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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 750x1159, 856F9AC4-F189-4C00-B765-1D61DB898F21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11732624 No.11732624 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggs, /ck/?

>> No.11732631

In the trash so I don't get cancer and clogged arteries.

>> No.11732635

Scrambled on toast
Egg in a hole
Fried Spanish style on home fries

>> No.11732646

The "egg pucks" at McD are just egg whites with a squirt of yellow food coloring. That's what they taste like anyway.

>> No.11733679

>egg in a hole
You mean a birds nest?

>> No.11733714

hard boiled
I cook them in my rice cooker for 10 minutes and let them steam for awhile
I sprinkle some shredded cheese and some pepper on top after cutting each egg in half
perfect side dish to any meal that takes 0 effort to cook
Sometimes I go a step further and remove the cooked yolk in the middle if I plan on eating more than 3 eggs

>> No.11733729


>> No.11733735

No you both mean one-eyed Jack

>> No.11733736

omlette with meat.
fried egg on top of toast.
scrambled next to the toast if theres jelly or applesauce on toast.
scrambled by itself.
folded for sandwhiches.
soft boiled for when i want fried eggs on toast but no butter.
hard boiled as a snack.

>> No.11733743

also forgot poached eggs for soups and dumplings.

>> No.11733760

In my brand new star wars S O Y C U P !!!

>> No.11733776

How's that 1950s nutrition "science" treating you? Remember to get 14-20 servings of grains per day while your at it.

>> No.11733804

Boiled with soldiers
Poached on toast
Scambled on toast
Fried in a sandwich or with a Full English.

>> No.11733851
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Egg sauce with toast cut up into sticks for dipping(usually thirds)

>> No.11733888
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>sticks for dipping

>> No.11733894

Poor Walt,shoulda left the pizza on the roof

>> No.11733899
File: 153 KB, 1500x1125, 20170728-sunny-side-up-eggs-vicky-wasik-1500x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunny side up obviously

>> No.11734626

According to OP image, McDonalds actually uses a ton of soy in their eggs

>> No.11735871

Any one ever try cooking eggs in microwave?

>> No.11735927

>we always start with a real egg
What kind of cheap bastards would use some kind of synthetic egg replacement, does such a thing even exist?

>> No.11735956

>Egg sauce
how do I make egg sauce?
sure. stir a couple times and it will be fine, as long as you don't overcook them
no wonder the folded eggs suck compared to when they didn't suck. they use to be cooked on the grill at the restaurant. now it's done at the supplier

>> No.11735975
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I used to. I'd put 1/4th cup water and two cracked eggs in a mug, then microwave for 2 minutes, and get some decent poached eggs. Sometimes they exploded though making an annoying mess. I also disliked how the whites would end up undercooked.

Now I make hardboiled eggs instead in my electric water kettle, that's much more reliable.

>> No.11736000

how do you stir it if it's in the microwave?

will the self-rotating plate in the microwave stir it enough on it's own?

>> No.11736048

Ive worked at mcdonalds, they are literally just an egg cracked into a circular mold. Keep in mind they are not seasoned in any way, no salt or pepper, so when you eat them in a sandwich they probably get drowned out by the sausage or bacon.

>> No.11736154

You niggas talking about a breakfast cyclops

>> No.11736156
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half cooked and runny

>> No.11736180

mommy called them love nests
open it and stir, close it, start the microwave.
do it so they cook more even

>> No.11736253
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All you need is pic related memetasker

>> No.11736444

hard boiled eggs
when frying them, poke at yolk, fry both sides

>> No.11736450

In a fortress, surrounding my surly ass

>> No.11736454
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also egg butter for Karelian pasties

>> No.11736504

i like to eat them scrambled with some type of tomato based sauce, anything is fine

>> No.11736922

Is this supposed to make McDonalds look good? Margarine? Microwaved burrito eggs? Fucking eww

>> No.11736955

poached is both healthiest and best

>> No.11736976

>hard boiled
Come on anon! Why? I can see hard boiled preference when you want a chalky yolk to soak up delicious pork belly grease or something but hard on it’s own? WHY?

Medium boiled is nirvana. Hard enough to last well, just soft enough to be extra creamy and goes really well with salads, salsas, hot sauces, plus just that feeling when someone sees your egg yolk and says “nice” because they’re part of the club.

>> No.11737290


>> No.11738451

Egg in a nest
Scrambled (dry, can't stand wet eggs)
Open omelette (desu, I never learned the real term for this, this is as close as I get)

>> No.11738583

over easy, scrambled, hard boiled, or soft poached

>> No.11738590

fried (cooked yolk) or boiled (10 minutes). scrambled can be good, has to be well seasoned and dry though.

>> No.11738686

easy over, salt & pepper, fresh toast. the classic

>> No.11739037

all this bragging about using REAL eggs makes me kinda think otherwise

>> No.11739889

last time i did they fucking exploded

>> No.11740606

bearnaise sauce, over my salmon

>> No.11740853



>> No.11741118

Why do they proudly write that their eggs are cooked in margarine like it's a good thing?

>> No.11741403

Only acceptable ways to eat eggs coming through!
>over easy/medium
>wet scramble
>soft boiled
>hard boiled only acceptable for deviled eggs

>> No.11741411


>folded eggs

So you microwave frozen egg mess? Thanks Mickey Ds.

>> No.11741845

Is that from Toast Box?

>> No.11741854


>> No.11741879

fucking s o y bean-derived margarine too, not even canola for muh omega balance

>> No.11741913

my dude

>> No.11741922

In my chicken

>> No.11742039

go away rogan

>> No.11742106
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Lebanese, they are the very best

>> No.11743472
File: 10 KB, 480x325, ginategg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not en every day technique, but i like to do this once or twice a week

purchase a couple of sous vide machines from amazon, ebay, whichever suits you best. they really are the most versatile machine that everyone should have in their kitchen. perfect for all foods, from pears to rice.
you want to go ahead and use at least 7 eggs for this method otherwise you wont get the yield youre looking for. separate the whites from the yolks, and place into separate bowls (duh)
whisk the whites to get a bit of air into them, and do the same for the yolks to bring them together into what is effectively one giant yolk
now the problem with the giant yolk, is that it does not retain its original shape. its a liquid, not a nice sphere of yolk. this is easy to fix. soak a little gelatin in water to activate it, and boil it down in some water. once it has dissolved, let it cool, and then add it to your yolk mixture
pour some canola oil into a large bowl or tube container. i use a large vase, but obviously that isnt technically a kitchen item. it just worked well due to its volume and shape. put the oil into the fridge, and let it cool down so it is more viscous.
take your gelatin yolk, and pour it into the chilled oil. this will create a giant yolk sphere, which you can then fish out with a slatted spoon. place the giant yolk into a bag for vacuum sealing. place the whites in to bag in the same way. vacuum seal both.
have the sous vides set to 35 and 45 for whites and yolks respectively. place the bags into the appropriate baths, and cook for 1 hour 35 minutes a piece.
remove both from the baths, remove from bags, and get a plate out for service
lay the whites onto a plate, and then lay your giant yolk into the centre of the whites, and voila! you have yourself a perfectly cooked, giant egg.]

like i said. not for every day, but twice a week is fine. great way to eat eggs.

>> No.11743480

over easy or SSU is egg perfection. soft boiled is also acceptable.

>> No.11743840

What are the green things?

They look like capers

>> No.11743853

The way I like my women. Black and hot.

>> No.11743911
File: 92 KB, 930x550, basic-fried-eggs-3-930x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over hard is the one true way

>> No.11744422

>one-eyed jack
Where I come from this means asshole

>> No.11744435

Hope you like slimey eggs kiddo

>> No.11744442

i like to eat the whites, flip them over, stab them so the yolk comes out, then wipe up the yolk with muh toast

>> No.11744453

Broke my fast with 6 eggs scrambled Gordon Ramsey style, mixed with 100g of shredded cheese near the end of the cooking
Flavor with a little hot sauce, salt, and ground hot pepper
Absolutely delicious and rich as fuck

>> No.11744485

Sounds tasty familia. What I meant is that your pic looked like it had a slimey white. I absolutely need my whites to be set. No slime in my house.

>> No.11744536
File: 107 KB, 600x800, Eggs and Chouriço.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I just grabbed it off google

>> No.11744869

I really like poached, it's worth taking the time to make them.

>> No.11745924

They’re pretty quick in the microwave lol...

>> No.11746210


>> No.11746292

that's the shit mate.
I loved it when i was in Finland, wish i could come back

>> No.11746458

>we always start with a real egg
>a real egg

red lights flashing!

>> No.11746656


>> No.11746998
File: 100 KB, 720x350, ostrich-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11747017


You were so fucking close and then you screwed up. How in the fuck is French omelette not on that list?

>> No.11747029

Pls tell me this is your autismo recipe

Posts like these are what make me come back

>> No.11747067

Properly scrambled so they're fluffy and slightly runny, with toast. Seasoning: Cayenne pepper, freshly cracked black pepper, and salt. If I'm feeling like a fat shit I'll add a little cheese while scrambling. I tend to use Ramsey's recipe to get it perfectly fluffy and not dried out

>> No.11747294
