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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11812226 No.11812226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you tip /ck/?

>> No.11812232

I don't tip /ck/ but occasionally I'll tip my waitress if she's cute enough.

>> No.11812236

Yeah. I always give at least a couple bucks. I used to give at least $5 but the delivery charges these days are absurd so I do $2-3 unless it's a really big order.

>> No.11812238

that's a bit presumptuous isnt it

>> No.11812242

there is a papa johns, dominoes, and peetzer hut between work and home. i usually just order online and pick it up on my way home

>> No.11812252


I deliver pizza. If someone does not tip AT LEAST $4 I note their address in my little black book and I fuck with their food for the rest of eternity.

>> No.11812253

Daily reminder that the delivery charge does not go to the driver

>> No.11812255

but what if you only had to take it two blocks from your work? shouldn't 2 dollars be sufficient?

>> No.11812256

In the U.S. employers can pay below minimum wage for jobs where there is tipping. Fuck them. And I hate when they beg like that.

>> No.11812259

Never. We don't tip in England. I've already paid and paid for delivery, he's getting paid, zero point in tipping.

>> No.11812262

i tip 20% every time, reason being that as a productive and functioning member of society it is my civic duty to provide for those that cannot provide for themselves in a stable and productive career. fuckin IRS still won't let me declare it as charitable donations, though.

>> No.11812263

Go back to /tv/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.11812273

Don't take it out on other people just because you hate your job.

>> No.11812277

>the rest of eternity
I see you expect to have a bright career.

>> No.11812293

How would you know it was from /tv/ o wait you're a fucking pedophoile lmao. Go back scrub XD

>> No.11812319

Yeah I do. I don't give a flying shit if anyone else tips though, if you don't you don't. The only time I don't tip is if I'm really seriously dissatisfied with the service which has only probably happened to me about 3 times maybe.

>> No.11812330

With what? I don't participate in a single transaction that involves cash so I never have any.

>> No.11812331

Crossposters were a mistake

>> No.11812388

Imagine living in such a shitty country where you expect to be given extra money just for doing your job. Everywhere else in the world can understand that your pay is to compensate you for your work.

>> No.11812394

It always amazes me that people are foolish enough to ever use anything but cash. Incredible. There's no struggle. The elites just win.

>> No.11812529

yeah, you're a loser because your peers use plastic

>> No.11812583

I make my own pizza. It's not that hard.

>> No.11812624
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You posted this on /pol/ you NAZI FUCK!

No I don't tip. I'm not a lazy nigger. I would much rather drive the .7 miles to my dominos for carry-out. Anyway, I am driving 2 miles to my local pizza shop to buy their dough and cheese. I always tell them that I don't like their sauce and prefer to make my own pizza. They still sell the shit to me. Its funny AF.

>> No.11812633

These people don't really exist, they're likely just paid shills in the vast majority of cases.

>> No.11812639

Then the driver should tip you. >>11812252

>> No.11812641

What on earth would I use cash for? Contactless is accepted literally everywhere in the first world and takes approximately one second.

>> No.11812646

what are you talking about. every single transaction that i make in person (ie. not online) is done with my phone. i don't even carry a wallet with me any more.

even using plastic is old news. phoine is life, phone is love.

>> No.11812647

>Elites winning means handing over cash when really I could be stacking up airline points or cash back hand over fist

It's literally free money. How much a brainlet do you have to be to not get this?

>> No.11812721
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I don't get to eat out much, but I like to tip well when I do. It's nice seeing the surprise and gratitude.

>> No.11812747

Nothing is free. Even a retard like you should understand this

>> No.11812750

Why would I ever give someone more money than legally necessary? Anyone who tips deserves to be poor.

>> No.11812751


I do really well. $9 base pay hourly and then tips so I often pull about $90-100 on a good night. Make about $25,000/year. I have my own a car, a truck, ATV, sony PS4, have a mortgage on a house that I own, and get free pizza and chicken wings whenever I want. Literally living the American Dream and the fact that I am only 31 and have all this going for me is a testament to the greatness of our nation. What the fuck do you do with your life instead of mocking other people's livelihoods on 4chan, god damned loser?

>> No.11812755

Pro tip: Don't bet on the races.

>> No.11812756
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>(whale noise)


>> No.11812763

Next time you deliver to my house I'm going to abduct you and torture you in my basement

>> No.11812764

I tell them to get a real job.
Then I complain to their manager that they harassed me.
And I call corporate.
That's my fucking tip.

>> No.11812770

Goddamn I hope,youre trolling. 25k a year is literally poverty level

>> No.11812782




Also forgot to add that I own an AR 15, Remington 870, Beretta px4, glock 17, smith and wesson .44 and a walther ppk .380 which I conceal carry along with a .32 I have on an ankle holster and also a switch blade. Just try to abduct me motherfucker and I'll show you what American muscle is made of, faggot.

>> No.11812786

i never tip dominos

>> No.11812787

It's a lot more free than wasting my "cash" on a flight somewhere. The credit card companies make their money off of idiots, but if you're not one, you're good.

>> No.11812810



>> No.11812823

Hush, let the flyover Midwestern obsolete mayonnaise ghoul think he's doing good.

>> No.11812918


I AM doing good you jealous faggot

>> No.11812928

Oh god, he isnt joking. I feel pity for you.

>> No.11812950


I don't want your pity faggot

>> No.11812969

No shit. Did you even read?

>> No.11812996

Yeah, on the coast where people shit in the streets.

>> No.11813008

Lol nigga you petty, ask for a raise.

>> No.11813009

I have literally never even once ordered delivery in my life.

>> No.11813024

Getting mom to do it for you still counts, dipshit.

>> No.11813037
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Jobs fine, most people tip nice.
Anon just hates cheap asshands that do t understand how to tip

>> No.11813042

>Delivery driver at 31 and has to distract himself with shiny toys in his empty house
I truly pity you. I hope youll get better some day. :)

>> No.11813049

I thought we made it past the whole internet tough guy thing

>> No.11813052


>> No.11813055
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>> No.11813062

Annnddd...you're afraid to fire them because you have no idea how to break them down to clean them, lmao!

>> No.11813082

After tax and health insurance?

>> No.11813083

>In the U.S. employers can pay below minimum wage for jobs where there is tipping.
Incorrect. If you make less than minimum wage with tips considered, the employer must make up the difference so that you are at at least minimum wage.

>> No.11813155

I'm 7 years younger than you and make like 20k more a year than you lol.

>> No.11813157

Absolute state

>> No.11813165
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That never happens because most americans are decent people who tip.
If you come here, you need to tip.
If i go to your country i will figure out your weird customs and do my best to follow them.

>> No.11813171

And pay 4 times as much in rent as his mortgage.
You aint shit.
Not even adding in your student debt

>> No.11813174

Wow literally none of that is true.
>student debt

>> No.11813185

>we want to find more ways to squeeze money out of you
>but we're still going to find a way to pay our employees below minimum wage
people that think like this should be dragged of their houses in the middle of the night and crucified in front of their families.

>> No.11813212

Yeah, I'm sure you will. Americans are notoriously respectful tourists.

>> No.11813222

We are just a bit louder.
Its the old boomers that act like assholes.

>> No.11813231

>Order pick up instead

Nothing personnel, wagie.

>> No.11813237

Bullshit I worked at Godfathers and we got 1 dollar of the 1.50 delivery fee

>> No.11813340

And those feet are why you odn't fuck your sister, kids!

>> No.11813351

not if its carryout or fast food
otherwise yeah 20%. 30% if the liquor is cold like I ordered it

>> No.11813702

I'd tip more if I wasn't in the dumpster myself. If I was a wealthy chap I'd gladly tip pretty dang decently.