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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11844321 No.11844321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And just like that I will never visit your restaurant. Good job losing a customer, idiots.

>> No.11844326

Is it the same /pol9k/ retard who keeps making this thread?

>> No.11844330

I wonder what's more pathetic, the gays or people afraid of the gays...

>> No.11844334

Is this triggering your multiple traumas, snowflake?

>> No.11844335

>healthy options
And just like that I will never visit your restaurant. Good job losing a customer, idiots.

>> No.11844336

I'm not OP but why does this need a designation? Shouldn't it just be assumed these places are [group] friendly?

>> No.11844338

Take care fatty.

>> No.11844339

Gays get off on pretending they’re still oppressed and won’t let it go. They’re the most obnoxious people you will ever meet.

>> No.11844340

i'll personally start making threads with this op just to annoy you

>> No.11844341

It helps when you realise that people who are "afraid" of the gays are really just gay and deeply in the closet.

>> No.11844342


>> No.11844344

Oh no please don't shit up /ck/ with your threads. How will it ever recover to its current top-quality posting?

>> No.11844345

yup, also i'm a paki because i hate pakis

>> No.11844348

Calm down Dorothy.

>> No.11844350

what other boards do you frequent bitch, i'll follow you there too

>> No.11844351

buttpirate cope

>> No.11844353

who? is that what you changed your name to after you had the surgery?

>> No.11844354

/ck/ is the best board currently. How about you go back to /lgbt/ and stay there if you hate it so much?

>> No.11844355


Killin me man

What really makes this great is the big WTF?

>> No.11844359

Pretty much this. Is this place in the deep south? Or russia?

>> No.11844360

It's dr*mpfs america......

>> No.11844365
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California. I avoid as many lgbt and pic related places as possible, but it’s hard.

>> No.11844367

great, finally i can get women to see my penis legally

>> No.11844368
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>/ck/ is the best board currently

>> No.11844369

I honestly wonder if women are happy with sharing toilets with transbominations.

>> No.11844374

The virtue signallers

>> No.11844378

Oh I'm all about /tv/ and /o/. Please don't follow me and shit up those boards, too. I'll never cope.

>> No.11844380

>get 10 lgbtq customers and lose 1 homophobe

>> No.11844386
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Definitely this. My issue isn't that there will be faggots in the restaurant but that the management felt the need to pander to them specifically. What does being lgbt friendly even mean? Do you serve their food with an extra wide smile? They're just empty words they throw out to show everyone how totally progressive they are. Fucking retarded.

>> No.11844387

i'm banned on /tv/, can you wait until tomorrow?

>> No.11844396

We are a lot of redpilled Gods who share this with each other and mobilize a mass revolt against these establishments. We're sharing this to (h)atechan, stormfr0nt, /r9k/, /pol/, wizard chan, etc.

>> No.11844398

>get giardia infected chairs

>> No.11844399

based, how do i get in on this

>> No.11844400

It means that gay people can eat normally without the risk of being harassed by cunts like you

>> No.11844404


>> No.11844405

Gay people haven’t been harassed in a decade.

>> No.11844409

what about my right not to be near weird looking effeminite buttpirates with stds

>> No.11844413

There is no way to eliminate that risk. Loud and rowdy customers get thrown out everywhere else too.

>> No.11844414

You have that right. Stay indoors.

>> No.11844421

that seems a tad extreme, surely there are other ways to avoid proximity with buttpirates

>> No.11844423

Well that's your problem; you have a solution, you just don't like it.

>> No.11844425

Go to Applebee's

>> No.11844427

that's true
i'm in bulgaria

>> No.11844433

no one is afraid of faggots

>> No.11844434

>Well that's your problem; you have a solution, you just don't like it.
That sounds like what LGBTQ activism is all about.

>> No.11844437

>gender neutral restrooms
So it's a small business that doesn't have several rooms set aside for toilets.
I don't see why unisex restrooms is controversial now.

>> No.11844441

do you really not see? are you sure?

>> No.11844443

can we please keep /pol/shit off the cooking board

>> No.11844444

>stating that you are a decent human being has somehow become bad


>> No.11844445
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What a fucking waste of digits

>> No.11844447

Same, I don't want AIDS ridden faggots anywhere near my food.

>> No.11844449

yeah it's pretty cringe and self absorbed no?

>> No.11844450

Good thing is you'll never know

>> No.11844453

This. Gays are the niggers of the sex world.

>> No.11844454

Thankfully there are so few trannies that it hardly ever happens, but at my college a few years ago there was an uproar from the female student body about transfaggots pissing and shitting all over the seats in the women's bathrooms. The administration solved the problem by making one of the men's bathrooms a "gender neutral" bathroom, meaning only men use it anyway.

>> No.11844458

You haven't been out in a decade lardo

>> No.11844459

I will know when newspapers start writing about sexual harrassment incidents. Women are quiet now because they are confused, but they won't be forever.

>> No.11844461

I've been in lots of places with unisex bathrooms. Both coffee places etc. but also places where I worked.
They only have stalls. No urinals, so everybody's doing their business unbothered anyway.

>> No.11844465

people are sheeps. They do what the other sheeps do. If one sheeps does good things, other sheeps will follow

>> No.11844467

i pee on the floor

>> No.11844472

Tranny here
Went to a moroccan hairdresser place for men and women that was supposedly LGBT friendly and the lady there still wasn't friendly
Putting up LGBT friendly is an advertising meme

>> No.11844473

Lmao I get the reference

>> No.11844481

I'm afraid they might get me fired but in terms of physical danger yeah they're pretty harmless. Gay men being buff is a huge meme, they're all alcoholics who weigh >200lbs or <140.

>> No.11844485

If sexual harassment happens it will be the act of straight males who would have gone into those restrooms anyway.

>> No.11844488

are you a member of any discords?

>> No.11844491

Why is this so fucking funny? I struggle to breathe every time I come across it.

>> No.11844494

None at all
I only have 3 friends on it, too

>> No.11844497

Wrong, since mentally ill trannies still lust after women, and regardless of who does it, it will be a problem with unisex bathrooms.

>> No.11844499

you're mtf right? have you had surgery yet?

>> No.11844502

Wow you sure know things for a cave dweller

>> No.11844503

Yeah, and I might have it next year. Still considering all the complications and how they'd affect me if I went with it. Might have face surgery, too.

>> No.11844506

helpless and seething

>> No.11844508

Nice memes

>> No.11844514


fags harass normal people more than normal people harass fags.

>> No.11844520

is it true you have to dilate it every day?
and why don't more trannies think of having facial surgery? some of the specimens i've seen. oof, what a trainwreck

>> No.11844521

Losing a bad customer is kind of a win ?

>> No.11844524

Nice helpless confusion

>> No.11844526

anon might be a bad person but at least he probably doesn't have giardia

>> No.11844528

Only if they are also "white straight male" friendly and have special icon for it.

>> No.11844533

At the start you do it every day, but after a year or more you do it weekly
More do think of it, but if you don't want to be butchered it'll cost you. Luckily my local insurance covers the face surgery partally.
Be aware though that some trannies are actually just weird snowflake tumblrites looking for attention. Me, I genuinely cannot stand the sight of my dick and haven't been able to since I was a kid, I recognise this as a mental illness.
Some trannies, usually older although young ones exist, are also really weird in that they get off on themselves being women, but that part of the tranny population should get help because that's just not right.

>> No.11844600

fucking kek, what kind of insurance covers cosmetic surgery
>Be aware though that some trannies are actually just weird snowflake tumblrites looking for attention
that's my estimation as well

>> No.11844609

They consider it necessary for my happiness or something like that, like part cosmetic but part psychological. I have weird insurance.
Your estimation is correct, anon.

>> No.11844610
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>> No.11844620

I am.

>> No.11844705

That's just code for a single restroom with a lock. You get the whole room to yourself.

>> No.11844730

I wanna open a restaurant where the waiter is required to call you a faggot in every exchange.

>> No.11844735

Even less reason to go. I don't want to use a bathroom where some roastie has been bleeding all over the place. You know they're not cleaned that well, completely unsanitary.

>> No.11844736

Maybe they lost you but they won over hundred of fags. It's business.

>> No.11844737

what do you care, you conservative snowflake? afraid of a gay guy or a dyke being within 20 meters of you?

>> No.11844740

yes actually

>> No.11844816

This is a good demonstration video on why you should always be cautious around trannies. Always be on guard and keep an eye behind your back aswell

>> No.11844817

wtf does Q stand for
it’s dumb enough they added T to enable body mutilators, but Q is just over the the line. looks dumb like an acronym you just can’t take seriously.

>> No.11844827

he was on bath salts or similar when he did this

queer/questioning, more commonly the former now

q is people who dont want to admit or label themselves as bi or gay or view themselves as "other" like transgender women (male to female) who are attracted to women.

>> No.11844830

I'll bet good money that anyone who is hating on gay people in this thread have never interacted with one.

>> No.11844831

It's a good system to know which restaurants to avoid. I avoid LGBT friendly, halal and people who pander to vegans. Also stuck up restaurants who want me to dress proper.

>> No.11844841
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all the people shitting on pride for being hyper-sexualized have probably never attended one, either

>> No.11844846

Buttsecks is bestsecks

I'm gay btw, if that matters...

>> No.11844890

more like gain nothing and adhere to well-established corporate marketing trends fielded across industries and demographics to limited effect

everyone loves to act as if sexuality is something of tremendous existential importance when they're online, but in real life it's clear that nobody actually gives a fuck one way or another. such a waste of time. i wish people were less adversarial over minutiae and more worried about actual problems

>> No.11844896

This is exactly what I mean. In your imaginary world do homophobes have some sort of sixth sense that automatically draws them to faggots? Do you see your gay friends being approached by every straight man in the establishment when they walk in? You don't, because that shit doesn't happen. People don't go to restaurants to harass others you stupid fuck, whether they have a "friendly" label or not. There isn't a point to that retarded label, it doesn't mean anything, but retards like you eat it up anyways.

>> No.11844902

OP is a faggot

>> No.11844904

Yeh you are right not obnoxious in the slightest

>> No.11844906

I hope your Wacom tablet is getting good use.

>> No.11844922

>restaurant has a few single stall restrooms
>one with the diaper changing station is labeled "family"
>same restrooms now labeled "gender neutral" with dispensers that offer free STD tests and soy flavored vegan condoms
>the diaper changing station is now a dilation station

I'm never eating at a restaurant again.

>> No.11844931

The problem is that OP also virtue signals, he just signals that he's a /pol/tard.

>> No.11844939

the company is not a being
decency is arbitrary, ultimately subjective
if one is 'decent' with respect to established norms in a given context then such character would be self-evident. there's no need to affirm one's 'decency' unless it is called into question, or if one wishes to express a false sentiment like the establishment in question
it's vacuous public relations
some people aren't buying it anymore

this is such a retarded buzzphrase. fuck you

>> No.11844942
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>Go to coffee shop
>See they changed the bathroom signs to 'gender neutral'
>The bathrooms were single occupancy already, so no shit they were gender neutral. The sign just said 'bathroom'
I just don't understand this level of pandering. If I were gay or transgender, I think I would be highly annoyed by the type of people making these changes.

>> No.11844952

it's patronizing and alienating

>> No.11844955

To be fair it might just be because someone might be confused as to wether they've somehow missed the gendered signage in front of the door that just says 'restroom'. I see your point about pandering though.

>> No.11844958

Goddamn, now that is some virtue signaling. I would make it a point of pride not to have to signal in order to get people in my door.

>> No.11844960

>If I were gay or transgender, I think I would be highly annoyed by the type of people making these changes.
A lot of them are. But those aren't the ones you keep seeing on TV or on Twitter. They just act like regular people.

>> No.11844965

virtue signalling is the new form of advertizing in the current year. it makes them seem SO PROGRESSIVE WOW so brave and stunning! and secondly, it just draws attention even from people sick of this garbage. the "any publicity is good" tactic.

>> No.11844971

I was recently in a cafe where they had two bathrooms labeled gender neutral. It would have struck me as cheezy, but the signs for it had unicorns on them, so it was actually kind of cute.

>> No.11844978

Imagine getting worked up shit you would have never noticed in the first place had you just gone and ate. Yea I think it's silly too but you guys REALLLY let shit like this ruin your days.

>> No.11844982

Honestly I don't think it makes any difference to your business at all. The same amount of trannies you draw in from advertising gender-neutral lavatories are equal to the same amount of very conservative people you'll alienate from doing so. They're both small percentages of the population and really don't matter either way.

You could say that it also makes it attractive to non-trans liberals and progressives but I doubt many go to a specific establishment just becuase they have gender-neutral bathrooms.

>> No.11844984

>trannies act like regular people
you have a fucked up sense of normalcy. Ive known a lot of these people (sadly) and they are far from normal. Every single one is unhinged, hypersexual, loves using multiple drugs at once, draws attention to themselves for no reason. They have very deep issues and I do feel for them, but its NOT normal and sure as hell shouldnt be normalized or celebrated. Its like celebrating someones paranoid schizophrenia instead of helping them cope or get treatment.

>> No.11844989

>the amount of people you alienate equates the number of trannies
jesus fucking christ. imagine being this deluded.

>> No.11844991

the kind of pol person who'd be genuinely upset about that doesn't usually leave the house

>> No.11844995

Are you saying that there's more reactionaries than trannies or the opposite?

>> No.11844999
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>/ck/ is the best board currently

>> No.11845000

I'm not getting worked up by it. Frankly it doesn't bother me, it's just an odd level of obvious pandering.
>>11844965 what this anon was saying, virtue signaling is a tired trope.
These businesses deep down don't care about the things they are pandering toward, they just want to grab a slice of the pie. Except people seem to not realize this and now brands and companies are becoming a left/right argument.

>> No.11845002
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>> No.11845004

these tags are added by users, not the business
some fag probably just decided it was lbtqxyz friendly because he managed to eat without getting lynched

>> No.11845005


>> No.11845006

I'm gay and trans people annoy me, but so do polposters so there's really no winning.

Labeling single-stall bathrooms all gender, etc is kinda cheesy but I don't care that much.

If it is a single stall bathroom with a lock it genuinely doesn't matter what they label it, anyone can use it.

>> No.11845016

Nothing of what you just described is new. That's just business. Don't like it? Vote with your wallet.

>> No.11845023

In my opinion, it depends on the venue.

For smaller venues, unmarked single-stalls is the best move. I got a good idea from being in a larger venue, where they had two separate lavatories, one for cubicles and one for urinals.

>> No.11845024

capitalism is only good when the market favors what I like

>> No.11845029

>I wonder what's more pathetic, the gays or people afraid of the gays...
Sorry, I don't like eating at places where they're "friendly" to people who have sex that involves feces and AIDS.

>> No.11845033

I think companies becoming a left/right debate is definitely something new.

>> No.11845036

How did they hurt you?

>> No.11845042

I hate coming on this forum.

>> No.11845047
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>> No.11845051

> Act like a transdangeredretard
> gets treated like a fool
> on top of that is actually dumb enough to go to a marrocan hairdresser of all places

Lmaoing at your life, suicide manifesto when?

>> No.11845055

If you could make good life choices you wouldn't take it up the ass ... you're here forever.

>> No.11845056

try not being so blackpilled for once

>> No.11845057

So ur fine with tops?

>> No.11845058


True story. The one guy I knew who hated gay people and went out of the way to call them faggots or whatever was in the closet. I'm not even kidding. I saw gay porn on his internet history. Last I heard he is now out of the closet and living in the gay village with some Asian dude. He was a church going and conservative voting. Really makes you think.

>> No.11845067

>Arachnophobic huh?
>Heh, I guess you must secretly want to fuck spiders.

>> No.11845069

People have boycotted companies forever for many reasons political or not. Again that's not new. What is new is fags like yourself can find whatever group you fancy, congregate more easily due to the internet, and stroke each other off all while pushing this left/right charade. Once again it's easier for people to hear all this due to the internet so the most triggered of each group can pretend that their opponents are bigger than they actually are and chimp out. 99% of people just get on with their day.

>> No.11845074
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>> No.11845078

>Doesn't want to be recognized since that giant gay double ended black dildo orgy that someone filmed.

>> No.11845083

Considering places like California have now effectively legalized (or sorry, "decriminalized") gays giving AIDS to others I don't particularly want my food prepared by those that have an exponentially higher risk of carrying HIV/AIDS and other STDs

>> No.11845092

Personally I prefer gender neutral bathrooms cuz I can piss in the sink and noone is the wiser.

>> No.11845098

If you're worried about that kind of shit then you should never get in traffic again because that's probably hundred times more likely to end you than anything else.

>> No.11845099

Yes I routinely see gay people singled out and harassed at every restaurant I frequent in Seattle, they definitely need their own safe food spaces.

>> No.11845102

>People have boycotted companies forever for many reasons political or not.
Literally no shit
What I am talking about is this is specifically becoming a political argument. This is a new thing.
>What is new is fags like yourself can find whatever group you fancy, congregate more easily due to the internet, and stroke each other off all while pushing this left/right charade.
Except that it isn't just confined to the internet and has real-world impacts. Also, nice projecting.
>99% of people just get on with their day.
This is what I do too. I am just acknowledging that it is becoming an increasingly present topic of debate.

>> No.11845107

It is still a misdemeanor punishable by 6 months in jail. There are still other statutes intentional transmission is covered by (assault for one) but the point was no other infectious disease transmission was a felony, solely HIV which was discriminatory.

>> No.11845109

there's a difference between just not liking something and trying to make sure everyone sees you not liking something. more than a couple anti-gay people have been seen having gay sex.

>> No.11845114

>act like a transgendered
well then how did i act if you know me so well?

>> No.11845116

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.


A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.


A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.


>> No.11845124

I work somewhere with "gender neutral bathrooms." They just took the two single-toilet rooms that used to be "men's" and "women's" and took the signs off so they're both just toilet rooms like your bathroom at home.
I'm not a faggot or a faggot enabler, but I really enjoy watching people grapple with the idea. Men are particularly assblasted about it, especially old men.
>woman: which do I use?
>me: either, they're both just bathrooms.
>woman: okay *uses bathroom like a normal person*

>man: which one do I use?
>me: either, they're both just bathrooms.
>man: what do you mean?
>they're just rooms with toilets
>so I can use either one?
>it says WC, what does that mean?
>it means watercloset
>what does that mean?
>it means toilet
Once I told an old man he could use either toilet, he tried both doors and they were both locked, and he accused me of trying to trick him.
>sir they're just occupied, you'll have to wait
Men are particularly adverse to it because "WC" starts with "W" which is the same letter for WOMEN and they really really hate it.

>> No.11845129

You came in the store dressed like a fucking clown. How did i know this?
You all fucking do and it's obvious as fuck.

You also stated that you're disgusted by your dick, what are you going to think of yourself when your normal reproductive organ is replaced by a festering, smelly and bloody hole?

>> No.11845131

Well, the remaining 1% of people who rabidly push their political/cultural agendas get what they want while the 99% just go along to get along. Keep that in mind.

>> No.11845135

Tell him it stands for woman's closet and that they have removed the men's restrooms in an effort to support feminism and if he doesn't like it he can leave.

>> No.11845136

Maybe if sodomy was still illegal they could have resisted the temptation and have chosen not to be part of a STD breeding ground.

>> No.11845145

>like a clown
so, a fringe haircut that suits my face, eyebrows done neatly, an olive green sweater and black jeans is a clown outfit now? lol

nice job reading my posts btw. i stated that i'm *considering* it, not that i'm determined. you polshits always think trannies just get the surgery without thinking about it first. not everyone gets it because most realize it's far from perfect.

>> No.11845156
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tranny bangs will clock u girl

we all know why u hiding ur giant fivehead

>> No.11845159

>being allowed in means I can commit sexual assault legally
/pol9k/ucks are really this stupid.

>> No.11845162


>> No.11845172

Not fear, disgust. Trannies that chop off their genitals and groom children to join them cause the reaction of fear.

LGBTQ friendly shit actually causes companies to lose customers. People are fucking sick of virtue signaling. It also tells me the place would allow people in sexual clothing to eat there next to my child. And that my daughter could see a penis if she goes into the public bathrooms that are most likely free of hateful signs.

>> No.11845173

Yes because all that fancy make-up is wrapped around a MAN. The fact that you're considering it despite being disgusted at yourself already shows you aren't thinking at all. You're just a exhibitionist, you're obsessed with yourself and think others should all accept you as the walking christmas tree that you are. Mark my words you will end it within a few years if you keep making poor decisions with that poor brain of yours.

>> No.11845188

>People are fucking sick of virtue signaling.
This statement is true for some people. A very vocal minority is sick of virtue signaling, just like another very vocal minority responds to it. Most folks are oblivious to it.

>> No.11845193

you can support gays and trannies without supporting indecent exposure

>> No.11845213

A study found that only 25% of the tranny population suffer from gender dysphoria. Most are gay men who have a clothing fetish they've mistaken for gender confusion. Think long and hard before you chop off your dick. It will not make you feel whole. That is why suicide is thee exact same after surgery. Read the accounts by those who regretted it. One scarred me for life because they found out they found being penetrated unnatural and they wanted their dick. After the surgery.

>> No.11845225

>One /pol/tard for potentially hundreds of customers who are drawn in by it
Seems like a pretty good trade to me.

>> No.11845228

Ever seen a gay pride? They're openly showing themselves to kids while walkong half naked in doggy play.

>> No.11845231

>Getting mad about single-occupant bathrooms

>> No.11845233

Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.

>> No.11845237

eat shit

>> No.11845246

Which study? That one that used kids diagnosed via the outdated DSM-IV guidelines that had a massive number of false positives and counted patients who didn't return to the facility?

>> No.11845248

The funny thing is you and OP are virtue signalling harder than the restaurant, which probably just realizes it's good marketing.

>> No.11845251

Have you ever actually been to a pride parade yourself?

>> No.11845252

Congratulations but I clearly said I fucking hated my dick since day one you donut

>> No.11845265

There are still people who say they're happier after getting surgery and studies showing they're happier and the suicide rate goes down in places where they're more accepted.

I'll agree that the current methods for sex change surgeries seem pretty barbaric and hope they'll get better in the future though. Getting closer to growing actual body parts and being able to transplant them will probably make most people stop having such a repulsive reaction to it.

>> No.11845272

I love those places. I sit in stalls next to women doing shits and masturbate furiously while listening to their grunts. It takes less than a minute to cum. Then I wait outside and wink at her when she comes out of her stall. It's better than a brothel, and cheaper too.

>> No.11845273


I haven't disclosed my sexuality to anyone at work, since they're super homophobic. If someone who comes in is gay (out to dinner with their partner, for example) they will try to fuck with the food to some degree.

Similarly, I have been out to eat with my partner and have had offhand comments made toward me. Nothing serious, but its fucking annoying. Putting that little banner up means there's less of a chance people will spit in my food, and that people who hate gays will be less likely to go there (like op) Normal people obviously do not care, as its literally just a couple pixels on a screen.

>> No.11845299

that 100 dollars per cent is a clown outfit hon, sorry

>> No.11845314

>100 dollars per cent
go back to r*ddit or lurk more.

>> No.11845319

Based and redpilled

>> No.11845346

how is that reddit related i don't get it

>> No.11845348

> have you ever been to it yourself? Then don't judge xDDD
I don't need to with the quality content they provide us.

>> No.11845397

you know exactly how it's reddit.

>> No.11845416

Those sick fucks.

>> No.11845432

Back to your containment site, dumb clown.

>> No.11845441

i really don't
i'm not going to educate myself
please enlighten me

>> No.11845451

Oh geezy, they rising up!

Lol you're fucking clown shoes.

>> No.11845453
File: 51 KB, 945x385, rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11845467

thanks redditor :o)

>> No.11845469

oh fug :DDD

>> No.11845507

All those polddit snowflakes