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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11779754 No.11779754 [Reply] [Original]

So Burger King just threw me out and I'm a bit shaken by the whole experience. Thoughts?
I went there at 9:30 and ordered a whole value meal thingy, and said is it okay if I stay a bit for like an hour; I know you're closing at 10 but the drive through is open till midnight. I have to do some work on your wifi. can I stay till 11? and the black girl said with dead eyes 'uh huh'.
>10 PM rolls around.
>I'm only half way done my whopper.
>She comes and tells me I have to leave because its close.
>I told her you said I could stay a little longer. The drive through is open and I can just stay here quietly Im answering craigslist emails, and then ill leave right away. I'll even buy something else.
>10:20 rolls around.
>she comes around saying I gots to go.
>I break down and yell at her saying she said I could stay till 11, if I couldnt then why would you say I could?
>She said they let me stay an extra 15 minutes but any longer is too much because its corporate policy.
>I say who the hell is watching. this is a human situation.
>The manager says they didn't understand me when I asked to stay at 11 and they wouldn't let any customer ever do that. 15 minutes is all I get.
>I say but craigslist.
>she says thats not their problem.
>I say can I go outside and crouch against the wall and type outside with my macbook.
>she says that would be loitering and it's not allowed.
>At this point I'm fuming. I tell them I'm never fucking going there again for the rest of my life, that a bunch of minimize wage workers can't give someone a break, they have no idea what im going through, I'm going to complain to corporate that they kick a customer out for no reason at all.
>Left, roll around the drive-through.
>order six double whoppers with extra mayo, wait a minute while they prepare it and then drive away

>> No.11779763

Based and craigslistpilled

>> No.11779764

nice blog

>> No.11779769
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>> No.11779779

yeah I'm sure those whoppers you got after shitting on the wage monkeys didn't have any spit or shit in them retard

>> No.11779782
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>not marrying ebony qt and eating whoppers together as husband and wife

>> No.11779786

2 dark skinded 4 me

>> No.11779790
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What's goin' on bud.

>> No.11779798
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there is no such thing as "too dark"

>> No.11779805
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>> No.11779844

wud fug

>> No.11779847

>BK stopped running $1 sandwich coupons
Why would they do that?

>> No.11779856

Looks like you found another source of internet access pretty quickly. The whole scene was unnecessary.

>> No.11779857

he drove off without paying, fucktard, learn to fucking read you dumb piece of shit, jesus christ

>> No.11779911

why can't you afford wifi at your own place??

>> No.11779937

Because my daddy scares me at home. Everytime I end up screaming DADDY NOOOOOOOO cause he would beat me.

>> No.11779953

Bro you fuckin retarded or what? When the store closes it's closed. I'm not getting paid minimum fucking wage for you to dick around on craigslist while I try and close the store around you. I wanna go home and sleep for 12 hours until I have to come back and do the whole fucking thing over again. If you have a car just camp outside a Starbucks or a Target and pirate their wifi with an antenna.

>> No.11779960

If nothing else they probably got to take all those whoppers home because the customer didn't pay for them.

>> No.11779966

based if true

>> No.11779970

Dude you are tarded. I camped out in my car outside a fucking tim hortons once while traveling and I could access their wifi easily inside my car.

>> No.11779974

>Guys I'm stone-cold retarded, how could burger king treat me this way? Don't they know I'm half-orangutan and I've got no choice but to be a drooling ninny?

>> No.11779975
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that would be a perfect marriage

>> No.11779982

I've spent many an hour in my car in the parking lot shitposting on a laptop or ipad using a Burger King wifi for free. You lost, buddy.

>> No.11779983

A lot of corporate chains dont let their employees to take home left over food

>> No.11779992

officially, yes. But most managers don't give a fuck at the end of night shift especially. We would take whatever we wanted really, but you don't want anything after a few shifts, that's the secret

>> No.11780006

Why would you waste time on bk WiFi when they have a porn blocker? Go to Wendy’s.

>> No.11780046

Wendys banned me cause I was caught masturbating and watching porn. I thought it would be safe because I was the last customer before closing so I sat at a table in the corner and did the deed until the manager walked by and saw my dick in hand. I also had porn audio playing softly cause I forgot my headphones

>> No.11780049

lmao degenerate retard go off yourself jacking off in public is literally the lowest thing you can do

>> No.11780052

You fucking turbo autist

>> No.11780058

>calls someone a minimum wage worker
>is so poor you need to use fucking fast food WiFi for work purposes

Lmaoing at Ur life

>> No.11780147

>People replying as though this were an actual thing that happened

>> No.11780321


>> No.11780332

Same I'm not racist either, I tried negresses before but I'm just not into it. I gave one a chance to see how it'd go and it was shitty. Oh well.

>> No.11780367

Love her green dress

>> No.11780369

You're 300+ pounds, aren't you?

>> No.11780514


>> No.11780565

>that ending

>> No.11780577
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>another fast food thread

>> No.11780605

I've never seen or heard of a fastfood place such as BK give food before it's payed for inside or drive-thru

>> No.11780620

are you seriously crying about not being able to use the wifi at burger king because you're a poorfag?

>> No.11780624

Americans, amirite?