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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 610 KB, 796x634, 1548793502647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11831392 No.11831392 [Reply] [Original]

Theres something truly eerie and upsettling about this video, as if reality isn't entirely real.


>Gordon looks like a PS3 character
>Gordon heavily seasons 3 patties and puts them into the grill
>Seasons 2 buns and puts them in too
>Seasons 2 slices of onion and puts them in the grill
>Pushes over a bottle of olive oil
>There are now 2 patties, 2 slices of onion and 3 buns in the grill
>Now theres 4 buns on the table
>Gordon talks about his restaurant in Vegas and now there are 5 patties and 4 slices of onion in the grill
>Seasons the patties again, seasons the onion, seasons the grill
>Opens the grill again, there are now 6 patties and 5 slices of onion
>Gordon puts mayo, lettuce and tomato on his 3 burgers on the table and seasons them
>Assembles 3 burgers and leaves 3 patties and 2 slices of onion in the grill
>The burgers he made are even thicker than the infamous "cowboy burger" which he criticized for not being able to fit in his mouth
>Stevie Wonder next door can smell his burgers
>Kim and Kanye are coming over

>> No.11831411

Delete this thread, anon. You know too much.

>> No.11831415

You may be on to something here...


>> No.11831432


>> No.11831440

Gordon Ramsey is hilarious because he started out as a notoriously picky british chef and now he has to do a video showing Americans how to cook borger every other week. He always looks like he's in conflict about his choice to become a food media guy.

>> No.11831457

I feel like I'm watching this video through a telescope 5000 miles away, what the fuck is up with this angle?
I feel like he let some interns edit this and it shows
Also why does Gordon seem so out of breath? Like he just ran a mile and had to do this video, weird

>> No.11831467

There is strange and powerful energy coming from this video to be sure

>> No.11831490

Not really. In the US he just looks like a 2 yo screaming in a cat litter sandbox, but that's obviously very appealing to 30% of the population ;)

>> No.11831496

Now that you mention it, it is kind of fucked.

>> No.11831503

Where the fuck did those extra patties come from though
Don't tell me it's perspective because we saw him season the fuckers, there were only three

>> No.11831520

He seriously seems coked up and a little drunk at the same time in this video. Something was definitely fucked up that day somehow, I'm sure of it.

>> No.11831544

I'm pretty sure he's always coked up.

>> No.11831546

I get the feeling he didn't really prepare for it. Like he hadn't made burgers in a couple years, but they were asking for a burger video that day so he decided to just go ahead and wing it. Sometimes that works out, sometimes not...

>> No.11831554

why did i laugh at this

>> No.11831557

Shhhhh... don't ruin the fun Anon.

>> No.11831582

it's 2019 and you're just now figuring out that electronic media is heavily edited and virtually never accurately represents reality.

>> No.11831588

>And just, sort of, manipulate the lettuce, so it sits, literally, on your bun

>> No.11831593

Damn dude have you heard of this show called 'Black Mirror'?

>> No.11831594

Idk if it's just because I'm drunk but I laughed at this as well
The absurdity of Gordon preparing burgers that keep multiplying, the way he talks in weird short bursts with buzzwords
somehow goes back to three burgers at the end
waht the fuck

>> No.11831597

lol can you elaborate on ps3 character?

>> No.11831601

not bad, anon

>ramsay confirmed for lettuce manipulator

>> No.11831603

Those patties are like 50% to 100% thicker than they should be. Gordon knows this. This whole video is surreal.

>> No.11831605

>tfw can't manipulate lettuce

>> No.11831610

>the secret is to move it as less as possible

eerie to me somehow

>> No.11831611

I'm a philosopher. I don't need ideas spoon fed to me by (((shows)))

>> No.11831634

HIs polygon count and texture quality is eerily last generation.

>> No.11831647
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>> No.11831650
File: 94 KB, 582x581, 1530932872591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gordon knocks the oil off the table
>The pan falls off the table without being touched
>He doesn't acknowledge either of these things

>> No.11831666

one toothpick goes
the next goes
then number 3 just goes

>> No.11831673

>you cant season a burger after it's cooked
Is this true, professional coo/ck/s?
If not im putting it in my record of chefs just making up wild shit that makes no sense

>> No.11831681

Guessing by the fact that he seasons them after he cooks them, no.

>> No.11831773

Timestamp of pan??

>> No.11831783

He means you can’t season the inside of it. Still retarded but there you go

>> No.11831787

but he only seasons the outside. no reason for alarm?

>> No.11831791

Why does every burger Ramsay make look like a Eddie Murphy house burger

>> No.11831800

He's seasoning it after it's cooked as well, my guess is that he's just making things up so he doesn't stand around being silent because there really isn't much to say about cooking a burger.

>> No.11831806


Maybe he thinks the salt penetrates the meat as long as it’s in an uncooked state?

>> No.11831823
File: 21 KB, 480x360, gordon-ramsay-on-cocaine-s01-e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remeber when he was in a documentary about cocaine for some reason?

>> No.11831859

>>now, lift, quick, in...toastthosebuns

By seasoning he means coke
>>the salt is cocaine

>> No.11831872

His brother is a druggie that's the reason

>> No.11832230 [DELETED] 

does that explain your president?

>> No.11832245

Does his brother actually exist?

>> No.11832310

He's trying not to swear

>> No.11832328

3:26. Bottom right corner.

>> No.11832694

someone's taking it, not falling off the table.

>> No.11832870

It's being consumed.

>> No.11832880

It's marketing for his chain of 'Gordon Ramsay Burger' restaurants.
Ramsay is printing money opening up in heavy tourist areas like vegas and airports with burger shacks, bars and Hell's Kitchen themed restaurants. All of them are packed every night.

>> No.11833069

But why?

>> No.11833351
File: 24 KB, 540x549, burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All jokes aside, it's a fucking great burger recipe. 10/10.

>> No.11833354

he is his brother

>> No.11833366

he has tasted the burger
he has embraced the burger
he has become the burger
no one person on this world can resist the power of the american burger

>> No.11833375


What pisses me off is there was a video of Ramsay pissing on someone because the burger they gave him was "too big" and he could not bite into it properly but then he makes this fucking shit. Burgers are truly the most shit tier food. I'd take a croque madame and bowl of French onion soup or fish and chips over it any day.

>> No.11833651

Because money. You're seeing it all over, here in the Netherlands too. Famous TV chef opens up a chain of dogshit restaurants which have nothing to do with him apart from the name. Have some cheap college students run the place and wa la, fast money. It's the same reason Versace and Luis Vuitton make flip flops and baseball caps nowadays. Someone found out it's easier and more profitable to make $100 on millions of plebs with poor money management and a desire to 'look rich' than it is to make $10000 off a handful of picky rich people. Of course you run a valuable and very old brand name completely into the ground in a few years but who cares quick bux lol long term strategy is for losers

>> No.11834047

Long term strategy is for caucasians you dumb nigger.

>> No.11834082

One of his first tv interviews was him slating tv chefs saying they are all fakes who arent real chefs like him they cant cook and as a real chef he wouldnt be caught dead doing shitty tv cooking shows.

>> No.11834098

>Not getting sarcasm
Kys you literal autist. Besides, who uses the term 'Caucasian'? I'm not from the Kaukasus, I'm from the Netherlands and I can assure you I'm whiter than you, you swarthy mulatto

>> No.11834132
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roight so terday we're going to prepare one o moi favrite dishes; loins of cocaine
>As olways, fresh products are KEY, absolutely essential to preparing a quality dish
>This ere is fresh Colombian cocaine, absolute top notch product, hint of gasoline but an overall very balanced palate
>Now we're going to cut a small piece from the brick
>Remember, let the knoif do the wurk
>Roight now we're going to finely chop this into powder
>Let the knoif do the work
>Carefully put it on this mirror here
>And divide it up into lines with a razor
>Let the razor do the work
>And ere we ave it, loin of cocaine, perfectly prepared

>> No.11834140

how the fuck do you mangle his accent so bad

>> No.11834324

Do you have it? I need to go deeper into his mind.

>> No.11834399

why does this video give me motion sickness
strong energy being let off this video cant say if its for good or bad

>> No.11834408

Wow all this work and it’s nothing like Gordon lmao

>> No.11834508

Is this parody supposed to be Steve Irwin?

>> No.11834523

No. A couple years ago one of the big TV chefs (might have been ramsay) visitied somewhere in south america where they were making cocaine.

>> No.11834559

Watch boiling point, it is essential early Ramsay

>> No.11834567

can't argue with that full house

>> No.11834614

I really don’t see anything eerie about the video. It’s just edited. He probably wanted to make enough for the camera crew to eat. That, or he wanted some back ups in case he fucked up one of the patties.

>> No.11834637

you can hear it hit the ground

>> No.11834638

Moron. I meant the green text was a horrible attempt at replicating his accent. It made it as though he were Australian and thus, the green text was poorly done. God damn it, anon.

>> No.11834643

Yeah, I get that the accent attempt was horribly done. Did you want me to comment on that part? Why? You already did.

>> No.11834944

I bet the original 3 burgers were way over cooked unless they took them off and used stunt burgers. If so, what happened to the original 3?

>> No.11835657

The Hells Kitchen restaurants are brilliant actually, as winners now become a chef there. It's broadcasted in 100+ countries so he picked the vegas of the east (Dubai) and regular vegas to get tourists who have seen the show in other countries. You even get a wine tasting menu

I'm guessing he does this to offset costs of running 3 star restaurants which just break even considering you need like 30+ ppl to run them F/T. His restaurant in Bordeaux will be 3 star soon too. Plus everybody sucks at just making a good burger consistently so why not open a chain and print money from it.

>> No.11835666

prepare for his untimely death. hes probably already dead...

>> No.11835668

This video gave me a strong sense of dissociation.

>> No.11835673
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>> No.11835781
File: 11 KB, 611x560, 1487758701425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i get a C- in lettuce manipulation

>> No.11835858
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>> No.11835881
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>> No.11835904
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>> No.11835916
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>> No.11835972
File: 13 KB, 236x220, 5DEEC741-60C5-4DC5-9012-853D193AA3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this thread in /tv/. The answers are editing software, lighting blah blah might make him look a little weird. Also different amount of patties bc of Editing and various takes. And yes he seasons the burg after cooking although he said not to do that, maybe like someone said here that’s bc of needing to season the inside. Stop trying to have fun OP, I won’t allow it

>> No.11836049

cocaine dipshit, he's an infamous cokehead
remember when peewee herman was caught off his tits wanking like a chimp and was made to do a PSA about crack? most likely the same thing

>> No.11836210

I know it's customary in plenty of places, but fish and chips really is trash food even when it's done right.

>> No.11836326

He just seems slightly uncomfortable and out of his element. It feels like a forced corporate video rather than something he's really in charge of

>> No.11837412

That's his forte though

>> No.11837862
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>> No.11838009
File: 867 KB, 950x608, b60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you put the burgah...ON...the grill, the secret...is to move it as less as possible.

Seriously? Thought this guy grew up speaking the King's.

>> No.11838131


>> No.11838289
File: 23 KB, 400x317, 1252656[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thre-

>> No.11838302

Guys what if Gordon isn't real?

>> No.11838323

>as if reality isn't entirely real
News flash: there is no such thing as "reality". We all interpret reality/information differently. Your eyes don't see a clear picture. They send a blurry picture to your brain, and then your brain uses biases, experience, expectations, etc. to create a clear picture that you consciously understand. It's the old, lizard part of the brain that does all this. And everyone's "reality" is different.

>> No.11839431

Oh do smoke more peyote and shut up, faggot.

>> No.11839458

Just seems like he didn't really want the video made but the British politeness extends far further than we care to admit.

>> No.11839469

Gotto season your nose a little before filming.

>> No.11839474

well that's because Gordon is a fucking NPC, the simulation is coming apart.

>> No.11839496


I tried this and god damn if it wasn't delicious.

>> No.11839506

i think his beef bourguignon recipe looked good.

>> No.11839536

yea that is on my list to try sometime. I don't really give a fuck about the armchair chefs who complain about the stockpots. If I have them, I use them.

>> No.11839556

>having such extreme confirmation bias for national stereotypes that you twist gordon ramsay into an example of british politeness

>> No.11840475
File: 669 KB, 1051x782, bloody-hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11840484

if i got this tattooed on me where would be a good spot

>> No.11840527

2nd burger is made of human meat
also checked

>> No.11840560

what did kek mean by this?

>> No.11840713

Called the Bog Twins, OP knows.

>> No.11840718

This is why I come to /ck/

>> No.11840727
File: 4 KB, 238x211, q34tin2qe3rgp9 nw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Stevie Wonder next door can smell his burgers
Almost pissed myself mate

>> No.11840730

To find out about a shitty youtube video that has been spammed on multiple boards for over a year now? Alright then.

>> No.11840741

for humor you fucking mong

>> No.11840742

This is back when he got fillers and botox. Good god he looked awful. Still gets some fillings but it's not as noticeable

>> No.11840973

he just wanted to throw salt at meat like salt bae. maybe that could be his thing. violently throw salt at meat with each throw punctuated by a loud swear

>> No.11840991
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>> No.11841456
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>> No.11841476
File: 18 KB, 300x168, bad touch jebus disapproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unhand that celebrity chef, Satan!

>> No.11841481

>move it "as less" as possible
I think he means "as little"?

>> No.11841488
File: 79 KB, 560x578, 1547214714323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always flunked out on my lettuce manipulation boards. How i mNaged to get my cooking license is still beyond me.

>> No.11841519
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1547951603598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ has been all over this board today

>> No.11841534

I think he is older than 40

>> No.11841539

>Theres something truly eerie and upsettling about this video, as if reality isn't entirely real.
Drunk and/or drugs.
Hack/no talent/no concern for hygiene
Braggart. Entire video was to make someone envy his (rental) property's view, ie look at me.

People ADD, who aren't really teaching or cooking from talent, experience or understandings have issues with procedural sense. He's trying on a recipe he really actually has no understanding how to do well.

>> No.11841560

He seems fine and normal to me

>> No.11842842


>> No.11842878
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>> No.11842884

Wrong thread

>> No.11842901

yeah he would get angry when people called him a celebrity chef

>> No.11842921

does Gordon Ramsey abuse cocaine? He acts like a coke head, but I just cant see him doing it.

>> No.11843005

very funny and true well done friendo

>> No.11843069
File: 309 KB, 764x713, 1539926514679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those repeating digits

>> No.11843225

I hate this pasta so much
The cowboy burger was bigger than the one he made