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11833867 No.11833867 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/ amateur dieticians, I have some questions.

I am 23 years old, 6’0, and about 240lbs. I have a larger frame but still a body fat content that is far too high (right at obese), mostly due my partiality to drinking. However, I’m starting a weight loss bet with my high school friends at the end of the month. My plan is to start a crash diet for a couple of months, consisting of meal supplement powder, green coffee extract, food based multivitamins, and vegetable broth. My questions are, how bad will this be for me, and will it get the results I desire.

>> No.11833887

OP for the win

>> No.11833920

Just skip rope 15 minutes everyday and eat two meals a day/cut the calories you lazy fat fuck.

>> No.11833933


>> No.11833971

Very Low Calorie Diets work exceedingly well if you have the discipline for it.

This guy did 6 months on 1200 kCal Huel diet and seems to have done okay :

Real VLCD meal replacements which are nutritionally complete are also available (Huel is not complete at such low kCal intake). Expensive as hell though, Huel is far better than other cheap shakes.

>> No.11833974

So stay fat.

>> No.11834004

>coffee and tea until dinner
>eat protein/fiber only dinner
>rinse and repeat for a couple months
>lose weight
it's fucking easy

>> No.11834014
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>> No.11834023

Don't fucking bother with that sort of shit, anon.

Do keto and go to the gym every second day. Combine with intermittent fasting (basically just make it one meal a day, don't overcomplicate shit) for best results.

I did 2 months of this. Meals would usually have 500g of frozen broccoli florets (sometimes frozen broccoli + cauliflower florets) and some avocado and cheese, and a nice chunk of meat or chicken. That'd be my meal for the entire day - though sometimes my meal would just be bacon and eggs because I fucking love bacon and eggs.

After a few days you will notice that you barely get hungry anymore. I even had a few days where I just didn't eat at all because I wasn't hungry.

Drink only water or sparkling water. If you MUST have soda, make sure it's sugar free.

After 2 months I halved my cholesterol, went from pre-diabeetus to well within the normal range, and lowered my blood pressure to the normal range.

I never bothered to count my calories.

>> No.11834105
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just stop drinking you inbred fuck

>> No.11834122

Paleo worked for me I just stopped eating bread noodles and sugar and lost about 40 pounds in a month and a half and kept it off. I barley work out and still eat probably 3000-5000 calories a day on average.

>> No.11834130

Just stop drinking. Any time I feel I've gained a bit too much weight I stop drinking beer forba month or 2 and drop like 20 pounds with minimal effort.

>> No.11834138


Crash diets help weight reduction in a very short period of time. You should be able to shed pounds of weight in a week. You shouldn't do a crash diet for more than a couple of weeks though.

A crash diet may lead to anorexia, malnutrition, & metabolic disorders. Some health complications like gallstones & increase of serum uric acid may occur & there is a direct relation between the size of gallstones & the amount & duration of weight loss.

>> No.11834141

How much and how long you been drinking. If drinking a lot I suggest a 2 per day taper off. So if you have 10 drinks a day it would go 10,8,6,4,2, 0 then start focusing on weight loss.

>> No.11834303


Some tips. Eat maybe 1500 calories a day at most. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein, boiled eggs. No more fried stuff. No more drinking alcohol. Drink water, coffee, and black tea only. Exercise at least 1 hour a day. Have a small breakfast in the morning (piece of fruit, a few boiled eggs, cup of tea) and drink water until dinner time. I lost 50lbs at age 17-18. My main go to dinner was a baked or grilled piece of fish, steamed vegetables, and brown rice with chillies and garlic/soy sauce. You just really need to be strict with yourself

>> No.11834625

Cut the fizzy drinks. Just cut the fizzy drinks. That's all. It'd help a good bit to watch your sugar elsewhere, but fizzy drinks are the primary thing.

>> No.11834679

Vegan. Accept no substitutes. Humans are simply not evolved to eat meat, that's why it makes us fat and gives us cancer.

>> No.11834741

I went from 180 to 145 by simply not eating and running for a year. I usually eat 800cal per day.

>> No.11835248

Just eat less food retard.
you'll see the same results and won't relapse

>> No.11835259

Humans evolved into our current form because we had to adapt to eating meat during an extinction level event food crisis millenia ago. Had not our genetic ancestors faced this, we would be very much like chimpanzees today. Not humans. I think veganism is a subconcious thanatological urge to devolve into a less intelligent species brought on by social stress.

>> No.11835260

We're the same height, you're a year older and you weigh more than 100lbs more than me lmao. How much do you even have to eat to get that heavy.

>> No.11835269

Crash diets are shit, and vitamins make nothing but costly pee.

Keto's a joke.

Paleo is a meme.

... lol

This guy is the closest. Eat less, eat the shit that's good for you (lots of veggies, some fruit, lean protein, unprocessed carbohydrates), and get your exercise in. And stop drinking, degenerate.

>> No.11835291

Say what you will, but I have a friend who was 160kg and lost about half that much exclusively by Keto. The dude is a bit of a binge eater and he swore to me that he ate as much as he wanted as long as he kept the carbs down.

I mean, I know it's sample size 1, and empirical evidence yada yada, also, not saying it's healthy or anything.

>> No.11835327

It isn't healthy and that's the problem. People sing it's praises for weight loss because they previously had little to no discipline to resist cheap, shitty calories in the form of ubiquitous processed carbs. Of course if you eliminate their weakness they're going to see some changes. But the healthiest diets consist of 45-55% carbohydrates, and the best long-term weight loss interventions that help individuals maintain a healthy weight and proper nutrition consist of habits that can be sustained over the long term. Keto is an awfully poor choice for that.

Am I saying everybody that lost weight on keto is a liar? Not at all. But once they get to maintenance mode, it's an awful choice for long term health and the reintroduction of carbohydrates is a slippery slope unless you've built the discipline to stick to what's healthy.

Good for your friend, though.

>> No.11835355

I totally agree with you. My friend is in the process of rebounding because he never learned self-control or how to eat healthy overall.

Personally, I was obese before and did exactly as you say, just being more mindful of what you eat, learning nutrition and doing sustainable changes. Still borderline healthy / overweight, but I manage.

>> No.11835356

I agree with you rhat keto and paleo are shit, if you go by how most people do them ("I'm only gonna eat bacon hurr"). Man wasn't intended to eat vegan or even veg, though. We aren't hunters per se like paleofags insist, either. We are bipedal vultures that survived largely on the carcasses left behind by wolves, bears, lions etc.. Organs are way more usefully to the human body than either the muscle or fat of an animal. Liver, for instance, is nutritionally complete and a super food (unlike vegan memes with high profit margins). Nobody is allergic to organ meats for a reason.

>> No.11835368

Tons of people are allergic to pork and pork offals.

>> No.11835391

sometimes it seems that easy but just as often it isn't

>> No.11835541

Make sure you cut dairy out entirely

>> No.11835560

Being muslim jew is an allergy?

>> No.11837065

You can do it OP

>> No.11837077
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>My plan is to start a crash diet

>> No.11838155

Eat satiating food and intermittent fast. You will be surprised by how often you eat when you are not actually hungry. Three meals a day is tradition, not biology.

>> No.11838174

The thing you need to understand about dieting is it's calories-in-calories-out. So you just pick a deficit and stick to it and you will lose weight. If you want to lose weight fast a 1000 calorie deficit is high. A more typical deficit is 500 calories.

It sounds very simple and it is. Download myfitnesspal and compute an approx basal metabolic rate, and go from there.

>> No.11838405

Fasting and jump rope 60 minutes (doesn't have to be all in one go)

Also read or listen to David goggins book

Good luck fatty I was once in your shoes

>> No.11838458

Hey OP, i'm /swimbro/ from the /fat/ general in /fit/.
I started with Keto and got myself into Ketosis, lost some weight and when it slowed down i started counting calories.
I started swimming about two-three times a week as well. (especially on Fridays when i eat out with friends or whatever).
My starting weight was 233 lbs, but now i'm 201 after about four months. Still have a ways to go yet.

Again, hope to see you in the /fat/ generals. Its helped me out a lot through my journey so far.

>> No.11838553

>crash diet
Don't. You should always make a permanent change in your diet. Lose weight slowly, but surely.

>> No.11838562


>> No.11838662
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Related to OP's question but I want to gain muscle/healthy weight. I'm around 158~ and 6'1. any good ideas? I'm not good at eating huge portions.

>> No.11839511

Why am i faaaaat?

>Im big boned

Ok, Nancy. I bet you have a good personality too

>> No.11839518

it would work in theory but given that you are a fat fuck now you probably have very little discipline so no, it will not work, you'll cave and seesaw right back to where you were

>> No.11839755
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Get out of here Randy.

>> No.11839766

Just run, lift and cut your calories lmao.

>> No.11839774

>I barley work out and still eat probably 3000-5000 calories a day on average

either you are 7' or your metabolism is off the charts.

or, more likely, you are still a lardass larping about your "weight loss"

>> No.11839803

>meal supplement powder, green coffee extract, food based multivitamins, and vegetable broth. My questions are, how bad will this be for me, and will it get the results I desire.
It will be meaningless to your body, it won't reduce your weight, and it will be expensive. There, there's your answer. Throw away all supplements and stop reading stupid websites. All you need to do is put real vegetables in your mouth and do regular exercise. But you don't sound like you'll ever be able to handle that so fuck off.

>> No.11839817

Only 4% who's trying to lose weight succeed. You might win the bet, but you will gain again and more. Stay fat.

>> No.11840158


>> No.11840210


>All these sound advices that seem perfectly feasible when it comes to eating less, eating better and exercising more

Ticked all boxes. Stopped drinking soda completely, started eating more vegetables, include chicken, salmon and turkey in my meals in more sensible amounts instead of fatcunts portions, snack on a carrot if the urge hits with a vice after smoking a bone. Should lose weight any second no-

>No alcohol

God fucking damn it. There's always fucking something.

Okay, if I quit beer completely, is Gin Tonic an acceptable outlet to get fucked up without resorting to sugar bomb cocktails? I go out like twice a week.

My goal would be getting rid of the bit of fat on the midriff and what little muffintop I got. Not sure if there's a method more specific for that but it's near impossible to get rid of it considering I used to eat and drink whatever the fuck I wanted, never grew but always stayed there.

>> No.11840923

The only way to healthily gain muscle is to eat more protein, increase your calorie intake, and work out regularly, and rest/sleep. It's all about discipline and a steady long-term approach. It takes a couple years. Most people have difficulty eating enough and use protein supplement powders. The 1g/lb protien to body weight thing is bullshit (unless you're cheating). Realistically, the most protein you need to eat is .7g/1kg lean mass. So for your current weight, that'd be about 50g of protein. You could eat a piece of meat the size of your fist twice a day and it would be roughly adequate. Then just pad your caloric intake in excess of 200-500 kcals of your current TDEE. Fats are a good choice because they don't take up a lot of space in your stomach. Avoid eating lots of refined sugars and starches. Always go for slow carbs on rest days so you don't fuck up your insulin resistance and gain fat instead of muscle.

>> No.11840938
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Stop fucking eating fatty.

>> No.11840948

>The 1g/lb protien to body weight thing is bullshit (unless you're cheating)
There are circumstances to go this far, e.g. post-surgical healing promotion

>> No.11840963

People fail because they stop the temporary diet and go back to eating like shit instead of making a permanent lifestyle change.

>> No.11840970

You aren't going to get the body you want getting fucked up on alcohol twice a week. Time to consider ditching your shit habit or just accept that you'll have to stay fat.

>> No.11840998

Protip: Alcohol inhibits muscle synthesis and fat metabolism

>> No.11841003

Your tdee is probably 2500.

Cut out alcohol entirely, count your calories, eat 1500ish a day, exercise.

>> No.11841030

Well, I understand that it's overkill for normal natural bodybuilding. The misconception deters regular guys from working out because of the expense or difficulty of eating so much, which I think is sad.

>> No.11841041

Even though only protein and fiber is good, there is nothing wrong with carbs inherently.
It really just depends on your cals. stay fat OP.

>> No.11841059

eat your own doody to recycle calories

>> No.11841250

Thanks anon for the advice. I appreciate it and I'll put it to use.

>> No.11841263

Why not just skip all this and live a better lifestyle? Reduce your drinking to weekends. Daily exercise, veggies and water to slowly reshape your body into it's ideal form? Subjecting your body to hell to quickly get to a desired look doesn't seem sustainable for long term - but rather a cheap "class reunion" special occasion.

>> No.11841447
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>supplement powder, green coffee extract, food based multivitamins, and vegetable broth
Nah, that's burning money. You'll already get your recommended doses of nutrients by having a balanced diet. If you go full crash diet, I can promise you now that you'll bounce back before your second week.

I was in your place not so long ago, here's what might work for you instead:
>Count calories at a 1,800-1,500 kcal per day (there are apps like MFP that make it piss easy)
>Eat more protein and less carbs. You don't need supplements for that, and going on a ketogenic diet is the biggest meme in recent history
>Cardio three times a week if you want to speed up your process. Couch to 5 k is pretty good for that
>Weigh yourself once a week

Granted, it takes more effort than just stuffing your face while being borderline obese but at least you won't be feeling like killing yourself while being on a crash diet. I did the things above and lost 25 kg in roughly six months. Pretty easy if you're consistent. Good luck!

>> No.11841589

This is a /fit/ question you fat fuck.

>> No.11841612

Don't drink anything with calories the coming month and don't compensate by eating more.

>> No.11841616

I'm like 6'5 and 200 pounds I could lose a little fat but its fucking 5 degrees out so I figure I need some. And fuck you bud your fat

>> No.11841708

