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File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11834473 No.11834473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best coffee?

>> No.11834478


>> No.11834483

Tbh mexican

>> No.11834538

americano because it makes me shit.

>> No.11834554

They made a fucking book for Skyrim?!?

>> No.11834566
File: 231 KB, 667x1001, DSCF5687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, there's a Minecraft Bible.

>> No.11834568

she looks weak

>> No.11834595

assuming that's the actual bible with a minecraft facade that's kinda clever

>> No.11834603


It is. Based off the books in the window, and the letter to "christian sisters" you can tell its a religious bookstore.

>> No.11834608

I assume it's a little like the Brick Testament website. Which must be older than some people here by now.

>> No.11834611

The one with the shit beans

>> No.11834645

It's Bookmart. Talbot Street. Dublin.

>> No.11834658

A lot of those "gaming books" are field guides and pictures of the dev work in the form of early models and drawings.

>> No.11834693

This image makes me cringe.

>> No.11834702

For what reason?
The starbucks? The fact that there's a female in the frame? The fact that she's treating a bookstore like a library? The gaming books in the background? The fact that the woman is wearing shoes but no socks?

you need to state what specifically triggers you.

>> No.11834751
File: 112 KB, 960x720, 1413021475112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to understand the thought process of this kind of female to be able to see what's going on here. Look at the strap of her purse. Still on her arm loosely. Now look at the book. She has somehow progressed through 100 or so pages, reading on the dirty floor, legs blocking the aisle, not even bothering to get comfortable? No. This photo is 100% staged. She went into a Barnes and Noble because of the coffee. No other reason. While in there, she wandered over to the gaming books because she wanted to up her social media game with the gen z boys. What better way to do that than by a photo op? So she picked up some random book, cracked it, plopped her nearly bare ass down on the dirty floor and struck a pose. The whole thing probably lasted no longer than 20 seconds. Thots literally don't care about ANYTHING other than whether some action will give them more clout with boys.

>> No.11834756
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Also, every Barnes and Noble I've ever been in has comfortable chairs through the store. Say what you want about people who treat book stores like libraries, but nobody is going to sit on the floor and read that many pages when you could sit in one of these.

>> No.11834763

Get laid you incel

>> No.11834769

I would lick her pussy for hours, that much I know

>> No.11834778

You could have just said "it looks like an instagram pic" instead of writing that wall of text and I'd have gotten the point.

>> No.11834781

Incel or not, he's not fucking wrong.
I go to the library to read because I can't control myself if I sit at home near the computer, but let's not pretend that's what this chick is doing. She hasn't been sitting there for more than a few seconds and we both know it.

>> No.11834787

>You could have just said "it looks like an instagram pic" instead of writing that wall of text and I'd have gotten the point.
Except you DIDN'T get the point of >>11834693. So obviously you did need it spelled out for you.

>> No.11834790

Is it true that light roast has more caffeine than dark roast?

>> No.11834794

You're right that I didn't get the point. But you didn't need to write a wall of text. "Instagram thot" alone would have gotten your point across just fine.

>> No.11834805
File: 349 KB, 1280x1045, afd30b92c0eb6973946451cbbc04a9fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you referring to the female?

There's a lot of things people do that we don't NEED to do. For example, you don't need to keep lying about how quick on the uptake you think you are. Yet here we are.

>> No.11834812

Jesus fucking Christ dude she just wanted to take a photo she thought was cute why are you taking this so seriously

>> No.11834818
File: 184 KB, 719x982, 1528679213631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11834820

You seem almost as averse to reading as the whore in the photo.
Is that why you're so mad?

>> No.11834831

I'm not mad at all. I'm just curious what triggered spergie about the photo so I figured I'd ask.

I think he's the triggered one.

>> No.11834857

Someone >>11834693 said they cringed. You >>11834702 asked why and became indignant, firing off questions and accusing him of being "triggered." I patiently explained why the other guy cringed >>11834751 >>11834756. You and maybe another person >>11834763 >>11834778 >>11834812 became even more upset, firing off insults at me and accusing me of being a tryhard. Now you're name-calling me, even though I have only treated you civilly and with respect.

Who's really triggered here? It's time to stop projecting.

>> No.11834899

>asked why
> and became indignant
>firing off questions and accusing him of being "triggered."

>> I patiently explained
I didn't take that as a patient explanation. I read it as the original poster being even more triggered. >>11834778 was me. the other replies were not.

>>Who's really triggered here?
The only people I see are triggered was the first dude who bitched about the pic in the first place, and then you who wrote a huge-ass reply when the term "insagram thot" would have sufficed.

>> No.11834901

>You >>11834702 asked
No i didn't.

>> No.11834958

>> and became indignant
The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

>feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: indignant remarks; an indignant expression on his face.

>You: Firing off 5 leading questions in rapid succession and then stating that the person who merely stated that he cringed "needs" to state what "triggered" him.
If you weren't emotionally invested, then why didn't you just ask him "why?" and patiently wait for an answer? It would have accomplished the same task of eliciting information as your five leading questions that you fired at him. Leading questions are not polite in a conversation, and surely you didn't expect him to answer each one line-by-line, so I think you did this so you could make him hear your voice for a longer time, making him think about what he wrote and thereby berating him one-sidedly for his perceived wrongthink.

>I didn't take that as a patient explanation.
It really doesn't matter how you "took it." It was a patient explanation. I listed every relevant piece of evidence, my reasoning and conclusion only once each.

>>>11834778 was me. the other replies were not.
Fair enough, but you still took the stance in that post that what I wrote was a "wall of text," when it wasn't.

Obviously my comment was mainly directed at the other person and not you.

>> No.11834972

Whole bean, freshly ground, and drip.

One of these days I'd like to roast my own beans but until then I guess I'll keep looking for the best beans to my pallet... Still looking btw.

>> No.11834974

>this much effort

>> No.11834988

>The lack of self-awareness is astounding.
Stop projecting. They were just questions bro. Guesses. I wasn't displeased at all, just curious.

>>then why didn't you just ask him "why?" and patiently wait for an answer?
Well, the person I asked didn't seem like he or she felt like typing much. I figured if I tried to guess the answer it would be more likely for anon to reply.

>>Leading questions are not polite in a conversation,
4chan is rarely a place for polite conversation.

>>nd surely you didn't expect him to answer each one line-by-line
Correct. I figured anon could greentext reply if I happened to guess right, or could correct me if I guessed wrong.

>>so I think you did this so you could make him hear your voice for a longer time,
projection again

>> It was a patient explanation
You're right. Just as how you misinterpreted my questions as being indignant, I misinterpreted your lengthy reply as you being triggered. We have both misunderstood each other completely.
I thought you were a nut going on a rant, you thought I was being indignant, when neither was true.

>> No.11835012

>>>Leading questions are not polite in a conversation,
>4chan is rarely a place for polite conversation.

>They were just questions bro. Guesses. I wasn't displeased at all, just curious.

I don't really have any interest in talking to someone who can't even be honest with himself.

>> No.11835016
File: 141 KB, 296x317, guys pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god shut the hell up

>> No.11835088

>graphic novels
I was going to ask why she looked disabled, but nvm

>> No.11835098

More likely the photographer wanted to take a picture he thought would get instagram likes so he told her to sit there and pretend to read.

>> No.11835100

>>the misinterpretation continues, even when a full and polite explanation has been proffered.

Why do you insist on projecting so much?
(Just to be 100% clear: that was mean as an honest question, not an insult)

>> No.11835150

redpill me on french press, is it better or just a meme?

>> No.11835160

Better depends on your personal preference. It's different.

>> No.11835193

>Make two cups of pour over coffee within an hour
>Exact same water
>Exact same beans
>Exact same temperature, grind, pour, filter, cooling time, container
>Every observable aspect is exactly the same
>First cup of coffee is smooth and buttery, second is so bitter it tastes like it had been fouled
What fucking voodoo god controls this shit and what do I need to do to appease them

>> No.11835207

Something must have been different. Think harder.

>> No.11835229

It's true, the difference is negligible though.

>> No.11835230

>Exact same beans
There's your problem. Hawhaw

>> No.11835276
File: 36 KB, 383x250, 1539614578583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her dirty sweaty week old socks steeped in hot water.

>> No.11835309
File: 45 KB, 1019x799, 1384026520559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be really tired because that made me laugh

>> No.11835317

Thanks Dad

>> No.11835328


Elliot roger is that you?

>> No.11835333

she doesn't wear socks, incel.

>> No.11835351

>Look at the strap of her purse. Still on her arm loosely.

She's a city girl, and knows that "around blacks, never relax" so she is holding her purse. Did you know that blacks are responsible for over 50% of violent crime, yet make up 13% of the population?

>> No.11835363

I'd step on that whore's legs

>> No.11835390
File: 40 KB, 600x593, 1530115754576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if there was a man sitting there with a brought coffee and reading some shit like it's a library.

>> No.11835410

Ethiopian Light roast

>> No.11835430

She's obviously wearing no show socks, buzzword-kun

>> No.11835493

>She's a city girl, and knows that "around blacks, never relax" so she is holding her purse. Did you know that blacks are responsible for over 50% of violent crime, yet make up 13% of the population?
How many blacks have you ever seen in book stores?

>> No.11835495

>with a brought coffee
Most Barnes and Noble locations have a coffee shop in the store. You're not supposed to bring food into the book area, but nobody is going to stop you.

>> No.11835617

You shouldn't even treat a library like that. Don't stretch out and block an entire aisle. That is a public space. Treat it and other people with consideration and respect.

>> No.11835662

But how else will the chads see my smooth grabbable legs?

>> No.11835667

At a gym. Then you can even pose and show off for them.

>> No.11835695

Based autist

>> No.11835703

>No show sock
Pretty stupid anon

>> No.11835708

>>no show socks
What are the point of these? Is it it some kind of trap nonsense, like "I look like I'm a no-sock-wearing retard, but sike, I really am wearing socks"? If so, what's the point of that? If not, what am I missing?

>> No.11835715

The one you drink with a hot girl that likes you, while she's drinking a coffee she paid for herself

>> No.11835717

They still protect your foot a bit and stop the inside of your shoe from getting so dirty, and they might be more comfortable for some people. I don't wear no show socks but any socks that go up my calf feels pretty uncomfortable for me.

>> No.11835720

Nah man, nobody thinks she's read all that way. You can't read the entire book in the bookstore. You're supposed to buy it if you want to do that. She's sampling it by reading through random passages, then she will decide whether to ask her boyfriend to pay for it.

>> No.11835724

What's the point of socks that extend beyond your shoe? All a sock has to do is absorb a little bit of moisture from your foot to keep your shoes from getting too stinky.

>> No.11835729

Well it's either that or her dirty sweat covered feets are bare in her shoes which would cause her shoes to get quite smelly and gross haha that'd just be awful haha imagine drinking from her dirty shoe haha

>> No.11835786

So that the top of the shoe, the hardest and sharpest part, doesn't rub against your bare shin.

>> No.11835792


>> No.11835809

A lot of shoes are made correctly, though, and will not rub skin raw in that area if worn without socks.

>> No.11835882 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 1470x980, Si7y8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eeew why are all these creeps staring at me! Mind your own workout you pervs!
Every girl at the gym

>> No.11835924

imagine the smell

>> No.11835939

my local barnes & noble is filled with 50% bible thumping teenagers (I guess it's a safe place their parents let them meet up at?) ... and 50% obviously unemployed adult losers pissing the day away stealing wi-fi and reading books they don't buy

>> No.11835944

if she's tattoo free this bitch is gorgeous. if tattoos are under that hoodie she's a dirty uneducated thot

as for best coffee, probably Stumptown out of Portland or Madcap out of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

>> No.11835950

those chairs are usually where loitering blacks and homeless sit. yuck. not trying to get bedbugs perusing some best sellers bro

>> No.11835955

Starbucks blonde roast is pretty good for $2. Starbucks also has good Reserve blends that they brew in Clover-machine stores, that steeps them really well. but $5 a cup for those

>> No.11835965

I would probably even drink her piss out of her shoes

>> No.11835991

>loitering blacks and homeless
>in a barnes and noble
Where do you live? I rarely see minorities in these places.

>> No.11836009

It's "psych", you retard.

>> No.11836022
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>> No.11836028


>> No.11836090

in the city, bro. big ass barnes and nobles are obvi go-to spots for sketchy people that need to burn working hours. so many nooks and crannies for them to chill out, sleep, etc

>> No.11836631

Bitch get the fuck off the floor and go sit in the cafe. You're blocking my aisle and I'm trying to zone.

>> No.11836638

ask the girls for anal. or boys, if that's what you're into.

>> No.11836655

me in between those thighs

>> No.11836657

>What are the point of these?
how often do you wash your socks?
How often do you wash your shoes?
one question answers the other while both questions answer yours.

>> No.11836895

It's simple, easy, and low maintenance. We've been doing French press in my house for a decade because of these features. I don't drink coffee, so I don't know if it's better. IMO the best coffee is tea.

>> No.11836908

Ehiopian is pretty good. Never had light roast Ethiopian, but light roast is very nice. Probably a good combo.

>> No.11836916

I really enjoy cafe mam french roast

>> No.11836940
File: 40 KB, 700x700, 13399846_zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised everyone here got this simple question so wrong. Come on, you're living in the golden age of coffee where you can buy Dunkin' Donuts ground coffee for home use. You used to have to actually leave your home and go to a Dunkin' Donuts every time you wanted a good coffee, the past was terrible.

>> No.11837046

""best"" changes by the hour but lately i've been loving "god mountain"

>This heavenly tasting, single origin, Arabica has a caramel-laced, peppery spice and a milk Swiss Cocoa finish.
>This exotic Balinese coffee is grown in the volcanic highlands of Kintamani. In this area, farmers belong to a traditional collective farming group called Subak Abian, an agricultural and religious system guided by the basic principle of the ‘Three Happy Causes’ (Tri Hita Karana). This Hindu philosophy emphasises the relation of the individual to God, to other men, and to the environment. ‘God Mountain’ coffee is produced free from pesticides and fertilizers during growth and prepared using the wet hulled processed for an authentic Indonesian flavour.
i think it's the wet hulled process that really makes it something special