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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11839043 No.11839043 [Reply] [Original]

>hate eggs
>eggs are in literally every breakfast menu

What am I supposed to do just order hash browns?

>> No.11839045

Grow up.

>> No.11839048

How the fuck do you hate eggs? Get the fuck off my board please.

>> No.11839055
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, Squirrel Cheat Day.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you hate the most versatile and delicious things in the world? Even squirrels will eat them when food is scarce. Well, eggs and mice.

>> No.11839061

They're gross, soggy and tasteless unless you drench them in salt or hot sauce

>> No.11839070

>salt or hot sauce
I think I've found the problem. Your taste buds are dead. You're either a smoker or a person who can't taste things because you're too used to adding 15 herbs and spices and 2 TBS of salt.

>> No.11839076

Most cafes offer tofu scrambles for vegans nowadays. Get one of those and a couple of sausages.

>> No.11839085


>> No.11839097

wtf are you letting your eggs sit in a to-go box and collect condensation or something?
just fry up a fucking egg at home and dip it in some buttered toast, or a simple omelette with cheese or onions.

>> No.11839140

>assuming cu/ck/s can cook

>> No.11839213
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i don't get hating eggs, they're kind of just literally nothing, they didn't decide to be anything and are just kind of this plain "stuff" you can do almost anything with

try just eating egg whites to see what i mean

>> No.11839241

just get a mcdouble

>> No.11839242

order what you want, no eggs. How is that so difficult?

>> No.11839250

"no egg please"

>> No.11839418

The sausage biscuit is on the dollar menu.

>> No.11839448

Aww look at the wittle tampon boy who can't cook his own food a veritable fatherless retard

>> No.11839479

French Toast
Chicken Biscuits
Biscuits & Gravy
Biscuits and 65,988 other things
Coffee Cake
Toast & Jam
Toast & Ham
Leftover Pizza

>> No.11839480
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>another fast food thread

>> No.11839499

this guy

>> No.11839500

they have a mchicken on a biscuit now

>> No.11840327




>> No.11840340

have eggs
>French toast
has eggs
sometimes have eggs because the restaurants are retarded (((?????)))
have eggs
>Coffee cake
has eggs

Everything else you listed is a side dish to breakfast, anon

>> No.11840354

Who the fuck hates eggs? What are you, 7? Do you ask mama to cut the crusts off of your sandwich too?

>> No.11840362

Learn to like eggs anon. They're cheap and nutritious and if you cook a lot, using eggs is an easy way to give your dishes a rich texture. Based eggs.

>> No.11840372

OP was probably raised in a safe bubble of PB&J and chicken tenders and fries his whole life. Adventuring outside of the bubble would require growing up and putting himself in a potential situation where he'd learn something new. Can't have that.

>> No.11840390

What if I'm allergic to eggs?

>> No.11840399

You'd be dead by now because literally everything has eggs in it these days. You're not allergic, you're just using it as an excuse to be a picky little bitch. Man up and eat your eggs.

>> No.11840402

Vegan option: tofu with soy and yogurt.

>> No.11840408

>everything has eggs in it these days
It do be like that
I've had tofu scrambles before. Might literally be the worst thing I have ever eaten.

>> No.11840422

natural selection... sacrifice yourself for the greater good

>> No.11840428

i can't eat eggs
i usually order blts or a side of bacon and hasbrowns with toast

full disclosure i can eat egg yolks so sometimes i'll order a normal over easy breakfast and just put the whites in a napkin for my dog later
also hollandaise for the same logic

>> No.11840437
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>> No.11840455

OP probably has never had really good eggs before. His parents must have been shit cooks.

>> No.11840641

Cook yourself, you lazy fuck

>> No.11840653

How would he take himself off the heat when he was done?

>> No.11840658

OP isn't referring to eggs as an ingredient. OP is referring to eggs as food items themselves.

A bowl of oatmeal and a banana is a perfectly fine breakfast. Breakfast doesn't have to be a 73-course feeding frenzy.

I forgot yogurt and, of course, bacon.

>> No.11840670

>Breakfast doesn't have to be a 73-course feeding frenzy.
t. starving african

>> No.11840691
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I agree. OP is clearly a manchild who can't handle an egg. Grow up and eat your fucking eggs. Nobody likes a picky eater

>> No.11840791

>eggs are in literally every breakfast menu
I'm this way about cheese. Fucking hell, it's so hard to get breakfast to go without cheese. You even ask for it and the mongoloid behind the heat lamp can't read.

>> No.11840803

>>hate eggs
Fuck off you vegan faggot

>> No.11840812

Cook yourself some good eggs man, a well made egg dish is the shit

>> No.11840814

Then order a sausage biscuit, sausage gravy, pancake, waffles, bacon, sausage links, toast, bacon sandwich, etc.

There's a fuck load of breakfast that isn't eggs.

I didn't like eggs until I was in my 20s for some weird reason.

>> No.11840817

What an empty, useless sentiment.

>> No.11840881

goddamn squirrels is there anything those little shitballs won't devour
i fucking hate those bushy-tailed wire-chewing house-scratching vermin
and who the fuck doesn't like eggs?

>> No.11840901

>one of the cheapest, versatile, most nutritious and readily available foods in the world
>"I don't like it lol"

Kill yourself.

>> No.11840937

>and who the fuck doesn't like eggs?

Why does that mean he should like them when he doesn't? Definitely call him a faggot, but leave out the shit that doesn't make sense.

>> No.11840992

>furry reaction image
>calls op a manchild
Kill yourself

>> No.11841012
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>> No.11841020

>a side dish to breakfast
Breakfast is a meal made up only of side dishes.
>sometimes have eggs because the restaurants are retarded (((?????)))
Easy fix
>Can I get the bacon egg and cheese biscuit, but without the egg, please? Thanks.

>> No.11841035

Based and negropilled.

>> No.11841039


>> No.11841040

>hate those bushy-tailed wire-chewing house-scratching vermin
Calm down yosodomite sam. Squirrels are delicious. Put a couple live traps outside of your house if they're bothering your roof and let the fuckers go away from home next time you visit the grocery store. Eventually they fuck off. Or you can take them inside and eat them and lie about it.

>> No.11841756
File: 458 KB, 756x756, Chocolate Cake, Cream Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>American cheese omelette

>custard (specifically with stevia)

Eggs are usually really flavorful and textural and consistency-provisional unto recipes.

>> No.11841801

It would have taken a lot less time to say "You aren't white"

>> No.11841816

Nice post anon me too :)

>> No.11842195

literally just ask for no eggs you beta numale

>> No.11842211

Dunno maybe make breakfast by yourself and dont be so cucked that you buy from fast food places.

>> No.11842243

Sausage Biscuit

>> No.11842618

Lol fuck off, dweeb

>> No.11842635

How about not going to macdonalds if you're old enough to post here ?

>> No.11842705

Try eggs in different forms. If you like eggs cooked or included in a different way then start from there.

>> No.11842708

You know you can remove the egg right?
Besides, sausage mcgriddle no egg or cheese is the most based brekky sanny

>> No.11842931

The mcgriddle is like 3 dollars cheaper without the egg and tastes exactly the same. Just get it without.

>> No.11843142

:( I just really like making omelettes

>> No.11843156

i stopped eating breakfast in 2012 partly for this reason. the other part was so much goddamn grease

>> No.11843180


>> No.11843187

Biscuits and gravy

Steak sandwich if you don't mind shoe leather scraps for meat

Mcgriddle with sausage

Just fucking ask for no egg like a adult.

>> No.11843191

Sodium Biscuit

>> No.11843486


>> No.11843537
File: 718 KB, 3024x4032, 1543943987730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you're at a restaurant in the morning, just order an omelette with no egg, retard.

>> No.11843543

mcdonalds doesn't make omlettes

>> No.11843551

Never realized until now that sandwich only has two vowels.

>> No.11843559

fat people pronounce it with 3 cause they talk slower, takes more effort to move the chins and jowels

>> No.11843573
File: 42 KB, 550x413, McOmelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give me that BS, anon. I had one last week. OP just needs to ask for one with no egg

>> No.11844395

>get the fuck off my board

You sound like a pussy ass bitch lol