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11769768 No.11769768 [Reply] [Original]

Why are pancakes so comfy?

>> No.11769776

i dont know but damn are they ever, very calorie dense though so i dont eat them but... may make some later thx op i cum on cat she hiss at penis

>> No.11769781

they're comfy but do people really stack them up like that? i never got that meme.

>> No.11769787
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>> No.11769789

they're not.
pancakes are fucking abhorrent.

>> No.11769791

This is why chicken and waffles is the superior breakfast. You get tired of one taste and you can go to the other.

>> No.11769792

carbs and sugar that are warm: applies to every comfort food, prove me wrong

>> No.11769796

youre not wrong

>> No.11769798

At diners they usually do 2-3 depending on the size of the pancake. It is nice when you get a super nice bite with fluffy layers, but most of the time it makes no difference.

>> No.11769826
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>> No.11769830

>prove me wrong
comfort food is steak.
only fat kids eat breakfast foods and baked goods.
and as we all know, fat people are not people.

>> No.11769847

Fucking this.

>> No.11769848

Fuck off with your shilling.

>> No.11769849

Fluffy carbs drenched in liquid carbs. What's not to love?

>> No.11769855

So they don't have to bring you a 3 foot long dish with them all side by side, you stupid little bitch

>> No.11769860

Waffles > pancakes

>> No.11769862

>only fat kids eat breakfast foods and baked goods
Not really. If you're not retarded with portions then this isn't really a problem.

>> No.11769973

they're so fluffy
waffles are patrician

>> No.11769983

Do pancakes have little built in cups to hold syrup and butter? No they don't.
Waffles win

>> No.11769986

>liquid carbs
Liquid sugar you mean

>> No.11769992

That's probably because most people drench their pancakes in syrup and the sugar ends up making them feel sick. I like to make a copycat recipe of IHOP harvest grain pancakes, no sugar in the batter, a fair bit of butter on them after cooking, and just a light drizzle of honey and it's actually fairly healthy and satisfying to eat. Tastes better than regular pancakes too because there are more flavors and textures.

>> No.11769993 [DELETED] 

they're so fluffy
waffles are patrician

>> No.11770034


Its butter fried batter/cake. Drenched in more butter and syrup.

>> No.11770048


>> No.11770350

Fluffy carbs is actually a good thing, it feels more filling for the amount of calories (e.g. bread, popcorn).

>> No.11770956


>> No.11771070

I love making beer cakes when I'm camping.

>> No.11771133


How do I get porous, ihop style pancakes, and not smooth, crisp pancakes? I always fuck them up.

>> No.11771160

Don't over mix your batter. Stir it till it just comes together. Also a leavening agent like baking powder or like >>11771070 does and use beer.

>> No.11771227

If it's quality ice cream that's more milkfat, the ice cream is probably the better breakfast dish

>> No.11771234

I really can't argue. The best pancake might be better than a poor waffle, but the best waffle has no pancake that could ever be its equal.

>> No.11771237

recipe intrigues me

>> No.11771248


Pretty much this, but melted butter instead of vegetable oil and just don't add the sugar. They're tasty.

>> No.11771263
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You have done a good thing. I will use this.

>> No.11771273
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>> No.11771497


>> No.11771503

Comfy? So you sit on them or use them as a pillow or something? I would think normal furniture is more comfortable, actually. Pancakes would squish up.

>> No.11771553

>site not available in my country

>> No.11771561
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>> No.11771617

Thanks anon, gonna try them this sunday

>> No.11771979

How can anyone eat so many of these at once? When I tried them for the first time, I served myself a stack of three cuz thats how everyone in cartoons eat them. I couldn't finish it, it was too much. They were delicious though.

>> No.11772014

>very calorie dense though
Excellent, the less I have to eat to get what I need the better. If it is something tasty even better.

>> No.11772171

Pancakes fucking suck and waffles will always be superior

>> No.11772194

anon no. the point of fluffy carbs is to soak up more delicious delicious liquid carbs.

>> No.11772757

this. what a dumb question.

>> No.11773595
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>> No.11773617

pancakes are hot garbage, crepes / palatschinken are superior

>> No.11773627


>> No.11773762

French toast is superior to both Waffles and Pancakes.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.11773774

Crepes are superior to the shitty American pancakes

>> No.11774358

Crepes are not pancakes.

>> No.11774368

Yes they certainly are. I personally have a hard time using the term pancake in reference to the soft crust frybread that Ameircans favour for whatever reason, but I have to go with the flow on that point.

>> No.11774488

do american really eat a stack of 6 pancakes with syrup and butter for breakfast?

>> No.11774652

This is the recipe I use
I've wanted to try to substitute the milk and vinegar for actual buttermilk, but I forget to buy buttermilk every time.

>> No.11774780


There is nothing like a hot steamy stack of pancreas.

>> No.11775685


>> No.11775712


>> No.11775793
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I really want to try one of these.

>> No.11775810

reddit cakes fuck off

>> No.11775823

You should keep in mind that they do not actually squeal like anime girls as you eat them.

>> No.11775828

It is ok. I'll bring my phone.


>> No.11775831

I'm not sure if I should be disturbed that you had this link readily available.

>> No.11775836

It is how I fall asleep at night. I don't like taking pills.

>> No.11775847

Fair enough. I mean, I just use this thing that sounds like a fan, but whatever works.

>> No.11775923

Mmmmm I sure do love tasteless bread!

>> No.11776151


>> No.11777010


this so much. went very excited to an all you can eat offer in ihop and got sick of it after the second plate.

>> No.11777137

Fluffy and nostalgic, easy to make

>> No.11778016


>> No.11779400


>> No.11779431

Waffles are far superior but pancakes are still comfy

>> No.11779433

you're a fucking idiot, a bed made of pancakes would be unbelievably comfortable, no normal piece of furniture could ever compete

>> No.11779439

This thread made me throw away a bag of flour because I was coming close to making pancakes and I'm a disgusting fat body.

>> No.11779456

>I'm thicc


>> No.11780469


>> No.11780498

not that poster but my grandma used to make pancakes with breakfast every saturday when i was a kid, so maybe something like that.

>> No.11781543

Harverd recently conducted test to see what was the most comfortable substance in the known universe here are some of there test

Test#1 conducted by Dr.fieri
Five square feet of pundcake were placed in front of 12 B tards that were instructed to sleep on the cake
Time till they were all fully asleep 1:36:09 test results rad man
Test#2 conducted by Dr.ramsy

12 B tards where layed in 19 pund cake
Test results fukin he'll the shit made some kind of black hole i fuckin quite mate no get me out of here noooo

3 b tards of pancakes were placed in 76 of 9
Sleep time 1
Pancake win

>> No.11782188

The fuck?

>> No.11782301

Technically these are called flap-jacks.
Pancakes are not the same.

>> No.11782338

But a cold pancake will always beat a cold waffle

>> No.11783116

Or well it?

>> No.11783210
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pancakes should be flat and not puffy

>> No.11783219

That's how I feel about breasts.

>> No.11784254

Cohen admitted to it.

>> No.11785332

This is illegal, you know.

>> No.11786188


keep me posted

>> No.11786518

I might blow your mind but pancakes and crêpes are two variations of the same idea.

>> No.11786562

For me it's vulvas

>> No.11786582

Yeah waffles need to be crispy

>> No.11786721
File: 85 KB, 453x439, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of all the shitty antipancake posts in this thread, this takes the fucking cake. waffles and crepes are actually quite good but french toast is irredeemable shit.

>> No.11786796

those arent crepes

>> No.11787658

You prefer vulvas flat?

>> No.11787675

Stop making shitty batter and using Texas toast and maybe your French toast won't be so shitty.

>> No.11787695

I thought I was the only one for years who would eat a little too much pancakes and then be disgusted by them. Then as a teenager I heard that Mitch Hedberg joke
>you ever be like, alright pancakes!, but by the end, you're fuckin' sick of them
it's the only food that does that too me. even waffles are fine, I still want to eat more if I can. pancakes make me hate them

>> No.11787791
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Please refer to attached image

>> No.11789271


>> No.11789641

I like when my pancakes get soggy though. But I can only eat them as part of a full breakfast, can't just eat pancakes for a meal.

>> No.11789698


>> No.11790633

Pancakes are kind of a specialty item, when you get them it's almost always at a restaurant, kids love them because they're almost a dessert item served at breakfast so obsviously they're a popular childhood food that kids would get at restaurants growing up. Also, they're not really a convenient everyday breakfast item for people to make at home hence when they are, they're typically made on special occasions; birthdays, holidays etc.

>> No.11790647

such a pleb food desu

>cake and syrup for breakfast

that's a hard pass from me

>> No.11790655


>> No.11790826


>> No.11791235


>> No.11792891


>> No.11794011
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Blini are comfier

>> No.11794029 [DELETED] 


>> No.11794483

>tfw currently hoarding seven boxes of instant pancake mix
>it's the only good I have
Shit is dope. Just mix in some milk, don't even need to grease a non-stick. Fluffy sweetness, low calories.

>> No.11794490

Using pancake mix has to be the most telling sign of an incompetent cook. You save maybe five minutes by having the ingredients combined in advance.

>> No.11794503

Back in the days of standing in front of the TV jerking off to scrambled cinemax my cat jumped up and attacked my balls.

>> No.11794505

based babushka poster

>> No.11794567

i have been fed babushka's blini, they were so fat and oily i was gonna puke, she used an oil pan and obv a lot of oil so they won't burn, idk if all babushkas do them like that but if so russians can't make blini
at all

>> No.11794571

>an oil pan
an old pan

>> No.11794933

If I make pancakes the Office québécois de la langue française will come after me

>> No.11795041

>You save maybe five minutes
No one gives a shit about five minutes, I don't have to store those ingredients thanks to instant pancake mix.
Also, I'll take that five minutes and enjoy my thicc pancakes while you're jerking off over your hand-mix still cooking. Dumbass.

>> No.11795149

>no sugar in the batter
do americans seriously put sugar directly in their pancakes

>> No.11795155

But all the ingredients are just basic stuff you should always have in your kitchen anyway

>> No.11795157

>Fucking this.


>> No.11795469

Annoyinb gird

>> No.11795748

And wasting it on pancakes? No. That flour can make pizza dough, those eggs can make eggs and pizza dough.

>> No.11796511

>>Comfy pancakes
This dumb "comfy" thing is getting out of hand

>> No.11797218

You're years late on this and you also quote like a newfag.

>> No.11797245
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Why does pancake mix sometimes sell like cum?
I'm being dead serious, sometimes it smells like I finished inside the mix. Aunt Jemima brand btw,

>> No.11797249
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>> No.11797309

Creamed spinach

>> No.11797769


>> No.11798024

i have syrup with pancakes every three years or so but i have pancakes kind of often. but i have syrup with waffles (because they're better syrup catchers)
it's not the syrup. it's never been the syrup for me, pancakes just make you hate them

>> No.11798937


>> No.11799346


>> No.11799375

Even when I ate meat, I never enjoyed the combo of chicken and waffles. Always kinda tasted like I was dying. Like, at least make it cornbread or something else. Pancakes/Waffles = worst complement to a meat unless it's like... nah no meat goes with that who am I kidding.

>> No.11799389

It works with chicken because the chicken is breaded, it wouldn't work with any other meat.

>> No.11799405
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american pancakes are good, but this is the superiorest iteration. Especially when you have blood in the batter.

>> No.11799940


>> No.11799959

In my experience pancake batter uses too much baking powder/soda which gets more pronounced as you keep eating. Yeast-risen hotcakes are far superior.

>> No.11799971
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Why have them rise at all?

>> No.11800183

What is the best maple syrup? Do I have to contact leafs to find it?

>> No.11800211
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Get this stuff.

>> No.11800215

bruh moment

>> No.11800220

One time I was high as fuck in a chinese buffet and got a bowl of fried chicken strips that I them coated with vanilla soft serve. It was godly.

Do with this information what you will. I am not liable.