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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11832209 No.11832209 [Reply] [Original]

in line at Tim Horton's. never been here before. what's good?

>> No.11832226

not the ass apparently

>> No.11832240

timmies is trash that being said everything bagel w/ wtv cream cheese you want

>> No.11832259

Timmy Ho's sucks shit. Canada has the worst fast food

>> No.11832309
File: 115 KB, 1607x954, 1539697024727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smokes is pretty good.

>> No.11832318


more donuts for that ass

>> No.11832353

Mcdonalds is uniroincally better, both food and coffee wise

>> No.11832360

American here, stand back

Steeped sweet ice tea with lemon
Chocolate Ice Cap
Raspberry filled powdered Timbits
Turkey bacon club
Mushroom chili

Dip the sandwich into the chili, become an animal

>> No.11832367

do you get all of that in one sitting you animal?

>> No.11832373

imagine the smell

>> No.11832378

it's a donut shop, you mongs
nobody goes there for the sandwiches

>> No.11832382

The turkey bacon club was good, now they put fucking ranch on it instead of the honey mustard sauce they used, and they changed the bread. The bread used to be a pleasantly chewy loaf, now it's damned near white bread texture.

>> No.11832395
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I like their coffee, so yes, some coffee.
I like an occasional doughnut, so yes, a doughnut, too.

>> No.11832408

The store I go to has 2 for $4 sausage, egg, and cheese english muffins/bagels. Really good deal Imo. My gf always gets the frozen lemonade/strawberry lemonade and their timbits are pretty good for the price. No idea about the coffee lol

>> No.11832422

She looks like she smells nice

>> No.11832461

I like to pretend she'd be something I might want to dip my stick in since she's Canadian, unlike these things in the US.

>> No.11832468

Worst food

>> No.11832489

Disgusting, double timbits it is.

>> No.11832518

i really like asses like that, nice white girl asses
also the coffee at tim hortons is terrible

>> No.11832600

Smokes is trash too.
Harveys is the only good Canadian fast food chain

>> No.11832621 [DELETED] 

>phone in back pocket
why are are women so fucking stupid? what is the fucking purpose? I am so fucking mad at this shit

>> No.11832646

Just about everything they have is crap, only thing I would get is the donuts.
Worst thing about Timmys, are the staff. Every one I've been to the staff has a collective IQ of room temperature. They will fuck up the simplest of things.

>> No.11832648

I wish I was that phone

>> No.11832669

You do realize that the front pockets aren't much better. Imagine getting irrationally angry over something so trivial. Go back to your tendies, autismo.

>> No.11832672

Dumbass, she's signalling she feels trustworthy today and is willing to accept whatever bs spiel a guy wants to lay down and she'll let him in her pants. Christ, you better start learning the modern womyn signals or you'll never even dip your fingers.

>> No.11832683

Who the fuck doesn't keep their phone in their back pocket? The only thing I never understood is why women's pants always have such comically small pockets.

>> No.11832684

The side pockets are much better, unless you regularly lie down on your side in which case I suggest you spend less time LARPing as a Roman emperor.

>> No.11832704

For guys, probably. Fitting a phone that size probably wouldn't work in those jeans. Go be stupid elsewhere.

>> No.11832709 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 474x711, zombie brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> front pockets aren't much better
you can actually sit down with the phone in your front pocket. it's also at less risk of being stolen. retards who do this with literally half the phone sticking out of the back pocket are just asking for it to be nabbed by some nigger

>Who the fuck doesn't keep their phone in their back pocket?
most people

>> No.11832719

Obviously you're not a woman or don't wear jeans, but WOMEN'S CLOTHING HAS SMALL POCKETS. How is this a hard concept for you idiots? Also, it doesn't effect you, if her phone gets stolen, that's her problem, not yours. It never ceases to amaze me at how autistic people on this site really are, god damn.

>> No.11832725

>he lives in a 3rd world shithole where people get their phones stolen

>> No.11832730

maybe if women weren't so determined to dress like whores they could wear practical clothing

>> No.11832739 [DELETED] 

I have a pair of fucking skinny jeans whose front pockets still hold phone easily

WHY?? This is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Imagine being so stupid to think that undersizing pockets is somehow a good decision

>> No.11832740

I think you're in the wrong board anon, I think you want /r9k/ or /pol/. You'll fit in just fine there.

>> No.11832754

Good for you, but clearly not all pants are made the same. Complaining about it on a chinese basket weaving forum will do nothing.

>> No.11832758

>He slut shames
What is up with these guys that complain about girls wearing barely any clothes? Are you gay?

>> No.11832772

go away cunt

>> No.11832800

He has the gay, confirmed.
Femanon, I support you wearing as few clothes as you want. I would give you a respectful compliment and walk away if I saw you in public. Don't let the meanies get you down, they can say some very hurtful things that you absolutely don't derserve, but there are plenty of good guys out there :P Btw I'm in Bethel Maine if you ever want to discuss fashion in person just go to the library and ask them how to find "Bobby Ninefingers".
I'm not gay btw, not sure if that matters.

>> No.11832847

You're not gay, just ugly so seeing girls in real life just makes you mad. I get it virgin

>> No.11832896
File: 20 KB, 225x210, 1677t1r7t23rtgf7yuef78217y86y731ry718267hvn 8912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*throws up*
I'd try those donuts with a couple glasses of, what I can only assume, is 2% milk...

>> No.11832915

Women are supposed to carry handbags with pants that don't have decent pockets. Either carry a handbag or get pants that aren't supposed to be paired with a handbag.

>> No.11832928

My man

>> No.11832950 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, lg1_1264_147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite jacket has a zip breast pocket like this that I always keep my phone in
super comfy

inb4 breast cancer

>> No.11832961

I like how this thread is supposed to be about a donut shop and instead people are sperging out over where someone puts their phone. Though it is true most women carry handbags, doesn't mean that they all do or that they carry handbags all the time. There are other boards for this shit, but /ck/ isn't a fashion board, nor is it /r9k/ where such autism is tolerated. I reiterate, go be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.11832965

Nothing really

its mediocore at best, but the company has infested the minds of the general public so everyone goes there because they can no longer think of where else to go.

but if you must, get a big box of timbits and don't let them pile on the plain ones..... those suck

>> No.11832972


the sandwiches are overpriced and fairly disappointing.
The breakfast sandwiches are the best of their sandwich line, but nothing too special.

>> No.11832975

Harveys is trash now

>> No.11832989

shit tier fast food all run by cheap and shady as fuck Indian immigrants scamming small business loans

>> No.11833001

>The breakfast sandwiches are the best of their sandwich line
served literally half cold 95% of the time. and the swiss cheese has zero flavor, tastes like rubber w t f. place is peasant tier trash and I've given it many chances. Id rather just go to mickey D's if I'm being a fat fuck and get a plain egg mcmuffin and black coffee

>> No.11833054

small coffee, two creams

old fashioned plain doughnut

>> No.11833063

Doughnuts there are good. I like their farmer's wraps too. That's about all that's worth the money in my opinion

>> No.11833074

Get an apple fritter and tuck it in the back of her jeans and whisper "thanks for the show"

>> No.11833184 [DELETED] 

>tuck it in the back of her jeans
you couldn't, she has her phone in one pocket and considering that she's probably retarded enough to fill the other one with something equally valuable and fragile

>> No.11833209


>> No.11833213

Their crispy chicken sando's are legit. Only edible thing there and broccoli soup

>> No.11833278

Forces women to buy purses and handbags. It's another kike scheme. I always wear a jacket with front pockets Ora backpack. Not hurting one shoulder to swing an ugly purse around unless it's a special occasion. Practicality..

>> No.11833360

Fuck off churches chicken is god tier

>> No.11833601

I ordered a fuckin ham sandwich and watched two staff members argue about how long to toast the bun as it burned. I was forced to kill them both and eat them instead.

>> No.11833641

Nothing at all. They used to be fantastic but they cut costs in the early 2000s, which lead to all the donuts no longer being made fresh or with better ingredients. Same time the filling for the boston creme and strawberry vanilla donuts were changed, and when they stopped completely covering the strawberry vanilla in sprinkles. Then in the 2010s they ditched their coffee supplier which lead to their most popular item going from fantastic to crap overnight, in Canada McDonalds switched to Tim Horton's old supplier if you want a better cheap coffee.

>> No.11833656

I want to sniff her hair

>> No.11833963

bagel B.E.L.T. on sesame with spicy mayo added

And get them to double toast it because they seem to not toast it at all if you don't ask

>> No.11833979

You're about 15 years too late

>> No.11833985

I like their honey crullers

>> No.11833988


And get a hashbrown to put on the sandwich too

>> No.11834043
File: 459 KB, 1200x1600, iPhoneUpload_0rj0q90u8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.11834079


No like on a bagel with bacon lettuce tomato and spicy mayonnaise you idiot

>> No.11834318

This honey cruller is the last good donut at tims

>> No.11835124

Beside the donuts, everything is garbage at Tim Horton's

>> No.11835157

Even the donuts are trash. Safeway has better donuts

>> No.11835176

Stand back, kid. That's one gulp. Now go eat your chimichangas.

>> No.11835508


>> No.11837354 [DELETED] 

>what's good?
Her ass

>> No.11837509

>timmies is trash that being said everything bagel w/ wtv cream cheese you want

This, it used to be good when they fried their own donuts, but they don't anymore, and the quality is hit and miss depending on who is behind the counter (lots of cheap franchise owner and temporary foreign worker)

If there is red velvet cake muffin though, that's delish, unless they changed it.

Which city are you in OP?

>> No.11837644

sasauge croissant hashbrown combo with large 2 cream coffee and chocolate doughnut to dunk

most stuff in there sucks worse then hospital food. Their coffee is pretty good but more then half the time the dumb fuck indians who run the place burn it and it tastes like shit