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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 640x425, f1fe5597f1836ddde1df0aff0ef41a6096ba4a9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11833530 No.11833530 [Reply] [Original]

*makes your food taste better*

>> No.11833539

Found the bong, everyone else likes it.

>> No.11833555

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11833562

How do I actually add this to my food? Do you use a crusher or something?

>> No.11833580

Peel the skin off and crush the garlic with your palm, then chop it finely. Saute or sweat it in some butter or olive oil, then add it into your food.

>> No.11833585

Only bongs and their even more degenerate colonial offshoots (Americans, Canadians and Australians) dislike garlic. Everyone else embraces it.

I just smash the cloves using the flat of the knife and my fist (which also gets the skin off), then chop it fine.

>> No.11833593

Americans love garlic. What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.11833626

>*makes your food taste better*
Better means good.

>> No.11833652
File: 53 KB, 921x737, 3000936a9c3405a7e3b65d8c313927eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true, thank you garlic-san

>> No.11833660

Oh yeah those are asterisks not irony quotes. Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.11833663

>i suck cocks

>> No.11833665

Holy shit, the retardation

>> No.11833685

So you're saying that you are homosexual, by the way?

>> No.11833698

>tfw parents barely used garlic in their cooking
It was like discovering another dimension when I started cooking on my own

>> No.11833704

go back to /r/fastfood

>> No.11833735

Crush. Slice. Dice. Bake. Smash. Whatever you fancy, it can be done with garlic.

>> No.11833753
File: 23 KB, 541x108, Garlic + Vitamin C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh and crushed has potentially huge benefits to BP and levels of NO (when in diets with grams of vitamin C, though taken separately). … Also, this way has a very minimalistic "garlic-y" aspect, sometimes even blandly, but utilizing it as a chaser / combination ingredient is really entertaining (amongst cheeses, spices … ). … Of interest are varieties of garlic which are really flavorful when raw.

Cooked has the garlic-iness – especially great with onion and sunflower-lecithin soup, maybe slightly sweetened with stevia.

>> No.11833756
File: 47 KB, 673x513, Garlic - Allicin et al. formation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11833760

Do they at least use herbs? Mine never did.

>> No.11833776

Who said they disliked garlic retard?

>> No.11833784


Taken separately?

I used to take some supplements each morning, includig 1 raw garlic clove and swallow them with a glass of orange juice. Is that bad?

>> No.11833786

I'm a bong and I can't think of a single savoury dish that wouldn't be improved by garlic

>> No.11833799


>> No.11834036

My hands permanently stink of onions and garlic from always using both in almost everything. It's a price I'm willing to take.

>> No.11834154


>Doesn't properly read OP's very clear post
>clumsily tries to start yet another race bait thread, the cancer of /ck/
>plays off embarrassment with gay self deprication

You really are a fucking piece of shit aren't you?

>> No.11834177

Fuck you

>> No.11834193
File: 19 KB, 361x408, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I friggin love garlic

>> No.11834195

Take your gay retardation back to pol

>> No.11834198
File: 39 KB, 631x482, 1548792645463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut fennel to make them smell good again
>garlic? No thank you, it makes me stink

>> No.11834210

>T. American

>> No.11834224

Except redditors love garlic unlike anything else

>> No.11834232

It seems strange that Italians have a reputation for being garlic lovers but when you watch Lidia Bastianich she rarely adds chopped garlic to anything she just puts in 1 or 2 cloves and removes them prior to serving. Batali does it similarly and in fact I've heard him ridicule Emeril for overusing it.

>> No.11834253

Those are TV shows anon not true italian grandmothers

>> No.11834260

Batali's kind of a ponce, though

>> No.11834273

How would you know? Are you one of them? Don't fucking reply to me

>> No.11834275
File: 84 KB, 576x384, Onion-and-garlic-varieties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dynamic duo

>> No.11834287

I disagree, I very often notice one flavor will overpower the other. There is nothing wrong with using both in a dish, but I wouldn't call them a dynamic duo.

>> No.11834430

Molto Mario was goat and I learned a lot about italian cooking from it. But like Alton Brown when he got famous he was worthless.

>> No.11834492

bay leaf and garlic are a better duo than that

>> No.11834496

ginger has to be in the discussion

>> No.11834514
File: 207 KB, 557x605, 1454210166256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based garlic

>> No.11834517

I make a garlic dip with lightly crushed and chopped garlic, fish sauce, and other random ingredients, like lime juice, fermented chili sauce, ginger, fermented shrimp paste, etc. Basically an improvised, garlic-centred take on nam prik pla. No idea if I still get the health benefits of raw garlic, but it tastes nice. Thanks to this stuff I probably eat 2-6 cloves a day.

>> No.11834522


Didn't know it was possible to be this retarded.

>> No.11834607

>I just smash the cloves using the flat of the knife and my fist (which also gets the skin off), then chop it fine.
I smash garlic with a rubber mallet. Then I smash it harder when I want it finer. Texture and flavor is superior to chopping. Try it! American, btw. We put garlic in almost everything. Half of north americans (US, Canada, Mexico) have giant garlic bins or braided garlic ropes in thier kitchens. Even pleb cooks use lots of garlic powder. I have no idea how much garlic Aussies or Brits use.