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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11803934 No.11803934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hot Ones hype thread.
Our main man Gordon Ramsay is on tomorrow. Post expectations and hype below.

>> No.11803939

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.11803941

I hope he genuinely shits on the wings. Some guests have commented on them being cold and dry before but I'd like a proper chef to rip sean a new asshole then fuck it desu

>> No.11803945

damn wtf. shill alert.

>> No.11803950
File: 28 KB, 254x122, 232623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our main man
speak for yourself. my heart only has room for one celebrity chef.

>> No.11803956

>ramsay bites into a dry as fuck hotwing
>flies into a feral rage and leaps onto the table
>drops his pants and squats over
>takes a massive ahit on the hot wings

>> No.11803961

We don't talk about Salmonalla McStrokey no more.

>> No.11804009

Jack is white supremacy personified. Fat, dumb, retarded, sick and pretty much dead haha

>> No.11804028
File: 151 KB, 439x810, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Surely you clicked the wrong image.

>> No.11804037

>uses a fork and knife
>tells the fag host to fuck off when presented with opportunity to put extra hot sauce on the last wing
>deepthroats fox's dick
>doesn't drink anything
>critiques every sauce way too much, and talks shit about 75% of them

>> No.11804063

>hurr hurr bashing on celebrities makes me look so cool and unique

>> No.11804082
File: 150 KB, 899x653, z. jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Okay so we want to flip the pineapple over because the juices are all at the bottom right now"

"...and for my next original DOUGHNUT STEAL recipe we have...ICED COFFEE"

-Jack Scalfani

>> No.11804095

bullying poor ol' anon makes you scary to me
fuck celebrities. but I do truly love gordon as a tv person. I just wish fox didn't have such shit shows for him.

>> No.11804566


Good to see Ramsay finally making it big on the internet after being /ourguy/ since this board's inception.

>> No.11805171

4 hours boys.

>> No.11805778 [DELETED] 

We're up!

>> No.11805783


>> No.11805785


>> No.11806084

It sucked

>> No.11806085

it was great