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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11778030 No.11778030 [Reply] [Original]

Having one of those days lads. After work today i'm blacking out and leaving the world for a while

>> No.11778034

Bump for legitimate thread

>> No.11778042

Don't die of alcohol poisoning

>> No.11778048
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Hello subhumans!

This thread is off-topic. This is a board about food and cooking, not about how you are a failure at life and a burden for your families and friends. Please take it to /r9k/ or /adv/.

>> No.11778049

I miss doing that but my body was quite literally telling me to stop or it would.

>> No.11778086

t. pedantic newfag

>> No.11778092

Sober almost 6 months fellas. Life is a little more boring, but i have money in my bank account and i don't dread waking up every morning.

>> No.11778095

>Going completely sober
Meh, whatever works.

>> No.11778104

the alcohol almost took my life. I got away with it for years because nothing ever bad happened. then something bad did happen. I shouldn't be able to type this. but here I am. the best I can do to pay it forward is to help you understand, to give you perspective. read books, philosophy. it will help your mind. exercise, yoga and cardio, then weights when you're ready.

don't wait for that bad thing to happen. for the love of God and all that is good and holy and that you hold dear. I'm telling you, the bad thing may never come, and that is much worse. consider the luck you'll have if you get out clean, alive, if you cannot control your self.

don't go to extremes. just recognize that you're over doing it and let the voice of reason come to you, open your heart to it.

>this is a lot
>I'm too drunk
>I feel awful
>not again

you know what is right. if you start by acting on the impulse in your mind to stop, which manifests as a voice of reason you will be heading toward the light. keep in mind the light does not contain all the convincing voices the darkness has. that is because it is free from having to convince for it is radiant, and self evident, and at first when you listen to that voice it will come to you as a resistor and a disagreement

>no! don't go this way

Deny your self, allow for this voice to take command, and witness freedom as the unobstructed life. it feels empty... because it is... it is empty of only one thing, however, and that is separateness. each time you don't heed your hearts warning, you are separating your self from that which you are apart of.

come forward and enjoy the duty-less contentment of nature and be at peace. you don't have to react. you don't have to add, or take away. you can just be who you are, without the debasement.

>> No.11778106

Hi guys I missed you. I still haven’t quit yet.

>> No.11778265

Had my first experience with literal delirium tremens about a week ago. The gf threatened to kick me out, so I had no choice but to basically go cold turkey. It was a horrible, horrible experience. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I’ll go ahead and green text the story if there’s any interest

>> No.11778273

i'm on a work trip with two coworkers who don't drink because they're mormon. last night i got really drunk and tried to go home with the girl, then almost threw up on the guy. today was kinda awkward.

>> No.11778276
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i only had moderate withdrawals and it was so bad. Can't imagine full blown DT's. type it out anon

>> No.11778282
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>soyboy incel still thinking IT‘S HIS SUPER SEKRIT CLUB!!!!
get a load of this loser lmao

>> No.11778286

Wew. That shit's a wild ride, ain't it? You get a visit from the Dugan? I've only met two other people who have and read one story online that seemed to be them.

>> No.11778288

I was able to drink only half a bottle of wine last night. Before that I was sober for a couple of days. Before that I was waking up and getting sloshed for a couple of days. But it's Friday again and so the cycle continues...

>> No.11778290

maybe you should stop drinking

>> No.11778298

I've been alone for 8 years now. I've worked up the courage to talk to a girl today. She asked me if I was asking her on a date. I said yes and she laughed. Took my phone number down and said she'd call, but I don't think she will. It was good for me to get out of my shell, but I don't think I will again for a long time if she won't give me the time of day. I'm sad. Going to keep drinking in this snowbank.

>> No.11778299

How does it even affect you dude. Like what the fuck is your problem.

>> No.11778302

I'm twisted. On one hand I agree that on topic posting is important to the quality of a board... On the other hand you're a huge fucking FAGGOT for using "muh sekrit club" and are almost certainly new....

>> No.11778327

>be me, fifth a day alcoholic off and on for 10 years
>been through mild-severe withdrawal around 30 times
>recently went on 6 month binge around a fifth a day, usually a bit more
>gf gets fed up, demands I stop
>decide that I have to stop
>after around 6 hours without drink, wake up shaking literally drenched in sweat
>turn and have conversation with gf, and we talk for about an hour
>turns out she was never even there. A few minutes later she calls me and asks if I want anything from store
>mind is blown, start to get extremely anxious, start pacing around apartment
>snow starts falling from ceiling as opera music seems to be playing in my ears
>get extremely paranoid and run to bathroom, throw up bile and blood
>look in to toilet and see giant snake (it wasn’t there)
>shakily stand up to take piss and literally think I see tiny black ants coming out of my dick hole
>start seeing spots and pass out
>gf found me on floor seizing out apparently
>she knows how to treat withdrawal as we have been together for quite awhile
Apparently I was drenched in sweat for the next two day with a crazy look in my eyes telling her about evil vultures and how I failed my family.. and also something out my experiences in mountains and caves... things that I’ve never done.

>> No.11778333

/ck/ literally has no quality whatsoever, but it's proven that it is the most applicable board for al/ck/ threads. They were historically reasonable and a net positive. The alcoholics stayed to themselves in the threads and it literally hurt no one.

>> No.11778336
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>> No.11778339

just lost my job this week coming to work borderline drunk

bosses were sick of it

I gotta restart my life now at 36, this feels worse than the worst hangover. alcohol has controlled me since I was 21 and I need hope...

>> No.11778341

Thank god you didn't get Dugan'd my man. Don't pick up a drink again, those DTs get worse and will show you horrible things most men don't encounter.

>> No.11778346

Lmao faggot did this to urself

>> No.11778358

Normies have nothing better to do than to hurt other people.

>> No.11778362
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>not coming to 4channel for epic memes and trolling idiots like the so called “““oldfags“““
>giving a shit about being new or not
lmaoing at your shit site and shit userbase

>> No.11778364

>have sympathy for me being a dumbass who never changes

>> No.11778366

Mentioning alcoholism offends the alcohol marketers.

absolutely ok
not ok

You can't win.

>> No.11778378

>This thread is off-topic. This is a board about food and cooking, not about how you are a failure at life and a burden for your families and friends. Please take it to /r9k/ or /adv/.
Sceencapped to be posted in vegan threads from now on.

>> No.11778381

>The alcoholics stayed to themselves in the threads and it literally hurt no one.
Imagine having this little self-awareness.

>> No.11778385

I guarantee you that you never changed and never will.

>> No.11778389

Green text it anon

>> No.11778394
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woah, deep

>> No.11778401

They didn't. They had one thread that they stuck to. If you are arguing that even the visibility of an alcoholic thread existing, you are a ridiculously sensitive cuck. If anything the one thread still had people coming into it who could just easily ignore it to insult people they had nothing to do with.

>> No.11778403

I need to stop drinking, too. Good luck anon!

>> No.11778410

>They stayed to themselves
Lmao no you faggots didnt. Every thread on ck had 1 or 2 faggots typing like retards and would try to derail the thread by sperging about your sad lives

>> No.11778417

Ended up moving back in with my mom (I'm 29) in order to get my life back together. I still drink once a week (it's a doozy) but work is good and my savings are growing. Hoping to be back in school finishing my degree by next year.

>> No.11778426

Literally false dude. Alcoholics didn't infest /ck/. However outsiders to al/ck/ threads did infest al/ck/ threads and then new mods banned the threads for no good reason.

>> No.11778431

>Literally false
You probably we're too drunk to remember it desu. It happened all the time

>> No.11778437

Im 34 and did the same shit. Im on month two of no job. Could probably stretch my savings to 7-9 more months then im either homeless or gonna have to ask momma if i can live there again.
good luck

>> No.11778442

I get that you may have a serious opposition to alcohol, but what you are talking about did not happen, I've been here daily for years.

>> No.11778446

Thank you, anon. Yes I’m sure I likely saw shit that I don’t even remember, but the gf said my clothes were basically soaked in sweat (I guess she changed them like 3 times a day), and I was talking about incomprehensible things. It kinda sucks that I doubt remember most of this shit, just the beginning, but it was the most horrifying thing ever. Not even scary. Just an absolute nightmare

>> No.11778452

You genuinely were just too drunk then
I love to drink but I'm not a retard who drinks too much constantly then seeks sympathy on 4chan

>> No.11778453


>> No.11778459

i don't drink and i never saw it. my memory is fine.

why are you making things up? are you a drunk who doesn't want to face the fact that you have a serious drinking problem.


>> No.11778463

I don't care. Take your crybaby shit to Tumblr

>> No.11778466

>I love to drink
confession acknowledged. you're a drunk.

that's the first step, alcoholic-anon

>> No.11778472

Same guy here. Honestly I would consider the first 24-48 hours the worst, because the anxiety. That shit is nearly unbearable, you will likely consider suicide during this period. Once you slip in to the DTs, you don’t even know what the fuck is going on anymore. You’ll just be laying in bed for 2 days, (likely freaking out), but you will probably only remember a few things from the experience.. though it can be deadly, so don’t do what I did and trust an inexperienced person.

>> No.11778474
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>Y-you like to drink? You're a pathetic retard like us!

>> No.11778475

>I love to drink but I'm not a retard
too drunk to type 'sage' in the correct field

figured it out eventually

get help, dude

>> No.11778479

are you too drunk to comprehend what you read. i said that i don't drink.

let me repeat: i do not drink alcohol.

>> No.11778483

Are you a tranny.

>> No.11778484
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Now now ladies, lets keep this civil.

>> No.11778487

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/50496845