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File: 1000 KB, 1402x2000, jillian-michaels-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11733877 No.11733877 [Reply] [Original]

How will they ever recover?


>> No.11733883

I don't get it, if someone follows a diet and receives legitimate results, why one earth does it matter what anyone else says about it?

>> No.11733891

>cultures around the world living to their 100s on a diet including rice, grains, and fruit

enjoy your atkins death again

>> No.11733892

OP is a sheepe.

>> No.11733901

Because people with empty lives need something to be outraged about to make them feel as though they're a part of something.

>> No.11733904

literally JOO

>> No.11733912

>mother of two
She clearly knows more than you you imbecile, you fucking moron

>> No.11733936

Bashing vegans is to mainstream maaaaaan

>> No.11733943

>not optimising/editing your ideal diet from an existing one

>> No.11733951

Those pants are so hideous I lost the desire to see her bony feet.

>> No.11734021
File: 126 KB, 896x942, Diets and Nutrients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keto actually has really neat benefits.

>> No.11734077

dunno why you're @ing me

>> No.11734088

I guess diabetic keto acidosis is a benefit for antinatalists

>> No.11734103

That response makes claims to knowledge, when really there are way more factors that are rarely mentioned.

pH is a product of *hydrogen*, minerals, etc., of which that image is obviously referencing.

>> No.11734118

What the fuck is a macro molecule?

>> No.11734158

Your dick

>> No.11734216

Keto is so great, that's why everyone on it as a long-term diet looks like they hate themselves.

>> No.11734247

All diets are dumbfuck fads that last about 5 or 10 years until they go out of fashion and another dumbfuck fad diet replaces them. Want to know the perfect diet? Eat whatever you like while using common sense and moderation. You're welcome.

>> No.11734254
File: 43 KB, 211x194, vegan keto expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t understand
>All fat and animal protein

Yeah keto is obviously nothing but buttered meat.

>> No.11734269

it's like a regular molecule but bigger

>> No.11734272

This. Find something that'll make you lose weight, even if just a little every week, plus is easy to stick to in the long run.

>> No.11734293

That image is a blanket reference to nothing. Screencapping your own 4chan post as scientific fact is stupid. I mean sure it’s good for epilepsy and if you’re too stubborn to eat some broccoli but there’s not much to it on its own

>> No.11734326
File: 1 KB, 159x107, Summary of Those Arguments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11734340
File: 45 KB, 632x472, 67D8F6CD-66E1-4CF9-A1BE-C8BB26F1782D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11734341

It makes sense to say high amounted of refined carbs are bad. I think people were mostly eating whole grains before industrialization? But it's silly to eat large amounts of refined sugar and flour, then cut it out of your diet and lose weight, and act like fruit is part of the problem. Nobody got fat from fruit.

>> No.11734345

>Eat whatever you like while using common sense and moderation.
The problem is that this doesn't get the majority of people excited by giving them some enemy to focus on. That's why all the popular fad diets demonize something.

>> No.11734350

>muh moderation

Literally means nothing. Stupid people who don’t know shit about fuck say worthless meaningless cuck shit like this. It just signifies you don’t know what’s healthy or not or in what amounts because you’re a stupid fuck. No better clear indicator of a pseudointellectual shithead than this

>> No.11734365

Right. The short term benefits (weight loss) people get from these restrictive are precisely because they're so restrictive.

>> No.11734372

found the fat fuck

>> No.11734394

That and the religious fervour. The close attention you have to pay to ingredients turns eating into a ritual and keto into your religion. That works really well on most people.

Keto is a cult ... and there is nothing really wrong with that. Anything better than being an obese fuck.

>> No.11734409

>Spreading your legs, recieving a spunk deposit, eating like a hog for 9 months, and finally popping out crotchfruit means that you're more knowledgeable about nutrition

>> No.11734411

What is wrong is acting like you've discovered a miracle cureall and proselytizing to stupid people.

>> No.11734447

triggered and didn't even answer the question.

>> No.11735253

it was sarcastic you boob jesus

>> No.11735311

Ketoacidosis only happens to type 1 diabetics or those who have extremely marginal regulation of insulin coupled with very low insulin levels. Ironically, a ketogenic diet actually reduces the risk of ketoacidosis in these individuals as the body will actually burn the ketones instead of letting them build up uselessly in the bloodstream. Unless you're type 1 diabetic or have a unicorn-rarity endocrine disorder, ketoacidosis is merely one of those boogeyman terms thrown about on the internet by shitposters who like to pretend they graduated high school.

>> No.11735318

Thsts not how you spell vegan anon

>> No.11735329

>Nobody got fat from fruit.
What do you think bears eat in order to fatten up before winter?

>> No.11735368

Isnt she selling a competing diet?
>google google google
Why yes, yes she is.
It would be more surprising if she *didnt* slam her most successful competition. Especially since keto actually works, and doesnt cause class action lawsuits.

>> No.11735385



>> No.11735404

Fat fucks in general need to learn to eat a balanced diet over whatever the new fad eating habit is.
Blows my mind that people cannot eat 3 well-rounded meals in a day and instead rely on assblasting their bodies with weird nutrition strategies to compensate for their sheer lack of willpower.

>> No.11735427
File: 2.86 MB, 2380x1780, sacred-bear-4bc79594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only a few rivers with that quantity of fish at the right time of year that jump into the air so a bear can catch them. If you are one of the 99.9% of bears that don't live near one of those rivers, the answer is fruit.

>> No.11735433

>doesnt know that a keto diet is inherently well rounded
Name one (1) essential carbohydrate that cannot be consumed in sufficient quantity within the 20g/day limit on a ketogenic diet.

>> No.11735453

Point is, with self-control I can eat whatever I want without having to obey weird rules, like
>20g/day limit

>> No.11735483


But Rogan told me to do Keto. Which celebrity should I follow for diet/medical advice?

>> No.11735509

Only fat fucks say “in moderation xD” as an excuse why they shovel down oreos everyday

>> No.11735515
File: 227 KB, 446x600, thisismyshockedface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moves goalposts furiously

>> No.11735524

>OP thinks his celeb opinion matters.
Go do something useful with your life, faggot.

>> No.11735583
File: 43 KB, 400x350, 1526547982651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP in a nutshell

>> No.11735623

lol sure whatever Ketofag.
Have fun with your eating Protocol of the Month

>> No.11735632

Better looking than you fatty.

>> No.11735637

she probs gets paid to endorse a few high-carb products, lol

>> No.11735644

Gladly. It got rid of my migraines. Counting to 20 each day is a small price to pay for that.

>> No.11735665

if you have a pancreas and working beta cells then you'll avoid ketoacidosis.

>> No.11735678

You can still eat fast food and lose weight, but I think keto is good for people who have diabetes already. It can help them reverse it. The normal person just needs to be more active but they shouldn't have to restrict too hard, just lower sugar and HFCS and you are already better off

>> No.11735680

do you have mental health issues? not trying to be funny.

>> No.11735701

Fasting is better for reversing t2 diabetes. 1 week is enough to restore insulin sensitivity, 2 weeks will restore beta cell function.

>> No.11735705


>> No.11735706

>not trying to be funny
Obviously. You're only getting desperate for some kind of argument.

>> No.11735714


Fasting is ok for type 2, but type 1 can't fast so keto is much more preferable

>> No.11735719

>First: just eat a healthy balanced diet
>Now: just don't eat at all
All over the place, these guys.

>> No.11735723
File: 26 KB, 300x300, laughter_intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frantically deflecting from the topic
Wanna know how everybody know you've lost the argument?

>> No.11735727

Yes but neither fasting nor keto will reverse type 1.

>> No.11735731
File: 53 KB, 464x453, Annotation 2019-01-09 202032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this about

>> No.11735739

>doesnt know that fasting is keto
I would laugh, but mostly I feel sorry for your parents, who have to live with their failure.

>> No.11735744

Touchy, touchy. I've heard that a keto diet has helped people with depression to the point where they can stop taking SSRIs. I would rather not take them anymore as the side effects are beginning to outweigh the benefits. Thanks.

>> No.11735750

Here's a hint: Not the woman.

>> No.11735759

Just ate a cream cheese cinnamon-raisin bagel btw. Followed it up with some cashews. Shit was cash.

>> No.11735802

So if you ate to 21, would your migraines return?
Why don't you listen to your body, that thing that nobody knows better than you, and make the most informed decision possible about yourself?
Why do you need someone else to tell you what to eat?

>> No.11736439

I tried Keto and it worked pretty well (It was actually mostly just the calorie counting I think...) but it caused me to break out in an insane rash always in the same spots that also left some temporary scarring... I thought it was just a fluke so I stopped keto and the rash went away, restarted, and then the rash came back.

>> No.11736486

SSRI's do almost nothing to begin with ... help a couple of people, don't help most people, convince a couple of people to go on a murder spree.

>> No.11736517

>no word about keto in comment
>now it's about keto
>reverts to sad insults because no argument whatsoever
Even more all over the place. Now with extra seething.

>> No.11736523

other bears?

>> No.11736531

Only fat fucks can't understand how to eat in moderation.

>> No.11736547

It doesn't matter because we aren't bears.

>> No.11736731

im pretty sure shes shitting on the diet because none of her products endorses keto related stuff and since its a big craze in the US right now, that means less money for her.

>> No.11736812

I did keto, got some results, then wisened up and got easier results with a normal "diet". Whole grains, some rye bread, fruits, veggies, eggs, meat, etc.
I don't know why but I want to bash ketofags. Hell even Arnie bashed ketofags in his book about bodybuilding. It's weird but I think I perceive ketofags to be similar to katana-fedora dudes, transdudes, or bikers, or crossfitters. It's not like I'm against keto diet specifically though, there probably are legit medical applications to it, hell maybe even a regular joe could benefit from it from time to time to control insulin or whatever.

>> No.11736877

i aint no keto advocate but who is this woman and why does her opinion matter?

>> No.11736880

they eat tons of salmon to fatten up you mong

>> No.11736884

obviously not the moron rogan either

>> No.11737672

Nobody told me how to eat. I've been eating keto for well over a decade, precisely because I noticed that my migraines were more common after eating carbs and the more carbs I had the worse they were. So i cut back to the point where my migraines disappeared. Which is a bit more than 20g/day for me, but then the 20g/day limit for ketosis is only a guideline anyway, its low enough that everybody even the most lardassed t2 diabetic will go into ketosis, and high enough that its not too difficult.
Not that this matters. Keto works for many people with migraines. It also appears to work for many people with type 2 diabetes. If you try it and it works so you decide to continue, that *is* "listening to your body".

>> No.11737681


Tell me what's wrong with butter without mentioning "saturated fat". Because we know now that that was always bullshit.

>> No.11737683

She was one of the trainers on the show "the biggest loser" which was successful at getting contestants to lose weight by yelling at them, feeding them a balanced low calorie diet, and giving them loads of weight loss drugs, some of which were addictive, and resulted in the permanent wrecking of their metabolism, which in turn resulted in a class action lawsuit and the show being prematurely cancelled.

>> No.11737700

Only the ones near the salmon streams. And even those will gorge themselves in fruit.

>> No.11737720

No harm in trying it I suppose, but I havent heard that about keto. Migraines, epilepsy, type 2 diabetes yes. Depression no. Migraines appear to be related to mitochondria dysfunction which is why coenzyme q10 and keto work, epilepsy appears to be suppressed by high ketones, and the fasting mimicking aspects of keto are what get the liver to burn off the fat in the liver and pancreas and restore insulin sensitivity and beta cell function. I have no idea how keto would improve depression, though I suppose the different hormonal you put out during fasting or a keto pseudo fast could alter the balance sufficiently.

>> No.11737731

Even goats can give birth, what's your point?

>> No.11737737

It isnt a threshold. The less carbs I eat, the fewer migraines I have and the lower the severity of the ones I do get. I can still have migraines even in ketosis, just not many (1-2 per yr instead of 1-2 per wk). If I know a bad storm is coming that is likely to trigger a migraine I can lower the odds by getting really deep in ketosis by fasting. Or just let it happen and take a zomig. Depends on the circumstances. Fasting isnt fun but the side effects of zomig are nearly as bad as the migraine.

>> No.11737809

Her opinion doesnt matter. She sells her own branded diet and supplement line, and keto competes with it. I suppose brainlets like OP might not know this, but it is more likely that OP is merely some shitposting incel.

>> No.11737852

>to their 100s
Age is mostly genetic. Diet is what helps you not dropping dead before that.

As long as you're having any glaring malnutrition you should be fine on either.

>> No.11737932

>Jillian Michaels
Wasn't she the face for like a ton of diet and exercise things for the last ten or twenty years? If she just now actually thinned out, after being the poster child for weight loss for over a decade, why would I trust her opinion?

>> No.11737944

She's looked and dressed like a man all her life. I wouldn't even bother listening

>> No.11737951

>If she just now actually thinned out, after being t
She was the trainer on The Biggest Loser
She has never been fat.

>> No.11737956

Post body

>> No.11737959

Based fitness jewess

>> No.11737963

I just avoid eating fruit and grains except for some crackers sometimes. I don’t think it’s necessary to only eat meat and butter or whatever but unless you’re a training athlete you don’t need all the carbs

>> No.11737994


>> No.11737995

is a man or girl?

>> No.11738675

t. amerilard on a diet of breadless burges