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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11765309 No.11765309 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11765325 [DELETED] 

probably appeals to niggers. don't insult me with GO BACK TO /POL/. I WIN, I WIN. KIKE

>> No.11765345

>probably appeals to niggers. don't insult me with GO BACK TO /POL/. I WIN, I WIN. KIKE

No, it appeals to Mormons. It's called Fry Sauce out west. It's generally a 2-1 mayo-ketchup ratio, and is really good with fries.

>> No.11765349

At my restaurant we call it Ketchuaise and charge a ton for it xdxdxdxd

>> No.11765356

u belong to /lgbt/ m8

>> No.11765360

That's just a prawn cocktail sauce.

>> No.11765363

Because some of us don't want to be a two jar slave.

>> No.11765379

No it's not, you sick Commonwealth fuck. Cocktail sauce is ketchup, horseradish, and lemon juice.

>> No.11765415


>> No.11765524
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people that do this really piss me off. stop fucking doing things that i dont like.

>> No.11765537

...i know its gross but i make a sauce for burgers thats pretty much this, with some dijon, worchestershire, and cut up dill pickles in it.

>> No.11765609

Because ketchonnaise isn't a good name

>> No.11767992

looks white and creamy. So I can't eat it because my homophobia makes things like this and ranch dressing and mayonaise and country gravy and whipped cream on my starbucks just way too gay to tolerate without a crippling panic attack

>> No.11768015

That's not homophobia, that's a crippling denial of your sexuality. You're so far in the closet you're in Narnia.

>> No.11768016

why not?

>> No.11768018

I understand this all too well, whenever I eat a banana I can't help but start sucking it off and I get a boner, like wtf dude bananas are so fucking gay holy shit

>> No.11768020

>Good with fries.
But they ruined the pure mayo with shitty tomato puree.

>> No.11768174

hot dogs as well. can't eat them. summer sausage. forget about it. reminds you of a summer fling with a cute guy or something.

>> No.11768201

Should be called ketchonese instead.

>> No.11768267

It's just fry sauce

>> No.11768377

>ketchup and mayonnaise
>ketchup and ranch

>> No.11768656

it: coasties
It's called fry sauce you retards

>> No.11768704

Why are you telling us? Look at the damn label. Tell Heinz.

>> No.11768733

It's Russian/Thousand Island dressing

>> No.11768784
File: 1.93 MB, 480x360, d79623821d56256c474fe86e0cf2169f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called fancy sauce you fucking brainlets

>> No.11769212

fuck off, it good

>> No.11769964

Not the same thing. Depends where you are though. Where I get fry sauce from it has relish mixed in and some places it doesn't.

>> No.11770014

>no relish
It's low rent secret sauce.

>> No.11770020

McDonald's mayo amd ketchup is kino.

>> No.11770019

How long until they just mix the burger cheese and bun into the sauce and Americans suck their garbage right from the bottle

>> No.11770025

The fuck am I supposed to do, use a separate jar of mayonnaise and ketchup?

I'm not a two jar slave.

>> No.11770028

but how does it compare to the quinky sauce?

>> No.11770030

Because white people

>> No.11770031

ITT: americans discover golf sauce