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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11734923 No.11734923 [Reply] [Original]

Post the most expired thing in your fridge with timestamp.
Pic related: milk expired in July 2018 and some lime juice best by June 2016. The lime juice is probably still fine tbqh

>> No.11735007

What’s the point of this thread if you’re not going to drink it

>> No.11735014
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That's crazy I got my milk April 18 and left it in my fridge until August 2018, it swelled up and looked like it was going to burst. I DID NOT open that shit and threw it out as it was.

>> No.11735053

Would’ve been funny if it exploded one night in the fridge and you woke up to a rancid kitchen

>> No.11735061

I had a half full open carton of milk in my fridge for 3 years.
Depression sucks brahs

>> No.11735265


You're all disgusting. And you're not depressed, you're just lazy.

t. Depressed person who's not a gross heathen.

>> No.11735290
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What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you live somewhere where gangs are extorting for trash pickup?

>> No.11735359

Not in my fridge but I have a box of nabob sungold, which I believe they stopped selling in the 1970's.

>> No.11735365

I'm sure it's fine anon, drink it. Basically yogurt/kefir, right?

>> No.11735388
File: 1.84 MB, 2779x3141, 12F136CD-4A07-428F-AA45-86862F9A353F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. Found some based turkey that expired in June. Anyone want a better look inside?

>> No.11735409


>> No.11735415


>> No.11735418
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x3471, E841B545-E10F-474A-BE6F-8DB509F18D64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh baby that stinks

>> No.11735425

June of 2015 or something the fuck is that

>> No.11735444

Take a wee nibble

>> No.11735468

I can’t do that. Just the smell gave me a little headache.

>> No.11735472

microwave it

>> No.11735475

>being half-assed at being disgusting
For fuck's sake, be the best at something

>> No.11735479

How am I gross? I'm not even depressed either. Kill yourself.

>> No.11735486

Reported to the FBI for developing bioweapons.

>> No.11735492


>> No.11735499

I don’t have a microwave or I’d do that.

>> No.11735500


>> No.11735506

k, I'm not sure it'll change that much, but let's find out.

>> No.11735519


Looks like you're taking a wee nibble of Baked Plaguemeat a la /ck/

>> No.11735528
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x3840, BB5EA9FB-CBDA-41CC-9FB1-966FF3D04F6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here again. While the turkey is cooking I found some more milkies. Sell by date Dec 2015. Oldest thing posted so far. And a special shout out to my /sip/bros

>> No.11735534
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>> No.11735542

>sell by Dec 15
That means the 15th of December, not December of 2015. Milk spoils fast enough that it's marked by days and not just month/year.

>> No.11735545

oh you're right :(

>> No.11735636

Turkey update pls

>> No.11735648
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Cooked it at 400 for like 20 minutes but it didn’t change much. Just browned the mold some. I had to stop, the smell started making me feel nauseous. I had to open all the windows.

>> No.11735682
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what the fuck do you mean you found it? show your fridge

>> No.11736840

Leave it in tbe fridge for 5 months and watch if explode

>> No.11737462

>While the turkey is cooking I found some more milkies.
How do things get lost in your fridge for so long?
Wa la!

>> No.11737474

Your rose's lime syrup should legit be okay tho.

>> No.11737490

How the fuck do you leave milk around for long? Milk gets used quick as hell in my house. Go thru 1-2 gallons a week easy.

>> No.11737615

>be person who doesn't drink milk often
>get a gallon for free
>run out of cereal but don't want more cereal
>no reason to drink milk

Milk is loaded with calories too

>> No.11737626

Just make white russians.

>> No.11737850

Add milk. Blend/mash. Pour back into bottle. Store for 6 months.

>> No.11737856

Add lime juice for flavor

>> No.11737861


eat it

>> No.11737869


>> No.11738577

OP post your fridge.

>> No.11738761

do this op

>> No.11739820


>> No.11739854

Cleaned out my fridge a year ago and disposed of a bottle of toasted sesame oil that was 5 years out of date. Didn't occur to me at the time to snap a pic.

>> No.11739868

Just fucking throw it out, jesus fucking christ

>> No.11741295

Bump I wanna see OP eat turkey

>> No.11741309

I threw that shit out, putting it in the oven was a huge mistake, made my whole apartment smell absolutely disgusting. And for those asking for fridge pics, trust me it's not that interesting, plus I threw a bunch of old shit away yesterday.

>> No.11741368

don't be a faggot op you already showed us your milkies. show us your fridge

>> No.11741389
File: 2.73 MB, 1150x1520, Screen Shot 2019-01-10 at 11.01.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That orange and white package is a tofu stir fry thing that expired in 2015, I forgot to post that, I thought I threw it out but put it back in for some reason lol, two of those three milks are expired, didn't post them, and that melon has mold growing on it, should throw that out probably.

>> No.11741399

god imagine the smell

>> No.11741401

lol it doesn't smell, most of that shit is vegetables

>> No.11741405

nigga you nose blind. that place fucking stinks

>> No.11742321
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>> No.11743322

>Letting stuff expire
Do [insert group] really do this?

>> No.11744059

>sriracha mayo
>la Croix
are you me?

>> No.11744085

Expiration dates were invented by jews to make us buy more. The milk is perfectly fine to drink.

>> No.11744108
File: 47 KB, 400x340, 1445953256287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a picture or anything because it happened a year ago, but since we're on the topic of spoiled food I wanna share.

There was a pot of leftover bami noodles on the stove that was covered by a clean pan, so my family and I all assumed the pot underneath was empty. About three weeks later, I needed to use that pan and lifted it up. The fucking smell lads. It was so indescribable. I didn't throw up, but I was mustering all of the strength on earth to not do so. It was like a fucking strong chemical smell, and the noodles in the pot had become a slightly chunky substance with the consistency of very watery mashed potato. I had to take it outside so I could wash it

>> No.11744182

Oh wow gross can you imagine the smell haha

>> No.11745483
File: 1.25 MB, 1527x859, ricecooker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our rice cooker. cleaned it up and still use it.

>> No.11745705

I don't have a picture but my mom never throws away medication
shes convinced theres a big conspiracy where medication lasts years after the expiration date
and a few weeks ago I went through her medicine cabinet and found airborne that expired in 2007

>> No.11745771

I’ve had similar experiences with other food. It’s really impossible to properly describe the smell

>> No.11745880

Eat it and post pics or you’re a pussy

>> No.11746060

I have at least one thing in my fridge from 2011 but I'm not going to bother finding it

>> No.11746116
File: 1.07 MB, 3264x1836, 20190111_233725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ck/

I threw out a box of these today. They're from almost three years ago. I didn't think they could go bad, but here we are.

>> No.11746122

So why is your timestamp out of date? Are you using images saved from a thread you saw last year in an effort to reenact it?

>> No.11746136

lol op here, it's a new year, I was accidentally still writing 2018 and didn't realize it.

>> No.11746190

Does things outside of the fridge count?
I should have some spices (cloves, pepper etc) from the 90's.
I'm at work now, i can post them when i get home if you are intrested