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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11748299 No.11748299 [Reply] [Original]

Does dieting actually work for women? Seeing as how they're biologically more inclined to hold onto fat, it just seems like dieting is worthless for curvier women.

>> No.11748318

roastie who can't stop going to mcdonalds detected

>> No.11748319

it's simple math and biology, two things women will hate because they can't control it. calories in, calories out. we've quantified gaining weight in calories, 3500 calories = 1 lb, and women just can not fucking handle it. they'll wile out and blame everything but themselves.

>> No.11748326
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Women were a mistake

>> No.11748338

>drank starbucks all day because drinks dont have calories

>> No.11748348

Do liquids actually have calories wtf

>> No.11748368
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>> No.11748394

This image literally cannot be refuted

>> No.11748409

Bruh you know milkshakes have like 900 calories right? A starbucks drink might be even worse

>> No.11748411

Most trannies have barely any sex drive from T-blockers

>> No.11748424

But that's a good thing. One of the most serious flaws of women is their bizarre fixation on making sex a mutually enjoyable act. This results in endless grief and psychodrama. Sex is a thing that a man does to a hole. The hole's owner's job is to submit. Period.

>> No.11748445

It gets even worse than that. Some shakes from places like DQ, Sonic, etc. are 2000+ calories.

>> No.11748449

>Some shakes from places like DQ, Sonic, etc. are 2000+ calories.
How fucking big are they? That's an average person's entire daily caloric intake.

>> No.11748450

like the cookies and cream picture that gets posted here once in a while. it's from dairy queen, 3500 calories for the entire "shake"

>> No.11748452

You can get 44oz you just have to ask them to put it in a soda cup. Bars will do this sometimes too with mixed drinks

>> No.11748478

Yeah, it's a problem. It's an easy joke to laugh about "amerilards," but as a whole we do seem to be especially ignorant of nutrition. Our nutrition guidelines were for decades influenced by lobbying from meat, dairy, and corn. To put it lightly, a ship this big doesn't turn slowly, but we're making progress. Adult obesity rates have slowed (we aren't falling yet) and at least we are seeing a reduction in childhood obesity in recent years. Hopefully we get the next generation while they're young and instill mindful food habits.

>> No.11748542

also probably fake women wouldn't admit to shit like this even though they do it all the time

>> No.11748553

why are men more obese than women though

>> No.11748569

Because hot women still fuck fat guys

>> No.11748570

clearly she's admitting to it because she thinks people will give her sympathy and justify what she did

>> No.11748573

I had an ex about 8 years ago and she kept gaining weight and I'm convinced she was trying to make me gain weight too because she would beg to cook for me and make the most fattening shit ever. Ran into her about a year ago. She's a tank. She was embarassed to see me.

>> No.11748575

guys don't need to have a good body to get sex, and sex is what drives most people

>> No.11748616

>is it harder to lose fat for a woman while retaining muscle mass
Probably. Shit sucks, at least you don`t have to be ripped to be attractive
>actually work
The diet is the only reliable way to lose weight for both sexes and every body type, maybe aside from extremely rare medical condition i`m not aware of. Depending on your organism, it may be more or less strict
It helps to retain muscle mass, and good for your health but doesn`t burn enough calories to offset shitty diet.

>> No.11748678

You left out the part where she smashed a whole bag of chips but didn't count it because it was a naughty secret.
Also the part where 'power walking' isn't cardio

>> No.11748683

some of those fancy coffee drinks can give you your entire days worth of sugar in one hit

>> No.11748686

>50g of sugar
Unless you think starbucks is "fancy", no

>> No.11748709

You forgot the part where gay men (bottoms) behave worse than women in every way.
I don't know much about traps but I'm guessing they're just bottom gays who went the extra step

>> No.11748713

That's just the ones you notice though, probably. My gym is, I'm pretty sure, like 80% gay dudes, because it's in a super gay neighborhood and they all dress way too nice for just lifting some weights. And most of them are not flaming sissies with high voices. They're just regular guys with pointlessly well put together "gym ensembles"

>> No.11748724

I take my coffee black with no sugar and I've never set foot in a starbucks so it's fancy to me.
These frapacino shit or whatever they're called are loaded with calories

>> No.11748726
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They are?

>> No.11748736

The gay dudes lifting in your gym are tops.
I can never pick them and some of them are manly as fuck

>> No.11748737

Had a family member tell me they got a small pizza instead of the large because "they're on a diet", then get offended when I told them if they were on a diet they'd cut pizza out. Guess the gender of said family member

>> No.11748747

I don't drink coffee at all so all that shit is fancy to me I wouldn't even know what to order or what I'm getting or what any of it means.

>> No.11748754
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Starbucks is a chain fast food restaurant, so what you are saying in effect is that fast food coffee is fancy.

Also I find it highly implausible that someone alive today has never set foot in a Starbucks. They're in every airport terminal in every first world country and most third world countries, so that's like saying you've never flown before.

Pic related, it's where I get my coffee. No more than 30 days pass between milling and brewing. I feel sorry for people who don't know what good coffee is.

>> No.11748756

>Does dieting actually work for women?

Yup. Assuming you supplement that diet with exercise, then it absolutely works for everyone. In fact, you can eat whatever fatty, sugary, unhealthy shit you want and as long as you burn more calories in the day than you take in, you'll lose weight.

>> No.11748770

I have never been inside a Starbucks in my life, but I've only had about 3 cups of coffee in my whole life and I don't like it.

>> No.11748789

>Also I find it highly implausible that someone alive today has never set foot in a Starbucks
well it's true.
I think we do have them here in NZ but I've never seen one, only on tv

>> No.11748793

>I find it highly implausible that someone alive today has never set foot in a Starbucks.
I've never set foot in a Starbucks.
I don't buy coffee because it's just never good. I've bought coffee at restaurants and stayed in fancy hotels, but making instant freeze dried coffee at home is just always better for some reason.
Also when they charge $7 for a flat white I feel genuinely really insulted, like being charged $5 for a glass of water that's not as fresh tasting as the stuff in the tap at home

>> No.11748800

There's like 40 of them in Auckland alone

>> No.11748809

I avoid Auckland whenever I can and if I have to go there it's a b-line to my destination.
No starbucks in sight where I live, just loads and loads of cafe's

>> No.11748812

Maybe it's a cultural thing.
There are a couple here in Christchurch but you can go to any dinky cafe on the outskirts of town and it will be busier
We're just not inner city people

>> No.11748836

Also what's popular where I live are these mobile coffee vender things on the roadside. They make a killing in the mornings.
Also popular are the BP connect type gas stations with the barista coffee. People want that shit on the way to work, they don't really want to sit down and drink it

>> No.11748840

>making instant freeze dried coffee at home is just always better for some reason
Are you by any chance an oriental?

>> No.11748868

It's just how I like it. Freeze Dried Columbian or French Roast, really strong with loads of milk so it's not hot and I can take a big swig.
No coffee shop does that, it's always piss weak and scalding. Also homemade is like $0.40 not $7.00
Yea true, gas station coffee seems to do a big trade.
Maybe we're too small, if people want to hang out you go to their house, not some arbitrary meeting point like Starbucks because your houses are 200km apart

>> No.11748894

>an oriental?
I don't know why you have to bring out the racist insults, he didn't do anything to you.

>> No.11748897

i think the main thkng is habit
men push themselves more naturally
women can form better habits easier
i think
but it just becomes routine
15 minutes on the bike every weekend may not cut it for a long period
you gotta learn to push yourself
but not too hard
military sciences says alot of shit about that.
they know the body can go past anxiety and a certain level of pain exhaustion.
so the put that in you right quick
once you get used to that feeling
you quit doing a routine and just start looking for that feeling.
but yeah if you heavy its gonna take awhile. becuase you have to learn to eat right too.
and even for healthy minded people when you get old enough
you learn you cant fuckin gobble down a whole thing of oreos or a shitton of junk food without feeling it in your kidneys and liver and spiked sugar fuckin up the brain.
also gotta watch eating before you go to sleep.

also really fat people have excess skin.
i was a fat fuck when i was young and i got down to 150 lbs from doing speed during my early years. i was also fitness minded as all my male family members come from a farm.

>> No.11748912

Not him but how is politely asking someone if they're oriental a racist insult?

>> No.11748925

Oriental is a racist pejorative, such as the n word or spic.

>> No.11748928

Fuck off cunt I already spoke for myself, I don't need some 4ft tall limp wristed man child to be insulted on my behalf

>> No.11748943

who told you this?

>> No.11748949

The entire asian community.
Sexist AND racist, what a wombo combo of manchild.

>> No.11748950

I'm a slant-eyed squinty yellow oriental myself, I'm allowed. It is common in my ancestral coffee to prefer instant coffee and not think anything bad of it. I prefer the real thing, obviously, but it just struck me as an old granny kind of thing to say, "I like freeze dried better than the weird stuff at the coffee shop".

>> No.11748956

these words are racist pejoratives
>ching chong

Oriental is a descriptor. I don't see how it is offensive.

>> No.11748971

Why you gotta try turn /ck/ into /pol/?
We're talking about coffee and weight loss and you're talking about racism as if it exists here.
Are you just hungry?

>> No.11748974
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>> No.11748976

>as if it exists here.
You say that like we're not LITERALLY seeing it right now.

>> No.11748980

Here again. Real life answer: it's like saying "negro", it was once the preferred term, and now sounds antiquated. It's not so much that the word itself is a slur, it's that when you say it, it makes people think you're an elderly hillbilly who has never met an asian IRL and probably is about to say a whole bunch of crazy shit without realizing how crazy it sounds. It's fun to say on 4chan but don't get caught using it IRL unless you want people to look at you funny

>> No.11748986

Guess i found the only one who's normal

>> No.11748996

more men are morbidly obese than women, but more women are overweight than men

>> No.11748997

I'm not overweight, but I'm not exactly "healthy", either. 6'3" (193cm) and ~185lbs (~70kg).

I was getting a more fit shape to me from working manual labour, but I was laid off and now I look like a cross between skinny-fat and dad bod. Arms are an okay size, same with legs, but I've got a bit of a gut forming (nothing major yet, and most people would call it "healthy", but I know it's going to get out of control if I let it).

The thing is...I can't jog, or bike, or even go for a nice walk for over half the year (it's -30C tonight, whee). Besides doing pushups and stretches and shit at home, what can I do without joining a """gym""" or dropping ten grand on workout shit.

>> No.11749001

I am certainly not gay, the way I can tell is that the girl in your image, I would enjoy it if she would just lie there on her back like a dead fish, her knees pressed together and preferably shaking from fear, while I have my way with her as though she was a sex doll full of blood. That would be very pleasing to me and if she were to consent to that while not enjoying it in any obvious way, I would derive sexual gratification from the transaction.

Yes, I said transaction. I don't mean I'd tip her like a bathroom attendant, but any female who would consent to that obviously expects something in return such as financial stability or whatever other nonsense. Validation I guess. Whatever it is that drives the female brain.

>> No.11749021

Racism is privilege plus power.
Since Asians make up 59.66% of the global population, have a higher average IQ and more wealth than their European counterparts, outperforming them in academic achievement and median income in the US, it is impossible to be racist against Asians.

>> No.11749056

Asking a person who's a complete stranger if they're oriental isn't racist and IRL it's a perfectly fine conversation starter. Autist.

>> No.11749064

It looks like you replied to the wrong post. As I mentioned already, I'm the person who asked if they were oriental. Perhaps you'd like to redirect your hostility and defensiveness?

>> No.11749075

Over the internet it's fine, IRL it wouldn't be necessary because he'd have a rice picker hat and be holding chopsticks and have big buck teeth and squinty eyes

>> No.11749093

I'm the one you asked and there was no offense to be had.
Literally just a single shitposter ITT who said it was racist

>> No.11749097

And they're getting you very riled up too, so it looks like they won. Also, kill wh*tey ^_^

>> No.11749107

Even regular walking is cardio.

>> No.11749109

>walking is cardio.
Maybe if you weigh 450 pounds

>> No.11749122

>The entire asian community.
You don't speak for the entire asian community. I'm Chinese and no one cares about this word but thank you for being offended on my behalf baizuo

>> No.11749131

Maybe if your resting pulse rate 120 bpm then yeah, getting up off the toilet seat would be cardio

>> No.11749139

I have an obese coworker who gets winded just from eating. It's scary to hear him gasp for air in between bites.

>> No.11749171

I used to game with a guy as fat as that.
Nice guy, I like him but he got ostracised from the group because all you could hear in discord was him breathing. People initially thought he was falling asleep and snoring

>> No.11749222

what is dilating?

>> No.11749223

You only burn 30% more calories running vs walking not to mention the calories burned exercising vs just not eating so godamm much. For all useful purposes and considerations walking and running are essentially the same thing.

>> No.11749229
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It's real.

>> No.11749239

Running and walking 1 mile burns about the same energy. Running is just a bit quicker, obviously.

>> No.11749244

Because women have no self conrol when it comes to sweets and ice cream. They think They can stuff a bucket of ice cream in their face, just Because They skipped breakfast and barely ate dunner

>> No.11749254
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>> No.11749257

What happens if he runs into someone from the Times New Roman gang?

>> No.11749265

T. Reader of womens magazines

>> No.11749275

Oh wow a Jew pushing the Fat Acceptance agenda, who'da thought?
Nobody in the history of medicine has ever been diagnosed as "Unable to burn fat".
Eating healthy and lifting weights is the easiest way to lose weight without depleting muscle mass, in fact increasing it

>> No.11749277

They're probably also genetically predisposed to store more fat considering their body is built to grow humans inside it

>> No.11749284

Except for the fact this is factually true. The difference is about 6%.

Fuckin morons trying to call people out.

>> No.11749298

>genetically predisposed to store more fat
Where does the extra fat come from?
If they burn the calories they eat there is none left, what else is the body going to burn?

>> No.11749304

This is more or less true. Running is mainly for improving cardiovascular health, not for weightloss.

>> No.11749305

There's so much more than just missing that 6% of burned calories though. Getting your pulse rate up and sustaining it there for a period is how you get fit. There are hormonal changes involved that will burn a lot more calories once you get into running.
Walking is not cardio and it won't make you fit.

>> No.11749308

Jogging isn't running

You've never actually run, have you

>> No.11749337
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>I will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise

>> No.11749349

holy fuck how did I miss that.
these kind of people are teaching your kids

>> No.11749383
File: 247 KB, 1274x791, before and after GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man lowers food intake and continues doing whatever

>woman does useless exercise for half an hour and then "rewards" herself with a grande soy latte


>> No.11749402
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>mmmm these gummy bears are 99% fat free, I'll eat the whole bag

>> No.11749405

No man is going to lose 10 pounds in a week. Much easier to lose 2 pounds a week every week for a year by just not eating crap and burning more calories than you consume (but not starving yourself).

>> No.11749407
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>> No.11749565

Anyone who actually thinks this picture is an accurate representation of reality is fucking autistic.
t. Dating a trap for years now

>> No.11749574

Yeah. I like walking. It does count as calorie expenditure. Unless you're really out of shape, you need to throw in more intense activities to get your heart rate up for cardiovascular health. So it's not essentially the same in that sense.

>> No.11749591

Walking is a really good start for people who never exercise.

>> No.11749692

I dunno care to explain it? I assume some roastie thing?

>> No.11749734

Oriental isn't an insult,
But I would not want to be called as such, so I get anon perspective

>> No.11749755

Dilating is what trannies do after having their penis cut off, split in 4's and inverted and pushed up inside their body.
The body treats it as a open wound because it is, so for the rest of their lives they must dilate themselves with a dildo to stop their pseudo vagina from closing up. It can also gather clumps of hair deep inside that need to be picked out.
It's pretty gross.
Nothing wrong with these people just leaving the penis on.

>> No.11749852

Its a bit circular but my mom keeps a diet to feel good while exercising(biking and running) and she exercises to have a reason to keep the diet. The short of it is it worked for her. Down 30 pounds and has kept it off for the last 5 years.

As far as I can tell its about portion control, moderated rewards, reduced fat and sugars, and increased veggies. Also, she replaced soda with hot tea with honey. Also, choosing the right food for the right time of day has helped everyone. This is where that circular stuff comes in. Carbs before working out give you energy to work out. Sugars and fats and salts during a work out keep you from hitting the wall. Protein at the end of the day rebuilds the muscles you used. The balance keeps you from feeling shitty the next morning.

>> No.11750544

Women tend to do stupid things, like spend an hour in a gym mostly doing nothing then reward themselves with a large latte from some overpriced coffee chain. Don't forget the donut or two they had in the break room they don't account for.

>> No.11750557


>> No.11751113

Guys > Traps > Women > Trans

Okay cool so they dress nicely and don't have gay voices. That means they aren't absolute whores, right?

>> No.11751126

Ha! Gaaaaaaaay.

>> No.11751148

>Sugars and fats and salts during a work out
What, do you eat french fries while you're on the treadmill or something?

>> No.11751150

You know that traps aren't trans right? The presence of a penis is the whole point of a trap, without it there is nothing to get "trapped" by

>> No.11751156

funny thing, here in colombia starbucks is actually fancy food, the starbucks are only in the rich neighborhoods, pretty ironic i know

>> No.11751164

Im a guy and thats definitely not the case for me lol. I am a skinny fat 140lb male and i can diet all i want but I still have a chubby stomach. Even if i exercise a lot i can slim down a little bit but it isn't really worth it considering the amount of time I would need to spend in the gym to actually keep that fat off. Oh well.

>> No.11751167

Doing God's work

>> No.11751219

How short are you tf

>> No.11751377

Rolls don't count, lardass

>> No.11751401

2/10 for getting a (you)

>> No.11752897


>> No.11753159
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>> No.11754632

You shouldn't even be skinny fat. You must have no muscle at all

>> No.11755331

>Be woman
>Start going to the gym
>Get on the scales after months of hard work and dieting
>expecting a nice low number
>"What do you mean I gained 10 pounds! Hard work doesn't pay off at all!"
>Meanwhile she is much healthier, has more muscle mass and less fat

>> No.11755398

Im pretty stout. I just have a bit of stubborn fat on my stomach. Not like its noticable when i have clothes on or anything. Actually tho my scale might be broken because I weighed 160lbs last time i checked like 2 years ago.

>> No.11756679

An espresso is certainly more fancy than Starbucks you boomer
How out of touch do you have to be to think otherwise

>> No.11756687

Yes, women are usually less active and less disciplined than men so they just sit around and have cheat meals every other day

>> No.11756697

>see famous Reddit thing
>make troll post about it
Imagine being this gullible.

>> No.11756703

Maybe in whatever retard town you came from. Not so, in the part of the world that matters.

>> No.11756772

>Roasted in Brooklyn

Let me guess, $14 a cup