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11756618 No.11756618 [Reply] [Original]

Is 3 hearts too much for lunch?

>> No.11756624

valentines day is a month away my friend

>> No.11756633

What they taste like? Liver? Regular muscle meat?

>> No.11756635


pig heart at least tastes like normal pork (not livery) but has a different consistency, more rubbery

>> No.11756735

Depends on the animal. Those look too small for pig. Lamb maybe?

>> No.11756744

meat eaters are fucking gross

>> No.11756756


>> No.11756897
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>> No.11756907

Do you absorb their energy when you eat them?

>> No.11756935
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Hearts would make an interesting valentine's day meal.

Hearts, and whiskey.

>> No.11756944
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They're good for stewing or braising. I mostly use porkheart myself.

>> No.11756948
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>> No.11756952
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I'm sure you could make the final product be more heartshaped if you tried. Maybe use meat needles instead of trussing.

>> No.11757288

>Not eating hearts to gain extra lives
Not gonna make it

>> No.11757380

Like meat but a bit more gamey. The texture is the biggest difference. It's pretty chewy.

>> No.11757449

I had an old 1950s cookbook that had a recipe for heart goulash. I wish I could find it.

>> No.11757746

open up your heart

>> No.11757779

That's a Chad meal if I ever saw one

>> No.11757797
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>using hearts for lives
>not using them to throw more boomerangs at your enemies
What a loser

>> No.11757830

Those are some very round potato

>> No.11758058

The taste and smell is exactly like any other piece of lamb, but the meat is not even slightly fibrous unlike other muscles. It's a solid chunk of dense meat, and it's delicious coupled with the soft fat around the top.

>> No.11758190

For me it's stewed chicken hearts, they got a lot of juice in them and pop in your mouth so you get a nice juicy bite and the texture is addicting.

>> No.11758228

I eat those alongside gizzards, boil with potatoes, dip them in a sauce I whip up with whatever condiments I like on hand
nice meal

>> No.11760046

I just might try heart for the first time this year. The heart is a muscle after all, right? So it's like the regular cuts more or less?

>> No.11760065
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Try grilled. Chicken heart is way underrated and I hope it stays that way. It's like three bucks for a pound of the things.

>> No.11760111

I used to feed chicken hearts and livers to my pug as a major part of his diet because they were so affordable. One day I decided to taste a heart because they smelled so good while cooking. Legit delicious meat.

>> No.11760160

omg OP 3(!!!) animals died for this meal, you monster!

>> No.11760183

Anyone else ever ponder just how many different chickens' meat can be found in a single McNugget?

>> No.11760801

yeah exactly this, legit under rated

>> No.11760821

the heart is apparently the most prized meal among the animal kingdom. the alpha wolf always gets to chow the victim's plasma pump while the beta makes do with scrotums and assholes.

>> No.11760830

try beef tongue. pure meat. its so good

>> No.11760835

I do this with gizzards. good shit.

>> No.11760836

shouldn't your dog be eating them raw though?

>> No.11760862

Any recipes you can recommend or point me to for heart?
Same as above for beef tongue. Been wanting to try that too.

>> No.11760868

Yes. That's how food helps people survive.

>> No.11760872

I had some at a korean bbq place in kyoto, legit preferred it over the kobe wagyu

>> No.11760884

>boiled hearts

>> No.11760890

Assuming you're not adding anything to them, I can't think of a reason why cooking it would be detrimental in any way.

>> No.11761859

Beef heart texas-style chili is unironically one of the best dishes I've ever made in my life.

>> No.11761866

But you eat the hearts of artichoke' s, fag boy?

>> No.11761983

Chicken heart tastes delicious.

>> No.11761990
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Grilled chicken hearts are great. As already mentioned, they are a little bit liver-like compared to pork and beef.
Porkhearts are great for stews.

>> No.11761994
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You can braise them tender, but they are more rubbery than regular muscle, yeah.

>> No.11761999

I remember watching Two Fat Ladies and they said beef tongue is good for sandwiches. Has anyone tried it?

>> No.11762004

I've had both pork and beef tongue. They're great.
We'd usually simmer them for quite a long time, then peel off the "skin" and cut them into slices. Ryebread with mustard works nicely.

>> No.11762042

is that the show with the fat guys on motorcycles?

>> No.11762094

i watched a youtube video of dogs trying different foods and most of them preferred raw meat
not the ones raised on dry food though

>> No.11762216

castlevania sucks

>> No.11762342

Tesco does slices of pork and ox tongue that are ready to go into a sandwich. Never tried it myself.

I always thought that stuff called Haslet was tongue as well.

>> No.11762348


>> No.11762350

no u

>> No.11762371

Epic gamer reference. Only us fellow gamers will understand. Game on, brother.

>> No.11762742
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Its deer heart for me

>> No.11762762

It's action platforming at it's best.

>> No.11762782

That's what I figured. Seems like a retarded thing to eat since hearts pretty much need to be extremely tough muscles in order to continue pumping without fail every single moment of an organism's entire life. It sounds neat when you imagine some juicy beating blood covered cartoon version of a heart, but the real thing is going to just be shit rubber, a lot like the disappointment of trying octopus for the first time.

>> No.11762788

Is there some sort of vitamin concern, like liver and vitamin A?

>> No.11763504

Your mom is gross

>> No.11763555

No. Liver has an extremely large amount of vitamin A because it's the liver. Storing a long term supply of fat soluble vitamins and other nutrients is one of its main functions as an organ. The heart isn't a nutrient storing organ, it's a blood pump.

>> No.11763562

I wouldn't say heart is extremely tough, though. It just has a springy texture to it.
You should invest the dollar or so it'll cost you to get a pig's heart and and try it. It's not like really tough meat at all if that's what you're imagining.

>> No.11763606

Is it easy to chew, like biting into tuna, eel, cheese, tofu, etc., or is it difficult to chew, like biting into squid, octopus, beef jerky, lamb shank, etc.? Any time I hear about any sort of chewiness / toughness I inevitably end up needing to throw out the thing I tried ordering because I can't chew through it and know if I eat meat without thorough chewing it's going to give me horrible stomach pain later on.

>> No.11763658

If you cook it properly I'd say it's easy to chew. It just has a springiness to it like cheesecurds for example.
Find a nice goulash recipe and use it in that.

>> No.11763663

depends on the animal.

>> No.11763790

How do you season these? I have them in my freezer at all times because I feed my cats raw and they are super affordable. I don't mind tasting them myself.

Tongue tastes okay but the texture is off-putting to me. It reminds me of biting my own tongue, sans pain.

>> No.11763806

Patrician taste, grilled and seasoned with garlic and parsley. I could live off that