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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 493x335, jiu_rf_photo_of_cat_eying_salmon_sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11722448 No.11722448 [Reply] [Original]

Why are cats associated with eating fish?

Wild cats don't eat fish, do they?

>> No.11722451

Yeah they do.

>> No.11722452

they really like fish

>> No.11722453 [DELETED] 

No they don't.

>> No.11722460

cat here, I eat fish and so did my ancestors

>> No.11722476

hey, stop knocking shit off the table. it's not cool.

>> No.11722479

they do not do eat fish

>> No.11722481
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>> No.11722506

Several cat colonies near the ocean here in Hawai’i. The cats do catch fish.

>> No.11722545
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Part of the effects of domesticating cats involved unintentionally selecting for cats who were attracted to the strong scent of ancient people's discarded or unwatched fish. Domestic cats have always been opportunistic scavengers and fish is a common meat people make available by consuming it in their own diets. If thousands of years seems to short to have that much of an impact on cat evolution, keep in mind most of the crops grown for food today look nothing like they did before we started domesticating them. But yeah, wild cats didn't go after fish for the most part (with one or two exception species), but domestic cats grew to love fish by way of stolen or discarded human supplies.

>> No.11722575

How? I find it hard to believe they're going into the ocean and dragging fish out themselves

>> No.11722588
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It’s been historical for cats to eat fish

>> No.11722603


Stop pooping so much. Love you <3

>> No.11722614
File: 37 KB, 500x375, fishing cat will seduce your wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wild cats don't eat fish, do they?
Do I really have to resurrect this ancient meme just for you, zoomie?

>> No.11722640

Idk about wild cats but even before my cat knew what fish was. She went ape shit over the smell of a tuna can. She loves her fish and treats

>> No.11722649

The follow the tide as it goes out and grab fish stranded in tide pools or very shallow water.

>> No.11722659

Stop putting shit on my sunning spot.

>> No.11722664

my cats wont eat fish only raw chicken

>> No.11722672


>> No.11723070
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>> No.11723195

My cat doesn't like fish but he is semi-feral.

>> No.11723231

My cat loves deenz. He could easily eat 1/4lb in one sitting.

>> No.11723272

Sisters last cat would only eat fish.

>> No.11723621

The domestic house cat is the world's most efficient killing machine
Bigger cats like fish as well

>> No.11723641
File: 122 KB, 720x477, MommyCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats eat fish all the time budd. Do some research before killing a thread.

>> No.11723651
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>> No.11723701


Why aren't dogs known for enjoying fish in the same way cats are?

Shouldn't they have also acquired a taste for it through the domestication process?

>> No.11723747

Cats caught fish long before they were domesticated, and have a diet that requires more fat than a dogs. Dogs love fish as well, but don't have the reflexes or coordination to catch them consistently in the wild (although wolves and coyotes do take part in the salmon run just like bears).

>> No.11723755

sled dogs live on a diet of almost exclusively salmon

>> No.11723764
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Dogs don't hunt for food the same way cats do. sage this awful thread

>> No.11723766

food for the soul, thanks

>> No.11723810

that's a pretty bad explanation since dogs would have been in the same situation, if not more so since they have been domesticated for longer

>> No.11723909

Kittehs love stinky things hence kittehs love fish and kittehs also love OP even though he is an faggot.

>> No.11723914

Cats love fish
hope this helps

>> No.11723918

why does cat meat taste a lil bit fishy then genius?

>> No.11723941
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x900, 64A19BB5-6F9C-4DF5-B542-5F916D99EEC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn’t

>> No.11723950

Dogs aren't great anglers they are pack hunters

>> No.11723953

Dogs generally work as an obligation to the human they depend on, read Jack London. Cat's are welfare recipients.

>> No.11723973

that cat's eyes remind me of this chick I once banged after a drunken night after the bar. was a total freak nasty in the sheets. first chick I tried anal with. god I miss her.

>> No.11723983


>> No.11723986

my cat hates raw fish when i cut up fish that i would normally cook for myself. he'll only eat fish cooked or out a can (probably cooked too), and saturated in the gravy and other stuff in there.

>> No.11724002

sea dogs are seals

fact! (i think)

>> No.11724009

this looks shooped. i mean, why is the rod bending when there's no stress on the line? carn't phool me.

>> No.11724273
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>Why aren't dogs known for enjoying fish in the same way cats are?
Doggos earn their keep and get good boy food up front. They aren't sneaky fish thieves like cats.

>> No.11724551

Post more Fishing Cat

>> No.11724561

What’s gonna happen when the fish stop being dumb and going near shallow wallow

>> No.11724562

Why are people associated with cheeto puffs? Wild apes don’t eat cheetos?

>> No.11724567

dogs are shit and prefer eating their own shit

>> No.11724569

Yes they do. You don’t live in America where bonqueesha walks into class 2 hours late with Arizona and a bag of cheetos in her hand?

>> No.11724579

Natural selection is not efficient. This would be a hard problem for something as simple as a fish to evolve around.

>> No.11724589
File: 14 KB, 436x450, 27657166-stock-vector-cute-dog-cartoon-with-bone-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs can't hunt for shit. They dumb.
That's why they are associated with bone (left over foods)

>> No.11724672

We like orange things, it's our nature ok ;)

>> No.11724675

/ck/ is a dog board, dum dum.

>> No.11724808

Eww what the fuck is that?

>> No.11724842
File: 399 KB, 500x644, 1493321204142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats like the fishe
fishe gives nice shine to cats fur
fishe is good for cat

>> No.11724852

There are no dog boards on 4channel, dummy. This is cat turf always and forever.

>> No.11724867

The feline? A fishing cat. That's what the species is called. They catch and eat fish.
The card? I dunno, I don't speak Russian.
The booze? Ask your wife.

>> No.11724896

There is no 'wild' 'original' cat except ancient egypt. Cat has to eat anything hooman give away.

>> No.11726041
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Cats need taurine found in high concentration in the heart and liver of animals as well as in the muscles. Fish also contain taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that regulates heart rhythm, reproduction, digestion and vision. Most mammals manufacture taurine from other amino acids but cats can’t and must have their diet supplemented.

Fish is another source of protein for cats. But there can be too much of a good thing. Fish can contain high levels of mercury and other toxins. Feeding your cat a diet high in fish is linked to Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and hyperthyroidism. Some cats can even be allergic to fish. It’s best to limit fish meals to no more than twice weekly.

>> No.11726046
File: 446 KB, 1536x2048, Cat Fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dark lord are those cats summoning?

>> No.11726055


dumb dogger

>> No.11726062
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>> No.11726089

There is a particular feline called the Fishing Cat which does. But its ability to hunt for fish is so unique that it became named after it, so the exception kind of proves your point.

>> No.11727259


>> No.11727273

Dogs are slave labor we made ourselves. Cats kept human food stores protected from rodents by their own volition and chose to be friendly for a warm place to sleep.

>> No.11727276


Cats will evolve to swim.

>> No.11727278

there is literally an animal called a fisher cat.

>> No.11727279

I work night shift at UPS and I'm a lot valet which means I have to move the trucks around fuel them and park them and there's a family of cats that live across the road and the mom is constantly having kittens and last night I went to go into a truck and I just saw a small black shape suddenly scramble and wig out everywhere in the truck.
My first instinctual response was to think it somehow was a giant spider and I received a massive shot of adrenaline and took a huge jump back as I whispered "holy shit..."
but then a retarded little black kitten jumped out and ran away
I guess they raid the trucks because the disgusting, fat ass drivers leave their cabs filled with discarded fat food wrappers.

>> No.11727355

Wild carrots are fucking good, just don't eat hemlock by accident

>> No.11727360
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>> No.11727362

fishing cat. a pic was posted far up the thread already. Did you even read it?

A fisher is a type of a weasel and is a totally unrelated animal.

>> No.11727374


That dog has issues. I hope he gets help and also hope hes not allowed to kill indiscriminately any longer.

>> No.11727382


This is why I feed my dog only vegan foods. I don't want him to turn savage like that by feeding him any meats.

>> No.11727425

wishe a fishe

>> No.11727452

I like fish. Am I a cat XD

>> No.11727519

Aaaaaaaaahhhh now I know what the word pussy is all about.

>> No.11727526

Post toe beans

>> No.11728379

>just don't eat hemlock by accident
>not wanting the best sleep of your life

>> No.11728383

Well yeah, but then your are eating them on purpose innit

>> No.11728476
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Cats always brings home half eaten rodents and birds to small to eat. Cats are responsible for the extinction of more than 60 animals.
This dog just made a good catch which will be happily enjoyed by the owner and hopefully the dog itself. It deserves praise.

>> No.11729724

They literally need to eat fish or they get health problems, like going blind

>> No.11730034

Fish has a really potent smell, cats hunt off smell.

>> No.11730052

dogs arent just allowed to roam free and catch their own food like cats. A roaming dog will soon have animal control on its ass because people are scared of dogs. Most people dont even see the majority of cats that are out and about

>> No.11730067

>They literally need to eat fish
no they dont.

>> No.11730328

Not him but
>The joke
>Your head

>> No.11730339

Meant for

>> No.11730379


>> No.11730460

my cat was wild when i found it and it eats tuner fish all the time before i mix vinegar/wurstersheer into it

>> No.11730474
