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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11738033 No.11738033 [Reply] [Original]

Why are food critics so gratuitously pretentious? They’re just consumerists like the rest of us. Food isn’t some esoteric concept. Anyone can eat a nice steak and tell us what they thought of it. So why do they have to be so snobbish It’s not like they’re reviewing actual art, things that take knowledge and expertise to review, like literature or paintings?

>> No.11738039

Troll score 2/10
It's not babby's first troll, but you laid it on far too thick. Don't you have better things to do with your time?

>> No.11738042

because they are faggots. ever see a faggot who wasn't a pretentious fuck head?

>> No.11738046

>implying debatable statements in a question
Why does all /ck/ bait thread do this?

>> No.11738053

Because it's the next thing for newbie trolls beyond "do Americans really X" This is like watching a toddler take his first steps.

>> No.11738054

also bear in mind that bourdain was a kiddy diddler.

>> No.11738058

Bourdain despised any form of pretentiousness when it came to food, tho

>> No.11738061

Troll score 3/10
Slightly more subtle than OP, but still overdone and it fails even the most basic bullshit sniff test.

You newfags gotta stop making shit so obvious.

>> No.11738062

You haven't actually watched any of his shows, have you? He never reviewed anything like a normal "critic" would, instead he was all about the cultural aspects of food and how food can unite people.
You think he went to the far corners of the world to review a fucking stew that some grandmother made? It was all about shedding light on different cultures and their food to unify or demystify people.

>> No.11738063

You have him confused with Trump

>> No.11738065

this. his show was really fucking great

>> No.11738074

NAMBLA IDF, pls go

>> No.11738079

>how food can unite people.
except white people
white people bad

>> No.11738093

that was some shit someone else said what he himself said was totally inoffensive, you're getting triggered over nothing.

Infact his episode about Copenhagan and Noma is one of the best, and it's the only time i've seen Rene Redzepi seem sympathetic.

>> No.11738095

>doubling down on dumb

>> No.11738100

Kek, you haven't watched his shows either. He had a lot of episodes where he went down south and to other American cities and ate with white people and talked about their culture.
https://www.travelchannel.com/shows/anthony-bourdain/episodes/cajun-country for example

"The stereotypes about West Virginia, it turns out, are just as cruel, ignorant, misguided, patronizing, and evil as any other. [...] Their identities, their aspirations, and their situation are far more complex than one can imagine, and their needs are more immediate."
- a quote directly from him about white people in WV

>> No.11738102

I don't get triggered at self loathing white people. I laugh at their mental illnesses and celebrate their deaths.

>> No.11738108

He also sucks the dick of pretty much every European country he's in.

>> No.11738129

He had a very selfless attitude that came across as cucky, I'll admit. But he was still proud of his own identity and French heritage from his books I've read.

>> No.11738171

He liked Waffle House you retard. He also turned down fancy restaurants who offered to close down a room and exclusively serve him for free when they found out he was in the area because he preferred eating the same random cheap food his road crew did off camera.

>> No.11738184

>i'll disregard all the posts in the thread illustrating where he admired and valued white foods and people because he also occasionally criticised actions of white governments oppressing other races and cultures
This is your mind on /pol/

>> No.11738276

>all these Bourdain apologists

We Reddit now

>> No.11738281

>"We Reddit now"

>> No.11738297

We're not apologizing for him, we're pointing out you're a retard for calling one of the least pretentious food critics there's been pretentious.

>> No.11738325

Bourdain was an edgelord faggot who fondled little boys, go fuck yourself.

>> No.11738333

Are you off your schizoprenia meds, anon?

>> No.11738364


I’m not some offspring of incestuous Jewish parents, fellow 4channeler.

>> No.11738375

Clearly off his meds.

>> No.11738384

>Bringing up jews apropos of nothing
Psychiatric history confirmed. Sorry you aren't allowed to purchase firearms or have your family take anything you say seriously anymore, that must be frustrating.

>> No.11738544

Get help, my man. And stop watching Infowars/Prager U.

>> No.11738785

I guess we now live in a world where people defend liberal pederasts.
Fucking wow.

>> No.11738828

It's almost like your mentally ill beliefs are something distinct from reality and he didn't actually molest children.

>> No.11738829

Pederasty is the only true path to manhood.

>> No.11738894

Why do conservahicks feel the need to constantly lie? Is it because their facade of "both sides r same" would crumble if they didn't?

>> No.11738919

Quit being a bigot and let gay men adopt little boys, you racist!

>> No.11738932

This is why Guy Fieri >>>> Bourdain

also can we all agree the only reason why he killed himself is because he found out his gf was a paedo?

>> No.11738934

The reason he killed himself was because all those ostensibly clandestine trips to Thailand to smash all that boipucci was going to surface and forever tarnish his career.

>> No.11738953

I'm a suicide critic and I give his suicide 1 star. Pretty bland and unoriginal all around, from the marinade on his liver and the Xanax rub over a breakup.

>> No.11739029

Imagine hating orange man bad so much that you begin espousing homosexual pedophilia.

>> No.11739186

>It’s not like they’re reviewing .. things that take knowledge and expertise to review

>t. Anon "Dumbass" Dunning-Kruger

>> No.11739353
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>> No.11739369

I like Trump. I just have no idea where you're getting this Bourdain pedo thing from. Maybe provide some actual information and people here will stop responding to you like you're mentally ill.

>> No.11739409

>Imagine hating Bourdain so much you begin espousing orange homosexual pedophilia


>> No.11739445

>also can we all agree the only reason why he killed himself is because he found out his gf was a paedo?
>Look up Anthony Bourdain's girlfriend
>Sexual assault allegation against Argento
>On 19 August 2018, The New York Times published allegations that Argento sexually assaulted actor Jimmy Bennett, then 17, in a California hotel suite in 2013
THAT is what you retards are whining about? His gf (not even Bourdain, just his gf) felt up a guy a year before he was a legal adult? That explains all the vague schizo posts. You were keeping it vague and detail-free on purpose to make it sound like he was a pedo instead of just a guy whose gf once hooked up with a 17 year old. What a bunch of dishonest pussies you are.

>> No.11739477

i took the food pill a long time ago due to fitness and stopped caring about taste and variety, it is simply sustenance to me at this point, what i shovel or guzzle down is all the same to me , every meal does not have to be something special and if you think so you are a kike puppet getting your money and time jewed.

Enjoy the occasional good meal but don't go making a fucking lifestyle of it

>> No.11739500

I can see why /ck/ is the board you chose when you don't give a shit about food. Do you also go to the /titty/ board to talk about how much you hate pussy?

>> No.11739508

She pulled some weird grooming shit on an underage kid. If you think it was simply "they fucked," you clearly don't know the half of it

>> No.11739517

just because i don't give two craps about food and foodie culture in my day to day life, doesn't mean i don't like different foods, the occasional special meal and cooking.

it is just people who watch way too much jewtube and get involved in some silly lifestyle that is not realistic, that annoys me

>> No.11739521

A 17 year old? And it wasn't even Anthony, just his gf?

>> No.11739528

>just because I don't give a shit about food doesn't mean I don't give a shit about food
Alright my guy. Kill yourself.

>> No.11739546

based bourdain triggering /pol/tards again

>> No.11739575

>What a bunch of dishonest pussies you are
Welcome to /polck/. How new are you?

>> No.11739587

Yes. Their only option is flooding disinformation and l'orange is their model for it.

>> No.11739608
File: 123 KB, 400x243, banshee-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see a thread that combined both Townsend and Bourdain into a central theme so a fairly large percentage of /pol/tards would suffer aneurysms and have their panties so ruffled they'd need to see a medfag to have them extracted from their gaping anal cavity.

>> No.11739617


What was the "controversial" video that set them off? I remember seeing them whine about it, but could never find the offending video.

>> No.11739648

>Alright my guy. Kill yourself.
every board here is the same

>> No.11739676

Not new, which is why I knew to look up the actual information instead of going off the bullshit claimed in this thread. Just disappointed any time someone feels the need to dishonestly hide the details of what they're talking about to try to give off the illusion of something much worse than what went down in reality. Like because the guy had some liberal views that means it's OK to knowingly take a case involving his girlfriend (not himself) and a 17 year old (i.e. as close as you can get to an unequivocal adult as possible) and trying to pass it off as "Bourdain's a child molester." I bet what ran throught their heads was "liberals smear conservatives like this all the time so I'm only playing by their rules by doing the same to them!" Which is such a retardedly childish attitude to have. I didn't agree with Bourdain's politics and I'm right wing on most issues, but this kind of sneaky dishonest smear manufacturing is idiotic and only serves to make everyone side against you after they inevitably check and see you were lying.

>> No.11739687

>replying to samefagging

>> No.11739690

Look at how defensive you are. You probably touch kids just like Anthony bourdain did.

>> No.11739702

You're proving his point, m8

>> No.11739719

I'm gay btw idk if it matters

>> No.11739721

>If you don't accept my baseless claim he's a pedophile then you're a pedophile
Very persuasive argument.

>> No.11739760

How do you still align with these right-wing faggots when you see their tactics used against you, who seem somewhat reasonable?

>> No.11739781

If you form all of your political opinions based on conversations with anonymous people on the internet, you’re a fucking retard. You can’t tell who is trolling who or being sincere or whatever.

>> No.11739814

Bourdain was the ultimate rootless sophisticate, the transnational urbanite living a life of glitzy smarm, hollow virtue signaling, and anti-white contempt. All of the happy slobs he derided are alive and well, those “lesser” Food Network show hosts content to sample Ruralite Cuisine in the backwaters of White America rather than on the other side of the planet. Bourdain’s telescopic gastronomy was a crisscross of Third Worldist metapolitics. I'm surprised he didn't kill himself sooner

>> No.11740024

>How do you still align with these right-wing faggots when you see their tactics used against you, who seem somewhat reasonable?
Just because they're retarded doesn't mean it's retarded to want to preserve your right to purchase and own firearms. Or that it's retarded to be opposed to plans where I lose more money to taxes that will go towards paying for everyone to get a university degree, devaluing my own degree and everyone else's into the new high school diploma (when everyone has the same credential nobody has it). Or that it's retarded to want to crack down on H1B abuses like what happened with the entire American IT department at Disney who were forced to train H1B visa workers from India to take over their jobs or else they wouldn't receive what little severance benefits they were entitled to after getting laid off (keeping in mind the entire point of the H1B visa was supposed to be to allow companies a way to fast track super-genius immigrants who are needed to fill a highly skilled job no domestic applicants are capable of filling; it's clearly not being used as intended when they needed these hundreds of American workers to train their replacements on how to do the job in the first place, and there was a clear non-skill motivation behind the move in that they could pay these H1B workers far less than they were paying their American citizen predecessors).
I could keep going but I hope you get my point. These policies are completely independent of the idiots who make stupid and dishonest smear attacks to try to "own liberals." I would prefer these people didn't exist, but I'm not going to let them influence me into adopting a bunch of backwards globalist agendas to screw everyone out of prosperity and fair business practices. That'd ironically be a lot like how they allowed themselves to be influenced into becoming dishonest weasels in retaliation for finding out how much the leftists they hate are dishonest weasels.

>> No.11740123

The only thing you got right was "anti-white contempt." Which isn't really an exceptional thing. If you were a little older you'd probably realize that at least used to be a near universal sentiment we were brainwashed with. It's less clear that was the case from today's point of view because everyone has the internet and sites like 4chan or even just twitter where media and public education propaganda memes can actually be ridiculed and deflated publicly and in real time. Before having that internet checking factor what you got was a way more uniform set of basic concepts you tended to either not question or else would only take jabs at with drinking buddies in a "fuck the system" kind of way while still mostly accepting that worldview as the standard and your own disagreement with it as rebellion, unlike now where people not only disagree with the propaganda but are comfortable in their knowledge it's empty and wrong and not the way the world really works.
So yeah, he definitely said shit about the future being all racemixed brown people, but most everyone else in gen x had a similar sense of reality. Go watch Bulworth if you get the chance, the main character literally says "everybody just gotta
keep fuckin' everybody 'till they're all the same color." And nobody at the time thought it was jew propaganda. That was just a banal thing you heard all the time (moving past racism and everyone being the same), a lot like "we need to save the environment and recycle" or "just say no."
As for everything else you didn't get right, Bourdain loved cheap domestic (American) food. He did a segment on Waffle House and he also made a big deal about his favorite hot dog stand from where he grew up in New Jersey. And his crew from his TV show mentioned how much he didn't like traveling around; his favorite thing to do was just eating regular food with a couple crew members at their mom's house, not going to some fancy restaurant for thousand dollar gourmet dishes.

>> No.11740156

Paying one of your kid's friends $380,000 to keep quiet about molesting them while underage in the state of California while making making money off your Harvey Weinstein rape accusations from the media isn't vague and detail-free you absolute fucking retard.

and PS no one accused Bourdain of anything besides his sociopath gf who likely drove him suicide

>> No.11740162

What’s actual art

>> No.11740208

>underage in the state of California (translation = 17 years old)
Unless he had Lou Gehrig's Disease he wasn't fucking molested you stupid weasel. I have never seen a male 17 year old who wouldn't be able to easily overpower the vast majority of non-steroid abusing women on the planet. Professional women's hockey and basketball teams lose every time when they try playing against high school boys teams and trannies wreck real women whenever they're allowed to compete, the power gap for sex is about as extreme as the pound for pound power gap between men and chimpanzees. The only time people pretend otherwise is when they want to autistically treat women as equal to men and just as capable of being sex offenders, which again nobody really believes when pressed on it.

>> No.11740258

>assumed you were somewhat reasonable
>buttblasted paranoid, misanthropic angry white dude
Oops, my mistake, carry on, lol!

>> No.11740279

you're violently autistic and i don't know why i bother responding but she (and her boyfriend) have a lot of money and connections in the entertainment industry that could've furthered his career and she easily could've taken advantage of him just like weinstein did to many of his victims. there is more to abuse of power than just brute physical strength

>> No.11740358

Not likely. He probably knew what he was doing. Guys start craving sex at like 12.

>> No.11740451

How is that paranoid? The H1B visa is meant for filling positions with foreign talent that you're unable to fill with domestic applicants. Don't believe me? Here you go:
>The US H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ graduate level workers in specialty occupations that require theoretical or technical expertise in specialized fields such as in IT, finance, accounting, architecture, engineering, mathematics, science, medicine, etc.
>These undertakings are:
>To pay the H-1B worker at least the higher of the wage paid to similar workers in the same company or the "prevailing wage" (usually determined by the relevant State Employment Services Agency) for the occupation in the area the worker will be employed;
>That the recruitment of the H-1B worker(s) will not adversely affect the conditions of the employer's US-resident employees in similar jobs;
Got it? Now watch this youtube video (inb4 "let's make fun of the sad music because I'm an edgy autist with no soul"):
Don't believe him? Here you go:
It's not some make believe problem meant to trick white people into voting for Republicans. If you're OK with the continuing erosion of job security for the sake of cheap disposable labor options for a handful of ultra-wealthy corporate executives then great, continue holding the opinion you hold. But I would guess you aren't a multi-billion dollar business executive though and don't want your kid moving back in with you because his boss realized he could use cheaper Indian labor.

>> No.11740512

>could've taken advantage of him just like weinstein did to many of his victims
Actresses had sex with Weinstein because, like everyone who didn't have their head in the sand for the past fifty years already knew, women trade sex for chances at Hollywood stardom. I can't believe you fell for this "woe is me, I was taken advantage of by the mean old producer who forced me to have sex with him in exchange for my NEED to become a famous movie star" #metoo attention seeking hysteria.

>> No.11740846

Lol watch a Romania episode... he pretty much says "this place is fucking awful"

>> No.11741084


>> No.11741093

Boursain was a piece of shit kid touched and I'm glad he's dead.

>> No.11741133
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>Why are food critics so gratuitously pretentious?
Why are you?
The word 'gratuitously' is redundant in that sentence. You just use it because you think it makes you sound smart.
You're also presenting this garbage idea as if it's insightful.

>> No.11742609

Being able to construct your opinions is a skill and not something everyone is equal at. Being able to notice subtle notes in food is not something everyone can do. Professional chefs can often tell you every ingredient in a food item by tasting, while the majority of the population can't.

>> No.11742767

You're feeding the trolls m8.
I get this is /ck/ but you dont have to serve up fine cuisine for brainlets.

>> No.11744372
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It's not redundant, you utter charlatan. Food critics' pretentiousness is unwarranted because they're absolute frauds.