtards, he believes science is the devil.

>> No.11847916

That only applies to hiring employees. When it comes to providing a service or product you can refuse, unless you're in a government position. Generally people don't because money's pretty fucking nice.

>> No.11847919

>defrosting big cuts of meat in cold water
Yikes. Enjoy fucked meat.

Both of those things are better suited to doing in smaller receptacles anyway, unless you're doing it on an industrial scale

>> No.11847922

Republican money isn't good money.

>> No.11847924
File: 97 KB, 630x381, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys serious? for one deep basins prevent splashing when using the high pressure nozzle setting. another thing i want is to have the basin under the countertop so i can just wipe shit directly into the sink. having those shitty steel basins + caulk over the counter just asks for nasty crap

>> No.11847926

I did not give you permission to reply to me. Don't do it again.

>> No.11847930

>being so fucking stupid you don't already know the basic ass shit he teaches
BASED retard pleb.

>> No.11847931

Lol I guarantee you Kenji is doing it for good boy points with the left and his restaurant probably has a no hat policy. It's marketing.

>> No.11847935

bost mendu blease

>> No.11847937

>doesn’t want to serve gays
“Private Businesses reserve the right to refuse service. It’s the American way”
>doesn’t want to serve hateful racists
“SJW faggot cuck! That’s not fair!”

The /pol/ invasion is truly complete. Never change, alt-righters

>> No.11847938

It's sincere
You're misunderstanding these people's self righteousness

>> No.11847940
File: 76 KB, 600x800, GayWeddingCake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming people who can afford these nice sinks have enough room for two big sinks. The point is these people probably don't actually cook that much so these sinks are just for looks.

Complete nonsense.


Under US federal law, public accommodations must be accessible to the disabled and may not discriminate on the basis of "race, color, religion, or national origin."[1][2] Private clubs were specifically exempted under federal law[3] as well as religious organizations.[4] Title II's definition of public accommodation is limited to "any inn, hotel, motel, or other establishment which provides lodging to transient guests" and so is inapplicable to churches. Section 12187 of the ADA also exempts religious organizations from public accommodation laws,[5] but religious organizations are encouraged to comply.

Various US states have nonuniform laws that provide for nondiscrimination in public accommodations.

>industrial scale

for holiday meals you are often serving 10-20 people and defrosting meat in cold water in the sink is much faster than in the fridge.

Bringing hot liquids down to refriger-able temps is important too for stocks and sauces.

Good enough for these bakers and florists who are raking in hundreds of thousands in private donations from refusing to serve gays.

>> No.11847944
File: 23 KB, 300x185, Sinks_Full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check my triple

>> No.11847945

libcuck faggots BTFO

>> No.11847946
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>> No.11847949

I think you misinterpreted my post

>> No.11847950
File: 139 KB, 1902x758, Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 10.18.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11847952

you heard me, faggot. filtered.

>> No.11847954

The last thing of his I read was his sunday gravy recipe where he recommends doing it in the oven instead of on the stove so you get mallard browning on the surface and more flavour and that was something i didn't realise and he actually demonstrates that technique and shows the difference

If you're totally competent and a professional chef then you're not going to be going to many online cooking resources at all, are you? Why don't you go look down on the literal can't cook at all fast food retards that make up 95% of the board rather than me.

>> No.11847957

I think he's stuck up and arrogant.

>> No.11847958

and into the filter you go

>> No.11847962

You don't even cook you sit on your fat ass eating fast food

You would literally burn an egg while trying to fry it, eat shit and die

>> No.11847963

Probably Just some pretentious prick who calls an egg "tamago" and Meat "niku" to make the items taste 40% more better and score some meme points.
>Lopez tamago boiled in tijuana water with umami cajun smoked bovine niku

>> No.11847965

>The point is these people probably don't actually cook that much so these sinks are just for looks.
my point is that having a lil sink as well as a big sink is extremely helpful, because you can use your big sink for a task, as you mentioned, and still have a sink to drain water into. It's like just having an extra drain.
And as someone with a big sink and a lil sink, no i'd rather just have the extra bench space than 2 sinks.

>> No.11847966
File: 28 KB, 350x270, Customized-Restaurant-Commercial-Stainless-Steel-Industrial-Kitchen.jpg_350x350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a big sink

>> No.11847968

It's so laughable that people on the far left are genuinely trying to push the "MAGA cap is the modern kkk hood!"

Yeah dude, one witnessed lynchings of black women and children, the other saw a fistfight with antifa once

>> No.11847972

Nothing in that law covers if you don't like their political views.

>> No.11847975

Snowflake alt-righters blocking anyone that doesn’t match their obsolete beliefs. Keep the blinders on buddy, it’s a scary world out there where people think differently from you

>> No.11847974

Why would you not want 2 big sinks? Baffling.

>> No.11847978

This asshole is all over the place. He should just stick to one cuisine like his native ching chong or whatever

>> No.11847982

you ignored my post showing lots of examples of writing he's done for poorfags to show how to make delicious food with stuff like carrots, beans and cabbage. I would appreciate a concession when you make a point and then someone proves you wrong with evidence.

>> No.11847983

>Sausage Party.

>> No.11847985

> it’s a scary world out there where people think differently from you
We know...that's why this thread exists. Some gook with a beaner last name is afraid of people in red hats lmao

>> No.11847989

>Snowflake libtards resuses to serve anyone that doesn’t match their obsolete beliefs. Keep the blinders on buddy, it’s a scary world out there where people think differently from you
no u

>> No.11847993

Oh yeah I'm sure tons of poor people use Serious Eats :^)

>> No.11847998

No, he doesn't want alt-righters to come into his business and shoot up the place because they saw a happy couple who are not cousins.

>> No.11847999

I'd rather have the extra bench space, even in my ideal home kitchen, i'd still rather err on the side of minimalism. Need to cool a pot of stock in an ice bath? Do that inside a larger pot. Same for defrosting meat. As I've explained, the small extra sink not useless either.

If I had a commercial kitchen, of course, multiple big sinks.

>> No.11848001

Great strawman

>> No.11848003


i'm embarrassed for you

>> No.11848006

Ok, so your original point that he should do a food stamps themed week, was stupid then.

>> No.11848007
File: 2.73 MB, 720x404, 1495723657747.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump hating tags, GTFO!

>> No.11848009

But somehow you don't want as much sink space as possible...except in a commercial setting

>> No.11848013

>Just a tickle is fine.
>But no holding hands, that's queer.

>> No.11848014

fake and not gay enough

>> No.11848016

Yes, because a normal kitchen isn't a commercial kitchen.

>> No.11848021

Yes, that's right. I would only want a 4 burner stove as well, even in my ideal kitchen. Rarely i might have a use for more burners, but i would rather compromise then, than live daily in an excessively large space.

>> No.11848023

fuck off, sage fag
i'll rape your anus

>> No.11848024

No, the point is to challenge him to do more recipes on the cheap, not to appeal to poorer readers, although that would be nice too. I don't think veganism is anything other than a luxury for the rich in much of the Western world. I think he's tone deaf. He made lots of money, sure, but I think he's still a smug prick.


>> No.11848029
File: 97 KB, 740x529, black-and-white-cat-in-kitchen-sink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my fetish

sink unrelated

>> No.11848032

Some people don't want big sinks!
How is this so hard to get?!
Why does everything have to be about big sinks with you?!

>> No.11848034

So, you think the multiple recipes I linked explaining technique for cooking cabbage, carrots, beans, rice and other poorfag staples, are redundant, because that stuff was not done under a meme clickbait title like some kind of food stamps challenge, which is a good idea, even though his audience is all privileged, because HE is the one who is tone deaf?

>> No.11848036
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can convert your master bedroom into an industrial kitchen and then sleep in your other kitchen.

>> No.11848048

>reading comprehension

I never said he should be refusing them. I think personally businesses should separate beliefs from business and just allow everyone. I’m just loving the cognitive dissonance from the people ITT calling him out for doing it when this board has openly supported similar actions that reflect more conservative values in the past

>> No.11848053

Because you can have food stamp recipes that use meat and dairy and veganism is a meme for rich people and the eating disordered in the West.

Anyways, my point is he's a smug rich fuck out of touch with most cooks.

Then they clearly don't cook very much. My point is these sinks are designed for looks, not functionality.

>> No.11848057

>this board has openly supported similar actions that reflect more conservative values in the past

>> No.11848058

Bad b8

>> No.11848061

anti-vegans are even more insufferable than vegans
we get it. vegans are retards. shut the fuck up

>> No.11848068

>Because you can have [poorfag] recipes that use meat and dairy
which he fucking does

You're just butthurt because he didn't do exactly what you told him to do via email. Please give some examples of professionals who aren't stuck up and out of touch, and who do follow your instructions online.

>> No.11848069

why do you feel the need to use a tripcode?

>> No.11848073

The dude that made cakes and didn’t allow gays in his restaurant. Dozens of people in that thread defended him.

>> No.11848078

>didn’t allow gays in his restaurant

u wot

>> No.11848080

i didn't see that thread. mods must have torched it too soon.
is it possib;t that those who ""defended"" it were doing so in jest? or perhgasp to incite reaction (ie. a collection of (You)s)?

>> No.11848084

I mostly post on /mu/ where people know me for my music taste but just didn’t take it off. I like this board though, it’s comfy when it’s not so political

>> No.11848092

Quite possibly. One can never be sure how many layers of irony a 4chan post is soaked in. One post I remember in particular tho was like a full on unironic paragraph about how he’s doing the right thing. Obviously random shitposters and homophobes don’t define the /ck/ hivemind but I felt it was an interesting example of cognitive dissonance

>> No.11848094

we don't take kindly to tripcodes here. some names are tollerable but not trips

>> No.11848111

>cognitive dissonance
cool buzz word. know what it means?

sure some people are racist, just as others are homophobic. and if a person is triggred for any reason on 4channel then vultures will flock to pick at their prey. but their views don't neccessarily reflect the overall narative of the board. roleplaying is common place and many people will fake a believe if it trigegrs someone. it's mere bait, and nothing more.

>> No.11848126

i spelled "triggered" wrong twice and it's all your fault.! reeee!!

>> No.11848138

I’m a psychologist by profession so I should hope so. In my example the person is confronted with and discomforted by the competing values of being cool with disallowing certain people from service because of some traits but not others that are more reflective of their values.

I’m all too aware of shitposting, but let’s not pretend like plenty of people here aren’t actually that hateful. I’m not trying to get on my soapbox or argue with people, simply making an observation

>> No.11848145

you should know that misery often cloaks itself as hate

>> No.11848168
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11848169

I wouldn’t get paid nearly as well if it didn’t

>> No.11848179

what brings an esteemed individual, such as yourself, to the 4channel?

>> No.11848187

Because I'm gay and fap to futa porn at 4:00 A.M and wake up at 2:00 P.M.

>> No.11848192
File: 71 KB, 900x506, A-Cat-In-The-Kitchen-Sink-By-HydraCarina-On-DeviantArt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
