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File: 636 KB, 2000x1333, burger-restaurants-new-york.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11775287 No.11775287 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question:

What music would you like to hear when you enter a mid-end burger "restaurant"?

I'm currently in the planning process of opening one, and I have a pretty good idea of everything else other than the music

>> No.11775305

Boomer classic rock is a safe bet

>> No.11775312

Yup, and by this I mean 90's and early 2000s rock.

>> No.11775314

acoustic Imagine Dragons

>> No.11775317

I'd like to hear Rush Limbaugh all the time.

>> No.11775322

I like it to be a little bit more on the rustic/industrial side, not full blown pipes everywhere, but mostly with the wood, I was thinking something a bit more minimal, but please tell your opinions on that, can't have something only I like.

At first I was thinking about one of those lofi jazzy, hip-hop mixes, but I don't really know the public opinion on those.

>> No.11775323
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Please tell me you're this guy.
Also classic rock and pop are the safest bets for a restaurant. You'll offend some faggot it you play anything else.

>> No.11775324


>> No.11775330
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>> No.11775336

In 90% of the places I visit I'd prefer no music at all.

>> No.11775340

Porn chicks moaning and saying the dirty, dirty things they say

>> No.11775348

While I considered that I also planned on putting up something to dampen the usual loud noises, and then it would be nice with something playing on a low volume for background noise

>> No.11775355

just make it like five guys but cheaper and less autistic about the whole boomer diner experience

just sell no frills good burgers, the people will come

>> No.11775357


scarufficore only

>> No.11775385

Mongolian throat-singing.

>> No.11775402

Finally, the perfect answer, I should do it myself for some entertainment

>> No.11775457

Beloved of Tengri

>> No.11775483

Lover's Theme by Herve Roy

>> No.11775522


>> No.11775560

Underrated post

>> No.11775775

Blues wafting through the air, as if they’re naturally comng from the kitchen

>> No.11775786


this upbeat tune keeps it "hip" while also subtly informing guests

>> No.11775798

70s porn music soundtracks

>> No.11775822

something like they play at hard rock cafes

>> No.11775839

>Raw ground beef


>> No.11775840


>> No.11775868

I go to a place maybe once every 1.5 to 2 weeks which is essentially this: beer names written in chalk on a wall, varyng constantly, with no additional information. If you want to try it you can but it’s like a faggot detector, for most people a pint is a taste. It serves chicken: fried, grilled, sandwiches, wings. It has sports on at all times. If an “important” game is live, the audio is played. At all other times background music is played, which varies. One thing that never varies is that the music is always completely uncensored. The staff is attentive but aloof. The bar is full service, the rest is self-service.

This is fucking genius because it makes it a perfect place for people to be alone together. I can drop in, order a pint of Pine Cone or some dumb shit, I don’t have some faggot digital infoboard telling me IBUs, since the staff is fairly aloof nobody cares if you just have one and leave, or if you go whole hog with a basket of spicy chicken and have seven more pints.

If you want full service, you get it, if you want to order up front, you get it. If you want to phonefag shitpost, you can, if you just want to blank out and stare at sportsball or Mongolian dirt bike racing you can as well. The only notion that you are valued or noticed in any way is that if they pour any short pints at the end of a keg, some random regular will get it free on the downlow.

It’s literally 4chan, the restaurant/bar and this is what makes it so fucking comfy, particularly when I’ve had a tough day and am looking to unwind prior to going home to whatever current problem my wife has.

>> No.11775874

Anime OPs

>> No.11775878


>> No.11775885
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Jungle Bass n' Drum

>> No.11775889

Merzbow - Pulse Demon


>> No.11775891


or anything really as long as it's not so fucking loud to the point where you have to scream to the person next to you

>> No.11775893

Vaginal Jesus


>> No.11775897

I envy you. We don't have anything quite as comfy here

>> No.11775907
File: 62 KB, 396x691, 1497812349362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look into royalty free music, go with totally bland instrumentals. Make a playlist that's two hours long and just loop it.

>> No.11775947


>> No.11776017

classic rock from the late sixties and seventies, grateful dead heavy
also popular disco thrown in there
and some of the pop music from the 80's

>> No.11776018

buy a toy keyboard that plays demo songs

>> No.11776022

I was about to post this but also some country Rock because burgers are American AF. Mix of the two is good

>> No.11776030


>> No.11776034

You could throw the meat in boiling water for 10-20 seconds and then grind it. That should let you keep it relatively sterile for a bit.

>> No.11776081

Video game OSTs

>> No.11776138


>> No.11776159

be sure to have fox news playing on the TV

>> No.11776161

Depends on the atmosphere you're going for, the type of menu and customer base you wish to serve, as well as the interior decor.

If it was my restaurant, this would be my first choice. Not too overbearing or obnoxious, but not too subtle to go unrecognized

>> No.11776180

No! Even better, the Ben Shapiro show

>> No.11776188

Came here to say classic rock.

>> No.11776582

imo classic rock is a bit too overused, but it's tried and true i suppose. may i ask the general demographic where you are opening this place? Also i think the lofi jazzy hip hop mix stuff is a fantastic idea if it's a younger crowd you're targeting.

>> No.11776617

Do not choose the type of music based on what your preferred type of costumers want, choose music based on what type of music the type of costumer you do not prefer hate

>> No.11776620
File: 21 KB, 506x543, 3x5urU9_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that isn't contemporary pop / rap or whatever ros popular will be a mistake and you will lose clients

>> No.11776627

Indeed, the last thing you want is your business to turn into a groid waterhole

>> No.11776630

Depends on where it's located. Small town: country and classic rock. Suburbs: alt rock up to the mid 2000s with a little classic rock. Big city: indie pop.

>> No.11776635

>At first I was thinking about one of those lofi jazzy, hip-hop mixes, but I don't really know the public opinion on those.
yeah do it, that's not a bad idea

>> No.11776636

sicko mode

>> No.11776641

I like music when I enter a restaurant, but not when seated. If you're serving burgers-stuff some classic rock. Folk music can also be really good, depends on menu. No upbeat pop! I'm here to relax and eat a nice meal, not to party.

If you room, you can obviously have a foyer with music and a bar, and seating on behind the bar or something similar, but you'd still need to make sure the restaurant looks comfortably full to get customers.

>> No.11776662



>> No.11776678

this dude has it right.

>> No.11776896

Oh julie you have maximised comfy levels

>> No.11776907
File: 78 KB, 600x799, daily_picdump_3029_640_high_91wtmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically cheerful elevator music.

>> No.11776932

Something light, like Hatebreed, 5 finger death punch, or slayer.

>> No.11777095
