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11815411 No.11815411 [Reply] [Original]

DAILY REMINDER: You cannot drink rootbeer and be a weaboo.

>> No.11815421

That's A&W. Mug is superior

>> No.11815505

Bangs is the king

>> No.11815687


>> No.11815697
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>superior to anything

>> No.11816102

Why don't Asians like root beer? I've loved it since I was a kid.

>> No.11816119
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Oliet Bang's for me

>> No.11816727
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The Wintergreen reminds them of cold medicine they had growing up.
Euros also have the same reaction.

>> No.11816742

mug is shit

>> No.11816748

this thread makes me want rootbeer
also rootbeer medicine

>> No.11817689

IBC master race.

>> No.11817934

Asian-American here. My overseas relatives who come to visit tell me that it "tastes like toothpaste."

>> No.11817950

Spic here, it tastes like Pepto-bismol.

>> No.11818024

Because asians and euros have terrible taste in beverages

>> No.11818049


>> No.11818077

Behead those who insult root beer

>> No.11818091
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>> No.11818094

Mug is the stuff you get when you don't have money for anything better

>> No.11818122

I brought root beer barrels from home at omiyage. Every single coworker obviously hated them, but just said they were "interesting"
I wish I knew that beforehand!

>> No.11818162

The flavor bears some similarities to herbal medicine. Since American medicine is fruit-flavored we don't have that issue. There's a similar phenomenon with Hershey's chocolate, it has a metallic aftertaste that sticks to the back of the throat that Euros liken to vomit but most Americans don't notice it.

>> No.11818173

>There's a similar phenomenon with Hershey's chocolate, it has a metallic aftertaste that sticks to the back of the throat that Euros liken to vomit but most Americans don't notice it.
The deal with Hershey's is actually that Hershey's uses similar production methods to caramel, which makes the chocolate more acidic and generally pretty weird unless you're a huge fan of caramel.
>inb4 some retard replies with that "vomit acid" ingredient that's also used in shit like parmesan cheese

>> No.11818224

but hershey's actually has butyric acid in it because hershey let the milk partially sour when he was making his chocolate

>> No.11818251
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I like a bottle of Harvey Weinstein's myself.

>> No.11818289

There's something masochistic about enjoying the taste of medicine.

>> No.11818336
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Flip here. Thanks for invading our country back in the day. Your taste in rootbeer is one of the many benefits your kind has brought to our people. Fucking love a nice cold rootbeer, especially when paired with a nice juicy hamburger.

>> No.11818529

Yeah I used to be an IBC guy but Harvey's is better in my opinion, better foaming and doesn't taste as watery when you get it ice cold.

>> No.11818548

I was actually surprised by how big american style fast food was in the homeland when I visited last summer. Too bad your meat quality is way inferior, especially for the small scale local huts like that chain of knockoff big mac food stalls out in I think it was iloilo. Even your McDonald's doesn't taste right, the fries need more high quality oil and salt on them desu.

>> No.11819046

So that's the shit they put in it, always wondered a little.

I'll take a cream soda any day, or a cherry soda.

>> No.11819606

DAILY REMINDER: You cannot drink rootbeer and be anything else than a subhuman.

>> No.11819739
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True GOAT coming through

>> No.11820915


>> No.11820927

Based wisconsin bro. This shit is always on sale at menards

>> No.11821170
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Only root beer I've ever had better than Virgil's was one made by this little mom and pop German restaurant in downtown San Antonio

>> No.11821189

Challenge accepted

>> No.11821261

Memes aside diet root beer is disgusting.

>> No.11821858
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>> No.11821876
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How does the rootbeer float taste? I like rootbeer and I like ice cream, but I can't fathom how will they taste together. (Also, think about all that sugar, fuck me)

>> No.11821906

Hard to explain really, the vanilla ice cream adds a heavier cream flavor to the rootbeer. I think it's better to go with saspirilla as it's more bitter and complements the root beer better. If you do go with rootbeer though use a cheap one like a&w or Shasta. Higher quality rootbeer is already fairly creamy and sweeter so adding ice cream would probably be much. Mug and barqs are shit tier and should be avoided though.

>> No.11821916

Fuck I meant say the saspirilla compliments the ice cream better.

>> No.11821927

Understood, how nice it is that A&W is easily available. Thanks. Do you know any fruit that goes along?

>> No.11822126

I’ve just made jelly soda.
Grape jelly
Fizz water

I’m never drinking commercial sodas again

>> No.11822208

I'm guessing mango and maybe pears might be alright. Never tried fruit with rootbeer. I know people do grape soda floats.

>> No.11822409
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>in grocery store
>going down the soda isle
>short little black woman hails me
>asks if I could reach the "BARK's" rootbeer for her as it's on the top shelf
>grab it and hand it to her
>tell her "BANG's is my favorite root beer as well"
>she gives me a funny look and thanks me
>I walk away trying like hell to suppress my laughter

I'm retarded

>> No.11822439

Absolute truth.

>> No.11823552

>especially for the small scale local huts like that chain of knockoff big mac food stalls out in I think it was iloilo
You mean Jollibee? I'm not a flip, I just have a friend that is so I'm aware of its existence.

>> No.11823568

But I am both those things. What you're saying is I can't enjoy rootbeer and be truly Japanese at the same time.

>> No.11823685

Weeaboos arent nips

>> No.11823853

Japanse cold medicine has a vaguely rootbeery taste as a result, so to them rootbeer would probably be something like pepto bismol soda to us

>> No.11823858

makes sense
I can't stand grape soda because it reminds me of cold medicine

>> No.11823868
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>I too like DDR Lepper

>> No.11823878

>literally 80 grams of sugar per bottle

it's so fucking good though
I had a hybrid root beer/ginger beer once in key west and it was amazing, couldn't ever find it again though

>> No.11825232

That is Barq's

>> No.11825260

Watch me

>> No.11825362


>> No.11825386
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That's it! That's the name! I'm gonna brew my own root beer and call it Vile Root Beer!