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File: 33 KB, 250x466, beer_474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11745348 No.11745348 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better beer

I'll wait

>> No.11745352

inb4 fedora REEEEEEEEEEEs

>> No.11745359

Bud Light isn't "good' by any metric. Even if tasteless is what you're going for, there are cheaper, more tasteless alternatives like Rolling Rock and Keystone Light. It's completely inoffensive, and I'd drink one if it was given to me, but I'm not willing to pay "premium price" for Bud Light. Michelob Ultra is a better "premium" alternative.

>> No.11745360

Natty Lite

>> No.11745363

In a blind taste test I bet 80% of people would rather have the Mead.

>> No.11745364

I'd drink mead with Count Pamplemousse.

>> No.11745370
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>> No.11745371

>I'm not willing to pay "premium price" for Bud Light
t. tasteless sow that thinks only craft beers are worth anything

Nobody pays "preemeeyum" price for bud light, what ass did you even pull this from?

>> No.11745372

I prefer beer and not canned water, especially when they support Amy Schumer.
Also this.

>> No.11745382

based thread ender guy

>> No.11745393

I'll assume you're quoting me, and not OP. The reason I sarcastically wrote "premium" is because in the macro beer world, that's what they refer to it as. Premium is 7 bucks for a 6 pack of bottles, where I could get a 6 pack of Rolling Rock for 5 dollars. I like a cheap beer every now and again, but Bud Light is overpriced for what it is. Busch Light is a much cheaper alternative and tastes the same.

>> No.11745409

Blue moon is pretty good. Probably better than bud light. Budweiser is better than bud light too. Also all of the new Belgium beers. You know... there are plenty of beers that are better than what you’ve posted. I think I have just fallen for poor bait

>> No.11745416
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>not paying $10 for a 6 pack
I bet you drink Good Ass Beer

>> No.11745433

Nearly anything on my roster, but Killian's Irish Red has been a go to for myself and my crew for inexpensive beer.

>> No.11745454

I'm willing to pay quite a bit for good beer. What are you getting at? I like all kinds of beer, but the price has to be right. I'll pay $12 for a 4 pack of La Fin du Monde.

>> No.11745498

am i the only person that doesn't care what beer tastes like? i just want the effects. it all tastes like shit to me.

>> No.11745502

Any beer. Every beer. Even Genesee Cream Ale.

>> No.11745503
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>> No.11745512
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Fite me

>> No.11745525

Miller > Dilly Dilly. If you're going to go with piss water, at least get the one that actually tastes like something.

>> No.11745527
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Stand aside peon. My drink of choice is light and has flavor.

>> No.11745529

$12 for 4 Fin du monde? Cheap as fugg fampai. I pay 12 for a 750ml bottle. Never seen them in a smaller size

>> No.11745540

No. All alcohol tastes like shit, but I like getting a buzz. I just drink vodka chased with something that actually tastes good.

>> No.11745546

Miller Lite. Actually has some fucking flavor.

>> No.11745588

miller > bud > coors

>> No.11745605

miller = bud > rain water off of a rusty roof > coors

>> No.11745607

coors basically is water

>> No.11745610

this really made me think

>> No.11745647

I unironically love BL platinums and bud heavy but bud light just sucks

>> No.11745656

This was actually good.

>> No.11745658
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>> No.11745680

Patches O'Houlihan?

>> No.11745696

Coors at 34 degrees is about as inoffensive as it gets

>> No.11745710

Bombers are always going to be overpriced compared to 12 oz bottles. I've only ever seen it in 4 packs, myself. Sorry about that.

>> No.11745737

I used to think this. And then I turned 17.

Saying you dont like beer is like saying you dont like cheese. There are a near infinate amount of variaties to choose from and the range of tastes is greater than say, wine. Try an Ipa, or some darker, sweeter variaties. I all but promise you that you will like some beer. Admittedly some variaties take some gettilng used to.

>> No.11745763

Anything bitter bothers me. So IPAs are not very good to me.

>> No.11745765
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>i just want the effects
Then why the fuck are you drinking beer? If you only care about getting wasted then just buy some fucking banker's club.

>> No.11745779

You'll like malt heavy beers, likely. Dark German beers and Scotch ales aren't bitter at all. Wheat beers too.

>> No.11745790



>> No.11745855

Then just take shots of vodka then, wtf are you gonna drink tons of beer for if you hate it?

>> No.11745858

Natty Ice
Best calorie/booze ratio, and it tastes like apple juice. What’s not to love?

>> No.11745874

So, name a beer then?

>> No.11745955

This, desu

>> No.11745981

What's the best beer which is:
1) Over 4.0% abv,
2) Under 100 calories per 12 oz?
My current go-to is Busch light. I really like Michelob Ultra, but I'm not really sitting on bags of money, so I only get it for special occasions.

>> No.11746041

any, except pabst. seriously, the popularity of PBR may turn me into a republican camp guard. these millenials need reeducation, preferably with xyklon b.

>> No.11746356
File: 54 KB, 317x294, budweiser-budvar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bud unlight.

>> No.11747583

Moretti is god tier for an Ital beer
Quite a fan of Spitfire and Bombardier

>> No.11747664
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 351BA9CE-CD84-4AD0-BA93-7FDDF62C064B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favourite beer i ever tasted

>> No.11747680

>muh macro beers

Neck yourselves, there's literally no difference between all that shit.

>> No.11747699

Who was the dumb faggot who wanted nutritional labels on beer? I hope you're happy now, faggot. If I catch you out and about I'll shove a can of Natty light up your ass and throw you on the pit.

>> No.11747750
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And pls stop calling that crap you americans make beer.

>> No.11747866
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I've never had American beer but all I've heard people say is negative things. I'm not some big connoisseur myself so I guess I'll try some soon.
Krombacher is alright, I like Flensburger, Jever and Radeberger of the German beers.

Pic related is my favourite Dutch beer

>> No.11747918

drinking bud light will turn you into a mexican

>> No.11748652

Hella based

>> No.11749024
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For me, it's Asahi Dry Premium.

>> No.11749035

weeb detected

>> No.11749050

most beers

Bud Light is ok for a mom beer I guess, its pretty much just slightly alcoholic rice flavored La Croix

>> No.11749245

More like a drooling NASCAR watching southern white trash.

>> No.11749261

The patricians choice

>> No.11749268

I lived in West Texas. All the rednecks drank Tecate or Miller and all of the Mexicans drank Bud Light.

>> No.11749283

stop pretending Yuengling is anything but another generic light adjunct lager

>> No.11749285

I instantly judge anyone I see drinking BL. As far as I'm concerned they have terrible taste, and I immediately disregard any opinions/advice that comes out of their mouth.

>> No.11749295

Fuck I'm moving to Tennessee in a few months and these guys distribute there. I'm so stoked what can I expect?

I usually drink Hamm's or Coors

>> No.11749320

>I usually drink Hamm's or Coors
pretty much that, its the same as all of the other generic lagers

>> No.11749335
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black fish

>> No.11749339

A better beer for about the same price. Yuengling is cheap as fuck, and offers lots of variety like porters, etc.
You're full of crap, anon. Only Yuengling Premium and Light are like macros.

>> No.11749357

>Only Yuengling Premium and Light are like macros.
yeah, the stuff everyone who cares about Yuengling drinks. They make some other Leinenkugel tier stuff too but thats rarely what people are talking about

>> No.11749369

The flagship beer for Yuengling is Yuengling Lager, not Premium. Yuengling Lager is a pretty standard Vienna lager.

>> No.11749374

oh yeah, no the lager is straight up adjunct macro trash with added food coloring. Its not even all malt

>> No.11750492
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Lol if we are going for best cheap beer absolutely nothing beats miller high life, best cheap beer on the market by far. This test has been done by multiple beer snobs and high life always comes out on top.

>> No.11750513

That shit turns to piss swill the second it gets above 50 degrees F

>> No.11750591

Yep, I drink one with dinner on week nights. It's a really solid swill to wash food down.

And Bud Light turns to piss at 33.5° F
learn 2 alt code, faggot

>> No.11750595

Bud Light is shit, too.
Only decent mass brews I can unironically enjoy are PBR and Modelo. Coors Light is passable only because it doesn't taste like anything.

>> No.11750650
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Coors light is fucking water.
I tried PBR recently and determined High Life to be superior.
Got some Coors banquet to honor the passing of the legend and out-of-work-bum bandit (Bert Reynalds) recently. Wasn't too bad but I still prefer High Life.

>> No.11751282 [DELETED] 


You can get 30 of them for like 15 bucks.

>> No.11751452

>Vienna lager
Wrong. Until microbreweries started producing Vienna Lagers, the only version remaining in the world was Modelo Negra.

>> No.11752591

this is a shill >>11745348

>> No.11752923
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>says high life is turns to piss when warm
>says he prefers pbr
>pic related
In all seriousness though cheap beer is meant to be drank ice cold, wether it’s pbr or highlife the second that shit is above 40 degrees it starts going downhill fast. Don’t pretend like high life is the only one that tastes like shit when warm because we all know that’s fucking bullshit.

>> No.11752930
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>> No.11753077

>t. palatelet

>> No.11753085
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>> No.11753093
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Drink nobly. Drink English. Drink English Noble.

>> No.11753107
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>greene king

>> No.11753108
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Buying beer outside supermarkets is criminal.

>> No.11753109

bud light tastes like dirty feet
go with a miller lite

>> No.11753114

what is the point of light beer? the standard american macros are already light and easy drinking with better flavor. unless you're watching your weight i don't see any reason to drink light beer, though if that's the case you'd be better off not drinking beer period. it's like diet soda. i'd rather just cut it out all together than drink an inferior version.

>> No.11753129

almost every german beer in existence.

>> No.11753135

Some people like it because it's good for hot weather, heavier beers aren't as refreshing. It's either that or people who want less calories.

>> No.11753176
File: 234 KB, 960x672, Avery-Old-Perseverance-Barrel-Aged-Old-Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody try this?

>> No.11753180

We like the taste.

>> No.11754823

Wtf are you even talking about? You are seriously saying you need a good palate to drink cheap beer? Kill yourself you absolute moron.

>> No.11754865

One summer when I was young my parents left a 24 pack of this in the basement and forgot about it so I drank it. Now I like it a lot because I associate it with home.

>> No.11754877
File: 25 KB, 599x320, indian_kale_ale_PCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian Kale Ale, for my NW friends.

>> No.11755029

>t. seething palatelet

>> No.11755073

Pabst Blue Ribbon

>> No.11755104
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Ach hmmmmm

>> No.11755899
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Haha ok have fun on the internet buddy, enjoy that pbr.

>> No.11755923

It literally is not.

>> No.11755994
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>> No.11756005
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Based and beerpilled.

>> No.11756073

In my country Budweiser is on par with Heineken for price making it one of the most expensive macrobrews
I can get far better stuff for cheaper considering Budweiser is just shitty

>> No.11756077

>”do you like anime???”

>> No.11756078
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For me it’s

>> No.11756082

>heavier beers
Normal beer isn’t heavy