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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11731361 No.11731361 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit why is Fish so expensive?

>> No.11731364

Retards who take food out of our mouths because "muh planet"

>> No.11731368

>king salmon
That's why just buy the normal stuff

>> No.11731371

There was a salmon illness a couple months back. Prices have rissen due to the bad farmin conditions. Just buy other non-farmed fish and you get better omega 3 nutrient density compared to shit and soy feed farmed one.

>> No.11731380 [DELETED] 

Because your mom went down on so many niggers.

>> No.11731391

Because you didn't harvest it yourself if you are in the midwest.
Because you did not harvest it yourself if you are on the coast, or buy it at a dock, or however the fuck that works.
Because fish is overvalued due to marketing.

>> No.11731396

You shop at Leo's in Melbourne?

My nigga.

>> No.11731400

Why has the price of lamb at woolies gone up so spastically?

>> No.11731434
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Dont be a faggot and catch it yourself

>> No.11731516

whats wrong with some of those fish?

>> No.11731525

It's extremely healthy and delicious and fast to cook

>> No.11731528

you can always buy vietnamese catfish /swai at $2 per fillet

>> No.11731533

Yeah and if you live within a 100 mile radius of any city that fish is filled with industrial pollutants and mercury.

That's why most fish and game departments will tell you to eat fish you catch no more than twice a week.

>> No.11731534

Insect is the protein of the future Leaf

>> No.11731538
File: 18 KB, 320x213, 47013124_424111551460456_4353465892806022837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your """"fresh"""" salmon, matey. It was just frozen and defrosted a few times. But it's fresh, I swear. We also put some shitty parsley in the box to show how fresh it is.

>> No.11731543

Nice salmon you have there my man

Salmon isn't what people say when they mean fish, you're basically asking why duck costs more per kg then chicken.

>> No.11731547

Countries that use the metric system tend to have laws about lying with respect to fresh/frozen.
Sorry you claps got cucked by the invisible hand again.

>> No.11731561
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High trophic level species should be expensive. Salmon, tuna, shark, etc are all predators and many many fish had to die to grow the meat on that animal. Their populations are more prone to decline and overfishing to make prices cheaper for you greedy fucks will fuck up the resource. The meat should be expensive and it should be a valuable treat.

>> No.11731582
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>TFW no cheap green algae to eat
Its not fair plankton bros.

>> No.11731607
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Just expensive algae

>> No.11731619

This. The hell's wrong with you, OP?

If you absolutely must have salmon, you can get smaller, frozen and vacuum sealed portions for much cheaper.

>> No.11731623

It's really not all that expensive these days. $15 US per kilo.

>> No.11731624

The global fish catch is like 3 trillion per year. And stocks are nowhere near as managed as livestock on land. It's completely unsustainable.

>> No.11731642

Just get algae oil supplements (DHA/EPA). It's not filled with heavy metals and barely cost anything.

>> No.11731643

1. You are far from a coast
2. Fish need to be eaten as fresh as possible so logistic costs are pretty high
3. Industrial fishing is unsustainable so the prices are going up over the years
4. It's king salmon you retard, regular salmon is far from being this expensive (9€ the kilo where I am, far from the coast)

>> No.11731806

North Korea is forced to accelerate nuclear development, and that waste poisons Arctic spawning grounds. Simultaneously, the diplomatic and military successes of North Korea, combined with sanctions relief, allows them to buy more fish on the international market.

So, North Koreans become more intellectually capable as their diets include more unsaturated fats: and that capacity allows them to cause more environmental damage while their consumption increases. There is a negative feedback loop where cost rises from shrinking supply and growing demand, therefore speculators gain.

>> No.11731827

That looks delicious, to be honest.

>> No.11731844

Republican '''''''economics''''''', everyone

>> No.11731849

woolies or coles?

>> No.11731876

>that piece of parsley or whatever next to it that serves no purpose but decoration
It's because you're buying some FUCKING RETARDED cuts at some posh faggot establishment.

>> No.11731877
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>a cut of parsley is posh

>> No.11731886

If you weren't a moron you'd buy a whole fish instead of prepackaged cuts with a bit of christmas tree decoration.

>> No.11731901

Canned salmon isn't bad or very expensive either, though everyone I've ever brought it up to has some weird thing about it even though they'll eat the farmed in thailand then dyed, frozen and refrozen shit.

>> No.11731904

>he doesnt like italian Cuisine
based retard

>> No.11731906

I don't weigh 400 pounds so I have no reason to buy a 20 pound fish so I can eat one piece and let the rest rot in my fridge.

Here in the non-flyover states you can literally ask the fishmonger to cut you a piece, and it's the same price whether you buy the whole damm thing or just a small part.

>> No.11731930

Do you even know what the real world is like? You are so retarded I don't know what to say. You're either retarded or typical 4chan contrarian autist.

>> No.11731962

>let the rest rot in my fridge.
Why are you too stupid to understand freezers, smoking, and curing?

>>Here in the non-flyover states you can literally ask the fishmonger to cut you a piece
You're doing it wrong. Go to a fish market. Not the seafood counter at your supermarket--an actual fucking fish market, ideally one on the coast where the boats are actively unloading. You will pay FAR less per pound buying whole fish than little cuts of pre-prepared fillets. That ought to be obvious even at a supermarket counter. For example, mine currently has red snapper fillets for $19.99/lb, but you can buy the whole fish for $7.99/lb.

>> No.11731970
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>Product of New Zealand
Probably because you imported it from the other side of the planet

>> No.11731973

Prices for salmon (and everything, but especially meat and dairy despite this being a farming country) are even worse here in NZ. Place is an overrated shithole.

>> No.11731976

OP is Australian, so it's right next door.

>> No.11731977

Molusk are fucking expensive as well though
Lobsters, shrimps and crabs aren’t cheap despite being low on the trophic level neither

>> No.11731989

When the Alaskan sockeye salmon run is in full swing (usually July/August) I get flown in fresh sockeye for @ $10/lb which isn't bad.

>> No.11732016

Which one is the salmon?

>> No.11732022

Poor people need to adapt to the bug diet already because things won't get any better

>> No.11732042
File: 109 KB, 700x467, Blikshteyn_Mihael_fisheries_photographer_201304.0575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone make 20 pounds of shitty DIY smoked salmon when they have people nearby whose families have been doing that for generations selling better smoked fish than you could ever hope to make in your shitty home smoker setup?

As far as "doing it wrong" goes, last month I got 2 pounds of black cod for $12 a pound, cut to order, a fish that ordinarily costs close to $40 a pound at supermarket rates. It's a matter of timing and having a good fishmonger, I buy what's available in abundance that day, not what they're trying to unload on some unsuspecting rube (btw I doubt you've even seen black cod)

Also, 93% of "red snapper" is actually tilapia or something else, have fun with that

>> No.11732186
File: 521 KB, 498x372, d656b920e9002b2689ae8b3ef95fccf59c65393e_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people on this very board don't know the absolute bliss that is fish, straight out of the sea and into the frying pan with some butter and salt, served on thinbread.
Why even live?

>> No.11732207

At least you can buy fresh salmon.
Here all you can get is the cancer-inducing farmed stuff.

>> No.11732213

It aint, bro.
I catch my own all over the year.

>> No.11732253

Duck and chicken are actually not that different in price, maybe 20% at most. The reason it seems that way in flyover stores is that you're comparing Perdue battery cage GMO chicken born without eyes or feet to free range D'Artagnan artisanal duck that was sent to montessori schools and taught how to write counterpoint in the style of J.S. Bach. They aren't remotely comparable products.

If you compare good ducks to good chickens you'll see ducks only cost a little bit more.

>> No.11732275

Implying I know how to filet a fish.. What are you going to do with the squid though?

>> No.11732280
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It will be once you run out of water, hun.

>> No.11732288

He means good fish, not white bottom feeding mullet

>> No.11732289

Why would I run out of water? I don't live anywhere near southern california.

>> No.11732295

Because a Chinese hoax is drying up your aquifers.

>> No.11732297

So you don't have to throw away all that fish you bought on the cheap. Plus, it's fun and easy. If you have some kind of artisinal smokehouse nearby they might be doing better, but even basic home smoking is far superior to most "smoked salmon" you buy at a supermarket.

>> I buy what's available in abundance that day, not what they're trying to unload on some unsuspecting rube
As you should. I'm not sure what that has to do with the topic though.

>>Also, 93% of "red snapper" is actually tilapia or something else,
I'm sure a lot of it is, but this is sold skin-on so it's abundandtly clear that it's not fucking tilapia. Besides which, how stupid do you have to be to confuse the two? Even with the skin off the flesh has a totally different color, and the muscle structure is not the same either.

>> No.11732299

>>I don't know how to fillet a fish
who cares? Your phone toy, or other internet appliance of your choice, can show you how.

>> No.11732695
File: 229 KB, 960x721, 0BAA70EB-46E5-4DFC-B1EA-60BFA879A5A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not as expensive as a top predator like tuna unless you are dealing with rare slow-maturing species that have slower recruitment like abalone. It really depends. Mussels are extremely cheap where I live and they are easy to farm unlike top predator fish. Then there is the supply and demand issue with lobster, the high price reflecting its status as a posh food and it could also be how it takes a very long time for lobsters to grow. They are a long lived species. Lemon sole for example don't live past 10 years, lobsters can live over 100. Lemon sole
Can be harvested at one and a half years old, lobster can be harvested around the 8 year mark.

>> No.11733156

Nothing its what fish look like
Get a boat, fish tidal areas, eat small species that migrate and dont live long
We have trevally top right which i curried, whiting left of it which is amazing so just fried or baked, calamari down the bottom which I will crumb or stuff and the grass whiting and goat fish will be frozen for bait

>> No.11733165

Its easy to learn and satisfying, you MUST us a fillet knife and it must be sharp

>> No.11733201

One of lives great pleasures is to harvest something yourself and eat it, could be a fish, warm tomato in the sun from your own plan or cooking up some deer tenderloin over the camp fire the night you killed

>> No.11733274

people only say that because they wasted so much time doing it. given a blind taste test, people would pick yours over something i got at walmart 50% of the time, they could just flip a coin.
in truth you could be doing something fun and satisfying instead of work and calling it satisfying later so you don't feel a fool

>> No.11733309
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>>wasted so much time doing it
>He thinks time spent enjoying the outdoors is wasted
>He literally has never had that delicious fresh fish
Now that's sad.

>> No.11733625

I hope you can forgive whoever hurt you anon

>> No.11733669

The aquafiers are under threat by frackers. The only thing a chinese hoax is doing around here is making it rain MORE, which carries its own issues but running out of water is not one of them.

Do flyover retards understand that chinese hoaxes affect different areas in different ways? Or did the lead poisoning in all that wild game cause irreparable brain damage?

>> No.11733712

Just go to the fishmonger ffs $8 fiddy for 200g, I pay half that if not less

>> No.11734128

>Idaho included in the west coast
Fuck off. Every idahoan hates California more than anyone else.

>> No.11734143

anon, they're DEAD

>> No.11734275

they're just sleeping... right?

>> No.11734307

>you greedy fucks
it's asia
asia also produces 90% of the ocean garbage pollution
and most of that 90% coming from the yangtze river

>> No.11734313

if you read that whole piece you'd see she's mocking the place

>> No.11734321
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>Holy fucking shit why is Fish so expensive?

where I come from fish is free, but it doesn't mean you don't have to work for it

>> No.11734582

They’re dead

>> No.11734591

You post that every time this comes up and you’re never correct

Do you honestly think nobody can fact check a claim about an internet article?

>> No.11735603

Lol that shit's 80yen a slab in Japan. Git gud, faggot

>> No.11735793

Literally just had some red sockeye salmon with the old man

>> No.11735803

It looks like two of them were striped before they were killed.

>> No.11735836
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>garnishing a product

>> No.11735843

>farm raised salmon is expensive due to foreign aid
You’re retarded man

>> No.11735906

Are you guys talking about the squid?
They just have a thin outer skin membrane that can get torn up with rough handling or in a live bait tank with other fish.
The skin is meant to be a little splotchy anyway as they are an ambush predator, one of them looks upside down where they are more white in colour.

>> No.11735915


>> No.11735920


C O A L ,


>> No.11735923

>lamb at woolies
I see what you did there.

but what's a woolies?

>> No.11736211

That is obscene. I get two fillets that size for £4 at the very most.

>> No.11736579

wooly mammoths, its a supermarket in australia

>> No.11736589
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a bag like this is only ~$8 IIRC

>> No.11736600

never, ever buy swai

>> No.11736602

What fish is that?

>> No.11736610

because of supply and demand

>> No.11736619


>> No.11736709


>> No.11736833

your dog at the bottom of that pic looks sick anon. Call a vet.

>> No.11736852

>live in USA
>fuckhuge country with plenty of salmon
>instead import it from new zealand and charge more
lmao, we do the same bullshit with lamb too

>> No.11736959
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It's not a dog, it's your mothers dildo

>> No.11736974

Maybe for liberals

>> No.11737466

real life has become the memes

>> No.11738021

>Bro just buy a boat, fishing supplies and spend entire days just to get this when you could have just worked a job and bought more

>> No.11738057

Based retards

>> No.11738130
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Only had a lil nigga but I let it cure for 24 hours in salt, sugar, liquid smoke, dill, cayenne, black pepper, and adobo and oh man did it come out good. Delicious. Really high in sodium though.

>> No.11738137

People afraid of swai/tilapia are basically the anti-vaxxers of the food world. Literally all fish eat shit or whatever junk they find around. Same with pigs. It doesn't reflect upon their taste or nutrition at all.

>> No.11738164

You can't trust those from vietnam not to contain carcinogens like dioxins and other shit.

>> No.11738258
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Costco has a seafood roadshow once a year where they sell whole coho salmon for $5/lb

>> No.11738267

The problem with tilapia is that they are fucking tasteless. You'd have to be a 3-pack-a-day smoker not to notice that.

>> No.11738383

Nope. Pangasius cat. Common in the aquarium trade as "Iridescent Shark." Gets huge, can be raised in captivity, will eat anything - hence the cheap price.