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11806153 No.11806153 [Reply] [Original]

Why do hipsters love Spirit Yellows and Miller High Life so much?

honorable mentions: Gennessee beer, Marlboro 27s

>> No.11806161
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Number 1 hipster beer of 2019

>> No.11806170

No, hipsters drink IPA

IPAs are the most disgusting beers

>> No.11806171

Nah, IPAs are for dads

Most hipsters drink cheap adjunct lagers like Miller High Life and Gennessee

>> No.11806195

I drink ipas bc anything less then 6% is pisswater.
Also spirit black smoker here.
They arent hipster, they just take 8 years to burn and dont take like straight chems like malboro or fiberglassports

>> No.11806197

Imagine being this out of touch.

>> No.11806202

If you like IPAs you don’t really like beers, you like ciders

>> No.11806205

I tried spirit blacks, they're alright but too roasty tasting for my liking. I like the yellows and blues.

I dig that they take forever to burn, I feel like I go through less cigarettes because of that. And trust me dude, they're hipster as fuck. If you look around in the hipster capital of the world (Bushwick, Brooklyn) that's what like 75% of the hipsters are smoking.

>> No.11806206

Go back to your Bud Lite, loser

>> No.11806211

Imagine being this dumb

>> No.11806213

That doesn't even begin to make sense dum dum.

>> No.11806230

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.11806232
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hipsters drink sour beers now

>> No.11806236

Miller High Life is a beverage, is it not?

>> No.11806251

The purple(dark blue) ones are honestly the best and not too roasty imo. But yeah i see where you're coming from. Down here in delaware its all nigports and menthol. Its rare as shit to see someone out here with em. We have more vape fags than anything

>> No.11806260

PBR, Tecate (cans only) and now High Life... What's gonna be next?

>> No.11806261

>starts thread with fucking cigarettes

>> No.11806268

go put in another janny application lmao

>> No.11806293


>triggered hipsters

>> No.11806306

coors banquet

>> No.11806317

hipsters drink modelo or pacifico cause le obscure bluepilled beaner beer

>> No.11806433


>> No.11806440
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For me it's the humble Milwaukee's Best Ice and some medical grade marijuana.

>> No.11806482

I love Coors Banquet. Love that 5.0 ABV

>> No.11806501

I thought so for years. Then one day I tried one and LOVED IT. It was even something I had disliked prior. So, I started drinking IPAs for a couple weeks. Now I'm sick of 'em. That is my IPA story.

>> No.11806505

>a bloo bloo bloo hipster
go back to 2010, faglord

>> No.11806518

High Life is hipster now? It's cheap shit for retards like me. When did this happen?

>> No.11806525

>light cigs


>light beer


>> No.11806532

I hope hipsters don't discover steel reserve. That shit has been skyrocketing in price in my area.

>> No.11808192

This. Do hipsters even exist anymore?
I thought they all fractioned off into SJW commies and nazi larpers.

>> No.11808204


>> No.11808209

So all I've learned is that everyone in this thread is a hipster. Even me.

T. Smokes American spirit light blue and drinks Montucky Cold Snack

>> No.11808226

spirit light greens are dope and if i'm going non-menthol i prefer the perique blend. spirits in general are very different from other smokes, so as hipster as their reputation is, they are the only way to get a cigarette of that type, which means they're the kind i will look to buy

>> No.11808280

Marlboro Lights are patrician tier. I'd probably quit smoking if they stopped making them.

>> No.11808283

Smoking is for the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.11808285

Don't knock it until you've given it a week.

>> No.11808303

higher drug content for the price point. Spirits have extremely high nicotine levels and I assume hose beers are fairly high in alcohol for the price as well.

>> No.11808310

Spirits for the aesthetic
High Life because it's decent and cheap as fuck

They have to cheap out on the beer since they blew all their money on spirits

>> No.11808318

How much are Spirits a pack? I usually do the two pack special for Marlboros and it's like $12 and change.

>> No.11808328

$7-9 is generally what I see here in Texas and even than varies if you start to get rural-ish

>> No.11808337

Or you could roll your own, which tastes better and is half the price at least.

>> No.11808341

I'm in Texas too. I've seen two packs of Marlboros range from $12-15. Kroger usually has a three pack special that comes in under $20. It's retarded, a carton was $17 when I started smoking.

>> No.11808353

While I like Spirits a lot this is the best choice. I get peter stokkebye and it's some of the best shit I've ever had.

>> No.11808362

both spirits and IPAs are expensive as fuck though.
a pack of spirits around here is like $8 and most IPAs are around $6 a pint.
all the hipsters here drink PBR and smoke camels.

>> No.11808371

Camels and PBR taste gross though. If you're trying to pleb it up stick to one of the big three (Coors, Bud, Miller) and whatever cigarette brand takes up 1/3rd of the cigarette shelf.

>> No.11808380

I go cheap with 1 pack of special blend lights and a sixer of lonestar and that still runs me close $14

>> No.11808387

American Spirit sells roll your own.

>> No.11808394

Yeah I've tried it, but I don't like it too much compared to the other kinds I can get.

>> No.11808420

I do a 12 of cheap beer and a pack of Marlboros on the weekend. It's usually around $20.

>> No.11808435

I used to be a Miller Lite + Cope Wintergreen guy
to answer your question, American Spirit doesn't use "chemical additives" so even though you produce carcinogens, hipsters justify smoking them because they are "less dangerous". same reason others smoke e-cigs

>> No.11808442

I never got this. Cigarettes are bad for you regardless. They're incredibly satisfying, but still bad for you.

>> No.11808479


I would only smoke if I was in war and it came in the ration. Where the next town could be my last and at that point I would need something to calm my nerves. I watched my grandmother pass from lung cancer having been a smoker for a long time, quitting about 20 years before her death? Still caught up to her. I'm not going out like that.

>> No.11808483
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cider is for girls
seltzer is for girls
ipas are a meme and are for anyone who likes those memes
heiniken is for niggers(viets, flips, other asian niggers)
corona is for NPCs and loud mexicans
bud is for niggers
bud light Is for NPCs
miller lite is for alcoholics and middle aged hipsters
high life similar but towards the younger scale hipsters or budget alcoholics
coors for the middle class
rolling rock is for the kids
nattys for people that have fun
F pabst

>> No.11808490

Eh, we all have to go sometime. Personally I'm hoping for a sudden heart attack.

>> No.11808497

Miller Lite here, you're spot on.

>> No.11808515

>F pabst
still plenty of people here drink pabst. it's probably the number one selling cheap beer at most bars around here.

>> No.11808528

Pabst is awful though. I'd rather drink bleach.

>> No.11808531

You should drink bleach.

PBR is a true patricians drink.

>> No.11808538

If they take Coors Banquet I might have a fuck your options moment.

>> No.11808544

I've "enjoyed" a pabst or two. It tastes like shit and gives me a headache. I'll stick to my mass market shit beer TYVM.

>> No.11808565

I'm kind of surprised they haven't, the whole trend for the last few years has been dressing and acting like a hobo
All the people in my music scene smoke Newport menthols and wear giant stained sweatshirts thinking they're carrying Mac Demarco's torch
Though to be fair you have to have a pretty advanced palate to appreciate Steel Reserve

>> No.11808616

Cause le faux native American natural shit aesthetic and le "champaign of beers"
That's cause you realized you were drinking liquified hops. I bounce between various types of ales other than IPA or sticking to any particular thing.

>> No.11808915

Craft beer is a middle aged man thing. Hipsters really don't care for that stuff unless they're over 35 and transitioning into being a family man or whatever

>> No.11808919

I only find the black ones to be roasty since that's what Perique tobacco is about

>> No.11808922

Hipsters moved on from PBR because it's gross. Here in Brooklyn they're all about Miller High Life, Tecate, and Modelo, probably because all 3 are much better

>> No.11808926

Food and cooking board

>> No.11808927

You are retarded wrong

>> No.11808936

I live in the hipster capital of the world, I hardly see hipsters drink craft beer.

>> No.11808951

>not saving dozens of dollars a month by just rolling your own and drinking 2 for $3 25oz cans of 8% shit malt beer

>> No.11808959

Miller High Life is pretty cheap. It's 9.30 for a 12 pack where I live and isn't nasty like high gravity malt liquor

>> No.11808968

I find factory rolled cigarettes to be much more satisfying. I only smoke 1 pack a week anyway, so it's not a big deal to me

>> No.11809009

Byt my dad hates IPAs

>> No.11809045

yeah most normie Dads only like BMC shit. But, most people who like craft beer are either dorks in their 20s/30s or middle aged dads.

Hipsters mostly don't care about craft beer.

>> No.11809051

The local "hipster" bar here recently changed out their long time PBR tap to Coors.
It's coming. Be ready.

>> No.11809056

good, Coors is much better.

>> No.11809066

$10 for an 18 pack of Henry Wienhard's in Oregon.

>> No.11809074

A whole generation of young men in one image macro

>> No.11809121

genuine hipsters smoke rollies like amsterdam shag or drum
for beer its usually tecate

>> No.11809173
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>All I’ve learned is that everyone is a hipster

>> No.11809217
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i thought poor people and blacks drink genessee i mean its a buck for a 22oz can and its a pretty awful beer plus i only ever see it in sketchy corner stores

>> No.11809228

The hipster bars by me serve Gennessee and it's a popular hipster choice because it's the cheapest beer they have

>> No.11809242

Is my dad a hipster?

>> No.11809245

Yes, a faggot hipster.

>> No.11809266
File: 49 KB, 446x393, 1535907756083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK why does everyone in this thread smoke light cigarettes

>> No.11809278

I quit smoking but I used to roll my own from Golden Virginia or Javaanse Jongens 3/4 zware shag so not really light ones.

>> No.11809283

I usually don't smoke light cigarettes but Spirit Yellows are not like a regular light cigarette. They last like 10 minutes, too. Any other brand, I would get full flavor

>> No.11809327

Spirit terq or darkblue are incredible, but yellows and oranges it feels like I'm breathing hot air

>> No.11809602

>not weed in current year

>> No.11810637

I think orange actually is too light. But yellows are fine to me, and I say this as someone who prefers full flavor
I like smoking and I can't be high 24/7. Plus marijuana smoke is not that pleasant, it's only good because it gets you high

>> No.11810743
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i like ipa because it is so bitter it keeps me from drinking it too fast
last time I bought lager I drank a 12 pack of tall boys in one sitting then felt sad the next day.

>> No.11810764

I can drink IPAS kinda fast. Sometimes I'll drink a bunch of them and wake up with a nasty headache

>> No.11810770


>> No.11810773

thank god ive always loved sours but hipster bars would only carry 50 kinds of ipa

>> No.11811519

My dad hates all beer with flavor and alcohol content.

He drinks bud lites exclusively.
Honestly I think he's just in it for the carbonation. Should see if there isn't like a malt and hops flavored soda water he can try.

>> No.11811539

Damn, I'm pretty much a non-smoker but every now and then I'll buy a pack of the orange spirits and hit a smoke-friendly bar. I even use a tarblocker too. I can at least smoke half a pack while drinking and not feel like total shit the next day.

>> No.11811875
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>> No.11811909

I love yellows but hate MHL, fite me faggot

>> No.11811917

I remember when I had just started drinking in 2008 High Lifes were what I started with.

>> No.11811953

IPA shouldn't even be considered beer

>> No.11812030

I'm a 36 year old father of 3 and I only drink Breakside Pilsner. IPA is shit.

>> No.11812118
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Spirit Grays and bourbon barrel stouts.