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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 209 KB, 1054x526, 1522282640180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11812662 No.11812662 [Reply] [Original]

>live in group home for mental retards because I'm a schizo on a community treatment order
>We share cooking responsibility
>always cook a nice meal involving a lot of preparation, care and time
>most of the other assholes just make hotdogs in some form or another with defrosted frozen vegetables and fries or tater-tots
>I have to eat in the house every day (they literally tell me what to eat like I'm in fucking prison!)

I wish I was a fucking European. I find hotdogs disgusting, I love sausages of all types but hotdogs are a fucking scam, just inedible trash marketed as food to dumbass North Americans.

Anyway fuck you hotdog eating cunts.

>> No.11812666

The world is glad you're locked up.

>> No.11812672

I'm not locked up. I can leave the house whenever I want. I just can't eat supper where I like because that's deemed "unsociable". Also hotdogs confirmed as satan's asshole food I guess.

>> No.11812675

call the police on them say they are abusing you the govt has very strict guidelines on nutrition if they are not providing it they are breaking the law.

>> No.11812683

They aren't breaking nutrition guidelines because of the vegetables. Also not even I'm THAT autistic. I just wanted to vent how much I hate having to eat these fucking things.

>> No.11812686

Lol what a retard.

>> No.11812688

Schizoid or schizophrenic? if latter poison them and tell them the voices told you to

>> No.11812692

Sounds like it sucks. Best wishes OP.

>> No.11812698

Please go vegan OP. If you just open your eyes, you'll see that all meat is as gross as hotdogs.

>> No.11812705

truly a devilish thing to say

be grateful you're allowed to cook. our mental patients can't.
and if you can leave the "house" then why not buy your own food and cook for yourself?

>> No.11812711
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that's not a bad idea. My dad went vegan as a New Years resolution. I mentioned this to several other people here. I could just say that I saw how he was getting along fine with it and decided to follow suit. But I'll still be enjoying delicious Italian Sausage at the nearby Italian market ;^)


>> No.11812712


I'm sorry OP I genuinely wish you the best. Keep your head up.

>> No.11812715

Like I said, its just deemed contrary to the rules of the house to not eat dinner with the group.

>> No.11812717

frozen vegetables in a way are freshen than "fresh" because they are FROZEN FRESH
hey, buddy... it's the MIDDLE OF WINTER... you think you're eating FRESH FOOD?
no wonder they put you in there, loony as a hatter
but yeah, I do understand your general disgust in having to eat food by medicated people with compromised executive functions. that would be a trip to the zoo alright

>> No.11812719

Claim to have found religion and maybe they'll let you make your own food instead of eating their shit. Judaism is likely gives the most leeway in how strict you want to be about things. Some of the hobbyist jews of NYC observe a rule requiring a jew oversee food preparation.

>> No.11812723

friendly reminder that mental illness is a malnutritional metabolic disorder
good luck bros

>> No.11812735

Just feed it to the children that act like dogs.

>> No.11812736

What the LITERAL fuck did he mean by this?

>implying I'm complaining about the vegetables and not just the total lack of enthusiasm and adaptability of the other nutcases here.

>> No.11812740

so eat with them. but eat your own food and not the crap that they're having.

>> No.11812743

why is it that i got banned for making a thread about restaurants but this shit stays up

>> No.11812746

if your house mates suck then kill them all and get fresh ones. :-)

>> No.11812748

talk shit get hit, you got a lesson today but the dumb muck you are you'll just ignore it like always
get better soon, I do feel bad for your plight but improvements should be made.

>> No.11812759
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No. Half the point is eating together is supposed to validate the ego of the person who cooked the meal. I tried to just sit with the group and say I ate out and wasn't hungry but the staff were having none of it. I don't really know why someone's ego should be validated for minimal effort, but you know the mental health industry, its a huge fuckin' jerkoff (to quote Tony Soprano). I think Vegananon has the answer to my prayers. They wont force me to eat something contrary to my ethics (even if they're just made up).

>> No.11812768

They arent mental patients just adults sharing an apartment with a social worker coming over once a month or so.

>> No.11812775

>calling others crazy while posting this
hmmm yes

>> No.11812803

maybe they're testing your strength of character. by making your own food and not eating their crap you're refusing to dignify their failure. they'll be forced to improve if they want you to conform. be a positive influence on their lives. don't let them get you down. but also compromise if you can. maybe just have your own salad on the side along with their shitty hotdogs.

or insist on halal hotdogs to conform with your new religous ways. allahu ackbar!

>> No.11812815

The goal of mental health treatment is to turn people into obedient workers. Theyre basically preparing him for eating lunch with coworkers or even roommates

>> No.11812828

i'm not saying that he shouldn't eat with them. just not eat their crap.

everyone should have the right to decide what goes into their body.

>> No.11812832

based and prescription pilled

>> No.11812841

Rights are different than reality. People get poisoned on a daily basis and don't even know it.

>> No.11812842

Eating meals together is the biggesst meme ever

>> No.11812851

Eating by yourself Is a meme and I hate eating in general. They want you to be divided so you are easier to conquer.

>> No.11812853

>Rights are different than reality
do freedom burger really...?

>> No.11812861

>once a month

If that were true then I'd be fine. None of the other clients give a shit if I eat dinner with them and wouldn't tell on me. The truth is every minute of the working day there are 3 staff on (nurse, 2 social workers). We're basically being babysat. Community treatment orders mean we are forced to take our medication by law. Moreover these people are here to get everyone to various affiliated programs in the city. I don't mind it to the extent I still get to spend most of the day shitposting. I don't even have to worry about finding a job since working contravenes my contract. Its a pretty sweet gig other than the food.

>> No.11812866

If you are dead, your rights are nothing besides the aggressor rottting in a cell. If that sentence means nothing to you, you are too black and white to help senpai.

>> No.11812872

can you volunteer to take over the cooking resposibilities for everyone?

part of living with a group is identifying everyone's strengths and weaknesses. ifyour strength is preparing good food then take the lead and offer to make the food in exchange for sexual favours form some of the other housemates. or they can clean your room. whatever. you'll think of something.

>> No.11812875

Why do they let you visit 4channel? I wouldn't let you do that. You could end up on /x/ or something.

>> No.11812882

I'm sorry you're so alone, I'm in the same boat but keep looking and you'll find a friend, maybe even a romantic partner to share food with, don't give up

>> No.11812890

>part of living with a group is identifying everyone's strengths and weaknesses
lmao no it's making the suckers do all the work

>> No.11812891

will you be my fren?

>> No.11812896

I only feel awful around people

>> No.11812897

to what end? if everyone else is doing all the work that needs to be done then you're left standing around watching the clock which is the worst feeling in the world.

>> No.11812903
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>always cook a nice meal
When you are concentrating/paying attention to a task you enjoy(at least one you don't hate)does that bring you relief from your schizo?
Had a gf,she said that kinda stuff seemed to help.
Also pls describe the most normal person but has a definite tell.
As in,he could pass as normal until he _____.

>> No.11812906
File: 1.56 MB, 2000x2641, 1512698260548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they figure that internet is just essential to daily living and also a standard form of entertainment. They don't have like a network or anything, its just a standard cable company setup. They turn it off at 10:30 pm but that's okay because I have an addiction anyway. I did go on /x/ very recently to ask them what the hell this pic related depicts. If I'm on my pills, I'm pretty much fine, even on /x/ and I can't go off them because of the CTO.

>> No.11812909

oh my,this guy knows what he's talking about.
I bet you got some stories,or you are concerned about somebody and did some research.
Or you are a Doug Stanhope fan.

>> No.11812914
File: 382 KB, 615x431, 1488170015963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try different people, with enough exposure you'll find someone as retarded as you are (speaking from personal experience, not insulting), it might not work out, but there's literally an infinite (for all intents and purposes) amount of people to keep trying with. It's got to work out eventually right?


>> No.11812915

>decided to follow suit. But I'll still be enjoying delicious Italian Sausage at the nearby Italian market ;^)

Based and meatpilled.

>> No.11812924

you have schizophrenia
your life is a glass house now

>> No.11812933

Pretty much everyone is perfectly normal except there's one guy who is very aloof and kind of seems pissed off all the time, even though he's probably not. He also has a penchant for public urination. Another guy says racist shit to minorities by accident and talks candidly to people he doesn't know. He's hapa. One time we were all on the bus and he said to this black girl "You're darker than the dark of night". Pretty kekworthy.

>> No.11812935

>I'll still be enjoying delicious Italian Sausage at the nearby Italian market ;^)
sounds gay

>> No.11812938


*unzips dick*

>> No.11812988

>"You're darker than the dark of night"
Things like that,sometimes if,and only if, you laugh,that makes it hurtful.(kinda)
Says to you:Did you stop eating greasy food?Just noticed you have a lot less zits.
You:*thinks,nice,my complextion is clearing up*
Me:LAughs like a manic.
You:*Damnit,I got zits!*

>> No.11812995

I'm not OP

>> No.11812999


>> No.11813011

Were obviously very different people

>> No.11813022

>try different people,

>> No.11813026

Youre weird

>> No.11813034

OP is the odd one out in a group of mental retard schizos lol.

>> No.11813048

CTO= community treatment order. Basically a legal agreement to stay on my medication or else be admitted to the hospital again. Although I couldn't tell you over what exact period this lasts.

>> No.11813060

>uhhh well maybe just do it for them :)
you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist. everyone has to do it. OP doesn't like hotdogs and therefore eats shit. the caretakers will not impoverish the other patients to accommodate his distinguished pallet. there is no one to bargain with in this situation.

>> No.11813065

I never heard anyone refer to odd one out as a negative phrase before

>> No.11813068

Do you value your freedom or something why would you take a deal like that?

>> No.11813081

Is this schizophrenic/gang stalking stuff?

>> No.11813085


>> No.11813097

>fitting in is a good thing especially if its a group of literal crazy people

>> No.11813107

No. I'm just happy to have a roof over my head without having to do anything but attend mental health programs and do housework. And these were the terms under which I was released from the hospital.

>> No.11813110

>you're trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
if the problem didn't exist then there wouldn't be a thread.

>everyone has to do it.
no u

>OP doesn't like hotdogs and therefore eats shit.
but he shouldn't have to. therein lies the problem

>the caretakers will not impoverish the other patients to accommodate his distinguished pallet.
ftw? nobody needs to be impoverished in this situation. if anything they would be better fed and their life (as well as op's) will be significantly improved.

>there is no one to bargain with in this situation.
there is always someone to bargain with and in this case it's the other patients, and maybe the social workers if their permission is required.

but none of this matters because op is too placid to take the lead and be a strong individual. he'd rather eat shit or pretend to be someone he's not (ie. vegan).

>> No.11813118

>I don't get it, ok?!?
yeah I already knew that

>> No.11813119

Was the hospital so bad that youd rather flatshare with a bunch of strangers under supervision?

>> No.11813125

>but he shouldn't have to. therein lies the problem
He temporarily has been stripped of his humans rights.

>> No.11813131

Hate hotdogs too but can't you just make your own food not have to eat them?

>> No.11813132

legit tho what happens to people on treatment order with food allergies

>> No.11813135

t. Randall P. McMurphy

>> No.11813141

Yes, because this is like the hospital but I get to come and go as I please (except for the stipulation that I attend dinner). This is the NEET life a la perfection.

>> No.11813143

That's the only way it is ever meant.

>> No.11813146

not all rights. he still has the freedom to use the internet. and negotiate with his fellow patients about who should perform which tasks.

he can cook the meals while someone else cleans his toilet. or something.

i don't think i care any more tho

>> No.11813148
File: 41 KB, 640x360, 1516472036629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot dogs taste like poverty. I had to eat cheap hot dogs too often when I was super poor and now I can't stand them.

>> No.11813166

i don't get it. are you trying to call me crazy. i've been called worse (ie. redditor).

>> No.11813188

That's too bad, but it sounds like you are functioning at a high level. Can you work with your psychiatrist to work towards a point where you can change your living situation and not live in a group home? I don't know much about mental health treatment but I guess they are looking for evidence that you are capable of living on your own/without supervision?

>> No.11813192

Yeah,most of the times loonies(no offense,buddy) snap is when their meds works so well,that they think they are cured and quit cold turkey.

>> No.11813201

>he still has a right to see doesn't he?

b r a i n l e t

>> No.11813207

how many hours a day are you allowed to use the internet?

>> No.11813269

No, if your Schizo you don't quit because they are working. You quit because your stupid brain tells you they're poisoning you.

>> No.11813286

>I get to come and go as I please
So you do value your freedom. I guess I'm crazier than a schizo.

>> No.11813292

do the voices tell you to kill the tards?

>> No.11813296

Why are we arguing about the rules of a place we know nothing about?

>> No.11813313

that's called a conscience

>> No.11813331

This is actually a compliment.

>> No.11813348

top lol

>> No.11813363

going vegan is one of the worst decisions you can make for your schizo. instead, eat mostly beef and saturated fat, eat pork rinds (they're high in glycine), and supplement sarcosine.
look up ketogenic diet, glycine, sarcosine, and schizophrenia.

>> No.11813370
File: 1.79 MB, 240x427, Cutest2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like OP,just wonder how somebody could hate hotdogs...
Are they cooked/handled in such a terrible way?
OP:I hope you get better.
Please start new threads every so often.

>> No.11813372
File: 11 KB, 300x300, fred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the other assholes just make hotdogs in some form or another with defrosted frozen vegetables and fries or tater-tots

mfw that was my dinner tonight

>> No.11813385

Like I said, I can leave the house and eat lunch wherever I like. This is just a facade to avoid having to eat hotdogs (the tater-tots and frozen vegetables aren't ideal but they don't disgust me).

>> No.11813394
File: 171 KB, 1080x1080, 573740818432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP if you're still there, there's a book called Nutrition and Mental Health by Leyse-Wallace that you should take a look at.

>> No.11813397

What's surprising? Everyone always just talks about all the disgusting things that go into hotdogs and then they eat them anyway. Whether those things are in their or not, they certainly taste like it to my sensitive palate.

>> No.11813406

You are literally mentally ill to the point that your involuntarily confined yet you complain that other retards can only cook hotdogs? Neck yourself.

>> No.11813411

>brushes hair from daughter's face to ensure YouTube audience can properly see her facial expression

>> No.11813420

Schizos aren't actually retarded. Everyone here is basically normal because they are on their meds. Actually the hapa guy who says weird things to complete strangers is the second best cook after me; he made Alfredo from scratch and it was prettay prettay prettay good.

>> No.11813458

Almost 10:30.
Goodnight OP.
Waifu dreams.

>> No.11813461

IQ falls precipitously in schizophrenics. unless you were above average already (since you're a 4channer I will assume this includes you), turning out schizophrenic will change you from normie to Stacy overnight.

>> No.11813469

>Nutrition and Mental Health by Leyse-Wallace
it's on the bay but no one is seeding. thanx, tho.

I'm a straight male but when I suck off other guys in public toilets I pretend that I'm a girl. I mean, I don't act like a girl in any way, but in my head I'm a girl. Then it's not gay because I'm a girl and I'm straight. Because I'm not gay.

>> No.11813475
File: 14 KB, 300x169, Christ On His Throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw you have become the Herman Munster!

>> No.11813480

>IQ falls precipitously in schizophrenics.

>> No.11813484

People here eat lobster,that's an insect.
People here eat liver,that is a poop filter.
Them fellas probably get garbage hotdogs,but the kosher ones are all good.

>> No.11813495

>it's on the bay but no one is seeding. thanx, tho.
Don't say I never did anything for you loons. I got the same diagnoses a few years ago.


>> No.11813505

meds don't work longterm, and actually worsen the problems.

>> No.11813520

I love lobster and liver. Before I ended up in this place Liver was basically what I sustained myself on because everyone is stupid and doesn't want to eat the most tender part of the cow. It has such a flavor profile that anything more than butter, salt and pepper is sacrilege in my book.

>> No.11813529
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, seems legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and legit pilled

thank you kind sir.

>> No.11813542


tldr; you are what you eat so don't eat fruit cake

you're welcum.

>> No.11813609

If this is legit,you ruined 4chan as you saved the earth(unless you are black,then you saved the urf.)

>> No.11813619

You must eat jerks!
Just kidding bro.

>> No.11813628

it's legit >>11813529

all gud, brah. i do eat a lot of spotted dick tho. actually no i don't. i lied.

>> No.11813630
File: 135 KB, 565x602, 1370232556946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what you mean but thanks I guess. I went through the same thing as OP so I genuinely feel for him. ufile is the first thing that pops up on google when you're looking for a quick, small file upload site desu.

>> No.11813680

i think anon was making a racial joke about how a certain demographic of american ghetto citizens would pronounce the word "earth"


>> No.11813751

compared to normal people schizos were found to be 15 IQ below healthy adults, and compared to themselves as children lose 6 points (healthy pop loses none). knocking the population from middling normal intelligence range to low intelligence.

>> No.11813773

>i do eat a lot of spotted dick tho
tee hee!

>i think anon was making a racial joke about how a certain demographic of american ghetto citizens would pronounce the word "earth"
Yes,thats as racist as I get.
I saw a pretty black hippy girl and thought she must celebrate urf day er day.
I only said that out loud because I was in a car with only on friend and he knows it was a goof.

If this pdf can cure mental illness,4chan is done,senpai.

>> No.11813777

Op, all you gotta do is teach the group how to make Chicago style hot dogs and then everybody's happy and you all eat like kings.

>> No.11813786

why and by who decided to raid /ck/? Leave us the fuck alone,

>> No.11813788

the study was conducted in 1972 and al it proves is that the anti-psychotic drugs of the time doped you out.

myth: busted.

>> No.11813792

found the retard. gtfo of our comfy thread.

>> No.11813793

Can't you pay to go to a better group home? Did your family abandon you?

>> No.11813801

the ones on drugs dropped 7 points and the ones not on drugs dropped 6 points

>> No.11813808

shut up

>> No.11813815
File: 60 KB, 500x667, 1523050308275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went through the same thing as OP
So you stuck to your meds?
You know more about this than me...
I understand that sometimes the meds work.
Sometimes the meds work SO well that it can turn you,no offense senpai,into a normal person.
Then the recipient stops the meds.

>> No.11813818

lol, ur disgusting

>> No.11813825

>Chicago style hot dogs
Also get relish that is kinda blue.
That way intead of them asking if you want relish....
You:Make it rain.
Him:You are the rain maker
*bluish relish is sprinkled on your dog,dog.*

>> No.11813839

Op perhaps if you can have some toppings and things readily available that could break the monotony of flavour? Even if it's just some decent sauces and pickles.

Based anon

>> No.11813853
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Well I wouldn't say I know too much. Unfortunately the psychiatrists/psychologists I saw thought I had bipolar so they gave me extra large doses of lithium to take. It was awful. I don't even have that so it just made me very sick. I started looking at side effect research and found out it's super rough on the kidneys. Later when they found what was really happening, they switched me over to the proper medications.

They really do work to make me feel better, but they make me feel so sick that I have to stop them for a time. I don't really mean doped up, I mean more like physically sick like I'm vomiting and nauseous all day. I started researched into nutrition and now I try to eat very carefully.

I hope this doesn't sound like goofy old man advice but exercise really makes me feel better. I do resume the medication if I start to lose touch on things though. I have a part time job where I help in an office and in my free time I like to draw/paint. I must clarify that I am not telling you to stop your medication. They do help, you just have to find the right one at the right dosage that agrees with you.

>> No.11813878

anakin skywalker was schizophrenic and look how awesome he turned out.

>> No.11813887


I think unfortunately a lot of doctors just have a running order of meds to try out. I've got chronic depression and went from fluoxetine, to sertraline, to escitalopram, until I signed up for a clinical trial (therapy not meds) to do with depression. The guy running it actually understood the interactions of the medicines with the individuals and recommended I move to Venlafaxine and I've been golden ever since.

>> No.11813953

>They really do work to make me feel better
>They really do work to make me feel better, but they make me feel so sick that I have to stop them for a time.

That was what I didn't like about the attempt that America made at "free" health care.
The president himself said that mental health is to costly and "not worth the money".
I don't think any country really put enough effort into it.
Every organ,other than the brain,America kicks ass in the health department.(Very high ranking Japanese/Canadian/ come here to get fixed)
But you can go nowhere to get your brain fixed,because nobody cares enough.
Everybody say "ok.retard." Nobody asks "Are you ok,retard?"

>> No.11813962
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I want to say that I hope the doctor was busy,but that still sucks.

Here is a random cat pic,I hope it is cute.

>> No.11813970

He ended up being anti-sand!
Nice point,jerk!

>> No.11813971


It's the same shit here in the UK. NHS is great but trying to get actual mental health care rather than a prescription is a nightmare.

>> No.11814039
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1497710377384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger here.
Did 5 days in intensive care.
Turns out EVERY male in my family died from the sugar.
I'm off the insulin(science has made great leaps forward,and I didn't have it as bad as others.Less that one year and I am insulin free)
5 days of intensive care,then I got a bill.
Me:I can't afford this $17,000 bill. (this inluded SO much tests )
Them:Okay,how about you pay a bunch less.
Me:okay,or how about I don't pay?

But the mental health thing is different.
In America,both sides seem to not care.
But countries with "free" care,I assume nobody cares about your brain.

Anyway,here is a cat pic.
And,I used to be in love with a schizoid effective so tank you for your pertinence

>> No.11814061
File: 3.86 MB, 480x270, You Are Loved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning frog poster!

>> No.11814477

There's nothing good for your mental health on /x/

t. petrochemical engineer who spent a month in a loony bin after getting gassed by a large amount of psychedelic during manufacture.
Should have worn my mask.

>> No.11814479

shut the fuck up and eat your hot dogs you literal herp a derp

>> No.11814494
File: 1.43 MB, 640x360, 1539287056646.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just become religious.

No processed meats
No meats of cloven hooves prepared insufficiently
Vegetables must have been given thanks for before harvesting
10% of the dinner table needs to be sacrificed to the fire to the Lord God King of Kings Lord of Lords

>> No.11814647

>He ended up being anti-sand!

>> No.11814828

That sucks man. I hope they learn to cook better soon, maybe you could teach them someday.