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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.29 MB, 960x1154, 1548777530111.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11835928 No.11835928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is what meat eaters eat
go vegan

>> No.11835932

Yeah, meat eaters eat meat. Great observation.

>> No.11835935
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>> No.11835936

unfortunately most people never get to try meat so fresh it's still wriggling

>> No.11835937

Omg meat eaters eat muscle tissue. Stop the presses.

Why is it that vegans remind me of picky children?

>> No.11835943
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are all vegans this observant?

>> No.11835945
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vegan diet is healthiest diet

>> No.11835953
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wow that looks really fresh. you're making me hungry op

>> No.11835956

Probably because you’re a predatory pedophile

>> No.11835960

no that's just vegans and trekkies. you're projecting again, paul.

>> No.11835963

Ha what a faggot

>> No.11835964

Hitler was a vegan.

>> No.11835969

Hitler was a vegetarian, which is why he lost

>> No.11835973

hitler was a vegetarian, and a true hero of the people. he died before he could fully commit himself to ethical eating and the preservation of gaia.

>> No.11835986

that's crazy..............

go vegan

>> No.11836000

Are these venison backstraps?

>> No.11836023

wtf am I looking at

>> No.11836044

Meat from a freshly killed animal may twitch for a while after death.
Good job making a new thread with something you saved from the webm thread mere hours ago, cocksucker.

>> No.11836082
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don't kill animals.

>> No.11836093

ever killed a snake and it twists and coils for a few minutes after it dies? same as this - without a control signal from the nerves, the muscle cells just twitch randomly. it can happen even if you're alive but sitting still enough for the nerves to go quiet, you'll get an involuntary twitch sometimes.

>> No.11836094

humans didn't evolve to be vegan, but that doesn't mean we have to be totally okay with killing animals forever. support lab-grown meat.

>> No.11836105

why? what are the moral implications of killing animals that bother you so much?

>> No.11836110
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>> No.11836119

You are not serving your cause as much as you think you are by being obnoxious.

>> No.11836138

well, the scale of it with industrialization is a little unsettling sometimes. like recently a bunch of ground beef had to be recalled for contamination issues and it meant that over 20000 cows died for basically no reason. plus it makes a lot of people stop caring that an animal had to die for them to eat. but if we can end up with a way to have meat that doesn't involve killing, like with lab-grown meat, that's probably the better moral choice.

>> No.11836147

Is this what Grandpa meant about wanting it to walk off the plate?

>> No.11836150

Only if your dumb enough to think cows only make ground beef.

>> No.11836153

That is so cool.

>> No.11836168

well, i think they're mainly killed for the meat, and whatever else made from them probably didn't make up for the 10m+ pounds of meat being recalled and destroyed

>> No.11836175

Fuck yeah, I'd eat it like that.

I'd even drizzle it with a little bit of vinegar to see if it would dance a bit more.

>> No.11836207

yes. grandpa knew what meat was before it went into styrofoam and cellophane.

>> No.11836211

ok but this is my question, what I don't get, how is killing livestock a moral decision? They are from birth to death purpose made to be killed and eaten. They have been bred for at least 5'000 years for this purpose. They are meat for humans and if we stopped eating them tomorrow they wouldn't go retire or harmoniously rejoin nature. They would either die out and starve to death or go feral like hogs in the southern US, becoming a highly damaging and dangerous invasive species.

Livestock and the creatures it has produced are as set apart from natural order as we humans ourselves have become. Their is no going back for them, a holstien can no more become an ox again than a draft horse can become a mustang.

That being said I am a believer in the ideal that capitalism second only to war, can solve great problems, and lab meat can solve the problem of appetizing affordable protein far better than current ranching and feedlots, or grinding up bugs like some nutjobs want to do.

>> No.11836216

Where are you coming up with these faggy numbers faggot?

>> No.11836222
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I've also heard Hitler was a meat-eating, germaphobic scat fetishist that was also a Catholic atheist/ self-hating Jew.

Hitler has become the political equivalent of the boogeyman.

>> No.11836231

so you are a fucking retard. only the ground beef was recalled, and only a small portion of the cow goes into ground beef. all those steaks and beef sausages from those cows didn't go to waste, just the offalish bits that get turned into hamburger. those cows did not remotely die in vain.

>> No.11836241

he is a hero to vegetarians and vegans everywhere, so you shut your whore mouth.

>> No.11836251

>ground beef
one of those is a small subset of the other. I'll leave you to ponder the implications of your category error.

>> No.11836265

>how is killing livestock a moral decision?
I don't think it really was for a long time, but as lab-grown meats gets better and we get closer to being able to have meat without killing, continuing to kill doesn't seem right.
>They are meat for humans and if we stopped eating them tomorrow they wouldn't go retire or harmoniously rejoin nature.
We'll probably still want to keep them on small farms, zoos, or some people keeping them as pets, we wouldn't just get rid of them even if lab-grown meat was available.

>An Arizona company is expanding a recall for ground beef to include more than 12 million pounds of raw beef products.

>all those steaks and beef sausages from those cows didn't go to waste
That's true I suppose, I didn't think about that, but having to waste 12m pounds of meat still seems awful.

>> No.11836267

I was expecting a bunch of worms to crawl out of it. I've been on 4chan too long.

>> No.11836273

That's really cool

>> No.11836298

ahaha whaaaat? i've seen his other vids but is this for real?

>> No.11836314

why is this less awful than a 12m lb faux-meat recall that caused the wasteful of hundreds of thousands of acres of crops? waste is waste.
any sufficiently large-scale operation will have this risk, should veganism become as dominant as omnivore diets today then it will have the same issues. probably worse actually because the much lower energy density of vegan foodstuffs will require much more mass production to achieve the volume necessary for widespread adoption.

>> No.11836323

yes. he's lost several more since then actually, there's a later video where he takes out his false teeth and you can see how virtuous he is.

>> No.11836331

>why is this less awful than a 12m lb faux-meat recall that caused the wasteful of hundreds of thousands of acres of crops? waste is waste.
All forms of waste are bad, but do you really not see the difference? If you had to choose between wasting a pound of beef or a pound of wheat, you would just randomly choose? When it involves the life and death of an animal, it's worse, because crops don't experience as much as an animal does.

>> No.11836340

>and we get closer to being able to have meat without killing
How do you propose to make lab meat without killing? How will you get electricity to run the plants without deaths? How will you get the raw materials without deaths? How will you keep vermin out of the plant to ensure safety without deaths?

And I hope you realize that the starting point for "lab meat" currently is basically a bovine fetus smoothie. There absolutely is death involved. Will there be less of it? Maybe. That remains to be seen.

Frankly I have little faith in lab meat because we humans always do the wrong thing when we apply science to food. Industrial agriculture has raped the land and fucked over flavor of crops. Factory farming has generated horrible conditions for animals and likewise fucked their taste as well. I don't know why anyone expects lab meat will be any different.

>> No.11836351

>probably worse actually because the much lower energy density of vegan foodstuffs will require much more mass production to achieve the volume necessary for widespread adoption.

>> No.11836353

Just because I can't personally solve every issue doesn't mean that it's not a good idea. And I know about how it currently is, but that's why I said as it gets better. I think there's a bigger incentive for it to be of a higher quality because people will compare it to real meat and non-vegans probably won't switch unless it's just as good.

>> No.11836359

its a distinction without a difference. life is life. how can you be so callous to the destruction of plant life? do you not care about the destruction of the amazon?

>> No.11836365

r u trolling me

>> No.11836370

fucking. sauce.

>> No.11836372

and humans experience more than herd animals like cows, therefore its ok for humans to eat them.

>> No.11836407

>touching raw meat while wearing jewelry

>> No.11836416

vegans consider plants to be inferior to animals, and animals to be equivalent to humans, so plants can be eaten with a clear conscience
omnivores consider plants to be equivalent to animals and humans. humans should not be eaten because of health reasons, but neither animals nor plants can be eaten with a clear conscience because both involve a loss of life, however absent the ability to photosynthesize, that death is necessary for our own life. it is our responsibility to ensure that their lives are not wasted.
vegans pervert ethics and morality by their carelessness about the lives of plants and the animals that die to ensure their plant diet is efficiently farmed.

>> No.11836417

>watching cooking show
>host mixes ground meat with rings on hand
>doesn't take them off to wash hands
>continues prepping food

>> No.11836418

Plants aren’t even sentient

>> No.11836429

i never said i was okay with wasting crops then, just that wasting something that came from an animal seems worse. same reason more people are okay with eating live clams or other similar shellfish but dislike something like "yin yang fish".

>> No.11836450

is it ethical or vegan to eat a human in a vegetative state?
is it ethical or vegan eat a human fetus?
then sentience is immaterial, and your moral posturing is merely an attemp to relieve the guilt in your own mind, rather than accepting the responsibility for your actions in causing the death of other living things.

>> No.11836469
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so plants can't give consent to be killed and eaten? how is that more moral than killing and eating an animal that also cannot give consent to its fate?

>> No.11836480

sure i'll go vegan, when chickens and cows are extinct, trust me i'm doing my best

>> No.11836501

Fuck I wanna take a bite out of that

>> No.11836517

neat, wonder if they poured salt on it to get that reaction?

You can do similar with freshly killed fish

>> No.11836530

Why can't Vegans ever shut the fuck up? I actually enjoy Vegan food but what's with not shutting the fuck up about it?

>> No.11836539
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how else would you know they are vegans?

>> No.11836545

good point, if they don't constantly talk about veganism, people might simply attribute their poor condition to tapeworms or congenital deformity.

>> No.11836546
File: 1.73 MB, 2504x2332, 1516146560441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens to you when you go vegan.

>> No.11836557 [DELETED] 

Getting tired of b8 threads.
Here's OP's IP unless he wants to delete the thread.

>> No.11836558

cells die so they release their stored acetylcholine molecules and calcium ions, which are generally the big players in muscle contraction. see: rigor mortis.

>> No.11836562

nice try but they are too healthy to be vegans

>> No.11836569

>these braindamaged subhumans

>> No.11836577

Are you religious? You don't have to answer that question but if you are think about saying grace at the table. You thank God for giving the bounty that you are about to eat. You give thanks to the plants and animals that died so you could live. Honestly eating other organisms is the most moral thing you could do because their vital essence is helping you survive.

But that's with the notion that humans are something special on this world, which I don't believe. We kill to eat and we eat to survive. Killing is necessary to survival, whether it be killing plants or animals, we must kill to survive.

I dunno that's just my take on things.

>> No.11836594
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>oldfag here
Firin' muh lazers!

>> No.11836597

Because they are in a state of arrested development.

>> No.11836605

I remember that the first part of food safety certification has you take your jewelry off because of contamination. Obviously these people have never gotten the cert.

>> No.11836606

Plants aren’t sentient. What part of that dont you understand? They literally have no capability to experience reality

>> No.11836613

Humans are sentient creatures, plants aren’t. That’s not how NTT works lol

>> No.11836614

What can I do with this IP address?

>> No.11836618

how can i send 100 pizzas to an ip address?

>> No.11836619

>you virtue signal to make yourself feel good about being a retarded psychopath npc
Sounds about right

>> No.11836622

Bitcoin duh

>> No.11836625

does op have a card stand that can be knocked over. because if so

>> No.11836633

dubs + dubs = checked!

>> No.11836634

Absolutely BASED

>> No.11836639


>> No.11836645
File: 28 KB, 337x448, il_fullxfull.179868066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way sentience matters is if you are a psychopath. killing a living creature is still killing.

>> No.11836654

i like meat and vegetables

>> No.11836663

i, too, like to swing both ways.

>> No.11836666

How do you feel about circumcision and abortion?

>> No.11836673

>But that's with the notion that humans are something special on this world, which I don't believe.

I think that's were our disconnect is. I choose believe that our species is something unique in this world and that it is divinely ordained as such. What we are and what we do isn't always in gods way, but their is no moral right or wrong in what we have created, our stewardship of it, or what we ultimately use it for, it is our place ordained by god.

barely coherent I know, but I find it difficult to relate matters of my faith to people who don't hold to the tenements of it.

>> No.11836674

Appetizer and dinner.

>> No.11836680

neither does a human in a persistent vegatative state.
that doesn't make eating them ethical or moral.

would you be opposed to beef if giant agribusiness developed a species of cow that did not have a forebrain? would that be ethical to eat?

>> No.11836685 [DELETED] 

So you're saying that I (>>11836614) take this IP address and virtue signal it to make myself feel good about being a retarded psychopath npc?

I'm not sure about any of that, but I'll give it a go.

>> No.11836687

>Plants aren’t sentient.
that's what they want you to think

>> No.11836688

wasted quads

>> No.11836692

imagine getting these quads

>> No.11836695

and still better than soy induced castration

>> No.11836697

imagine pissing them down the drain like that....

>> No.11836709

Im against both. Nice try, Schlomo

>> No.11836710

lately i've been pissing in the kitchen sink because my toilet is filthy

>> No.11836711

Even if this were the case
>Animals eat 10s of thousands of plants to grow
So in order to reduce impact of killing non-consenting beings we should eat the plant-source directly, instead of indirectly.
I'm not even vegan or vegetarian, I'm just not fucking retarded.
Go one step further, friendo. Become jain vegetarian. No plants, insects, or animals killed ever. Faggot.

>> No.11836714

Yeah yeah plants feel pain. Blah blah animals are the real racists despite eating plants

Bernie 2020 motherfucker

>> No.11836720

john sakars

>> No.11836732

That’s not even true, they just don’t externally display everything. They very much are experiencing reality deep inside their heads and are living breathing beings. Your weak understanding of biology doesn’t make your argument make sense, bud

>> No.11836737

just pee harder so that it removes the filth in the toilet like a pressure washer

>> No.11836741


>> No.11836746

i tried that and i got splash back so now my walls are filthy

>> No.11836747

>but their is no moral right or wrong in what we have created, our stewardship of it, or what we ultimately use it for, it is our place ordained by god.

I had to reread it a couple of times but I get it. You actually have an interesting point that I've never considered.

I had always believed that the teachings of Jesus were the reflection of God's will on Earth, but to think that God's involvement with humanity ended at it's creation explains a lot more.

Thanks for the fresh perspective Anon. We may have a disconnect, but in a different time and place we would be friends.

>> No.11836763

>appeal to sky daddy while saying morals aren’t real
How rich.

>> No.11836773

plants are sentient and communicate via telepathy

>> No.11836782

Stop plot leaking Avatar 2: Na'vi wifi.

>> No.11836784

>we should eat the plant-source directly
no, I'm saying vegans should stop being deluded about what theyre advocating. all living things matter. vegans saying its ok to kill plants because they don't matter is ethically the same as carnists saying its ok to kill animals because they don't matter. it is killing.
preening the supposedly unethical omnivores kill fewer lives than vegans (but plants don't count lol) is a psychopathic inversion of morality, and a good solid step on the slippery slope that would lead a vegetarian to decide that killing a few tens of millions o people is perfectly ethical (because jews and gypsies don't count lol).
I understand that you cant grasp this. it's pretty much the textbook case with psychopaths.

>> No.11836787

Where do I get self tenderizing meat?

>> No.11836789


>> No.11836796

>and humans experience more than herd animals like cows, therefore its ok for humans to eat them.
>Plants aren’t even sentient
>so plants can't give consent to be killed and eaten? how is that more moral than killing and eating an animal that also cannot give consent to its fate?
>>Plants aren’t sentient. What part of that dont you understand? They literally have no capability to experience reality
>the only way sentience matters is if you are a psychopath. killing a living creature is still killing.

Lately, I have been starting to think that universal morality might not have been the best or most complete philosophy by which to organize Western Civilization. The reason we kill and eat animals has nothing to do with their sentience, otherwise we would do the same with people in comas or the elderly suffering from dementia. It's because that's what's best for our tribe. The well-being of our tribe comes down to what's best for the members of our tribe -- not what's best for the members of other tribes, not what's best for animals (except for how animals benefit us by being well cared-for).

The most basic unit of human civilization is the nuclear family. Without minimally one man, one woman and the capability to reproduce, human civilization will end within about 80 years maximum at any given time. There is no civilization without that most basic unit. When multiple families come together, communicate, organize, divide labor and act in mutually beneficial ways, they form a tribe. A tribe is defined by its cohesion. By existing within the structure and protection of the tribe, tribe members tacitly or explicitly agree to take care of each other and to not exploit or kill each other. That agreement underpins civilization. Transgressors to this agreement are ostracized from the tribe. (Most) animals and also the people from competing, hostile tribes are excluded, since they can't or won't respect that agreement.

>> No.11836798

boxing kangaroos will tenderize each other for you

>> No.11836799

Plants aren’t sentient. Are you just taking your time understanding the biology lesson?

>> No.11836802

>Plants aren’t sentient.
brother, did you not see The Happening?

>> No.11836811

>The reason we kill and eat animals has nothing to do with their sentience
Obviously. Have you not seen the deluded NEETs arguing tomato = fish? These are transcendentalist christcucks buddy

>> No.11836814

sky daddy is nothing but a juvenile attempt to make a greater truth seem childish and its horribly transparent. as for the other thing I never said morals aren't real, I infact stated at the outset that it's something we often fail at.

I just don't see how morality has any bearing on animals and us killing and eating them.

>> No.11836816

Mushrooms are more alive than clams.

>> No.11836818

>I understand that you cant grasp this.
based and retardpilled.

>> No.11836819

>Plants aren’t even sentient
>Plants aren’t sentient.
>Humans are sentient creatures, plants aren’t
>Plants aren’t sentient
killing is killing, sentience doesn't matter. try to justify it all you want, it still makes you a psychopath.

>> No.11836829

>sky daddy is nothing but a juvenile attempt to make a greater truth seem childish and its horribly transparent.

I agree.

>as for the other thing I never said morals aren't real
You basically did

>just don't see how morality has any bearing on animals and us killing and eating them
Torturing and killing a living breathing creature when there’s a clear sustainable alternative?

>> No.11836836

>sentience doesn’t matter
That’s what Bundy thought too. Your 5th grade philosophical waxing is self-defeating. Next please!

>> No.11836843

Clams are sentient beings with a pre ganglia system and nociceptors

>> No.11836844

milk and unfertilized eggs arent sentient or alive and will never be, yet vegans still claim its unethical to eat them. they're just stupid beyond belief.

>> No.11836845

>killing is killing, sentience doesn't matter. try to justify it all you want, it still makes you a psychopath.
This nigger must survive on air only. Teach us your ways senpai

>> No.11836849

I think you mean sapient. They are definitely sentient, aka aware.

>> No.11836850

>yet vegans still claim its unethical to eat them.
some vegans will eat eggs and dairy if it comes from an animal that won't be slaughtered eventually, but that's usually not the case.

>> No.11836852

That has nothing to do with sentience as opposed the means to get them, obviously. You fucking dumbass.

>> No.11836857

They are not sentient, stimuli reaction does not make sentience

>> No.11836864

>Without minimally one man, one woman and the capability to reproduce, human civilization will end within about 80 years
not so. we can reproduce in a test tube but laws forbid it. so we're being sterilized en masse via prescription medications, while a proliferation to accept same sex marrages is forced upon us, so that human reproduction reaches a crisis point where restrictive laws against test tube babbies and stem cell cloning will be lifted, and then we'll enter a new age of designer babbies (of the same mandated colour).

i think that made sense.

>> No.11836870

How could one completely forget that gays are sterile? Wake. Up. People.

Why are incels so fucking stupid?

>> No.11836871

>killing is killing
>it still makes you a psychopath.
i agree and that's why only pull the wings off a fly and don't kill it. because then i'm not a psychpath!

>> No.11836874

"Killing is killing" is a vapid statement. You are defining a word by itself, which says nothing. What you need to understand is that some killing is immoral, but some killing is not immoral. The intentional killing of another human being who is trying to kill you is justice because you don't initiate force and act only to preserve your own life. The accidental killing of another human being is certainly regrettable, even more so if it's avoidable, but it's manslaughter rather than murder. I think any rational person can agree with what I've said so far.


>> No.11836878
File: 7 KB, 320x180, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my arbitrary cutoff for ethical food is self evidently ethical and yours is obviously immoral
try harder famalam

>> No.11836883

>some killing is immoral, but some killing is not immoral
all killing is immoral, psychopath

>> No.11836885

>not so. we can reproduce in a test tube but laws forbid it.
We CAN'T reproduce in test tubes. But one day maybe we will be able to. I have no doubt that human civilization will change irreversibly once that becomes an everyday reality.

>> No.11836887

that was part of my point. maybe i didn't explain it very well, but as more couple become same sex (ie. sterile) then less couples are traditional and can reproduce naturally. which will force demand for test tube babbies to become higher to the point where restrictive laws are lifted to enable those practices to happen.


>> No.11836890

The guy you're replying to is an actual retard and won't agree with what you said.
It is best if we just allow him to feel proud of his smallbrain and move on with our lives.

>> No.11836893

Eating meat is like having sex.

>> No.11836894

How do you actually survive then? Please respond. Unless YOU'RE a psychopath?!?!

>> No.11836896

how so?

>> No.11836898

vegans do not accidentally kill plants, so your manslaughter distinction does not remotely apply.

>> No.11836905

i only eat boogers

>> No.11836907

the common thread in all of these problems is capitalism. not to say that people are perfect outside of capitalism, but the profit motive is why these things were abused so badly.

>> No.11836914

Oh just you at Hour #40 of your current med-free journey. Thank God no one else was sincerely that lacking in grey matter. Enjoy the trip, friend!

>> No.11836915

Actually horrifying, because with it goes "traditional morality," which inevitably includes, in whatever terms you prefer, "the sanctity of human life."

Once humans can be grown at will, especially if eventually inexpensively, the value of human life will surely depreciate rapidly. We don't understand the consequences of raising children, entire generations, in an environment where they are effectively a product, regardless of what becomes of "parenting."

Really spooky 2bh

>> No.11836917

>but as more couple become same sex (ie. sterile
Makes literally no sense. How the fuck do you think IVF works? Are you actually saying gays are barren and/or sterile? Lmao

>> No.11836919

i'm sorry you were dropped on your head as an infant.
killing a plant is morally equivalent to killing an animal, because both acts result in the death of a living thing. a plant doesn't survive being cut down simply because it doesn't have the sentience to realize its supposed to be dead. sentience is simply a red herring.

>> No.11836924

He’s made three separate replies to this now lol

>> No.11836931

that's my point. as demand for test tube babbies increases your mother's a cunting whore. yup.

>> No.11836943

I am skeptical that something that sounds like a scifi B movie plot would actually happen -- humans do have instincts to be social animals and when acting counter to those, no matter our raising, I think the situation would become unsustainable -- but I do agree that the sanctity of human life will be greatly devalued in such a world.

>> No.11836946

>Be me
>Sentient algae
>My bloom reached inside an old USSR bunker which housed a supercomputer, allowing me access to all the knowledge in existence
>Survive on a sunlight diet only. Sequester carbon from the air and release oxygen.
>With my infinite knowledge of mankind, and my superior form of sustenance, I scour the internet in order to inform the humans of their moral shortcomings.
>Tell them that ALL living things matter
>Tell them they're psychopaths because they continue to KILL PLANTS

>> No.11836947

>thats my point
Lol. Bird brains. Don’t worry about reproducing, junior, leave it to people that leave their mothers basement.

>> No.11836952


>> No.11836953

>incel humor
BIG yikes

>> No.11836956

was a mistake!

there are people in this world who will kill another person to steal their capital. that capital is deemed to be of a higher value than a human life.
capitalism was a mistake.

>> No.11836960

the bacteria doesn't die, though. it's thrives in my belly and joins the tribe of gut flora. win!

>> No.11836966

>Bacteria is thrown into a sack of acid
>Brainlet thinks it will actually survive
Jfc you better stop, psychopath

>> No.11836967

all your babbies are belong to us

t. monsanto™

>> No.11836971

Capitalism doesn’t kill animals, dumb stinky incubating psycho carnists do

>> No.11836973

>cognitive dissonance
the post!

>> No.11836974

As proof of what I said in >>11836943, I offer the fact that Monsanto doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.11836985

>Posts online using energy that they didn't absorb from the sun
please stop, you're literally hitler

>> No.11836991

>Monsanto doesn't exist anymore

i don't know what you're trying to say but i think that companies like monsanto will be cloning the dna of huimans and making test tube babbies. then they'll own he patent on those babbies which means they'll own the babbies.
then they may reserve the right to decide which babbies live or die.

>all your babbies™ are belong to us.

>> No.11836999

that's be the new name for human 2.0

totally not a typo or anything. :P

>> No.11837005

>Thinks Monsanto is some sort of EvilCorp(TM)
Dude, being 13 is hard, it's even harder when you're a shut-in faggot. But just try not being retarded for once.

>> No.11837008

I live about 14 miles from their former world headquarters and just down the street from another giant former Monsanto facility. The sign out front says Bayer now.

>> No.11837015

This nigger lives in madison wisconsin. Get em boys

>> No.11837017
File: 7 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i see what you mean. same shit, different sign.

>> No.11837019

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.11837074

they aren't vegans then

>> No.11837477
File: 136 KB, 1342x1033, 1546372298518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Pajeet and the way you guys are discussing about holy cows is beyond my comprehension.
That's it I'm leaving this shithole, fuck you Ameicmutts!

>> No.11837492


>> No.11837506

Vegetarian, not that it makes any difference as it's not what his politics were about.

>> No.11837513
File: 225 KB, 768x1118, 128-lord-krishna-protector-of-cows-768x1118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you, brother.
Lord Krishna will punish these heathens.