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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11786778 No.11786778 [Reply] [Original]

Spam, eggs, toast, hash browns for after church brunch when I was a kid. I can make it now, but my parents are much better cooks than me, and it tastes better when they make it.
>spam is gross

>> No.11786788

My mother didn't let us consume red meat or dairy and I never had pizza until my late teens. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.11786792

did your mom feed you soylent?

>> No.11786799

>spam and eggs and... not rice
I feel sorry for you, OP, and not just because you had to go to church.

>> No.11786815

For me, it was king ranch chicken

>> No.11787166

Is spam just corned beef I've always been afraid to try it ;-;

Don't judge me too harshly anon...

>> No.11787219

cold hotdogs and ramen :^(

>> No.11787336

It’s a very salty meat product. Make sure to cook it! The more dark pink the better!

>> No.11787426
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Goulash (or American Chop Suey depending on where you're from).

Had it at least once a week because we were poor and it was cheap/filling. The funny thing is, now that I'm an adult and actually have good money, I still go back to this dish about once a month. It's just good.

>> No.11787461

corned beef is soft, wet beef and i don't like the consistency.
spam is more form and made of pork. if you can get over the smell, same way you can get over canned chicken or tuna smell, it tastes just fine. if you cook it long enough it loses moisture and tastes like bacon.

>> No.11787501

>hotdogs and kraft mac and cheese twice a week
>frozen pizza once a week
>Hamburger Helper twice a week
>maruchan ramen with cabbage and boiled eggs twice a week

This was my standard diet as a child. About once a month we would have something different like chili or soup. My mom didn't really know how to cook.

>> No.11787585

More like meals you threw up thread

>> No.11787758

I never really minded the smell

>> No.11788420

macaroni casserole which was just Kraft Mac n cheese with ground beef and a can of (I think) mushroom soup. haven't had it in years but I think I'll try it soon since this thread reminded me of it

>> No.11788436

My mom makes this white chili every year in the winter when it's cold. White beans, chopped onion and leeks, homemade soup stock, chili powder and some other spices, chicken, and a dollop of sour cream in your bowl

>> No.11788437


>> No.11788442

ah yes, the classic lower class white kid

>> No.11790156

Glad I'm mexican

>> No.11790191

You must be chammorro.

>> No.11791715

Sounds pretty good

>> No.11791720

My mom is European and I grew up eating french toast with ketchup. People always get weirded out by it but it makes more sense than syrup if you think about it

>> No.11791725

I've had it once when I volunteered at a soup kitchen. I had to choke it down TAS to not offend the hobos. It looked and smelled like what I feed to my dog, who eats his own shit

>> No.11791730

What's in it? Looks like normal pasta to me

>> No.11791737

I eat pasta noodles with cream of chicken soup and some tuna mixed it. Broil it with some bread crumbs and parm and garlic salt. It makes a pretty good tasting dinner for cheap. Like 3 big meals for one person for like $1.50/meal

>> No.11791776


this has nothing to do with Gulasch

>> No.11791783

Wtf why?

>> No.11791864
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My dad used to make me toast with butter on it and called it "butter bread good" and it's what I called it up until I was like, 8 or 9. I also used to hate black pepper on my scrambled eggs so instead he put it in the eggs while making them and just relabled the black pepper to be inconspicuous and I would always love the eggs more with "the black specs in it" which turns out he was secretly giving me pepper my mother also made pasta and tomato sauce with ground beef in the sauce and she always put a little red wine on the sauce and told us "the alcohol boils off so it's fine" which its obvious now it actually doesn't
I used to have a lot of grilled cheeses and quesadillas when I was younger and my father would always call quesadillas "cheese crisps " he would also give us "star pops" when we were good, which was just some lollipops we got from the dollar store which is all we could really afford for desert at times, at some point I lived in a tent in someone's backyard when I was a child.l I also remember nights where we would sit on the couch with him and my sister and he would use a vegetable cutter to slice cheese into thin strips from a block of cheddar and me and my sister and him would all eat together watching Simpsons and the red green show on TV late at night. He always said the reason he has a fatty liver now is because it "must've been all those times we ate cheese on the couch together" but his alcohol addiction is obviously why he's so unhealthy today. I miss those times when I was happy.

>> No.11791897
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Y-you too

>> No.11791969

Is the lack of cheese why you are unhappy?

>> No.11791981

People constantly joke about how Spam is gross fake meat, but it really is delicious if you slice it thinly, fry it, and serve with crumbled gorgonzola cheese on top with mustard. Or a fried spam sandwhich.

If you're from the south, the absolute best Spam creation is to cut it into tiny cubes, fry, and put it in your morning grits with some chopped scallions and cheese.

>> No.11792241
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>going to church

>> No.11792256
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Refried black beans with artisanal "queso fresco". It was artisanal because I grew in a small town and the shitty, industrialized versions of the stuff fortunately hadn't caught up with us yet, not because we were trying to be fancy. Tastes like a dry, crumbly slightly mature mozzarella.

Throw in some basic tomato sauce with wild piquin chili, some corn or wheat flour tortillas, and that might as well be my last meal if i was in death row.

>> No.11792547
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>posting a smug anime face in response to someone going to church

>> No.11792551
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>implying religion exists

>> No.11792569


Guamianians wish they could afford $10 cans of spam.

>> No.11792716

Fried eggs, white rice and gochujang mixed in a bowl with a splash of sesame oil and chopped green onions if available.

Used to eat it all the time, still do.

>> No.11792747

Spam is gross, but only uncooked. But let's be honest, I'm not cooking an entire can of spam. What should I do with leftovers? After a day or two in the fridge, the spam is just disgusting.

>> No.11792768

Then you're not storing it right. I used to get a block, slice it up, and ziplock it. stayed good all week, a few slices each morning

>> No.11792821
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Ah, okay. I've just been storing it in tupperware. Thanks, because spam is absolutely my dirty pleasure and one of these days I'm going to make pic related.

>> No.11794414
File: 220 KB, 1024x680, Lebanese-Potato-and-Eggs-2-of-2-1024x680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes and eggs. Never had any idea it was a Lebanese dish until I tried to find my moms recipe online and all the ones like it said it was Lebanese

>> No.11795195

Fuck no, spam is a really salty pork product, it goes good with eggs. Corned beef is by far the grossest shit I’ve ever had to eat, it always taste like soggy dry shredded tree bark. Fuck corned beef.

>> No.11795198

Hahah yeah keep telling yourself that you giant fucking weirdo.

>> No.11795207
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I'm sure it goes by other names. Mom makes it on special occasions. We called it chicken goop.

>chicken breast
>cool ranch Doritos
>sour creme
>jalapeno peppers
>shit loads of cheese
>layer it 3-4 times and bake

Sounds simple enough but holy shit it tastes so good.

>> No.11795229

No, it's a salty meat cube. It's really not bad. Just slice it then and fry it.

>> No.11795239

it's pork not beef
fry it up like in the OP, tastes like bacon

>> No.11795269

I would always eat raw beaten yellow egg with sugar when my grandma was making cakes. Shit was so good

Also fried salami slices with ketchup (kinda like chips)

Also French toast but with melted cheese on top (still do this nowadays)

>> No.11795366

I love fish sticks and chicken drumsticks a lot. My father hates fish and chicken and he went on business trips once or twice a year and we would eat fishdicks and drumsticks. It was the epitome of a rare treat and I still love them. People find it weird because apparently to others, fish sticks and drumsticks are poor people food.

>> No.11795518

>Fry until dark red/brown
>Turn down heat
>Throw in a good spoonful of honey and the same amount of mild mustard
>Mix until it's homogeneous
>Serve on white bread

Easiest lunch ever, yet tasty

Oh and corned beef is the devil. I've hated it all my life.

>> No.11795664

My dad would make what roughly translates into Garbage food for us as kids.
He's not the best cook but we always enjoyed it.
>Leftover beens into refried beans, he's through in a can of tuna and scramble eggs into it.
Haven't had it in ages but it's a comfy meal my siblings and i still bring up sometimes.

>> No.11795751

My mom used to make ramen noodles and rice for lunch sometimes, and I absolutely loved it. Basically all it is, is a beef flavored marachun ramen with the noodles drained of the water, and a side of instant rice. You then sprinkle the seasoning packet on top of it, and mix it up. I actually still make it to this day, it comforts me. I love my mom

>> No.11795773

I made miso ramen the other day but ran out of noodles so I just put it on rice. shit was cash

>> No.11795788
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I got lucky. I was born in the PNW, and my mother liked cooking seafood. Oysters, paella, bouillabaisse, mussels, Dungeness crab in a gorgonzola cream sauce over cheese ravioli (taken from a local resturaunt's cookbook, Jake's Seafood, fyi). The best comfort food though? Sockeye salmon with butter, dill, garlic, and a little black pepper. I say all this, and yet the thing I want most right now is Izzy's Pizza. ffffffffffffff

>> No.11796365
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My mother would make spaghetti with ranch dressing and can it Alfredo.

>> No.11796368

*call it

>> No.11796498
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Steamed egg and green onion in an earthenware pot, mix it with rice in a bowl. That pot's long since broken though.

>> No.11796504

What a terrible woman.

>> No.11797392

Spaghetti, gumbo, roast, beans, rice, casseroles, goulash, meatballs, etc. my parents always made us a square dinner. Breakfast was usually malto meal or pancakes on the weekend. Ate lunch from the cafeteria at school.

Making a meal tonight just like we had when I was a kid.
Pinto beans with sausage, buttered cabbage, corn on cob, fried potatoes, and skillet cornbread.

>> No.11797411

Oh man. Mom used to make me rice, beef, potatos, tomato, onion, and corn mixed together. God it was my favorite thing to eat. Mom had passed away a long time ago, but i made sure to learn how to make it so i can always have it. My kids and wife absolutely love it also. I'm happy they get to experience her dish.

>> No.11797503

So, sorta like king ranch chicken minus the cream soups. Sounds good tho

>> No.11797506

Stickyrice with fish soup
T. Poor koreanboy

>> No.11798096

Eggs, fruits, cereal, milk, bologna sandwich , Chef boyardee ravioli, spaghettios, campbells chicken and stars or alphabet soup , little debbie snack cakes, then whatever parental units made for dinner... usually something cheap since there were 6 of us. Dinner almost always had beans and rice or potatoes, a vegetable, and some type of meat.

>> No.11798206
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We’re poor Irish immigrants and my mom made cottage pie atleast twice a week, oddly enough never got tired of it. Still make one for myself occasionally big enough for a weeks worth of lunches

>> No.11798527

It is top teir eating. I'm surprised more people haven't discovered it. Glad to know someone has the same opinion though. Most people think im out of my mind

>> No.11798775

I dunno if you have ever made this before but here's a tip= use a can opener on the bottom of the spam can to get yourself a form for your rice

>> No.11798812

my mom was a pretty shit cook (excellent baker tho), but she made a mean chicken marsala.

>> No.11798820

What part of Texas you from?
I grew up near the King Ranch, so King Ranch chicken was on the school menu pretty often.

>> No.11798948

>we were poor

You don't even know what poor is like.

>> No.11799009

lol gatekeeping about poverty. what do you eat? leaves off trees and dead flies?

>> No.11799020

Dude you aren't poor if you can afford beef.

>> No.11799098

My mom would make this for breakfast

>> No.11799116

There were some lunches where literally all I had to eat was mustard.

>> No.11800040


>> No.11800068

I usually just put plastic wrap over the top of the tin after using what i need and pop it back in the fridge.

>> No.11800075

>Basically all it is, is a beef flavored marachun ramen with the noodles drained of the water, and a side of instant rice. You then sprinkle the seasoning packet on top of it, and mix it up. I actually still make it to this day, it comforts me. I love my mom
Sounds like your mom didn't love you very much.

>> No.11800090

What did your parents spend all of their money on?

>> No.11800417


>> No.11800454
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> typing "implying religion exists"

>> No.11800663

found the black person

>> No.11800966

>frozen pizzas
>grilled cheese
those were lunches

>> No.11800974

meatloaf, sour cream sauce doused in pepper and 5 minute rice, it's fucking DELICIOUS, i'd always drown the rice in so.y sauce as well like a true pleb

>> No.11800975

>I gotta go and show everyone that religion doesn't exist on this chinese cartoon and image board!
post your katana and fedora collection

>> No.11800992

when I was a kid (15 years ago) beef was cheap. now its like 3-4$ / pound.

>> No.11801007

No she’d also make good meals often. This was just a lazy lunch that reminds me of home that I don’t think many people have had. That’s why I posted the story in this thread that was made for unusual food combos.