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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11724864 No.11724864 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most fucked-up thing you ever saw go down at the Waffle House?

>> No.11724868


Sober person ordered and consumed the food

>> No.11724871


>> No.11724884

Waitress actually cried while she sucked my cock. I was pissed because it was running down her cheeks to her throat and onto my knife and I hate rust.

>> No.11724902
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>> No.11724915 [DELETED] 

had a girlfriend for a bit. one night we go to WH and we sat in a booth that was right next to the kitchen crews booth. with a little partition separating us.
after the nigger of a cook makes our food, he sits in the crew booth and starts watching a movie on his phone. he rips the stinkiest but silent nasty nigger fart ever. I almost fucking walked out, and would have if I was not with my gal.

>> No.11724962
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>> No.11724980

My kid licked syrup off of the table. Almost made me puke when I saw it happen.

>> No.11724986

The face of FAS

>> No.11724997

that's almost as funny as seeing a kid take a spill and crying

>> No.11725005

How do you know it wasn’t her?

>> No.11725009

I'm honestly amazed any of us made it to adulthood. He has to take a shit every time we visit the most disgusting bathroom locations. Think truck stop.

>> No.11725076

because I knew what her gas was all about. this was unlike anything I've ever smelled. so fucking rank.
I went back a few years later, hoping that the same cook wasn't there. I was chatting with the waitress and she told me he was canned for stealing money SURPRISE!

>> No.11725091

My mom got shot in the head by a nog at a Waffle House

>> No.11725093

Saw a drunk redneck throw hands at a line cook for "Jewing" him out of hashbrowns. I guess he thought a regular order was a bit larger. A couple other drunk fellows restrained him and they called the cops. I ate my pecan waffle uninterrupted as this sort of thing is to be expected at a WaHo

I'm gay btw if that matters

>> No.11725095

walked in on two niggers fucking in the bathroom once

>> No.11725098

muh baby din do nuffin at waffle house

>> No.11725135


>> No.11725140

Bet she deserved it fucking racist

>> No.11725149

She was a beaner though.

>> No.11725156

Then she deserved it anyway

>> No.11725170

That's racist

>> No.11725175

I deserved that

>> No.11725184

You did honky, you did.

>> No.11725192

But I’m black

>> No.11725202

It's African-American you racist piece of shit.

>> No.11725208

Ironically it was because her friend was drunk and called him a nigger lol. My mom tried to apologize and caught the bullet.

>> No.11725520

The Waffle House in and of itself

>> No.11725534

kek, I live like 5 miles from here and got arrested for drunk driving on the say to that waffle house that night about 30 min before he shot the place up

The judge wasn't amused when I told him drunk driving saved my life

...and that's the story of how I am on random alcohol piss tests for the next 2 years and can't drink even a single beer

>> No.11725542

There's a waffle house two blocks from me I never noticed before. should I go? are they expensive?

>> No.11725548

He is an expert at smelling nigger farts

>> No.11725664

Good. Dumb alchie.

>> No.11725702

One time me and a friend went in pretty late at night. I believe we were drinking earlier, but anyways, some cholo Mexican dude came in and started ranting things like, “who let all the white boys in this bitch?!”. Turns out, some white elderly guy got offended eventually after the Mexican’s drunken rant, and yelled “Shut your damn mouth!”. The Mexican walked over to the white guys table and just stood there for awhile, they had a sort of stare down. Then the Mexican slapped the old man across the head, went to the other side of the restaurant and sat down to order, but was almost immediately kicked out by the giant black cook. The old man got up and left as well, but by choice. I’m not sure what to think of the whole ordeal, even to this day.

>> No.11725743

Saw someone get shot on the Howell Mill location in Atlanta. Scary shit. Still can’t believe I saw that.

>> No.11725760

Waffle House is cheap as fuck. Steak and Eggs goes for around 10 bucks, but I wouldn't trust a steak cooked there.

>> No.11725772

>Waffle House
>In Atlanta

No shit you saw somebody get shot.

>> No.11725928

Get the All star whatever's it called, go sausage, get the hash scattered plus whatever you feel like, i go country, also pecan waffle, and get the eggs over easy.

>> No.11725958

So someone takes out a gun and fires it for being called a nigger? Way to break the stereotype.

>> No.11726066

Going to Mississippi and there's a Waffle House. Is it dangerous if a young womanlet eats alone there? Should I wear a black hoodie and baggy pants

>> No.11726075


where in miss? that makes a big difference

>> No.11726080


It's really not a big deal unless you go in the middle of the night. If you're really worried go during breakfast rush and there'll be like 50 people in there and no one will notice you.

>> No.11726135


I was planning on going in the middle of the night to bum since my flight gets in before my hotel check-in and I have to pay extra to stay in another room for the night. Don't really wanna pay extra, will need time to kill.

>> No.11726155

I've heard many stories about Biloxi from my relatives, hope you have safe travels anon!

>> No.11726168

>I've heard many stories about Biloxi
Were they good?

>> No.11726170

Mostly yeah. Nothing bad has ever happened to them and they're in their 70's now.

>> No.11726376

only one i've ever been to in weezyanna had a single file line of aunts from floor to ceiling behind the bar

>> No.11726488

The waffle house in Jacksonville NC is hands down the most entertaining. It’s always full of drunk marines and hood rats

>> No.11726731

Hannibal Burgess what’s good nigga

>> No.11726773 [DELETED] 

God damn I hate foreigners

>> No.11727051

I like em scraped, spewed, spunked and upchucked.

>> No.11727062

>single file line of aunts from floor to ceiling behind the bar

was there a convention?

>> No.11727069


I used to have sex in the bathrooms most Friday mornings with a MILF manager of a Waffle House by my apartment who looked like a slightly older Southern Christina Hendricks when I'd go in for my weekly breakfast when I lived in the US. We were FWB for a while. Good times. Would come over to my place with an allstar special for me and would fuck my brains out.

>> No.11727124

Based survival skills

>> No.11727142

>Things that never happened for 500

At my local WH there is a regular that comes in on sundays from I think some sort of strange church. In SC this isn't uncommon except for this guy literally cannot speak words. He trys to talk religion and hold general conversation with those around him and is honestly a real nice dude but absolutely none of the sounds he makes are even vaguely intelligible. He isn't deaf or anything either. Maybe a stroke victim. Kinda uncomfortable to be around but a good person regardless.

>> No.11727223

Spring for the extra night or you will regret.

t. Mom who is worried about you. I know how these things go, and if you possibly can, pay for the extra night.

>> No.11727231

Waitwe started crying about how he was a virgin, had to hold him down while I was fucking his ass

>> No.11727573

Okay mom I'll take the extra night

>> No.11727585

is she ok?

>> No.11727592

The one by the strip club in tempe is top tier funny.

>> No.11727906

Moving to Tennessee for work and there's a waffle House

I'm I gonna be shot? Also, what's the tastiest stuff they sell there

>> No.11727910

Our waitress said she never leaves her house except to buy groceries and come to work.

She said she eats chicken every night and eats the skin first with salad dressing.

>> No.11727911

Waffle houses have reigonal menus

>> No.11728004

Where in TN? If to Memphis, skip WH and go to the OG WH: CK's 24-hour Cafe.

>> No.11728080
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I worked as a grill operator and salesperson for various WaHo's on and off for around thirteen years +/- I seen some shit although I mostly lurk 4chan and not sure how to participate in conversations here https://memegenerator net/Waffle-Booty

>> No.11728096
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I would avoid taking family/small children/easily offended into a WaHo during late third shift because of drunks and crowds from the clubs
https://memegenerator net/Waffle-Booty

>> No.11728108
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I worked in Asheville,NC,Seneca,SC,Red Bank,TN,Hixson,TN
https://memegenerator net/Waffle-Booty

>> No.11728185

A truck driver struck up conversation with me about driving trucks. I hardly said a word.

>> No.11728660

what the fuck are you doing nigger?

>> No.11729564


>> No.11729588 [DELETED] 


The fuck is this? meme generator? lurk more.

>> No.11729604

the waffles look like they'll be dried out garbage, but they're surprisingly good

>> No.11729693

Everything is fine here, just don't expect a quiet experience if it's a weekend and football season

>> No.11729722

I've been to Waffle House once in my life. I was on a road trip through flyover land, which was considered an important part of my education by my parents. We stopped at one, choked down the food, and then laughed about the food and the creatures inside, for years. Honestly that was one of the highlights of the trip.

The fact that there are people who go there to eat food is kind of terrifying when you think about it too much.

>> No.11729807

Didn't exactly see these but here goes
>at the local wh there is a very gay waiter
>He had just returned to work after having been in jail
>He recognized us and he told us he had gone to jail because he'd been spiking the oj during his night shift and selling 10$ screwdrivers
>Wh got in trouble but he took all the blame went to jail and managed to come back
This one happened to a friend, he was actually the manager at the time and on site when this all went down

>> No.11729816

I wish I could experience Waffle House. I saw them everywhere down south with my family and when I suggested we try it my dad said "no because they employ felons."

>> No.11729832

how do you set these arrangements up in the first place

>> No.11729877

>be me
>late nite party animals
>me and bro's, wasted af, get munchies
>roll onto WaHo, gon b gud
>driver bro fucks up big time
>too fast, late on brakes
>jump curb and smash into front entrance
>we fuckin inside the WaHo
>shit hits fan. much screaming and yelling
>driver bro backs out into parking lot, haul ass
>holy fuq bro, why u do that?
>driver bro says "I'm still hungry, we goin to burger king (just across the 4 lane from WaHo)
>go thru BK drive thru get shit ton on munchies
>park in rear of BK parking lot. chow down in flavor town
>hear sirens, PoPo, fire trucks, and ambulamps show up
>major shit show ensues
>we sit back, chow down, watch crazy go down
>cops don't even look over at BK
>We finish piggin' out, head home
>safe and sound at the crib, blaze 420 all nite long
>driver bro says he gonna stash his car at wally world parking lot, report it stolen, bitch at insurance company, get new car.
>be me, too fucked up to give a shit.

>> No.11729921

Waffle house isn't that bad. idk why everyone making fun of it. it's better than denny's or iHop that's for sure.

>> No.11730088

yeah and the price can't be beat
Their Hashbrowns loaded with errything is filling and cheap, compared to the other spots where you gotta spend more for slightly less.

>> No.11730258

It is terrible, cheap, and greasy in a way that feels like a premonition of food poisoning.

But their hash browns with everything are excellent for hangovers, and I think that the waitstaff is biologically incapable of judging you.

>> No.11730299

saw a black guy walk in the door, point at another black who was sitting eating and yell "YOU FUCKED UP" and jump on his back while stabbing at him with something. staff and a few other dudes dragged them off each other and it turned out the guy was stabbing the other with a frozen log of shit, no joke. before the cops took him he said it was to "make sure he got an infection"

>> No.11730434


>> No.11730473

Why does only the US and Russia have this extremly fucked up shit happening on such a regular compared to my quiet little shithole germany?

>> No.11730476

regular basis*

>> No.11730536
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Waffle House is ok. The cooks are scary but I really like their waffles, but unfortunately, I fail to recreate Waffle House waffles.

You have to go to Waffle House at the right times. You're just asking for trouble when going to Waffle House during the times when clubs and bars close up for the morning and even also before they close. Best time is early morning around 6 - 7 am.

>> No.11730545

Bro you gotta travel the world more if you really believe that.

>> No.11730555

aside from the semi-weekly fights, you mean?
saw a dude get carried out by a cop because he kept calling the waitress a nigger and yelling about his food not getting to him
it was pretty entertaining

>> No.11730560

>implying I'm not an avid people-watcher
my favorite activities are waiting around at the bar while I watch drunk idiots pour in at 3am

>> No.11730577

i used to cook for waffle house in the late 90s


>> No.11730580

In Florence? Cause that shit happens here too.

>> No.11730611

fucking hell, I'm gonna think better of getting bent out of shape when I encounter a terrible driver
Great story!
>and even also before they close
when would that be?
late night is the best time for WH for many reasons >>11730560 EXACTLY
When I was in WestVirginia my next door neighbor was like this, nicest guy but, I could not understand 90 percent of the words he tried to utter. it was from inbreeding though

>> No.11730627


>> No.11730995

I once saw one close.

>> No.11731010

Ever get robbed?

>> No.11731053

There's a Waffle House every 5 minutes on beach boulevard in Biloxi. Just drive further west away from the casinos, towards Gulfport. Less niggers that way,
Source: I drive a lot for work and am from a nearby Alabama city,

>> No.11731392
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Yeah KCMO can be scary when it comes to road rage.
I worked at one place where during our yearly Safety meetings they always had to cover avoiding road ragers since we had an incident where a worker cut someone off on the way home or something and the dude followed him beat him with a crowbar within an inch of his life and put him in a coma for 3 months.
on another note
Went to a wh where the waitress looked exactly like a supermutant from Fallout 2

>> No.11731423

I ate at a Waffle House with my family in Kansas City when we went to a wedding. Lots of heroin needles in the parking lot. Thankfully everything went over without incident.

>> No.11731436

Did you get any heroin?

>> No.11731444

No, but it wouldn't surprise me if some of the staff were selling on the side.

>> No.11731468


You can drink beer, you just can't drive too.

So basically your complaint is you have to abide by the law like the rest of us.

>> No.11731501

The one near me has perpetually fogged windows. But they're foggy even when it's warm and dry outside, because the fog isn't moisture on the outside, it's vaporized grease on the inside.

>> No.11731576

on a positive note. I was eating with the same gal, a different time than the nigger fart incident above and a waitress was being to chatty in my opinion. I just sat there and listened, then she tossed out a cooking tip that I still use.
It was a week before thanksgiving and she said the best turkey is slathered in mayo before cooking, nothing else.
I tried it, adding black pepper too. it was great, I did it again a few weeks ago with a free Xmas turkey
I love the open kitchen of a waffle house

>> No.11731597
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Imagine the smell of the sewage coming out of Waffle House, almost as hot as Golden Corral but at least GC has heaps of mixed in skin flakes from the old people hemorrhoids.

>> No.11731605

i enjoyed this read

>> No.11731613
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>mfw i live in yankeeland and dennys and ihop is all i got

>> No.11731720

>that awkward moment where you feel like the guy in the booth across from you is beating his girl but you can't prove it

>> No.11731773


christies across from mills? I bet it is. Buncha spics n yakis.

>> No.11732202

what the fuck is this disgusting shit?

>> No.11732239

anon a couple days ago was challenging other anons to eat a stick of butter any way they choose. he choose to put it on a bagel and uploaded a video of it.
he broke a sweet corelle plate in the process and might die from the butter intake

>> No.11732249

You see whores going in and out of there all night eating

>> No.11732258

Saw a black cop eating beside a black prostitute at the counter.
Retard rednecks yelled at a server once.
Oh and my friend's car caught on fire in the parking lot and another friend had to run inside and ask for an extinguisher.

>> No.11732261

You don't die from eating a stick of butter, retard.

>> No.11732265

racists aren't welcome at waffle house faggot

>> No.11732290
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>racists aren't welcome at waffle house faggot

What the fuck you talking about ignorant white fuck? I see plenty of black racists at waffle house all the time. Or is it that in your closed little mind, blacks can't be racist?

>> No.11732303

I might be racist but I gave the dindu a chance at making my food at least.
if this >>11724915 happened to any white person they should instantly hate all negros

>> No.11732305

imagine the smell

>> No.11732582

What do I eat here?

>> No.11732633

My buddy shit in a cart in the parking lot, put mustard on it and it made a girl throw up

>> No.11732645


>> No.11732666

Guy dropped his pants in the parking lot, shit in his hand, smeared a backwards "fagot" on the window, then took his pants the rest of the way off and ran away. He left his wallet in his pants

>> No.11732670

I just got through playing the cursing keyboard while checking out my newgrounds account from 14 years ago. Submitted form none other than fagatron

>> No.11732736

how much money was in it?

>> No.11732815

He never said anything about answering

>> No.11732970

because it is a quiet little shithole, you answered yourself. Come visit our rowdy supersized shitholes.

>> No.11732976

a black guy kiss a white girl.

>> No.11732977

i'm surprised he knew it was an 'o', usually people spell it 'fagget' because they know there's two g's

>> No.11732986

May just be double pained glass with moisture that got inside.

>> No.11733004
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>Not the superior king.

>> No.11733280

No, my fren, I have seen some bachelor kitchens with the grease fog. It’s no surprise that years of neglect with an open kitchen would make such a thing.

>> No.11733463

That time when Bourdain condescendingly went there.

>> No.11734531

This is from when I used to work there
>Cook used to come in drunk during the night shift
>Server hated him for it
>Gets into argument with family
>Manager comes in and tell him to go home
>He leaves and returns with a gun
>Starts waving it around at the Dad of the family
> Dad disarms him and knocks him out
It was funny when he came back a week later asking why he wasnt on the schedule
He was a funny guy

>> No.11734638 [DELETED] 

>"Dad, can we go?!?"
>"No, son, they hire blacks"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11735197

Ayyyyyyy. I used to go between the Jacksonville, Wilmington and Kinston waffle houses to cook when they were short handed. Those travel shifts were like $17/hour.

Having worked at a WaHo, the most fucked up thing I ever saw was a freshman highschool girl getting railed by the GM in the cleaning closet. He paid me out $700 to keep quiet.

Still called the cops lol

>> No.11735228

>most fucked-up thing you ever saw go down at the Waffle House
ur mum goin down on dis dick

>> No.11735232

Bourdain can suck a fuck btw. Smug boomer trash

>> No.11735300


>> No.11735325


>> No.11735332

>he was canned for stealing money SURPRISE!
I didn't realize only one race stole money

>> No.11735335


>> No.11735536


>> No.11735685


>> No.11735720

shut the fuck up
/pol/ is reddit cancer but 4chan has ALWAYS used the word nigger in a casual manner

>> No.11735993

daytime is gonna be fine, I wouldn't go after say 8pm if you want to be super safe about it, avoiding the people who go to waffle house after the bars or strip clubs.

>> No.11736003

You're talking to children who grew up in an era of NEVER EVER EVER USING THE N WORD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER.

>> No.11736061

>Yeah all us brave guys anonymously on the internet saying nigger, we'll show them!

>> No.11736081

How can I become a sanctimonious self-righteous crusader like yourself?

>> No.11736092

read a book

>> No.11736118

I have an MA in 19th century English literature. Try again.

>> No.11736121

I was seriously wondering what the fuck they were going on about.
it's because a negro proved to be a nigger. it's no suprise to me. but these >>11735685
jackasses need to live a little more and will see the ways of the racism is true
there is only one thing worse than a nigger and that's a nigger lover. fuck'em

>> No.11736143

no one thinks like that you stupid fuck

>> No.11736169

>Mastered in English lit

>> No.11737666

fuck off lovecraft.

have you eaten your mom's pussy out yet today?

>> No.11737682

Kek'd and checked

>> No.11737687

Do they have real maple syrup at Waffle House? I kinda want to try eating at one but my family are from Upstate NY so I was raised a syrup snob.

>> No.11737696

only if you bring your own. you being from upstate new york probably keep some on a travel container on your keychain though. you'll be fine

>> No.11737703

>you being from upstate new york probably keep some on a travel container on your keychain though. you'll be fine
Damn, you nailed me (well, not on a keychain, just in my glovebox).

>> No.11737704

How much range can a waffle house menu have?

>> No.11737718

Post feet.

>> No.11737750


>> No.11737756

Hopin this is real.

>> No.11737928

Lmao France....

>> No.11738043
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Wasn't there. But yeah, this.

>> No.11738083

I saw some middle aged latino dude with a huge growth of some kind on his neck. It was draping down to his chest, just a huge flesh blob.

>> No.11738117

This legit happened like 10 minutes from my house

>> No.11738124

Dumbass on probation you can’t drink alcohol, they test for it and even if you over 21 you fail if they find alcohol

>> No.11738148

That never happened

>> No.11738428

it's not

>> No.11738773
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>Insane Clown Posse

>> No.11738901

>when you love meth so much you change your name to include it

>> No.11738905

We made it to adulthood BECAUSE we did shit like this. Your immune system is like a muscle, if you never work it, it won't be strong.

>> No.11739406

If you don't feel remorse for your shitty actions then you're pathetic.

>> No.11739620

pls be real

>> No.11739659

Fuck that's good.

>> No.11739718
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Checked and based.

>> No.11739769

Which part of SC sounds familiar

>> No.11739785


>> No.11739896

:( Sorry

>> No.11739905

Post your dirty milf feet

>> No.11740146


My buddy from high school fucked a 6' 2" girl who may or may not have a penis in the awful waffle bathroom at 2:30 in the morning while the rest of us were sitting in the parking lot and drinking. They're married now

>> No.11740285

Some people like to talk. Don't interrupt.

>> No.11741591

Lol don’t try to pretend like niggers aren’t the most common criminals.

>> No.11741613

Wait a fucking second. Why the fuck do you keep syrup in your glove box?

>> No.11741625

I saw people eating literal flesh once.

>> No.11742323

can you get me a job Mobile bro?

>> No.11742365

Honestly the old guy is lucky he didn't get stabbed or something.
But good on him for speaking up

>> No.11742414

I use it IRL. My defense is that I dated a black girl for 5 years (mostly I just use that one to piss people off, like 'oh I have a black friend, it's ok') and it's fair game until cracker is no longer acceptable either.

>> No.11742439

Sure you do, buddy, sure you do.

>> No.11743211

One time I ordered the blue waffle. Big mistake.

>> No.11743223

Hello my mudshark brother, 2.5 years with a black girl here. She wanted a white baby soooo bad lol. Nice girl though.

>> No.11744177

why don't you have maple syrup in your glovebox?

>> No.11744274

you sprinkle some on a bullet wound to sterilize it, haven't you ever watched The Man?

>> No.11744343

Waitress came to take my order and while talking, did the ketchup trick with her spit from big daddy. Acted like nothing happend.

>> No.11745500


>> No.11745657

One in Chattanooga TN the manager was running a prostitution ring.

>> No.11745757

>better than Denny’s or IHOP

What planet are you from? I can comfortably eat pretty much anything from Denny’s or IHOP, but the consensus is that anything besides breakfast is sketchy at WH.

Also, everyone says that WH hash browns are so great but then they talk about all the shit you can add into them. Denny’s and IHOP have good hash browns with nothing more than a little salt.

>> No.11745884

I hate how the entire restaurant outnumbers the stupid Mexican but wo t band together and kick his ass. This is why White people always fall below other races. No unit cohesion, no sticking up for themselves as a community, they just turn a blind eye and split up gheir families. All Hispanics and blacks group up instantly even if they don't know who the other person is, they see in color. Asians kill each other but reproduce.

>> No.11745900

The day Whites start thinking and living racially wont be a good day for anybody.

>> No.11746142

>Hispanics and blacks group up instantly even if they don't know who the other person is, they see in color
Well, A) You're fucking wrong. Most Hispanics fucking hate other types of Hispanics. They're just as racist as any deep south inbred hillbilly, and hate blacks just as much too. B) White people is too broad of a set of people to have any form of cohesion like a Mexican community or black community, especially if you're talking about America. Even if most of the population is white, White isn't just a single race, there are many different kinds of groups who have white skin all over the world, and they all came to America. This is different from the groups of African-Americans, who instead of having the different heritages from all across the globe, most have a common heritage (slaves). If you go literally any place in Africa or talk to any African from Africa, they can easily tell you that not all African people will just group up and get along because they're all black. Fuck, even look at African history and how tribes would go to war with other tribes and sell of the losers as slaves. The only reason blacks in America group up as they do isn't because they're above white people, but it's because unlike the diverse heritages of the other races, most African-Americans have that common heritage. Even then, Black on black violence is especially high, and gangs have full out wars because of the different places they're from. So no, blacks and Hispanics do not "see in color."

>> No.11746160

Where in the democratic world can an adult be legally prohibited alcohol even when not performing dangerous tasks like driving or heavy machinery operation?

>> No.11746173

You two should meet up and smooch

>> No.11746176

LOL what a dumb whore. Minus 1 cumskin

>> No.11746183

You're definitely gonna get some nut in your food

>> No.11746187

Fucking kilk yourself redditor

>> No.11746191

>not getting in a couple of hits

>> No.11746224

>No unit cohesion, no sticking up for themselves as a community
Whenever they try, it gets news coverage.

>> No.11746573

>Most Hispanics fucking hate other types of Hispanic
We can recognize different types of Hispanics dipshit, but it's the same thing. Also, unless a white American was born elsewhere, they all share the same basic white American trait, and should see themselves as one group. Most white people have generations living here like blacks. Hispanics do not have this, and are different af because of that.

>> No.11746576

That's not nice.

>> No.11746659

In US, as part of a probation agreement. It is a fairly common restriction for those convicted of alcohol related crimes, like the DUI above.

>> No.11746694

Not WH because theres none in socal but similar places

>Pull up to diner at like 4 am, park next to truck, look over with buddy and we see this chick giving this dude a blowjob in the cab. We laugh it off and go inside. The same chick comes inside and starts work for the day, she is our waitress, we loose our shit.

The other is this place called fantastic burger, there is always something fucking wrong there and this is the best story.

>I linger behind as my two best buddies head inside first
>i catch up and they tell me that the weirdest looking dude just went into the bathroom, he was apparently easily 7'5 ft and super skinny and black as midnight, pretty much an alien. He also had a leopard print suitcase with him that he left outside the bathroom.
>they tell me that I have to see what he looks like.
>We order our food to go, we get our food, the dude still has not come out. We decide to eat there because i have to see him. Over an hour passes and we dont see him, friend goes inside bathroom to "wash hand" to see if hes in there, hes not. Suitcase was still outside the door.

That nigga went back to his planet.

>> No.11746698

what was in the suitcase?

>> No.11746701

I was once in a waffle house with no employees.

Everyone just suddenly left.

>> No.11746705

that's how you know the VC are about to attack.
t. boomer nam vet

>> No.11746706

Dude we got the fuck out of there. When my buddy came out with his hands in the air saying that the dude wasn't in there we left. Apparently he was wearing a two piece suit and tie. He vanished. I did not want to play with whatever voodoo Jumanji bullshit was in his case

>> No.11746724

Your friends saw the suitcase when they went in and concocted the rest of the story to fuck with you.

>> No.11746725

a 6'5 giant and 5'0 girl making slow, particularly hard love against the wall. I just sat and watched for a solid minute before driving away.

>> No.11747249

>white American was born elsewhere, they all share the same basic white American trait, and should see themselves as one group

you are a retard. I grew up in an all white community (95%) and the first thing we asked each other as kids was "where are you from" I was shunned because I was half german and my mother was from the South. The Irish kids ran with the other irish, the polacks the same, Italians, etc. It was a fucking scandal for a polish girl to date an eyetie.

There were whole streets that were only one kind of white person and no mixing.

Same for the blacks, they had the whole south of town, but when the islanders and Africans started moving in they HATED the blacks, wouldn't socialize, wouldn't do business with them, etc.

You're full of shit.

>> No.11747411

Ive only been to waffle house a handful of times. Waitress apologised profusely for our wait, even though the food took legit less that 5 minutes to be prepared.

>> No.11747564

>Imagine being black

>> No.11747816

Doggy style?

>> No.11747820

philtrum is clearly visible, no FAs

>> No.11747881

imagine being this retarded

>> No.11747895

Be my gf I'll b nice 2 u

>> No.11747899

I'll timestamp my black hand if you give me your best frog picture

>> No.11747955

I just went to their website, and there's no blue waffle anywhere on the menu.

>> No.11748082

He can't suck any fucks now lol he's dead

>> No.11748417
File: 36 KB, 460x400, C3E306F7-9A9A-4BCE-B14A-CC0D280253E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a WaHo server over the summer. Might be going back because money was great, but one table made me quit right there
>group of zoomers come in 3rd shift
>i start taking their orders after getting them all set up
>they all act like theyve never step foot in a waffle house, cringing at everything they order
>one black faggot kids especially is giving me a hard time
>ask him if he wants anything on his waffle like blueberries or whipped cream
>looks at me in disgust and says “people do that?”
>finish taking their order
>the whole time they’re there they’re all being loud and obnoxious because they were vlogging it or some shit
>adding up their bill
>it’s like $60 all together, they’re a bunch of kids so i decided to give them a break and give them our discount for people with partner cards, 10%
>they pay, still a $50 bill
>they didn’t tip anything
>not even change on the table
Fuck zoomers

>> No.11748499

Max kekage

>> No.11748782

So young time traveler Jim Carrey killed 4 people after he came forward on time without clothes and stole a jacket.

>> No.11748863

>be nigger
>get called a nigger
>murder someone over a simple insult to show how not a nigger you are
And I'm supposed to consider these """people""" my equals.

>> No.11748883

Everywhere in the 1st world.. Even if you're just being charged with a crime, you're a given a list of conditions and usually that includes not drinking alcohol. Although I was never actually tested for it when I was on conditions and on probation, if I was caught out in public intoxicated (or even on a random curfew check), I would be given a breach of conditions or breach of probation, which are felonies

>> No.11748905

you quit because of a table stiffing you?
maybe they didn't know how little of a wage your employer pays you. was there signs posted that you have to pay waffle house to work there, in the hopes that the customer gives you tips?
>And I'm supposed to consider these """people""" my equals.
Hell no!! what gave you that idea?

>> No.11749070
File: 24 KB, 680x383, 1546223758455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me but theres some video of a black guy fucking a girl from behind in an empty waffle house while all the girls working there giggle and record

>> No.11749310
File: 40 KB, 353x357, thinking gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.t,Not and 7.5 alien

>> No.11749456

The waffles are good, but they're fully aware that their hashbrowns are better.

>> No.11749520

All-Star breakfast with sausage, eggs over easy, add coffee. Side of hashbrowns, extra crispy, scattered, smothered, covered.

>> No.11749765

ur mum on some fat guy

>> No.11750733
File: 45 KB, 550x413, WHfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of a Waffle House is a fantastic one.
A diner open 24/7 with cheap but passable food.
It's just a shame that lower classes completely tarnish the reputation.
You say Waffle House and some people can only think of hicks, or niggers, or fights, or drunks, or apathetic employees.
It's the same with places like IHOP or Denny's.
Fuck, I just want a place to go in the wee hours in the morning and get a meal, not be on constant guard.

>> No.11750786

I work armed security at WH on weekends during bar rush.

>> No.11750789

ever get a cheeky BJ in the bathroom from some drunken lot lizard at 3am?

>> No.11750809

No but many have offered. Interrupted a few by kicking the door in cause they forgot to lock it.

>> No.11750879

which diner chains let you open carry? i'd unironically feel safer in those

>> No.11751159

Jesus anon, where and when did you grow up? Itinerant work camps during the great depression?

>> No.11751677

Whatever chain pays the security company I work for. Right now i believe its only waffle house. Retail is more common

>> No.11751775

Boston and New York in the nineties

>> No.11751780

Yeah, she's a janny on /tv/

>> No.11752215

IHOP I'm fairly sure does not give a fuck.

could always just phone call ahead and ask the manager politely.

>> No.11752548

Fucking retard. Watch some prison documentaries and then talk about Hispanics feeling like a homogenous group.

>> No.11752588

this is a shill >>11724864

>> No.11752791

People tip at WH?
do they tip at mcdonalds too?

>> No.11752855

>>I agree, all us REAL brave guys anonymously on the internet are complaining about anonymous guys on the internet like the MATURE men our mothers want us to be,yeah that will garner us some brownie points!

>> No.11752876

Nobody cares, faggot

>> No.11752908
File: 61 KB, 538x664, DASnEyJWsAEnRhn_jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't give me a reason to care,you knotted bundle of sticks slapped across a keyboard.

>> No.11752916

The REAL ending to dumb and dumberer

>> No.11752921

Just lick my shit up

>> No.11752927
File: 169 KB, 315x345, Otto_Mejia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11753010

back around 2008 i saw a kid rock impersonator get into a fight at a atlanta wh i was was patronizing for a patty melt

>> No.11753016


Sat in a waffle house across from a walmart in Jacksonville NC, used a cheap walkie talkie to talk shit to the niggers that worked at the walmart. I'd enjoy my allstar special and watch the niggers chimpout in the parking lot across the street...good times

>> No.11754567

Went yesterday and had Pecan Waffles. Only thing that happened was my waitress abandoned me for a bit to light up a huge birthday cake and get balloons and sing for another coworker. Still gave her a 3$ tip.
The food there is great, why do people only say it's good when they're drunk?

>> No.11754615

One time it took like two extra minutes for this old man's melt to get made, and the waitress had to apologize and everything. You could see the frustration on the old guy's face as he jovially smiled and said he's got all day since Melissa passed; no one to go home to, so might as well spend it at her favorite restaurant.

>> No.11754752


put down a ten at the end of your meal and you have a solid lock on getting that chubby waitress' number and a quick fuck after her shift

>> No.11755002

Christ, I was edging then saw your post and came involuntarily - fuck you.

>> No.11756142

Based alkie

>> No.11756145

Are you the middle-aged black woman?