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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11798088 No.11798088 [Reply] [Original]

>Improves your health every day for a few bucks.
Why don't you Bragg /ck/?

>> No.11798097


>> No.11798103

tastes like shit and i much prefer rice wine vinegar.

how do you use it? i gotta use mine up.
i normally just add it to sauteed spinach leaves and carrots, but there;s gotta be other ways to use it. other than salads, obv.

>> No.11798104

>improves your health
based brainlet

>> No.11798117

>little evidence-based research, and what there is in either animal studies or short-term trials
>may help blood sugar and weight loss, possibly a relation to cholesterol
>erodes tooth enamel, may exacerbate kidney issues or acid reflux
So... it's only good if you're already unhealthy and comes with plenty of downsides. Why not just get healthy?

>> No.11798129

>apple cider vinegar contains alcohol

>> No.11798132


>> No.11798142
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Because it smells like rotting garbage, I have better sources of probiotics and no blood sugar issues?

>> No.11798177
File: 94 KB, 1300x866, zerocarbqt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a carnivore
>become naturally healthy by consuming just meat and water
>no longer gullible enough to get swindled into chugging organic new age memevinegar
fuck jannies
fuck mods
fuck vegans
fuck garbohydrates
fuck kikes

>> No.11798181

a few nights ago i drank three pints of liquor and fried up a can of 10-year expired corned beef and hash from when i moved into this place and got heartburn so fuck bad
googled it a bit and had a swig of this braggs and it made it so much worse for maybe a half hour, but then it went away
i'll give it a thumbs up as something you can drink a bit of daily for gut health and pH or whatever the fuck

>> No.11798195
File: 43 KB, 464x531, b953829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's healthy
all science and health organizations disagree
>sperging out, was probably just banned
A true incel.

>> No.11798198

I drink it with water. Glad to see everyone hates based acv and honey, their loss.

>> No.11798228

mine doesn't even have honey in it but i'll try chuggin it down with water, as you suggest.
thanx for the suggestion.

>> No.11798302
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Thanks for the reminder!

>> No.11798360

>with the 'Mother'
What the fuck did they mean by this?

>> No.11798364

>drinking vinegar
It's amazing the effect good marketing can have on the smooth zoomer brain.

>> No.11798382

>buying tap water in a bottle
boomers are retarded

>> No.11798488

Good for gout/kidney stone prevention. I've largely cured my heartburn by drinking a 1:20 ratio acv to water cocktail. Screw otc synthetic "medicines"

>> No.11798496

Very healthy, it's old knowledge though. They want you to use (((pharmaceuticals))) and meme supplements.

>> No.11798504

good stuff, man. but...
>(((blue text)))
doesn't work on this channel

>> No.11798520

Remember the guy who drank vinegar every day and cured his cancer&lived for another 70 years?

Yeah me neither

>> No.11798528

Drinking vinegar mixed with sugar improves your health?

>> No.11798530

>it's old knowledge though. They want you to use (((pharmaceuticals)))
yeah people knew so much more about healthy living before medicine when life expectancy was like 40

>> No.11798538
File: 79 KB, 777x656, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting (((science and health organizations))) who manufactured the health crisis in the first place

>> No.11798539

>its old knowledge
lmao like the old knowledge that cigarettes were good for you? good to know

>> No.11798562
File: 18 KB, 480x360, scoobydobedoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

folk lore, move on

>> No.11798599

So instead of trusting science you are gonna trust some coastie mommy blogger with a degree in Art?

>> No.11798659

I took magnesium citrate once orally. Never again. Isn't that the stuff that makes you shit your guts out?

>> No.11798763

You're thinking magnesium hydroxide. After I had taken a lot of hydrocodone for a kidney stone I was completely backed up. A dose of the milk of magnesia and I was was absolutely cleared out. By the end I was shitting clear liquid.

>> No.11798795
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, 7A9E5D85-5855-4A1A-8E45-02C438603887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 of this $1 jar of banana peppers is brine
have i been ripped off or is that to be expected?
can i drink it for health benefits?

>> No.11798808

>have i been ripped off
depends on how much you paid for it

>> No.11798826
File: 254 KB, 472x410, rb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even taste like apples