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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11790203 No.11790203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you faggots ruined me
i fell for the vegan diet meme
>lost my front teeth after 7 months of only fruit
>physically weak + lost 30% of my muscle mass
>hair started falling off
>smelled like dogshit after sweating
>was tired all the fucking time
and to top it off i broke my shin bone after falling down from a skateboard
don't make the same mistake i did and fuck up your body's physical health

>> No.11790233

The fact of the matter is that you're a low IQ individual with no concept of nutrition and that's why you failed so miserably. This is a bait thread, but I wanted to humor myself.

>> No.11790435

>lost my front teeth

You gotta make these thread believable

>> No.11790491
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Steve O has been vegan for a decade. Nice try teethposter.

>> No.11790494

>what is a healthy balanced diet
You unironically deserved what you got for being such an enormous faggot. Who eats only fruit??

>> No.11790497
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>live 10 years longer
>smell better
>have stronger bones/teeth despite lower calcium intake
>literally less fat and more attractive
Its like your trying to change what researchers find by spamming the opposite on 4chan
Great tactic

>> No.11790508

You don't even have lower calcium intake if you eat unrefined plants instead of junk food that happens to be vegan. Most milk drinkers don't actually drink much milk. I'm the only person I know getting 600 milligrams in a day more often than never. The science says more usually doesn't help. Sometimes it's closer to 700-800.

>> No.11790529

Maybe you are responding bad to a vegan diet or more probably you have done it wrong.
I was at the verge of obesity when I went HCLF vegan. I lost 70 lbs of fat eating a lot of potatoes, rice, fruit and veggies, plus some moderate aerobic exercise. When I managed to be at the low side of a normal BMI, I started hitting the gym with strength training. I started eating at a surplus (while staying HCLF, but adding some pea protein supplements to reach 100 - 130 grams of protein per day and switching from brown to white rice and pasta). I put a significant amount of muscle and now I look very very good like never before in my life.
Actually, I am not even so vegan but plant based. I really don't care about the animals and shit, so I eat meat when invited out, when dating girls for the first times for not appearing obsessed or at the holidays.

>> No.11790535

It actually is a great tactic. The second most trafficked board on 4chan thinks academic sources are Jewish fake news.

>> No.11790542

all of these faggots who post carnivore diets have blood on their hands. They mislead people to live extremely unhealthy lifestyles and indirectly kill thousands of animals every single day. If a lawyer gave this bad advice he'd be in jail.

>> No.11790543

I don't eat junk when out just because I now find it unpleasant compared to the heartiness of whole foods.

>> No.11790547

pretty much the same here bro; good for you

>> No.11790549

...and animals also do what they can to live. "carnist" arent claiming to behave be normal because fucking animals do it and its the circle of life, you fucking bug person. thats what youre doing and projecting.

>> No.11790587

>developing antivenom isn't a valid survival strategy
you need to apply the logic consistently, not pick and choose.

>> No.11790590

>circle of life
Go watch the lion king, princess

>> No.11790612

>7 months of only fruit
Well there's your problem, anon.

The highly unlikely scenario of you being bit by a venomous animals and needing antivenom to live is a pretty poor reason to consume animals regularly.

>> No.11790616

What's wrong with fruit? I thought it was nutritionally perfect

>> No.11790622

Protein is overrated, but fruit doesn't have enough of it and minerals, and the sugar and acid erode teeth faster than most foods. Try putting 2000 Calories of fruit into cronometer

>> No.11790629
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But I thought veganism was the most perfect diet where you can eat like a kid again?
Your teeth are going to be eroded anyway, dentists panic about this so much they needed to develop a B12 toothpaste for vegans lmao

>> No.11790632

Lmao, OP believing he can get away with just donuts and cookies.

>> No.11790646

>samefag picking fallacy outlier cases
Equatable to posting fat Americans eating burgers but without any logic behind it

>> No.11790653

A vegan diet made her stop ovulating, and she thinks that's healthy?

>> No.11790666

Freelee consumes leafy greens 4 times per week, she consumes fat from coconuts and ensures she gets protein. She eats 3,000 calories per day and this is documented in her videos. She's not a pure fruitarian so how is this a fallacy? The only relevant 'outlier' about Freelee compared with other vegans is that she doesn't consume grains

>> No.11791161
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>> No.11791166
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>see i has teeth

>> No.11791171
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>vegan lion

>> No.11791175
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>bleeding is healthy
the utter state of carnists

>> No.11791215

just a friendly reminder that humans use their hands and tools for hunting, this is why they don't have carnivore teeth.

>> No.11791218

>7 months ago I wasn't on /ck/ yet
>I wasn't here to warn him.

Sorry bro. I've been rageposting against Veganism at least 7 months on /fit/


>> No.11791224

Wow a professional self-harming child raping satanist. Great advertisement for Veganism, kind of honest unlike most vegan propaganda. If self-harm is your thing, definitely go vegan.


>> No.11791229

so which one of them is the steve o.

>> No.11791246

The one with a tattoo of him raping an infant Podesta style.

OP post photos of your unfortunate teeth, or Link your jewtube channel.

>> No.11791253

If I didnt know what menstruating was for Id be all for no crippling pain and blood every month.

>> No.11791267
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>this is why they don't have teeth.

>> No.11791280

Completely as a separate topic from childbearing, menstruation is why women live 15 years longer than men. We hit menapouse at 18, for women it's much much later. 50?? IDK, but it's late in middle age or approx.

The menstrual flow (bloodletting) releases toxic iron buildup from the female body. Men store it and die early.

So this means vegan women will die early from this too. (Like men do)

>> No.11791284

actually, there's a theory that it was the development of cooking, bladed tools, etc that allowed humans to develop modern teeth, and that changed the overall structure of the skull and allowed further development of the brain

do vegans think we just came to exist in the exact form we're in now?

>> No.11791306

Look at thia fatass samefag. He truly does nothing but make fake arguments with himself on 4chan and reddit all day.
What a faggot.

>> No.11791315

Look like more vegan tears are on the menu goys.....


>Veganism appears to be close than or equal to anorexia nervosa.


>> No.11791317

>He truly does nothing but make fake arguments with himself on 4chan and reddit all day.
How do you know this?

>> No.11791318
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This isnt reddit, vegan. 'anonymous' isn't a user handle.

>> No.11791328

I've thought this for awhile, that veganism is what anorexics turned to in order to make themselves seem respectable by giving it a religious and moral coat of paint. they certainly have that same mental illness as anorexics where they believe that auschwitz look is "healthy", and anorexia seemed to decline about the time that veganism became popular.

>> No.11791332

yep, that's the look. the very picture of health and vitality, if you're an anorexic/vegan.

>> No.11791350

Plus vegans wrap their mental illness around a cult, a group effort with comradeship and a great battle "for the animals" so they see themselves in a noble struggle, not just nutjobs starving themselves which is what they are.

Vegans, the "animals rights advocates" who dump thousands of tons of chemical pesticides on wild animals.

>> No.11791360

i suppose it provides more of a sense of fulfillment than just admitting it's anorexia, but that just avoids the cure. humoring their delusion does them no favors, it just encourages their illness to fester until it kills them.

>> No.11791370
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Vegans and anti-vegans are equally mentally ill

>> No.11791481

I would agree with that statement. As these vegan threads bare witness, anti-vegan carnists are even more insufferable than vegans.

>> No.11791531

His teeth are also fake

>> No.11791533

>bear witness

Subtle carnivore reference. You're not fooling anyone Sv3rige.

>> No.11791548

Durian rider Harley, the anti-SJW Godfather of the high carb Chiang-Mai vegan dropouts, has a full row of false teeth, and his earlier videos show his progressive tooth-decay on his vegan/fruitarian diet.

>> No.11791553
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oh do go on

>> No.11791575
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>> No.11791580
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'centrists' in this case occupy more than 99% of the ground.
So it's like calling me a 'centrist' because i'm not literally a nazi or a stalinist.

>> No.11791606

>shilling a pedophile
sasuga soulless grass eater

>> No.11791620

Look how old you've become

>> No.11791627

so if i have pointy teeth i can kill and consume flesh?
is that the standard?

>> No.11791629

This. Menstruation cleanses the body and is responsible for the significantly longer lifespan of females.
Your body stops ovulating as a way to show you're destroying your organism through poor diets and habits, hence why very obese women and skelettal ones don't have their period.

>> No.11791640

Heh. Compare upper and lower teeth.

>> No.11791650

the top ones don't even fit his mouth right. did he get them at walmart?

>> No.11791658

convincing counterargument, anon. you should expand this thesis and publish a book.

>> No.11791687

Mmm looks like me aunty

>> No.11791823

>Get fit with Natasha.

This is Natasha, Durian riders current groupie/whore. Should call him "DorianGray Rider" his face keeps getting older and older, but his veganslag whores are forever 21.
