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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 510 KB, 1936x976, canned food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11742015 No.11742015 [Reply] [Original]

All of these cans are several YEARS old and way past the expiration date. Among this bunch, is there anything that is still good and safe to consume or should I throw it all out?

I am going to do my own research, but I figure it wouldn't hurt to start asking here.

>> No.11742018

expiration dates were invented by the jews to dupe the white man into throwing away perfectly good food. all of that food pictured is perfectly safe to consume.

>> No.11742023

Should all be safe, but none of that shit is good. Bin it all

>> No.11742029

you can mostly ignore dates on canned food, you'll be able to tell if it's ok or not by the smell when you open it. I wouldn't trust the clams though.

>> No.11742097
File: 35 KB, 500x445, botulism-symptoms-500x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the US of SC, food has expiration dates for one reason and one reason only, to sell more. But you say
>anon I'm not gonna buy more
You may not. But stores will not keep food on the shelf that has gone past expiration date because it hurts their reputation/brand and also because they can't sell it. So they order more (more sales).

Distributors have the same problem, no one wants to receive products that are out of date so they have to toss what they have and order more.

The manufacturer is making all the money, he sells it to the distributors and stores directly at times he has absolutely no inventory and makes on as needed/per order basis.

Look at MRE Steve, he eats canned food that is out of date all the time, want to know what's safe to eat? Watch his videos and learn. Most generally it is safe to eat, most generally if it is bulging toss, if it smells funny, toss, if it looks different from what it is supposed to, toss, if it bubbles, toss, when in doubt, toss. Botulism is absolutely no joke my friend

>> No.11742131

Honestly looking at this makes me want to combine ALL the soups, all the crab, and the tomato paste into a huge vat with plenty of black pepper for some god tier clam chowder to last the season

>> No.11743217

As long as the can is not damaged or deformed in any way, and you don't hear a hiss when you open it, it's usually fine. Be careful of the high acid foods like tomatoes, though. You should check the can for internal rusting or you might want to just skip those ones altogether.

>> No.11743236

That looks like around $20 worth of food. Just toss it.

>> No.11743243

*give it to some homeless guy

>> No.11743246

steve has gotten botulism 3 times

>> No.11743428

Donate it to the poor and hope one has botulism

>> No.11743465

Worst case scenario is some mild 4 channel might come out of your butt.
Eat it OP

>> No.11743468

They won't. The sanitation process in manufacturing is far more intense than you generally find in home cooking. That's why canned food is such mush. It has been sealed in the can and left in a retort for well beyond the requirement to obliterate the bacteria responsible for botulism.

>> No.11743471

This, but without the tranny pretending to be a /pol/tard to make the right look bad

>> No.11743478
File: 146 KB, 446x299, molto mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless a can is bulging, it's fine. Color might be off and flavor might be a touch bland, but bacteria-wise, it's A-OK.

Google up 'us army expiration dates study.' They wanted to check efficacies of medicines past expiry date. All except for a few things (hormones like insulin and some refrigerated things) kept 99.Xpct of their potency looooong past the shelf date.

Expiration dates are advertising. Fuck those guys.

Molto Mario is not related. Or any good, really.