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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 769x769, Photo Jan 10, 15 54 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11747034 No.11747034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

...amid fears of violent, grilled cheese-eating motorcycle gangs terrorizing the town.

So what say you, /ck/? Which other comfort foods should be banned for the public good? Or do you say "Molon Labe" - they'll take your toasties from your cold, dead fingers?

>> No.11747039

Molon Labe - they'll take my toasties from my cold, dead fingers!

>> No.11747049
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>ban sandwiches
>do nothing about muslim invasion
sasuga, bongland

>> No.11747059

That's rasist

>> No.11747062

Oi mate got a loicence for this sammich?

>> No.11747066

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.11747070

Dude, WTF is happening in UK

>> No.11747165

>Residents feared sale of hot food from snack van would encourage antisocial behaviour and truancy

The UK is beyond saving.

>> No.11747265

Is the UK just some isolated social experiment being run?

>> No.11747279

instead of solving the problem (which in this case is a fucking hypothetical problem) they knee jerk to banning anything that might attract delinquents instead.

Its the most insane mentality, I can't even wrap my head around it. wtf is wrong with them.

>> No.11747345
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>> No.11747348

Veganism is taking over the world

>> No.11747359
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>> No.11747368

And banning the food of my people isn't?

>> No.11747374

Freedom is valuable

>> No.11747402

Don't worry, they'll open a kebab stand.

>> No.11747419

Can someone give me some context to this story? CBA reading article. I literally don't see the correlation between biker gangs and hot sandwiches.

>> No.11747432

A bunch of busybody bluehairs think selling hot food would attract delinquents.

>> No.11747461

This is what a dying civilization looks like.

>> No.11747520

>Councillors in Bristol say they had been contacted by members of the public who were worried that a proposed hot food van in Monk’s Park, in the north of the city, would attract troublemakers back to the area.

boomers ruin everything

>> No.11747537

This is no different than a number of counties in the US which are dry and you can be jailed for the possession of a single beer even when you're over 21.

>> No.11747569

I'm glad that the UK left the EU.

>> No.11747594
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Thankfully this is in the South of England. Can you imagine the outrage from Norf FC fans if this happened up north? Riots of the like not seen since Ngubu missed that penalty.

>> No.11747595
File: 74 KB, 540x960, Britain 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny island, tiny genepool.

>> No.11748180

Yeah food vans would attract troublemakers. Muslims raping you is okay though.

>> No.11748284

Now, this opens the door to covert, "speakeasy" style underground grilled cheese sandwich purveyors.
Yes, an underground, blackmarket in the beloved grilled cheese toastie.
Prices will go up.
Fines and imprisonment will result.
Lives will be ruined
"hey M8, wot happin' ta u"?
"got caught wif illegal toasties with intent to distribute, got me 10 years on dat one".

>> No.11748305

Jesus Christ, Favreau...

>> No.11748335

what the fuck happened to Britain

>> No.11748342

>No different
>A mind altering substance known to casue belligerence and impaired judgement
>Versus a fucking grilled cheese sandwich

Dry counties are dumb but you're a retard

>> No.11748344

However it can be used as an example to what we are up against here and why we need to stay frosty.

>> No.11748356

>So what say you, /ck/? Which other comfort foods should be banned for the public good? Or do you say "Molon Labe" - they'll take your toasties from your cold, dead fingers?
Why did I read this in Niles voice?

>> No.11748369

There's such a thing as vegan cheese toasties.

>> No.11748374

Oi you got a loicense for that comment mate?

>> No.11748385

Dry counties just forbid the sale of beer, wine, or spirits in certain environments, they can’t punish possession of the substance that’s retarded and illegal. For example, a dry county can forbid liquor stores from operating, sale of beer and wine in grocery stores, and restaurants from serving alcohol, but they can’t arrest you for buying alcohol from the town over. Also public drinking is illegal pretty much everywhere in the US, so what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.11748407
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>tfw you're not in a grilled cheese gang
It hurts bad bros

>> No.11748430

i wish i had some sliced bread right now i want a grilled cheese so bad

>> No.11748454

>to stop the formation of motorcycle gangs

>> No.11748470

The brit dies if it hasn't banned anything in a week

>> No.11748509

who the fuck would film something this pretentious i dont get it

why even make this

>> No.11748550

You're wrong. My 40 something yo neighbor had a 6 pack of beer and was stopped at a checkpoint crossing into a dry county and had to pay a $380 fine. The blotter report in the weekly county paper routinely lists arrests for possession of alcohol with the age of the perp being over 21. Stop jingoistically trying to justify a US repressive nanny state because you like to pretend it isn't enforced. Dry county means no alcohol permitted within the county lines, period.

>> No.11748568

It's the opening for a gay porno.

>> No.11748594

>things that never happened for 1000

>> No.11748598

>if the state forbids someone drinking a couple beers in his home it's ok, but when they forbid food sales occuring in public that have been demonstrated based on a mumber of citizens' testimony to increase the likelihood of endangering the public it's muh gombunism
You're right, it's not the same, the US is worse.

>> No.11748609
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>grilled cheese biker gangs

>> No.11748613

>based on a mumber of citizens' testimony
If that number is less than 1000 then I don't give half a fuck what a few boomers think about grilled cheese.

>> No.11748691

I never learned how, but surely someone can make toasties on motorcycles. How do you enforce this sort of thing? If it's a melt, does it still count?

>> No.11748708

He's probably a fag from Mississippi. They have laws that prohibit possession of beer. Not alcohol, but just beer. it's dumb.

>> No.11748714
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>> No.11748731
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good question

>> No.11748752

Are there any base rights that a citizen has in the UK? Is there any restrictions on its citizens of which laws cannot be passed? Being a subject to the crown must really suck.

>> No.11748758

This public menace must be stopped.
Just the other day I saw a pack of hooligans terrorizing a block with bikes with playing cards illegally installed in the spokes of the wheels to cause such a noise as to insight violence and caused mass terror.

>> No.11748759

That's not how dry counties work. You can't *buy* alcohol there, but *possession* of it by anyone over 21 is legal.

>> No.11748768

>Also public drinking is illegal pretty much everywhere in the US
The only exception I know of is Fremont Street and the Strip in Las Vegas.

>> No.11748774

I hate that shit too.

>> No.11748779

>making a grilled cheese is pretentious
What the fuck kind of messed up trailor park did you grow up in so that making a grilled cheese is pretentious?

>> No.11748781
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The absolute state of the British family.

>> No.11748795
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>> No.11748806

Nope, in my dry county it's posession of beer, wine or spirits which is illegal, not just the selling of it. And contrary to this >>11748594 fagfuck, it's true. I'll try to see if I can figure out how to pic the blotter in the county rag w/o doxing myself. Not tonight but I'll have it the next time some retard bootlicker claims it's not true.

>> No.11748813

>if the state forbids someone drinking a couple beers in his home it's ok.

That's not what a dry county is, retard.

>> No.11748830

blaming scapegoat
must be something fucked up about the cheese.
maybe low supply
maybe contamination

>> No.11748846
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Imagine being a lower class british family and having a daughter like that. You could easily have sexual relations with her and because you are already low status and it is assumed that you have no morals anyway, nobody would pass judgment. And your wife would probably just turn a blind eye because who can blame you for choosing the younger more attractive option?

>> No.11748895
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>also more pictures showing the plight of bongland

>> No.11748900

Wrong, grow up, you lost. You've never even been near a dry county, you're just pretending to be retarded for the lulz.

>> No.11748922

>It is even illegal to bring alcohol through a dry county in Mississippi while traveling across the country.[Miss. Code Ann. § 67-3-13]


>> No.11748948
File: 52 KB, 720x960, 1542589314462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link or it didnt happen faggot

>> No.11748954

so this is in the UK too?

>> No.11748999
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>> No.11749034

>2019 and still too stupid to google.
Shine my shoes nigger.


It's a local mississippi newspaper.

>> No.11749041
File: 888 KB, 1034x608, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you seen the movie Chef?

>> No.11749044
File: 1.51 MB, 673x2130, 1529730934895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally go through all the bureaucratic hoops and expenses of getting a sandwich license
>end up getting fined for the unlicensed wrapper instead
Land of hope and glory.

>> No.11749048

>council don't want a food truck in an area of nice town because it might invite noise and littering
>hurr guise fucking can you believe all of Britbong land is banning grilled cheese because stabbings huurr loisences

Embarrassing how gullible you all are to fake news

>> No.11749067

I know you shitpost on here because you need a license to watch TV, but can you calm it down some ahmed?

>> No.11749077


Yeah this story was fake too, he didn't get fined for the bags of food wrappers but the half-tonne of industrial waste he was likely going to illegally dump.

Again, gullible.

>> No.11749078
File: 1.02 MB, 595x1274, Britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another one.

>> No.11749079

Having locals laws against transportation of alcohol (which can't exist in an interstate capacity) is not equivalent to the banning of consumption of alcohol in one's own home. Please just the fuck up.

>> No.11749084
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>shit post

You got a loisence for that swearing mate?

>> No.11749116
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>Sep 9, 2013

anyway w/e if you say so

>> No.11749123

Mississippi doesn't count as America
I live in a county that is dry on Sundays, late night, and early morning and no one gives a fuck as long as you didn't sell. Your swamp cops are the retards there

>> No.11749133
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>implying all of them are fake

>> No.11749159
File: 18 KB, 944x120, Screenshot from 2019-01-13 00-23-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mississippi has come a long way in the last 5 years.
Dumb fuck.


>> No.11749204

>i can get alcohol into my own home without transporting it across county lines
Oh, you probably argue you have a superior IQ to isolated African tribes as well, lol!

>> No.11749209

>they have been banned from selling hot food, with the council granting a provisional licence to serve cold snacks only, along with tea and coffee, between the hours of 9am and 6pm.
that's retarded

>> No.11749242
File: 1.84 MB, 1352x2823, Britain 10 Pedophilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Britain. Everything about it is wrong. You're talking about a country where a social worker points out a child sex ring and gets forced into racial sensitivity training for calling the offenders asian because the government doesn't want to deal with the issue.

That whole island should be quarantined. It's clear their "culture" has become more of a mental disorder than a clear train of thought, and it would be dangerous for their mentality to infect other nations.

>> No.11749267

>autist feeding autistic offspring with a carb-loaded diet

>> No.11749270

Keep the alcohol in your trunk, retard. No warrantless searches and seizures.

>> No.11749377

>i've never been to the rural south where cops have blanket warrants for search and seizure
Your naivete is showing. But by all means, try exerting your constitutional rights if you get pulled over, kek. You'll be bruised and bloodied when they throw you into your cell designed for 2 people already occupied by Tyrone, Jamal and Darius.

>> No.11749449

This is why Appalachia is best south, deep South is fucking wild. Don't they do shit like just taking money from you and claiming it's drug money?

Inbreeding and vitamin d deficiency

>> No.11749609

No, Parliament is legally supreme, above even the monarch, and certainly above the "citizens". Parliament can pass any law and restrict any rights.

>> No.11749622

>No warrantless searches and seizures.
lmao oh anon

>> No.11749646

Actually, it's an abandoned sociopolitical experiment. I wish I was making this up.

>> No.11749650

I think the UK has crossed some kind of threshold where "The Law" has transcended the role of enforceable guidelines on behavior to the basis of all behavior and even morality itself. That is to say, if something is a social ill, or even the cause of a social ill, it will be solved by making it illegal. It will now cease because The Law has deemed it so.

It's even more evident in self defense. I think the average Brit would prefer to die at the hands of a criminal, knowing that The Law will seek justice on their behalf (unless the murderer is underprivileged, misunderstood, misguided, etc.) than defend themselves by a means or method deemed illegal by The Law. It is their social responsibility to uphold the ban on weapons, even if said weapons are being used on them. "I may die, but I will die a law abiding citizen!"

>> No.11749654

do you suppose they think the US will bail them out again or are they all in for the duration?

>> No.11749657

Enjoy getting fucked in the ass by my lawyer Cletus. Then again, you'd never find me going below the Mason-Dixon line.

>> No.11749661

If you call them "cheese toasties", you don't deserve them anyways

>> No.11749664

4chang is usa website
go away

>> No.11749670

First it's cards in bike spokes, next thing you know you have marauding gangs of POG players.

>> No.11749671

I used to be cop in the Chicago area and if I really wanted to, I could find a way to arrest you. If not legally then by the power of the pen.

>> No.11749691

Chicago PD shitposts on /int/? No wonder we're on the verge of collapse

>> No.11749739

I have no idea. I wish them luck. The US has its own problems now.

>> No.11749763


>> No.11749808
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Because the muslims (AKA Asians) can't just file them sharp again

>> No.11749860

>Thank you. And we're very sorry to hear that.
Bahahaha for fuck's sake man

>> No.11750264

You can possess alcohol in a dry county, you can transport it into the county, too. It's selling alcohol being illegal that makes a county dry you dumb fuck, not possessing it.

Baltimore Maryland recently had a case where the cops rode around with weed to plant on people they pulled over to extort bribes or boost their arrest rates. They also carried airsoft guns to plant on people so if they shot them they could say the person was armed.

>> No.11750273

>You can possess alcohol in a dry county
Read the fucking thread retard. Some dry county's have laws that prohibit possession.

>> No.11750278

As cheese toasties are absolutely haram, I support this

>> No.11750288


They've banned em because the staple cheese toastie is a cheese and ham toastie, and ham is obviously haram.

>> No.11750314

Lemme put this out there Bristol, In the US we make Cheese Toasties, with BACON inside them.

If you know what that is

>> No.11750329

>being this fancy-boy about grilled cheese and not grilling both sides of the bread
Seriously, if you want to spend 7 minutes on a grilled cheese sandwich rather than 5 minutes, this is the improvement to make

>> No.11750346

I mean they're not lying; they did find a number of items.

>> No.11750393

Ewww and Brits also hardly shower it's fucking nasty

>> No.11750460


The relevant statutes would be more appropriate than a police blotter.

>> No.11750489


I mean, my question would be why would you want to arrest someone? Is it from a place of legitimate public concern or what?

>> No.11750497

im surprised they haven't banned 4chan in bongland yet

>> No.11750505
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>> No.11750510

>user name

>> No.11750525

You're surprised it's a namefag?

>> No.11750601

You can posses and consume in dry counties you just can't purchase.

>> No.11750606

Wrong, faggolio

>> No.11750639

thats what i can eat, a grilled cheese. get a gallon of milk, goes bad every time.

>> No.11750645

ok i'm happy again.

>> No.11750662

Depends on the county.

>> No.11750710
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Just how is this going to go? Will you eventually be arrested for having cheese, bread and butter in your house at the same time? Will the NCA be pulling stings on large-scale toastie labs and hunting down criminal grilled cheese organizations? Fucking hell, I'm laughing.

>> No.11751032

>fined for possession of a thing he needs for work
>but allowed to keep it, because he needs it for work
In what way is this not just the government stealing that guy's money at this point

>> No.11751036

How big of a manchild do you gotta be to call a grilled cheese a "toastie"

>> No.11751053


So it's not the ban of grilled cheese just a food truck selling them.

>> No.11751059

No, because if the food truck was selling "cold food" that would apparently be okay.

>> No.11751078

The war on cheese sandwhiches is nigh

>> No.11751153

Simon from YOGS won't like that lads......

>> No.11751157

Honestly it sounds like a meme but I think we're literally descending into something like a police state. You talk to people on a daily basis here who have no qualms about any of this stuff, just think it's somehow "necessary".

This country is a sinking ship, everyone feels it. I'm fucking out of here as soon as I can manage it

>> No.11751163

Now that's a blast from the past.

>> No.11751170
File: 221 KB, 960x643, 1546944579554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another war. Sure, I'd did within literally the first few days, but I think it would be worth it.

>> No.11751186

Just made some grilled cheese with flour tortillas and American cheese, just fried them in a lot of butter and it filled my craving for sure

>> No.11751226


>> No.11751229

What's wrong with a food truck?

>> No.11751261

That's fucking depressing. And it seems like far to many decisions are left up to various bureaucrats and appointed judges. Anarcho-tyranny should become a more often used phrase in criticizing british government. It fits so depressingly well.

>> No.11751291
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No one needs American-style Assault Pancakes in the UK, a crumpet is perfectly sufficient.

>> No.11751303

i'll just two pizzas fuck her madge and the parliament

>> No.11751354

why do the british speak like homosexual 3 year olds? Toastie woastie chipsy wipsy bloody bloke pip pip and cheerio

>> No.11751405

the sad thing is that except for the skank daughter they all look decently respectable
must be fucking soul-crushing to have an embarassment of a child like that

>> No.11751415

Is dad checking out that ass?

>> No.11751425
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>> No.11751463
File: 64 KB, 640x425, disgusted-face-640x425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucker looks like he was dressed by Charles Tyrwhitt. Why do bongs have such awful taste in clothes? Like how hard would it has been to just not stitch on that extra pocket flap, wear a solid tie in a normal fucking human color, make the collar out of the same fabric as the rest of the overcoat. "oh but it's tradition", your tradition is shit and needs to die, just like your ''''''''culture'''''''

The whole island would be a better place if the UN just turned it into a giant refugee camp for people from other places

>> No.11751466

Yup ;_;
They're still going but it's not the same as it used to be

>> No.11751626

It does read nicely in niles' voice

>> No.11751821

That's essentially what manufacturers did, instead of having one 800 kcal pizza be one serving, they just changed the portion size and put 2 servings in one pizza.

>> No.11751838

That one's fake, it's the wrong paper grade and there's no signature. Still, this is likely going to be reality soon

>> No.11752213

You sound like you fuck dogs.

>> No.11752233


>> No.11752263

This isn't real, but it should be

>> No.11752306

I'm just shocked people still steal car radios. How retro.

>> No.11752335

I find the same thing to be true of americans
>eating "treats"
t. eslfag

>> No.11752354

Treat makes sense though
And that word is usually only used for kids

>> No.11752360

>arcane build

>> No.11752484

The point is that he's spending a bunch of time meticulously making the sandwich in order to avoid interacting with his son. Watch the movie

>> No.11752650


>> No.11752686
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Great analysis, nigel

>> No.11753297

You already are a police state m8

>> No.11753399
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how lucrative is the spicy food black market in the uk?

>> No.11753445

dont do meth

>> No.11753549

Parliamentary sovereinty does not supercede the monarch, bills still require royal assent and FOI act requests have revealed that the Queen sometimes meddles with the passage of laws in secret

>> No.11753566
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> What are you rebelling against?
> What have you got?
> I have cheese toasties
> Fugg yurrrr

>> No.11753713

I take it you've never seen people dig at each with screwdrivers? Pull out fingernails with pliers? Slice people with scissors? I've seen this shit in schools, in bars, in pubs, in nightclubs, in the street. The British propensity for hacking at their other man is beyond belief.

>> No.11753762

Literally anything is a weapon, so stealing people's radios and tools is just retarded. Until you strip all of Britannia down to a padded floor and put everyone in straight jackets with padded helmets, they will never run out of improvised weapons to kill each other with..

>> No.11753849
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>we found this dangerous assault car stereo during a sweep
Kill Britain.

>> No.11754018


>> No.11754544

You made a quesadilla?

>> No.11754616

Better take the hands of man then, because Ive seen some shit of what bare hands can do to the human body.

>> No.11754653
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>grilled cheese-eating motorcycle gangs

>> No.11756414

Most of urban New Orleans as well. You can go into a bar and ask for a mixed drink to go; they give you a disposable plastic cup.

>> No.11756425

dude could've prevented this.