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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11847265 No.11847265 [Reply] [Original]

Oatmeal? Are you crazy in your head man?

>> No.11847306

Post body

>> No.11847316

I see you are searching for the perfect porridge recipe, so here you go:
bring 5 parts milk and 4 parts water to a boil, add generous pinch of salt (should taste lightly salty)
add 1 part rolled oats, turn down the heat to low, let it cook for 5 minutes
turn heat off and let it sit for another 10 minutes
turn heat back up to high, let it boil for a moment, and then it's done
add sugar or whatever to taste

You're welcome.

>> No.11847345

oatmeal is based af you fatass

>> No.11847349

Grits > Cuckmeal

>> No.11847350

Chimi cherry or cherry changa

>> No.11847351

that's the gayest oatmeal recipe that i've ever seen. turn the heat on then off then on again? litterally double you tea eff?

>> No.11847352

savory oatmeal is awesome. with butter, salt and pepper, eggs or cheese... seriously so good.

>> No.11847353

I see what you did, and I won't tell the others. Very subtle.

>> No.11847380
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, breakfeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just eat it with milk, fuck boiling anything.

>> No.11847623

too many carbs. only slobs eat oatmeal

>> No.11847754

Are carbs bad?

>> No.11847765

Less alcohol oats are the only carb I eat.

>> No.11847825

oh fug :DDDD
my liddel bony thred :DDD

>> No.11847908

We should all eat grits together and live in hominy.

>> No.11848598

>carbs bad
Found the fag that never exercises and tries "keto", a diet aimed for people who spaz out at lights

>> No.11848608
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>eating literal horse feed

Go to bed, Mr. Ed.

>> No.11848611

cringe & fat fuck pilled

>> No.11848624

Last year I ate oatmeal every morning for like 6 months. I love it. My favourite version is with peanut butter and maple syrup.

>> No.11848972

>not putting anything in your oatmeal
Just eat cum dude

>> No.11848978

it's fkn porridge m8 i swear on me nan's merkin

>> No.11848980

They are a lot of calories, very frequently empty calories with no real extra benefit. Does that make them bad? That depends on your overall diet.

>> No.11849557

literally the best food for lazy people.
I have 5k oat and 10L milk near my desk and just mix it 1:2 and let it soak for a few minutes.
No need to shop for weeks if you buy in bulk and it feds you up like crazy

>> No.11849559

5kg oat

>> No.11849646

Filthy Dane detected.

>> No.11849648
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That's the good stuff right there. I like to sprinkle a little bit of sugar and cinnamon on it. Reminds me of Christmas.

Half the people on this board are Danes, newfig.

>> No.11849763

do you soak it?

>> No.11849779

>empty calories with no real extra benefit

>> No.11849785

No. You eat it the same way you would cornflakes etc. It's good.

>> No.11849800

I see, I'm assuming they're rolled since steel-cut are hard as shit. Gonna try that tomorrow morning, thanks.

>> No.11849805


>> No.11849933

Weak bait
Thanks, I'll try it today

>> No.11851074

So the oats:liquid ratio is 1:9?
Sound kinda watery desu

>> No.11851166

you can make rice porridge too, aka congee

>> No.11851180

It's perfect, believe me.
Letting the oats sit for a while makes them release their starch and putting them on the fire again gives the porridge a pudding-like consistency.

>> No.11851187

>20 minutes for a bowl of oats


>> No.11851195

This is a stealth pony thread

>> No.11851328

>5 minutes of active work and 15 minutes waiting is too long
Guess you better stick to your foot loops, then.

>> No.11851350

>boil oats in water
>2 parts oats to 3 parts water
>let cool
>cut chunks of oatmeal
>take out one piece at a time and cut a hole in it
>fuck to your liking

>> No.11851359

Nah I'll just put the oats in the microwave for 3 minutes like a normal human being.

>> No.11851370

I'm skinny and it's hard for me to gain weight. Are there any dangers to eating excessive carbs as long as they're healthy grains?

>> No.11851389

You'll have more progress eating more fatty food since it has more calories per gram. But, whole grains aren't as much of a problem because they're more filling which makes it harder to overeat. Just make sure you get enough fat and protein in your diet too.

>> No.11851415
File: 126 KB, 896x942, Diets and Nutrients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior method of eating oats is floured and in pancakes … Ingredients / toppings are plausibly stevia, butter, PB / almondness, maybe a few dots of honey.

Garlic and onion varieties are also OK.

Maybe, but Malt-O-Meal and Cream of Wheat are superior.

Breakfast rice is also great.


Foregoing carbs for hypoglycemic gains (of flavors, appeties, GH, reduced-DHT, T, and "reduced-excitability" / authority) is godly.