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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11783231 No.11783231 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder to take small bites, chew your food at an even pace and enjoy your food, take your time with your meals.

>> No.11783244

I've always been curious why I eat so fast, I think it's because I was always late to school growing up.

I noticed that when I eat slow you actually can enjoy your meals -- still so awkward when I finish my food and everyone is still eating :(

>> No.11783292

ty anon

>> No.11783312

that's why i eat soup with a teaspoon

>> No.11783315

Do you sit with your back to a wall when you have the option?

>> No.11783333
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this is my earliest memory. playing in our backyard chasing butterflies and picking up dandelions.

>> No.11783376
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I've yet to break the 10 year habit of eating as fast as I could. Picked it up, first week in the Army Infantry and it was reinforced 3x per day, everyday for 10 years. Then I was wounded and I now, as a disabled vet, I still inhale my meals - even though I tell myself I won't do it this time, it automatically occurs.
Tough habit to break.

>> No.11783380

I would, but life is so busy these days.

>> No.11783434

Thanks, fren. Hope you had a lovely day

>> No.11783532

unless it's hot food

>> No.11783537

funfact: eating in tinier bites makes you full faster that's why women always tear their cookies in pieces instead of eating them whole

>> No.11783542
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take small sips
enjoy your coffee

>> No.11783550

Hogwash. Stop repeating "sewing circle" science.

>> No.11783560

But I like taking massive dumps!

>> No.11783597

Only homosexuals enjoy massive dumps. The rest of us are in pain.

>> No.11783972

What a nice wholesome thread.
I have legitimately no ill will toward OP.
Feels weird man.

>> No.11784006


Ive started doing this recently and its greatly improved my eating experience.

>> No.11784022

On thursday I ate 3 cups of broccoli
On friday I ate 3 more cups of broccoli and drank 2 pots of covfefe
I shit my brains out all day friday. After clearing out the main business it turned into an almost liquid stream, but still solid and it sank to the bottom of the toilet every time, no floaters.
This went on and off for around 6 hours until I had absolutely nothing left in my intestines. I felt amazing the rest of the day.
Tomorrow I will reinvigorate my gut bacteria with a lot of yogurt and start the process all over again.

>> No.11784339

All males have prostates, anon. Hetero and homo alike.

>> No.11785731

>tfw when you're so straight you don't have a prostate.

>> No.11785785

I do, not him though, I eat fast too
who are you? are you some gypsy?

>> No.11786199

Kinda makes sense that my brain is in a "danger" mode, since im eating alone in a big cafeteria and I don't want anyone to recognize me

>> No.11786504

Thanks anon

>> No.11787487

no shit, you will fucking almost choke to death on like a few chips. little well chewed bites. came close a few times. where you can just barely get some air. not fun.

>> No.11787540

>tfw I love spinach
>will devour it
>I have choked on it too many times to count

>> No.11787570

>tfw when I always finish meals within 2-3 minutes while hunched over my food like I'm in prison

i don't know why I do this

>> No.11787574

Did you have any siblings growing up anon? My hypothesis is the bigger the family, the faster people eat.

>> No.11787743

apu is playing with the butterfly

>> No.11787764

I dont want it to get cold, so I swallow and choke like a pig as quickly I can

>> No.11787793

They should really warn you about this when you're a kid. Everyone just assumes this is common knowledge, but you can give yourself some really unpleasant stomach pains if you don't know any better and eat quickly with minimal chewing. Sounds retarded, but famous historical figures were known to have this exact problem, like Charles V. And there's nothing really telling you as a kid that swallowing a chunk of unchewed food is going to cause you harm when other things like vitamins or pills seemingly work the same way without causing harm.

>> No.11787804

>My hypothesis is the bigger the family, the faster people eat.
Not him, but that sounds like bullshit to me. I just had one brother and we ate about as fast as you could. If anything I would expect the opposite. When I've seen big families as a kid going over to their house they seem to be way more deliberate and formal about meals. When your dad's at work and it's just mom, you, and your brother, you're microwaving easy mac and back to video games in a few minutes tops.

>> No.11788225

You're wrong. I grew up in a middle-class family with 4 boys and mealtimes were vicious in terms of grabbing as much food as you could get, but the caveat was your plate would be clean or there'd be hell to pay. My newlywed wife even commented to me about the fact that my brothers and I seemed like animals at meal time to her, but she was a decorous asian, so there's that.

>> No.11788305

I wish my life could be like in op
Not this shit world in this pathetic life

>> No.11789752

asian families eat quickly though so you could get back to studying faster.

>> No.11789795

Israel thanks you for your service.

>> No.11789800

This is a highly problematic and transphobic statement.

>> No.11789894

I grew up in a family with 6 siblings. One of my older brothers would abuse me and take my food when I was young. I learned to eat fast just to be able to get some food. My mom was always too busy with the other kids and my dad worked long hours. Eventually my sister started to be sympathetic of me and would sneak me food. She became my best and only friend and helped me through alot. Even being my first in certain things to cheer me up. I live with here now and life is much bette.r

>> No.11790028

Bullshit, you just want to steal my food and call me a faggot.

>> No.11790184
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>certain things

>> No.11790197
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>certain things
explain right now anon

>> No.11790302

She was my first driving instructor, my first dance instructor, my first true friend. One time she took me skydiving for the first time, and encouraged me to be brave.

>> No.11790306

Boooo, gay

>> No.11790309


>> No.11790330

It takes me anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to eat each meal. I've always been like this don't really know why

>> No.11790396

Do you take a long time between mouthfuls, or do you take very small mouthfuls?

>> No.11790793

that's beautiful

>> No.11791103

My sister is like this too. She has down syndrome btw

>> No.11791123

sounds hot. pic?

>> No.11791148


>> No.11791785

The former, but some of the latter too