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File: 103 KB, 2000x2000, Lidl-Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11761887 No.11761887 [Reply] [Original]

My local lidl has an American week next week and I want to treat myself to some items
>Curly fries
>Sweet potato fries
>Onion rings
>BBQ sauce
Is there any distinct American food I should look out for?? For example, they'll have beef jerky but I'm kind of on the fence about that.

>> No.11761898

deep fried pork cheese

>> No.11761906

What’s your location? I always wondered if other countris have those “asian weeks” and “american weeks and stuff.
Just don’t buy peanut butter in Lidl, it’s pretty shit.

>> No.11761917

I don't think I saw that in the catalogue, I did see pulled pork tho.

>> No.11761923

Slovenia and yes, there's an Asian week atm here, but I still have some spring rolls left so I'm really not interested. Also French, Greek, Italian, Mexican, Asian, American weeks.

>> No.11761925

Lidl peanut butter was GOAT (cane sugar, sea salt, no bullshit) until they changed it to generic garbage.

>> No.11761940

Not much of a fan of peanut butter. Love the cranberries tho, didn't see them in the catalogue this time.

>> No.11761945
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>> No.11761947

55 gallon drums of high fructose corn syrup

>> No.11761950

I didn't even say anything bad about America, chill out.

>> No.11761954

Get two.
He said it’s a special event so he’s probably only going to get the chance once a week, and he doesn’t want to run out.

>> No.11761967

It's more of a rotation.
American week-Asian week-French/Italian week-Mexican week-Greek week-Retro week-repeat

>> No.11761985

So basically the same as here. Thanks, was really curious.

Don’t remember it to be any good. My bad. I like M&S, nice texture and taste or some BIO peanuts only PB without name. I just added some sea salt and it was delish.

>> No.11761997

What's your location anon?

>> No.11762050

Do they have American hot dogs? If not German frankfurters are pretty much the same thing. I remember seeing a 4th of July ad for Aldi where they had canned hot dogs. I've never seen them sold like that in the US.

>> No.11762060

Sorry, forgot to include that the Aldi ad was from Britain.

>> No.11762086

They do, it's in a jar, advertised as JUMBO.

>> No.11762110

Just go shoot the place up. Doesn't get more American than that.

>> No.11762161
File: 400 KB, 1500x1125, 12192_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna feel like a real American after I get muh TENDIES

>> No.11762168

>curry dip
Couldn't be more perfectly marketed to the Bongs.

>> No.11762177

True, as far as I know, in Slovenia we have hot sauce with it.

>> No.11762190
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>Slovenia we have hot sauce
So, educate me. What is Slovenian hot sauce like? For example, most Mexican sauces have a little cinnamon or citrus to them, most Asian sauces have heavy vinegar or garlic.

>> No.11762209

There's really no traditional hot sauce in Slovenia, it's imported. But we prefer a bit citrusy I suppose. We like spicy stuff because we always consumed horse raddish.

>> No.11762229

>Is there any distinct American food I should look out for?


>> No.11762257
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Then tell me which one should I get

>> No.11762326


Id go with classic. Whisky sounds awful and gimmicky. H&H sounds too sweet.

>> No.11762349

Whisky wasn't a choice for me either, I'll probably take your advice, didn't consider how sweet BBQ sauce already already is, not mentioning the added honey.

>> No.11762379

If you can find Thousand Island dressing, it is godly with sweet potato fries.

>> No.11762401
File: 345 KB, 1278x959, 5203951_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell thousand dressing in most stores, thanks for the tip anon.
Also is this any good?

>> No.11762416


What brand is this? Not anything I've ever seen. At any rate...beef jerky is good but its hard to vouch for a brand with the statue of liberty on it. Jerky can easily be fucked up and cheap. If it costs less than like 10$ US id say pass. If it costs 10$ or more.....hot n spicy.

>> No.11762432

It's a Lidl brand, German, advertising American stuff. Also, it's less than 2 euros, however it's only 25 grams which would equal a few strips.

>> No.11762445

My rule is simple. If the jerky comes in a package it's probably garbage. Good jerky is sold at butchers and meat markets where it was smoked in-house and you order by weight.

>> No.11762451

>They sell thousand dressing
Just make it.

3 parts mayo, 1 part ketchup, 1/2 part sweet pickle relish. Add a couple dashes of paprika and a little salt.

>> No.11762467

YeahI know, but don't have the relish on hand, so if I go to the store, I'll want to cut the middle man out.

>> No.11762485


so like 3-4$? Nah dude....you're gonna hate it. Just pass. Also, this guy


is a faggot

>> No.11762539

How much jerky do you get for 10 bucks?

>> No.11762568

Literally the soy equivalent to jerky

>> No.11762636
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I dunno...this much? I can tell though just by looking at that brand OP posted that its going to be awful. The pieces are all cut into neat, flat squares and too uniform. Ive had jerky like that before and its tasteless, rubbery crap. Knock yourself out though i guess, just dont hold it against all jerky if it sucks.

>> No.11762705

What are you putting your bbq sauce on?
I mean, the fact that there is German novelty bbq sauce is hilarious to me as an American.

>> No.11762733

So this much Jerky of the kind I posted would cost almost 30 bucks.

>> No.11762748

Ribs, is there anything else?
Also its a German brand using American style.

>> No.11762758

jerkey is incredibel overpriced in europe

a bag with 25grams of jack links 18times less than your picture would cost 4$

so 9 times more expensive

>> No.11762789

Ooh. I'd like to see your ribs, anon. No homo.

But bbq sauce can go on pulled pork, pulled turkey, pulled chicken, brisket, TENDIES, or cheeseburgers.

>> No.11762793


Dude...take those tendies...and dip them in the BBQ sauce. I hope you have fireworks to set off and Budweiser to wash it all down with as well. Ill dub you an honorary American for the day

>> No.11762796

Thanks Trump

>> No.11762830
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Bottom left. If you mean prepared you'll have to wait next time I go to my weekend cabin.

>> No.11762866
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This is not a joke, they sell this

>> No.11762946

How are you cooking them? We'd love to know and would happily give you suggestions if you want them! I'd rather see your ribs thead than another fucking McChicken post.

>> No.11762979

I haven't been able to find good tater tots outside of the us (ironic as they're ridiculously easy to get right), granted I've only been able to find them at Eddie Rocket's and I've only eaten there once.

But if you can find them I think they'll be worth it.

>> No.11762989

There's really not much to it, either grill or bake. Baking I just put them in the over at 200 C's for a little less than an hour, turn over once. I don't really do any special marinades. Prefer the taste of meat. Also I like them dark and crunchy most of the time probably took this after my dad.

>> No.11763043

You mean like hashbrown balls?

>> No.11763048

UK here, we dont have themed weeks I don't think, but we do have offers every Thursday on meat and vegetables, and we have 99p week that starts on Thursday where a bunch of products cost only 99p. lidl is great I like it

>> No.11763112

I always found the "American" products bad. Just the fact that the packaging is full of American imagery and they're made in Germany ruins it.
I think they sell this stuff almost all the time in my local Lidl (Finland).
Same with all of their country brands, too gaudy for me.

>> No.11763176

Aldi do an "American" week occasionally, literally just hotdogs, giant marshmallows and syrup lol

>> No.11763208

It's not something I eat everyday, its more like
>"Oh American week, maybe they have the sweet potato fries"
Even tho they are sweet af, I wouldn't be able to live off of that. The same way I only drink water but will occassionally have a monster ultra.

>> No.11763215

Jerky just tastes like soup and is extremely chewy. Not worth it

>> No.11763312

>is extremely chewy

it's meant to be

>> No.11763327


>> No.11763582
File: 2.04 MB, 1035x1450, LidlAmericaAd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon guys, help me out here

>> No.11763591

frozen chicken nuggets/tenders aren't that good honestly but you can try them for the first hand experience. get one or the other because they're the same.

the frozen wraps sound kind of gross, so i'd pass on them

>> No.11763600

How do you even pronounce that?
Also, that lady has no breast implants, clearly not American.

>> No.11763611

No idea, I'm not German, I guess like McAndy?

>> No.11763630
File: 411 KB, 500x504, mcendedys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried the tendies b4 and to my surprise they were pretty soft and tender. So I'll get them for sure.
Also, dumping more items

>> No.11763633

Lidl doesn't sell healthcare yet tho

>> No.11763703

Germany here. We have regional speciality weeks almost every week.

>> No.11763715

Do you guys have bavarian week, eastern european week, game meat week, english week?

>> No.11763720

Die Tendies sind ziemlich basiert.
t. kevin

>> No.11763723

All of it is garbage and taste like shit, don't take the american stuff at lidl.

>> No.11763736
File: 392 KB, 1175x818, Screenshot_2019-01-15 kaufDA - Lidl - WSV - Schraubt die Preise runter(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany has bavarian/austrian/swiss week right now. 1/3

>> No.11763739
File: 489 KB, 1170x818, Screenshot_2019-01-15 kaufDA - Lidl - WSV - Schraubt die Preise runter(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11763742

Chocolate covered pretzels and Taffy

>> No.11763745
File: 410 KB, 1172x818, Screenshot_2019-01-15 kaufDA - Lidl - WSV - Schraubt die Preise runter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11763755

German week yes, with sauerkraut and würst, these regions are often combined, like italian/french.
There was a snack week once too and an xxl week.

>> No.11763766

Oh shit I love those mini sausages. Yum, eat them like pretzels.

>> No.11763788

I work in a sweet potato factory. Do NOT get sweet potato fries, especially if they're
>Trader Joe's
>really just anything
For the love of god man, don't do it

>> No.11763791

how are they made anyway

>> No.11763793

Tell me why, mein Führer.

>> No.11763796
File: 214 KB, 960x1343, lidl-prospekt10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, this week is bavarian week. We also have german week, where they offer regional german specialities.
>pic related

>> No.11763808
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>> No.11763849

You need to consider that over here in Slovenia the stores aren't huge (some spacing law idk) so we don't get the full array of items and some weeks become combinations of many.

>> No.11763856

Those cheesesticks tho, flavortown.

>> No.11763858

you should make all those yourself the ready made shit is gonna be garbage
make some american bbq, its good shit and would go nicely with those

>> No.11763901

I get the mentality, however I treat these items as a snack, not a full course meal. So I don't expect 5 stars. It's just cheap and fast.
>taste the freedom

>> No.11763910
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ok guys STOP

This isnt funny anymore. The euros are going to learn the secrets of our greatness for themselves. SHUT IT DOWN

>> No.11763918

eh I guess thats fair
make some bbq though, bake ribs or something and use the bbq sauce for them

>> No.11763932
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1773644_MCENNEDY-Crunchy-Chicken_xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right after I finish my fried Cajun chicken box

>> No.11763949

Well I WAS planning to head to my weekend cottage next week, but apparently there's gonna be snow, so we'll see.

>> No.11763958

I'm maintenance at a factory for one of the largest frozen vegetable providers in America. I won't say what company or state and I can't speak for all of their factories but mine in particular isn't very sanitary. As for how they're made
>taters go into peeler
>they get hit with steam then dropped out of vessel into auger
>never stick hand into auger
>taken out of peeler and into scrubber
>sent from conveyor to pick table where certain sizes get sent through a flume
>sent through a pipe over 200 yards to pre heater
>dropped down into diversacut and sent up a belt and across a shaker
>bad ones picked out and sent into steam blancher
>after blancher is dryer at 220
>sent through batter and into 350-400 degree grease, usually soy or canola
>out of fryer and into precooler, roughly 30 degrees
>then into 32 layer spiral that is -45 degrees set to 70hz
>pop out in packaging with shitty Ilapak baggers
I used to be batter operator and let me tell you, wheat batter is terrible

>> No.11763969
File: 16 KB, 280x280, Kraft-Macaroni-and-Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am shocked no body mention this yet

>> No.11763981

Sounds like an episode of how it's made

>> No.11763982

In America we have Vienna sausages, those little ones in the cans

>> No.11763984

We don't get this, is it good?

>> No.11764002

If you've never been inside of a factory I highly recommend you get inside of one just to see how it works. How it's made is actually what led me to be in industrial maintenance.

>> No.11764020

Nothing you described sounds off putting, it's just automated. I honestly expected some freak accident story.

>> No.11764027

Keep this in mind:

1. Americans don't eat chili cheese nuggets--I've never heard of them
2. Mozzarella sticks are dipped in marinara sauce, not spicy chili dip
3. You can dip onion rings in all kinds of things or nothing at all

>> No.11764038

Sanitation doesn't do their job. I took the cover off of a belt one time and black sludge came out that had the worst smell I've ever smelled. I never even imagined skinwalkers smelling this bad. And a guy did get his hand tore off in an auger once. Remember, don't stick your hands where you wouldn't stick your dick.

>> No.11764041

Anon likes his mozzarella sticks spicy...

>> No.11764048

Still, you talked about sweet potato, this could be any food factory.

>> No.11764346

Lidl-Maplesirup: 90% Sugar, 9% Bullshit 1% actual Maplesirup.
300ml 3€ on sale

>> No.11764398

What is that 2nd row, left column, 4.99? Seems to be prepared for cooking like that? Looks interesting

>> No.11764550
File: 753 KB, 579x584, bbq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, all of these are probably garbage. It's hard to find a good BBQ sauce even in the U.S. All good BBQ restaurants in the U.S. make their own rubs or sauces. So if you do buy one, don't assume that's what real BBQ sauce tastes like.

>> No.11764714

>Sweet potato
3rd world food

>> No.11765512

Not really hot dogs, but yeah I guess it's sorta similar.

>> No.11765527

Not as good as made from scratch, but it's pretty good. You can add stuff to it to make it better.

>> No.11766183

>How do you even pronounce that?

It's some kind of fuck up play on McDonald's and president John F. Kennedy. McKennedy.

t. American

>> No.11766236

Love me some Aldi

>> No.11766436

murican. never been.
>distinct American food I should look out for?
Barbecue pulled pork?
Beef jerky can vary a lot. Jack Links is a fairly reliable brand though

>> No.11766461

I'm from slovenia too, can't seem to find cranberries frozen or fresh anywhere.. Really pisses me off

>> No.11766522

Slovenian hot sauces are actually one of the best I have ever tried, if you dont mind spending ~10€ per 200ml. I have multiple hot sauce subscriptions and have still to taste any nearly as good as ours. Vizjak farm(dirty sharon), chilli pipp (hot sun bourbon), čiličar mango habanero, and Sakura (if OP somehow manages to find this one he's in for a fucking super spicy but a super delicious treat). And those are just to name a few

>> No.11766547

They had them in lidl last American week. They came in a bag. Yummy.

>> No.11766559

this pretty much. The normal stuff is better.

>> No.11766560

I like the sweet potato fries because regular fries get soggy after a while. Sweet potato fries still get mushy but imo mushy>soggy

>> No.11766587
File: 231 KB, 816x816, Slastna-mrežna-pečenka-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork roast, that string just helps retain the juices, also you add a lemon slice and some veggies for added flavor.

>> No.11766596

The only things I get during those kitschy american weeks is the pancake mix. It is nice to have a bottle of that around just in case. I can make better batter myself, but when I want a quick and constant result the premixed stuff is alright.

>> No.11766605

The locations in germany usually start setting up a bavarian section around early/mid september and keep it during most of october for the Oktoberfest.
Not many things in there I enjoy. You can get some good smoked and dried sausages, but those aren't really that bavaria specific.

>> No.11766633

The batter was the one thing I was sure I wouldn't get, how does it fare compared to other products? Also how many pancakes do you get outta that?

>> No.11766648

I think I saw these somewhere, didn't even know they were ours lmao. People should use slovenian lingo for our products.

>> No.11766665

>Niederösterreichischer Wein
Absolutely based
Ideally from the Wachau

>> No.11766704


>> No.11766710
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Too dry for my liking

>> No.11766992
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Pork tenderloin roast
Pig is the king of animals in Slovenia.

>> No.11766996

>on the fence about beef jerky
what the fuck

>> No.11766998

This is not America, beef jerky is an alien concept.

>> No.11767000

Um school shootings arent a personality america hehehehahahah

>> No.11767006
File: 110 KB, 648x486, IOqOA5U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a horrible rib recipe desu why are you giving advice

>> No.11767024

Czechfag here.

Hey, 99p week sounds pretty good. I don’t really like the themed weeks because they usually sell just processed stuff which I don’t buy at all.

No, sadly we don’t have those as far as I know.

We have only rotation of:
>asian week
>american week
>italian week
>french week
>greek week
>mexican week
>scandinavian week
>german week
>>UK week
>alpine week (wtf is even that?)
>retro week - usual stuff they used to sell in 80’ and 90’ in packaging with original design
>XXL week - no theme just stuff in larger packaging
>action week - no theme but lots of stuff is cheap as fuck

>> No.11767040

I'm not, I was asked how I make them. I don't slather them in sauce, it's not the custom here.

>> No.11767049

>Alpine week
Probably Swiss, Austrian, Slovenian stuff
Goat cheese?

>> No.11767055

>Just go shoot the place up. Doesn't get more American than that.
Common misconception you europoors have, it actually goes like this:
>Enter store
>item you want is not in stock/sale price is invalid and they won't give you the sale price
>demand a manager
>demand they change the price/give you a discount for not having item in stock
>Shout at them until they give you what you want
>Shoot manager, then clerk, then the rest of the store if they continue to refuse.
>report store to corporate when you get home

As you can see there's much more than simply walking in and opening fire.

>> No.11767059

>asking to talk to the manager
I thought this was a meme, holy shit.

>> No.11767061

Is that 7.99 for a 70cl bottle of 40% alcohol in the bottom right? The cheapest we have in the UK is 9.99 for 70cl

>> No.11767063

This "Mcennedy" is a travesty to the American way of life. You can't just slap the statue of liberty on something and call it American, you need gallons of HFCS and preservatives and bold, attractive packaging!

Also I've never seen "Mcennedy" in my life, it looks Irish to me. Also also that shit looks like the low-quality store brand food.

>> No.11767064
File: 74 KB, 538x841, 2B95720F-639D-4E5F-BE85-6724995DCE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They normally do the alesto brand dried cranberries. Did you look near the nuts?

>> No.11767067

>high quality
>demands more preservatives
You guys always make me chuckle.

>> No.11767080

>talking to manager meme
Real AMERICAN talk here,
Asking to talk to a manager is pretty normal if something gets messed up because employees generally aren't allowed to give customers free things to apologize,
>e.g. waiter brings wrong food at restaurant
>you're sitting around waiting 20 min for new food while friends/family can eat
>waiter not allowed to give you discount as apology, need a manager to OK it.

It's a meme because some people (especially the elderly or soccer moms who need everything to be perfect) will demand the manager over tiny mistakes that any reasonable human would let slide.
>e.g. waiter brings you chicken tendies
>three tendies are overcooked
>soccer mom flies into a rage and demands manager give the entire meal for free because food isn't perfect

>> No.11767084

Quality means enduring value :^)

>> No.11767094

Why not call it “*insert country name here* week” like all the others then?
Usually Swiss and Austrian. Speck, salami, ham, shitload of cheeses (the really smelly ones with sharp flavor), spätzle, knödel, beer...

>> No.11767097

>Asking to talk to a manager is pretty normal
If your name is Debra or Karen.

>> No.11767197

Because it's a mixed region. Like for instance we have knedl in slovenia and knödel in austria. It's the same thing yet slight variations occur. So what you want knödel 2 weeks in a row? Also if it's soft cheese blame it on the French

>> No.11767200

Question, what's the deal with soccer moms? In Europe there is literally no such thing.

>> No.11767219

So the memes are actually true?

>> No.11767230
File: 481 KB, 1000x666, 2CC9AEC5-7CAB-4C3A-9137-A29082793FF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it’s mixed region and we also have knödel (knedlík) - around 15 varions of it actually. You don’t have to have the same stuff on the shelf two weeks in a row. But you would be able to have more genuine stuff from Switzerland and from Austria separately.

No, it’s not soft cheese. Pic related.

>> No.11767231

Entitled (often stay-at-home) parents with too much time on their hands. Emboldened by America's customer service culture.

>> No.11767236


>> No.11767284

Can you list them by name?

>> No.11767292

why dont you just buy HP bbq sauce? it tastes better and is actually more american than this "mcennedy" garbage.

>> No.11767296

ahhahahaa beef jerky is a fucking JOKE in europe. i saw a 25grams of jerky for 4 euros in the store the other day. like WTF MAN.

>> No.11767311

It’s just random google image I found. Have no idea what these are called.
Lidl usually sells bergkäse, emmentaler and appenzeller.

>> No.11767321

I like to try out new things. Not everthing is shit. There's an indian style herbal ketchup that's available during asian week that's really good. It's like gambling.

>> No.11767328

Hope you guys get štruklji during Alpine week or potica.

>> No.11767345

No, we don’t. Štruklji is štrukle in my language and we have them as well but I had to look up potice. Looks really nice. Almost reminds me nut strudel. I like nut filled pastry.

>> No.11767368

That's disrespectful, go to your Lidl and demand potica. However it's really easy to mess it up. I hear some foreigners complain about the dryness, but you must understand to make top tier potica you need to know a skilled grandmama. She needs to be over 70 years old to make the good stuff.
Maybe you have a similar variation of nutrolls.

>> No.11767393

their beef jerky is nice look fo the hot an spicy one

>> No.11767401

Will do, thanks for the tip.

>> No.11767409
File: 123 KB, 1200x627, 3B81FDE5-B95E-4B7F-A4A8-E6E7C9B5C2E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No supermarket here usually sells Slovenian food which is shame.
Just found out, we probably make something similar to potica. Pic related. Filling is typically nuts or poppy seeds (my favorite).

>> No.11767413

thats utter shit you only get like 8 pieces of chicken like one of every kind 2 nuggets 3 tendies 1 drumstick 2 hotwings
and its expensive as fuck

>> No.11767421
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, Potica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you put rum and raisins in the filling too?
The most unusual thing about our variation is the shape.

>> No.11767428

This isn't a family meal tho. You wouldn't even buy it all the time. I think it's like 3 euros here, not that bad.

>> No.11767464

Well, it depends. Basic nut filling is nuts, rum, sugar. Some additional ingredients can be added like milk, dried fruit etc.
Poppy seed filling is poppy seeds cooked in the milk with sugar and cinnamon.

>> No.11767509
File: 346 KB, 1200x800, RO-0026-KTZ_Rokodelstvo_Marjeta_Basa_Poticnica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very similar, you could buy the ceramic pot potica is traditionally made in and make your own. The filling is really up to you

>> No.11767803

the packages are the boldest in the store

>> No.11767816

yea it's super expensive in Finland, I would never buy it at those prices.

>> No.11767828

This, it really screams out, everything else is stylish and smooth while the MCENNEDY is right in your face about it.

>> No.11767888

My hard drive died and I lost all my images but pretend there's some sort of laughing anime girl attached to this post

>> No.11767897

how do you make potica without the dry crust, it sucks :(

>> No.11767942

I don't make it, my grandmama does, don't burn it/put confectionary sugar on it/have it with milk/instead of nut filling use "skuta"
But really can't give you a decent answer desu, my grandmama holds the secrets, but I understand your pain.

>> No.11767960

Wanted to make cranberry sauce, for some camembert cheese. Saw those but they're no where near as good for cranberry sauce as fresh/frozen..

>> No.11767978

I havent seen fresh cranberries literally anywhere, maybe you could rehydrate the dry ones?

>> No.11768108
File: 55 KB, 338x556, Screenshot_2019-01-16 Suchergebnis - Lidl Deutschland - lidl de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol booze is cheap as fuck in germany. And I don't even drink hard liquor...

>> No.11768387

The sauces in that picture are almost certainly shit.

>> No.11768393

I'm gonna get one, which one do you reckon is the least shit?

>> No.11768401

m8 like I said they are shit, it doesn't matter which you get. If you want something sweet get the honey. If not, get one of the other ones. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they are sweet too since they're probably loaded with corn syrup. But the best choice would be to throw it straight in the trash after you buy it. You can make something far better from scratch, and it's really not hard to do.

>> No.11768408

I like to gamble, let me have my fun.

>> No.11768412

No. I will not condone it.

>> No.11768433

Tough luck buddy, I won these gambles before, I bet on 0.1% chance it's delicious.

>> No.11768494

Dutchfag reporting. We also have those theme weeks. Asian, American, Italian, etc.

>> No.11768502

as German it reads as McKennedy

you have to look at it thrice to recognize there is a K missing.

>> No.11768513

pancake mix is always in stock
the American mix is mostly sweet and thicker.

German pancakes are just very thin just a step above crepes

>> No.11768788

Next week can't come soon enough, I want muh tendies reeeeeeee

>> No.11768970

Some anons said their lidl does greek week so what is it like? Do they have any good stuff? I'm pretty curious

>> No.11769005

That salted cheese for salads, oils, they got that hard honey with nuts, olives and other vegetable mixes, frozen yoghurt, some other hard pastries, gyros meat etc. I assume there's some Turkish influence there too

>> No.11769258

Jack Links is shit compared to other brands, american or european. Tastes so sweet it probably has sugar in it.

>> No.11769290

I thought it NEEDS to have sugar in it, damn.

>> No.11770009


>taste of america

C'mon now.

>> No.11770035

just make your own bbq sauce

>> No.11770061

That mcennedy brand looks like garbage, every item.
Except maybe the onion rings

>> No.11771061
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Kankerlekker! I didn’t even know you have Lidl in NL. Dankuwel.

I already have pic related. It’s metal one (we use them most). Terracotta pots are not that usual and always pricey as fuck.

>> No.11771783

That's the UK version, says chips over here.

>> No.11771791

I'm not gonna claim I know this for sure but wouldn't metal heat up way more than ceramic thus burn the potica and make it dry?

>> No.11771906
File: 1.81 MB, 933x3406, usaweek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24th is when the UK gets to experience the beauty that is USA week

>> No.11771917

The snack box is pnice, I like to get it, it's 2 or 3 pieces of every kind, tasty.

>> No.11772077

Christ, are they doing that as a sarcastic parody of US food because it's literally embarassing if that's supposed to represent us.

>> No.11772100

No, they're serious, this is advertised as authentic American food. You guys eat this kind of thing.

>> No.11772106

I think they are doing it because it's how america is portrayed in the rest of the world.

>> No.11772119
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This screams American.

>> No.11772135

Just make your own jerkey mate. It's real easy and a lot of fun to experiment with!

>> No.11772139

Budweiser isn't American.

>> No.11772142

it's an american style pale

>> No.11772169

Their headquarters are literally in America you fucking nitwit.

>> No.11772177

Can you stop being such an autistic faggot before we collectively revoke your citizenship?

>> No.11772184

*deep fried butter

>> No.11772188
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>> No.11772209

No it's not, it's a Czech lager hideously deformed to reach mass appeal.
Its owned by InBev and has been for a very long time. It's about as American as curry.

>> No.11772211

It's owned by a Belgium/Brazilian brewing conglomerate. So when you drink your Busch Light at your monster truck rally you're not magaing, Cletus.

>> No.11772218


>> No.11772219

I want to try this so bad, it's probably too poisonous, because we don't have it.
What does it taste like?

>> No.11772240

Or laquesha.

>> No.11772252

Pretend mild cheese with fake bacon flavour. It's hideous.

>> No.11772275

It's pretty good to me, but I grew up on the stuff. If you have access to American cheese you can create a similar enough experience...
>Boil Pasta & Strain
>Put back into hot empty pot that you made the pasta in
>Add slices of American cheese and mix to melt using the heat of the pasta and pot, no need to turn the stove back on
Amount of cheese depends on how cheesy you want it. You can add a little milk to make it more creamy. It's the most basic Mac & Cheese recipe, but it's the one my Grandma used to use on a lazy day.

>> No.11772277


Budweiser (/bʌdˈwaJzər/) is an American-style pale lager produced by Anheuser-Busch,

>> No.11772284

I adore fake bacon flavor except for baconnaise. every other imitation thing has been good though, especially cheese. Lay's or something used to make these cheeto sandwich bacon cheddar crackers, the things that come in a six pack but are usually peanut butter and cheese. twist off the top, lick the bacon spread off, so good

>> No.11772295

You can make your own mix. It's pretty much just the dry ingredients. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/instant-pancake-mix-recipe-1938544

>> No.11772314

This could work, will give this a try. I usually make fussilli pasta with tomato sauce and tuna. I put some melted cheese in there too, but I reckon I'll need like 10 slices if I use only cheese.

>> No.11772318

Oh I made American pancakes before, that's why i'm sceptical on this premade stuff.

>> No.11772343
File: 1.29 MB, 1311x925, murrica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is America.

>> No.11772354

This is how the world sees the US

>> No.11772356

You identify things by brands. Different box, same content.

>> No.11772360

Yeah I didn't include the count because it's seriously like 10~14 slices for a "box" of pasta. Since that might not be standard, a box is generally a pound of pasta, about 4 cups? I prefer any form of Ziti for it, though Ziti Rigati has been my goto lately.

If you have access to Portuguese sausages, like Linguica or Chorico, they go really well in it.

>> No.11772405

Are you saying Americans don't eat cheesecake, hot dog or onion rings? Really?

>> No.11772413

The spicy Chili dip is Goat though
Really nice sauce

>> No.11772420

Hot dogs are more of a backyard barbecue/Summer event type thing. They might have been a cheap lazy food once-upon-a-time but sometime over the last few years their price has more than quadrupled. Onion rings are less common, and are mostly just seen at diners and restaurants. Cheesecake is also a dessert for a rare occasion, but even then other cakes, and various pies, are more common.

>> No.11772436

>pistachio muffin
Would try

>> No.11772452
File: 435 KB, 1024x768, 5896669523_5b68f64aef_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MCENNEDY has pie too
>checkmate atheists

>> No.11772486

apple pie isn't american though, the first apple pie recipe came from england

>> No.11772498

The concept of apple pie is what most would associate with America.

>> No.11772583

This is just cultures, not countries, it makes sense to have Alpine if you also have Scandinavian and Asian as broader summaries

>> No.11772666
File: 87 KB, 555x416, pic2zVaT0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pistachio baked goods are amazing. My mother used to always make Pistachio cake for the holidays, ususally with chocolate chips.

>> No.11772683

Nice pistachio cake satan, I love pistachio, it's expensive here tho. Only really see pistachio nuts and ice cream being sold.

>> No.11772687

the first americans who weren't brown also came from england. you're not all bad
well you weren't, now you are

>> No.11772701
File: 59 KB, 488x488, GUEST_8467f7bb-9e23-4905-a961-d1e9561d4023[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of the pistachio baked goods are based on pistachio pudding mixes, like pic related. The nuts themselves are mostly just a garnish.

>> No.11772785

Our pudding is primarely berry based, so could be.

>> No.11772890

i thought america is a mexican colony, what with all of hispanics

>> No.11773162
File: 100 KB, 741x711, 1240171_559108757488053_1849119847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw eurangutangs have an "america week"

>> No.11774128

nice facebook meme, mutt

>> No.11774392

Just wanted to update on this situation. Sauce turned out really tasty, but consistency is crap because the cranberries were almost as pre-cooked.

>> No.11774410
File: 2.84 MB, 852x480, D Block Initiation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posted yet

For shame



>> No.11774476

Get the sweet potato fries. Shit's good.

>> No.11775791
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>> No.11776065

Oh I know, I need to go to the store on the first day of the week, these things are limited and sold out in a few days.

>> No.11776072

Maybe add some flour to thicken the base?

>> No.11776313

Czechfag reporting. Same here.

>> No.11776325

Doesn’t make any noticable difference. We use those metal ones all the time for baking and it’s just fine.

>> No.11776329

UK Lidl have done American weeks, French, German etc. and do them often.

>> No.11776331

Theres two budweiser one american and the other czech

>> No.11776332

we're getting an asian week in my country, i'm glad that i don't have to put up with shitty french fries for all of next week.

>> No.11776372

finnfag here, i thought the peanutbutter in lidl was pretty good. but it was pretty dry. we're getting an asian week so i guess i'm gonna make some sushi after my NEETbuxx arrive.

>> No.11776381

I remember I went to Lidl when it was American week once. Saw burger pizzas I almost LMAOd right there in the store

>> No.11776387

I had that cheese cake, it's not very good

>> No.11776403


All LIDL's McEnnedy products are done in either Romania, Bulgaria or Poland with subpar ingredients. The same for asian week products. Only buy stuff from Bavarian, French or Iberian weeks because they are actual stuff with proper origin and quality.

>> No.11776420

I'm no master chef, but my reasoning is that metal has a drastic heating/cooling effect, while ceramic has a gradual effect, so delicate pastries would end up drier in the metal ones. Idk never compared them side by side, just an assumption.

>> No.11776427

I mean, even when I buy McEnnedy stuff, I expect it to be trash junkfood, so not surprised. Fits the theme

>> No.11776444
File: 55 KB, 426x450, 5CC9F8F8-33C9-4639-BAF1-02A71A463246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perkele! If you like it, it’s fine, keep buying it. I don’t like it because it leaves weird aftertaste in my mouth and as you said it’s pretty dry.

I am following you but to make it straight I have to say we usually only use it for baking things like “bábovka” (pic related) which is far from delicate pastry or a stuffing.

>> No.11776459

I think I actually had that once, do you export it?

>> No.11776465
File: 96 KB, 1024x683, 29AE2916-6FA2-4149-866F-39DB837B41B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure. I believe you can buy it here in supermarkets but I believe we don’t export it. It’s pretty easy to make tho.

>> No.11776466

i haven't noticed any weird aftertaste. for me it has a really slight and pleasant mix of salty and umami flavor. perhaps adding some butter to the mix could fix the dryness.

>> No.11776471

The filling really reminds me of something I saw in a store too. It's usually something premade I see around christmas.

>> No.11776489

Maybe the one in your Lidl is actually better quality (I wouldn’t be surprised).
Adding butter doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. I will stick to M&S PB.

The cake doesn’t have filling usually. It’s just half of the dough colored with cocoa powder so it makes this marbeling.
Try google “bundt cake” or “gugelhupf”.

>> No.11776498
File: 324 KB, 866x1365, vita d'or.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this stuff but with english labels.

the butter is made only with peanuts, palm oil and salt and it has around 85% peanut content.

>> No.11776514

It uses some powdered cheese mix which you add milk to. There's also velveeta which has some cheese goop in a packet. Neither are awful but making your own cheese sauce is always better.

>> No.11776516

>*Now melts!

>> No.11776521

I actually remember the density was the same throughout the slice. Soft but dense, so it actually felt more moist than it looked. Also no crust and pretty sweet.

>> No.11776527
File: 374 KB, 389x556, 37E6066A-DFD7-474B-891C-8325D17B93BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have pic related. Also ~85% of peanuts, which is shit. I like 90% or higher. Also peanut oil>palm oil.

That’s right. It looks kinda unappealing and dry on the picture but when done right, it’s moist and soft. I like to add mead in the dough so it has kinda honey-like taste.

>> No.11776536

It's sold in boxes in stores, most popular around christmas, when you usually eat a lot of sweet things so it goes together better than potica which has a nutty sweetness and is eaten during easter. You have nice stuff.

>> No.11776558
File: 41 KB, 653x414, 625E935B-8EC1-441D-B5F3-04DE45CC72E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure if it’s popular only during christmas. It’s the most ordinary cake we have. If you really want to try something really good, try medovník (honey cake). It’s probably diabetes on the plate but you don’t eat that every day, right?. It’s a cake made from walnuts, honey wafers and caramel cream traditional since 14th century. Very sweet but one of the best cakes you can have in Czech republic.

>> No.11778138

Just buy some sweet baby rays online

>> No.11778395

Too costly

>> No.11778711
File: 173 KB, 1080x1080, 40080585_303597720443307_5141803893379507180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me fucking polack weeks again, this cheese is excellent.

>> No.11779268

They should send you guys pimento cheese.

>> No.11780591

Southern style is popular, however no pimento cheese.

>> No.11781583

I mean, over here you mostly see it available during christmas.

>> No.11781593

With pure peanut oil it will split and they don't want to deal with the stupid people who'd complain about it. You can get away with it if you are selling at double the price to people buying artisan shit, but not for a main supermarket brand.