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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 840x485, cokevspepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11816705 No.11816705 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11816714

Coke is universally considered better. Pepsi tastes like chemicals.

They're like the Sega to Coke's Nintendo. They have their fans, but everybody knows they're not as good.

>> No.11816713

Pepsi max

>> No.11816721
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>> No.11816722

But at the same time I'm reminded of that event where people tried pepsi and coke while blindfolded and kept guessing wrong

>> No.11817679


>> No.11817696

coke. less sweet and more carbonated with a more elaborate flavor

>> No.11817702

Sweet tea in a take out cup.
Can be made at home, and is cheaper

>> No.11817730


>> No.11817731

Cherry coke.

>> No.11817733
File: 267 KB, 300x730, vanilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this bad boy?

>> No.11817752

Coke. Pepsi is Yankee trash, and I say this as a European.

>> No.11817757

I am not a senile old woman.

>> No.11817764
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Fuck your dichotomy

>> No.11817775

Unironically slip on an ice cube.
Vanilla needs to be eradicated from this earth

>> No.11817778
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>> No.11817779

>drinking soda

>> No.11817817
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No, I'm not keen of letting the JEW get inside of me. I only eat/drink local stuff.

>> No.11817824


>> No.11817825

i think pepsi is actually better but for some reason i always grab a coke when i could as easily grab a pepsi

>> No.11817838

That’s a terrible list

>> No.11817843


>> No.11817852

this to be honest

>> No.11817895

Doesn't matter, both taste really good with ice and even better with alcohol.
But ultimately I'd choose Coca Cola as it has more punch, more bubbles and a firmer taste whilst Pepsi has a more sweet, smooth taste.
>t. Actual soft drinks connosioueuouerré

>> No.11817917

Orange Juice cause its healthier and anyone who says, "B-B-BUT ITS THE SAME AS SODA" is working for Pepsico or Coke Company trying to get me to stop being healthy.

>> No.11818010

On another note, I wonder what compels someone, upon seeing a thread based on stating a preference between two specific sodas, to randomly bring up an unrelated beverage or how you're allegedly healthier.

>> No.11818019
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It tastes more "soda like" and less sugary then coke

>> No.11818028

Dt pepsi, second place coke zero

>> No.11818058

coke is the better product, obviously, however if we are talking about the products and not the company, diet mountain dew tastes just as sweet as the real thing. if it was a little bit thicker i honestly wouldn't be able to tell the difference

>> No.11818060

>drinking Royal Crown cola

Aren't we high and mighty.

>> No.11818075

Do you drink the Coca Cola given to you by Bill Cosby?

>> No.11818090

Coke for the win

>> No.11818130
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Shasta Cola

>> No.11818153

How much are you willing to bet there's a million roofies that he snuck inside the New Coke formula during the 80s? Maybe that's why everyone hated it so much.

>> No.11818155


>> No.11818630


>> No.11818688

My man.

>> No.11818691


>> No.11818698

canned a&w root beer tastes nothing like IRL

>> No.11818703

No preference. All cola is the same.

>> No.11818708

Is this ginger beer? I've never seen this before, what country is this from?

>> No.11818778
File: 25 KB, 400x400, pepsi-throwback-soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only with the real sugar, anon.
otherwise, they're both jew piss

>> No.11818834


>> No.11819037
File: 1.23 MB, 4032x3024, t8f4fjog41h01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every dr pepper ripoff i have ever drank has tasted so much better than dr pepper. shoutout to dr publix, the best tasting dr pepper ripoff

>> No.11819179

Stock Pepsi is better, flavored coca cola's are better.


>> No.11819232

RC Cola is better

>> No.11819237

>No Sierra Mist in sight
Fucking idiots

>> No.11819301

i still rather name brand soda because generic stuff goes flat within minutes

>> No.11819307

That's generous

>> No.11819327


Pepsi taste like metal and / or blood

>> No.11819334

Dr Pepper

>> No.11819335

Oh yeah dude, I love the taste of flat Sprite mixed with dirty dishwater. Good stuff.

Also, hope you boys know that the best place to get Coke is from McDonald's. Fountain Coke from there is spicy / biting. It's great. Fuck Pepsi.

>> No.11819343
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yeah it's pretty great and the scarcity only makes it better

>> No.11819353

I drink both

>> No.11819354

For me, it's Fentiman's.

>> No.11819357


>> No.11819363

Maybe your retarded ass WAS drinking flat sprite mixed with dishwater.

>> No.11819380

For me it's Schweppes cola

>> No.11819383
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For me, it's a large glass of water filled halfway with ice.

>> No.11819492

I'm glad Quiktrip still carries this

>> No.11819497

Ice cold Mexican Coke on a hot day.

>> No.11819664

>less sugary
It’s sweeter and 10 calories more than Coke, what the fuck are you on?

>> No.11819678

They taste relatively the same but Coke has always left me with a disgusting sour aftertaste that Pepsi hasn't

>> No.11819796

Pepsi is nauseating to me, but it may just be because my mother forced it into my mouth every morning to wake me up for school until I got out of highschool. I don't like coke that much but I'd take it any day over Pepsi.

>> No.11819819

not a yankee so coke

>> No.11819849

For me, its Diet Shasta Orange

>> No.11819856

Coke has a semblance of a balance of flavours while Pepsi is just 100% sugary syrup. You have the palette of a baby.

>> No.11820417
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>tfw you will never taste the recipe again 2002-2005

first time i had it was at the black hills seeing mount rushmore when i was 8

>> No.11820471
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>Implying I'm some cuck who wastes daily calories on poison

>> No.11820527

complete opposite. i drink diet sodas and diet coke has an unbearable chemical taste whereas pepsi doesn't.

>> No.11821447

I alternate between both, pepsi is more chemically but less bland

>> No.11821451

i choose 360 degree turn and walk away

>> No.11821519
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Instead of just picking one (I'd pick Coke incidentally), I'll break down the actual differences:
>Slightly less sugar
>Slightly more sodium
>Slightly less caffeine
>Marketed to white people during segregation era
>Sided with Israel over Arab Nations during historical boycotts
>Has maintained a consistent lead over Pepsi and other sodas in terms of what people actually buy
>Loses to Pepsi in taste tests
>More associated with nostalgia, traditional family values, Santa Claus, and wholesome Americana in general
>Distributes medical supplies to remote third world villages because their soda distribution networks are already in place in these hardest to reach areas and the respective governments can't do as good a job themselves
>Slightly more sugar
>Slightly less sodium
>Slightly more caffeine
>Marketed to black people during segregation era
>Sided with Arab Nations over Israel during historical boycotts
>Has never overtaken Coke in terms of what people actually buy
>Wins over Coke in taste tests
>More associated with novelty, trendy modernism, Michael Jackson, and modern recording pop artists in general
>Once became a major world military power through acceptance of naval fleet as alternative payment from Soviets

>> No.11821623

I miss Pepsi Twist and Diet Pepsi Twist. Pepsi Blue too.

>> No.11821634

Literal cola wars when

>> No.11821784

I drink the red bull one

>> No.11822427

>the Sega to Coke's Nintendo
So Pepsi is objectively better despite being less popular? Makes sense to me.

>> No.11822431

Jelly soda

>> No.11822432

Based, redpilled and cute
Real Sugar Pepsi > Coke > Regular Pepsi

>> No.11822438

Mexican coke with knob creek 120 proof. On the rocks.

>> No.11822441

The only soda I ever drink, if I decide to drink it.

>> No.11822443

Water please, I don't want to get cancer.

>> No.11822454

>Coke has always left me with a disgusting sour aftertaste that Pepsi hasn't
Pepsi's the one that actually uses citric acid as an ingredient you retard.

>> No.11823134

>um i choose water im so high and mighty
Who let the nuns post here?

>> No.11823194

It's Pepsi 0 Sugar now, and it sucks.

>> No.11823223

coke no exceptions.
>coke with real sugar
fucking supreme

>> No.11823228

For me, it's Wishniak black cherry

>> No.11823321
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>> No.11823339

RC cola that's flat and at room temperature

>> No.11823356

bepis :DDDDDD

>> No.11823497
File: 151 KB, 1024x1280, 092CF8B2-E153-4CD8-A21E-C81C7ACA3E7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>around 14
>in marching band and on the band bus
>we stop at relatively small but lively joint I’ve been to before as something for the kids to do after a band contest
>seafood if I remember correctly
>we all get off and go inside
>order popcorn shrimp because I loved it as a kid fuck you if you don’t like it
>go to fountain dispensery
>there’s no coke, and I’ve only ever drunk coke
>but there’s Pepsi
>Pepsi to me was like some foreign energy drink that people bring back from yankeeland
>intrigued and in the need of a carbonated drink I take the Pepsi and walk over to my table
>talking and acting like a retard with friends at which point I get thirsty
>take one sip of the Pepsi
>da faq.jpq
>it’s like a literally slime in my mouth it had the viscosity or liquid soap and moved around in my mouth like mucus.
>but am thirsty
>so I drink
>and I eat
>suddenly feel need to burp
>was at the time sitting across from a girl I had a crush on
>think lol this’ll be funny
>attempt to force it out and it feels kinda painful
>go through with it anyway
>at last realize oh no, it’s not a burp
>then suddenly an assortment of Pepsi, and shrimp pieces come shooting out of my mouth like I’m Godzilla
>the girl I like who I will call Stacy is fucking covered in sticky caramel colored pieces of shrimp
>begins screaming and crying while people around us are throwing up
>assistant band director comes running over and asks wth is going on
>I turn to him to respond but only get out a “I’m si...”
>start projectile throwing up onto his clothes
>he’s fucking mad and so is everyone else
>get ushered out and they call my mom to take me home as I was “too sick to go on the bus”
>get bitched at by my mom
>cry at home
Fuck Pepsi, fuck band, and fuck teachers. Dr Pepper team represent

>> No.11823664


>> No.11823695

>diarrhea or shit

They can kill each other for all I care.

>> No.11823748
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>They can kill each other for all I care.