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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11760480 No.11760480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm hosting a party with some very important clients what should I cook?

>> No.11760525

Also all my cooks are furloughed and I have to use my own money.

>> No.11760538

What if...you were to purchase FAST food and disguise it as your own cooking?

>> No.11761385

>"Hahaha Trump bought hamburgers so every political belief you have is fucking wrong."

>> No.11761394

bro just get out your finest china siler and candles im talking the works make it look fancy
then rush to mcdonalds dont even bother unboxing platting and keeping the food warm just shove it on top brah no one will notice and you'll get mad respect for looking so fancy

>> No.11761395

But how will I validate my beliefs if Orange Man isn't the devil incarnate?

>> No.11761398

oh hun you know its way worse then that just head over to donalds twitter and pay attention to the FAke nEwS

>> No.11761402

Good suggestion, but surely unboxing the food would make it coulder, faster, right? I'll definitely leave it wrappped as you said to try and keep it warm as long as possible with some heat lamps. thanks

>> No.11761403
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>it's another drumpf thread

>> No.11761405

I got shitfaced and avoided the Internet yesterday. Do people actually give a shit that trump got a bunch of fast food for a group of college kids? Is it the lefts new talking point?

>> No.11761408

no forget the heat lamps forget warming trays just let them stay in the cardboard and paper for like an hour plus people like cold fast food TRUST

>> No.11761410

Literally yes. They're mad becuase he didn't cater a 5 course 3 Michelin star dinner for them.

>> No.11761415
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Nah, I think I'll stick with the headlamps. I already got them out, might as we use them.

>> No.11761416

Incredibly, yes. This triggered the shit out of a bunch of Drumpf types and everyone else thought it was amusing or didn't give a shit either way. It's ironically exposed a lot of people to the depths of the divide between the groups.

>> No.11761419

They realize by doing shit like that it just pushes more people to the right, don't they?

>> No.11761428

they are mad because its a metaphor for him as a persona and it disrespects america's name
i know you dont know what a metaphor is but when you put something cheap and sleazy in a fine suite its like putting mcdonalds on fine silver

now if he used some of his millions to hire a chef to man the grill and cook up some home cooking for the boys on regular plates it would be wholesome

but thats not logical to you because it goes against your cult so orange man bad liberal tears and whatever buzzwords youve got

>> No.11761431

nah i know that makes sense but keep them in that box without heat trust me

>> No.11761433

They put like 20 servings of fries and 4 pizzas under the heat lamps. All the burgers were sitting out at room temp, which would be disgusting even if Trump wasn't gloating over them.

>> No.11761436

The president has bigger titties to lick than worry about what a bunch of college kids are gonna eat on their visit. It's not a big deal and pretending it is just makes people hate you.

>> No.11761443

Fuck that pretentious bullshit. If the fucking President invited me to have a Mcchiken in the fucking Whitehouse I'm not gonna turn it down.

>> No.11761444
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>it disrespects america's name
American made American-style food consumed by millions of Americans daily does that how? This is your opinion but you state it as fact, which is kind of dishonest. At least just state it as your opinion, people can differ.

>i know you dont know what a metaphor is
This is why your side lost.

>now if he used some of his millions to
What are you going to use your millions for?

>but thats not logical to you because it goes against your cult
To me, you sound like the cult member. This is just funny like pic related.

>> No.11761445

Yeah, all wrapped in foilpaper. I'm sure they were still somewhat warm.

>> No.11761448

no being exactly what i just said makes people hate you
celebrating a national sport by putting up a fancy ball filled with fast food gives america a bad name

also hes on vacation now thanks to the shut down he takes full responsibility for or did you not watch the press conference he held

because saying buzzwords and listening to an echo chamber is easier then idk watching press conferences and actually knowing anything about politics beyond what you read on /pol/

>> No.11761451

Exactly this

>> No.11761453

>complaining about cold fast food
that's too much cope even for dems

>> No.11761455

Don't forget hot sauce in your handbag

>> No.11761462

you miss the point to shout your own now read back what i said about fine cloth silver china and candles and google the word pretentious

>> No.11761464

Yeah you're a fag dude. It's just a meal. It's not that serious. I hope you get cervical cancer.

>> No.11761467

>all wrapped in foilpaper
They were in cardboard boxes. McDick's is cold and soggy even if you get it at the drive through and eat it 5 minutes later.

>> No.11761473

Does MickyDs not use foilpaper?

>> No.11761479

hahaha i was only pretending to be retarded its not that serious
im not calling you names because i have no real logic to me and saying mean things makes me feel better not at alll

>> No.11761483

If trump would have hired a 5 star chef to make everyone a steak and baked potato, the left would have found it "pretentious" and "over the top". Face it dude, you're a faggot that's brainwashed by mainstream media and you can't think for yourself. You are gay too I bet. Not that it matters btw

>> No.11761485

You're right. America is finished because trump bought 200 Big Macs for some kids. Did you know he once had 2 scoops of ice cream?

>> No.11761490

Excellent post comrade *upvotes*
I bet Ulmph thought those stupid ni- I mean, promising young gentlemen wouldn't appreciate fine cuisine anyway. Yeah that is exactly what he was thinking and not me, I only thought that because he lives in my head rent free.

>> No.11761510

so youre saying that putting mcdonalds on fine silver with china and candles isnt pretentious by definition
i want to actually see you type this out instead of saying but if trump did everything the way i think you wanted him to do it the left would still hate him or
is standing by your presidents decision that hard

>> No.11761514

if President Trump had a chef cook up million-dollar steaks you would be complaining that he wasn't spending that money on giving Negroes in the hood free stuff, you would call it an insult to America for the president to eat expensive food while nigs have to eat food like in OP

>> No.11761515

excellent buzzword shitpost youre truly a man of logicand reason

>> No.11761518

Make up your fucking mind, fag. Is he supposed to throw an extravagant banquet or a simple meal.

>> No.11761520

read this

god your cult loves to just copypaste everything in that echo chamber

>> No.11761527

>so youre saying that putting mcdonalds on fine silver with china and candles isnt pretentious by definition
i want to actually see you type this out instead of saying but if trump did everything the way i think you wanted him to do it the left would still hate him
can you not stand by your presidents decision

>> No.11761530

>serve McDonald's to niggers on paper plates
>omg it's the White House they don't have nice China and silverware?
>serve McDonald's to niggers off nice trays with nice china
>omg trump is such a white trash loser who would do that these niggers deserve better I bet Obama would have cooked them each a meal individually
You see? Fags find anything to bitch about. Now shut up and eat your Big Mac, queer.

>> No.11761534
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Now that they do some of those breakfast items all day I definitely would have asked fuhrer Trump if I could have an Egg McMuffin, Big Macs are pretty good I guess but lettuce and tomatoes are what rabbits eat, sausage McMuffin with egg is made with a real egg now because America just keeps getting better

>> No.11761535

>so youre saying that putting mcdonalds on fine silver with china and candles isnt pretentious by definition
i want to actually see you type this out instead of saying but if trump did everything the way i think you wanted him to do it the left would still hate him
can you not stand by your presidents decision

>> No.11761536
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>niggerball players

>> No.11761538
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>> No.11761551
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>god your cult loves to just copypaste everything in that echo chamber
>boop beep (angry npc noises)
>my comrades and I are free thinkers because we read The Huffington Post

>> No.11761555

can you not stand by your presidents decision

>> No.11761556

Steamed hams.

>> No.11761575

Yes I think it is a good decision, 100% true American, if you don't like it you're welcome to get the fuck out to a place that does not have awesome freedom and delicious hamburgers. fucking communist.

What's pretentious is CNN selling subscriptions to its blog and acting like being butthurt day after day about people who are better than you is somehow journalism.

>> No.11761589

why didnt you leave when obama had 4 more years in office then trump will ever have

>> No.11761592

Awfully presumptuous of you.

>> No.11761594

I figured it out. You are just pretending. You don't actually believe what you're saying. You got me good. You got me real real good.

>> No.11761596

no im just using your stupid logic against you yah nazi

>> No.11761617

One great thing Hitler did was lower Black and Hispanic unemployment, just like Trump.

>> No.11761633

lmao what are even talking about