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File: 68 KB, 602x458, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11799560 No.11799560 [Reply] [Original]


I have now followed this ramen recipe twice now.

The first time I only had a 6qt pot so I tried to halve it and used random pork bones my butcher had lying around and it just ended up tasting like hot dog water.

I tried it again this past weekend and I bought a 36qt stock pot and put in half a pound extra pigs feet and chicken backs. At 6 hours it tasted like hot dog water. At 12 hours it tasted like weak pork broth. At 30 hours after leaving it with the top off for a couple to get it to reduce by an addition 1/3 it still just tastes like hot dog soup.

What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.11799573

I just put it into a bunch of tupperware bowls and into the fridge and it looks like the fat is separating and floating to the top.

Last time when I did this it ended up being brown water with a solid fat cap on top in the fridge.

The picture in the recipe shows a smooth jelly when it's cold, if that helps identify what I did wrong at all.

>> No.11799699
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Without clicking, make sure you parboil and remove the gross broth. Also, make sure those bones are cut in half. Finally, it's important to remember ramen flavor comes from the tare as well

>> No.11800000

I'm trying this one today
If this thread is still going when I am done I will let you know what it is like.

>> No.11800013

That's a nice find. What always put me off from making tonkotsu broth is that Kenji claims that it's impossible in a pressure cooker because apparently you need a rolling boil to emulsify the fat in the broth. But that blending step at the end sounds like it could work.

>> No.11800021

I will let you know if it works for me, I bought an immersion blender specifically to try this.

>> No.11800091

admirable figures

>> No.11800096


>> No.11800100
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I reckon the thread will still be going alright

>> No.11800143


>> No.11800630

It's >>11800000 here.
Just an update. I've out everything in the pressure cooker now and am waiting for it to come up to pressure. I've had to leave out one of the ham hocks the recipe asks for because my pressure cooker just isn't big enough.
Even doing that, all the stuff in the pressure cooker is over its recommended max fill line. I hope that doesn't become an issue. Will give an update again when it's all finished.

>> No.11800633

if a hamhock peeps over the line it's ok, but you want to respect the liquid levels in there. Especially if you're new to the pressure cooker and you don't have a "feel" for it yet.

>> No.11800643

I'd say it's about an inch over. I really hope it turns out okay. I tried fitting the things in as best as I could without compromising too many of the ingredients.

>> No.11800651

qǝǝʍ 'ɟɟo ssıd

>> No.11800660
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Did you cut/break the bones so the marrows showed?

>> No.11800666

>What the fuck am I doing wrong?
Best guesses off the top of my head:
1) you have shitty raw materials. Are you using factory farmed bones?

2) your boil is too low. Tonkotsu broth is cooked at a ROLLING boil

3) You still need to season it when you're done.

>and it looks like the fat is separating
ROLLING BOIL. The boiling action is what emulsifies the broth. If you let it stand it will separate and you fucked it up.

>> No.11800676

quality digits, bookmarked this thread for later

>> No.11800842

> 3) You still need to season it when you're done.
This shit right here. This is why all my broths in the beginning were so underwhelming. When I finally realized how much salt I needed to dump into the broth it finally became my favorite procedure in the kitchen. Nowadays I just put all my bone and meat scraps into the freezer and make delicious broth every few weeks. Salt is magic :3

>> No.11800894

Ehh, that should still be just fine. The safety valve might sputter a bit but the pressure cooker isn't going to explode like a bomb.
Generally good advice it to keep an eye on the thing and not have the heat any higher than it has to be to maintain pressure. This is something you get a feel for as you use it.

>> No.11801282
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>>11800000 again. Attached pic is the finished product. I think it's a quite close visual result to what you'd find in a restaurant. Quite milky and very opaque. I've seasoned it and I think it tastes quite good, though obviously you folks can't judge that for yourselves.
Overall I'd say the blender method was quite successful. Definitely try it out anons and make another post so you can share your thoughts.

>> No.11801366
File: 2.61 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20190123_185515249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A full bowl of the stuff. Not the best presentation but I was just eager to eat.

>> No.11801495
File: 2.14 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20190123_192219876_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that it's calmed down a bit, here's another photo of the broth

>> No.11801609

Just curious, not a criticism, but why does the pic in the OP appear orange in color while yours is white?

>> No.11801645

OP has a layer of yellow fat floating on top if it, the other photo does not. This fat is often ladled on as a separate ingredient (you will see this in some ramen shops).

this difference is made more obvious by the fact that the OP pic has been edited to make it look nice whereas the later one is just some random cell phone pic.

>> No.11801651

Thanks for going over that for me. Having had tonkotsu in various places before, I can say that not all of it has that yellowish colour.

>> No.11802055
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My attempt, was really tasty.

>> No.11802078
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1365, IMG_20181222_145427_1024x1365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you can get it pure white by cleaning better and not using carrots.

>> No.11802094
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181222_194113_1200x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiled the pork bones for 6h, chicken for 4h and veggies for 2h.

>> No.11802101
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181222_231752_1200x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11802113

Lookin gooood

>> No.11802122

Looks really yellow, don't think I've ever seen a tonkotsu broth that yellow before

>> No.11802132

The carrots are the culprit here.

>> No.11802266

hijacking thread
I don't understand stock and broth.
Every time I do this I am left with almost no water

>> No.11802275

1. Just add more
2. maybe just simmer/cover instead of a full boil

>> No.11803124

You need a full boil to break down the bones, it's the difference between translucent yellowish western bone broth that's a very light preparation of mainly connective tissue and creamy eastern bone broth than breaks down the bone itself.

If it begins to run dry, you add more water. The amount and attention necessary is managed by cooking in a covered pot or pressure vessel.

>> No.11804032

I did all of this, the boil was rolling in the middle of the pot and he bones were rattling on the bottom once the meat fell off.

It's been in the fridge for a day and it's not even solid, it's the thickness of milk :/

>> No.11804057

wtf? This >>11802101 turned basically rock solid instantly.

>> No.11804102

How much water did you start with?

I started with 4-5 gallons, added 2 while boiling and reduced to about 1 gallon of stock.

Had 3.8lbs pigs feet cut in half lengthwise and 2.5lbs chicken backs.

>> No.11804107
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This is the only picture I took and this is towards the end.

>> No.11804137

I didn't measure but after cleaning I filled it up to the very top, 9 quart according to the pot. That's for 2 pigs feet, 2,5kg bones and 3 chicken carcasses. Didn't add any afterwards.

>> No.11804194
File: 20 KB, 348x475, 9dbb53b1b6c26d2d76823026f799d9d2--peculiar-children--mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are decent ramen restaurants less common than i think?

>> No.11804210
File: 52 KB, 540x502, HOT-DOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot ham water you say?

>> No.11804214

>This fat is often ladled on as a separate ingredient (you will see this in some ramen shops).
Not who was asking, but I did not know this.
Also one of the best threads on /ck/ right now. GJ OP.

>> No.11804502

jeez Guy, a WHOLE hot dog?

>> No.11804558

>>11801495 here. Can confirm that the blender recipe I did yesterday turns solid in the fridge, so I guess that's another sign that it worked.

>> No.11804802

I want ramen I want ramen I want ramen yummyyummuyumyumyym
ramengoooooddd ramenramenramen
make me ramen now
now ramen now

>> No.11804837

How big was your pressure cooker? You mentioned before that you left out the ham hocks.

>> No.11804891

My pressure cooker is about 6 quarts. I only left out 1 of the 2 ham hocks the recipe wanted. Even doing that, I think the end result is tasty.

>> No.11805034
File: 26 KB, 600x396, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, good to know. My pressure cooker fits 6 liters, so it's similar. I guess I'll leave out the ham hocks when I try out the recipe.

>> No.11805103

Good luck anon, I hope it all goes well for you. I'd definitely be interested in seeing the final result and what you think of the flavour after you've seasoned it.