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File: 2.25 MB, 1665x1463, Collage_of_Nine_Dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11724610 No.11724610 [Reply] [Original]

how do we make dogs taste better?

theres a breed for everything, surely we can engineer one with more meat and fat on it and less of that gamey taste

>> No.11724669

Why bother? We've got plenty of tasty animals already. Why add another one to torture on farms?

>> No.11724682

why not? thats like saying we already have chicken why eat beef? more meat nore variety yum yum

>> No.11724693
File: 194 KB, 480x328, BeefCuts__89323.1480084897.1280.1280__22562.1480798845.480.480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this conversation when we only eat chicken and pigs back then

>> No.11724701

they breed them for eating in china, go there and find out

>> No.11724703

>why not? thats like saying we already have chicken why eat beef?
No it isn't because we already have both of those. We already have a plethora of meats to choose from, why put the time and effort into breeding some new type of dog thay tastes good when the majority of people won't eat it anyway out of principle.

>> No.11724704

We must try them all have to find the tastiest one.

>> No.11724706

The amount of backlash from
-“Touch my butt and buy me pizza” girls
Would halt any scientific advancements.
Though I’m actually interested why we have shitbulls, but not dogs that would benefit us to breed

>> No.11724713
File: 17 KB, 337x372, 1516287160834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily threads about dog/cat eating
>multiple anons posting about consuming human flesh
>that one anon talking about eating shark eggs
what the fuck is happening

Well, whatever it is, it sure as hell beats vegan and fast food threads.

>> No.11724718

settling for less is not the human spirit

this can be marketed in asia

>> No.11724721

Wanted to laugh at you but judging from your logic I don't want to tired myself out

>> No.11724723

>what the fuck is happening
chink bots are learning english

>> No.11724727


>> No.11725889

no shit sherlock

>> No.11726826

Carnivore meat is shit.
It is no wonder like 99,8% all meat consumed is from herbivores.
Plus raising carnivores for just meat would he costly as hell since they themselves require meat, guts etc.

>> No.11726838

We could feed the carnivores humans that have died naturally, Recycling.

>> No.11726848

you moron, these threads are made by vegans to try and guilt people for eating any kind of meat
I had a dumbshit vegan roastie ask me why I am not comfortable eating human babies if I am comfortable eating pork

>> No.11726852

Sound plan but no way that's happening.
Would be kinda cool have it on your will.
"My guts go to medical research, I donate my flesh for lions in the zoo, my skull to local theater so they can practice Hamlet with real thing and little Bobby gets my left skeltal hand that is set to thumbs up gesture"

>> No.11726872 [DELETED] 

Sex dog

>> No.11726917

dogs are omnivores though.

>> No.11726924

Carnivores aren't farm animals. Your dream will stay a meme

>> No.11726976

Not really, almost all wild animals will eat meat and vegetation, that's not what makes them omnivores, it's how much nutrients they can extract from certain things, dogs don't really have the digestive system suitable for plants, they'll eat plants if they have to but they're carnivores. Tigers occasionally eat grass, this doesn't mean they're omnivores.

>> No.11727027

>eating carnivores

>> No.11727188


plenty of fish we eat carnivorous though...

>> No.11727190

You're not wrong, but we're not talking about fish here. We're talking about land animals.

>> No.11727685

>I had a dumbshit vegan roastie ask me why I am not comfortable eating human babies if I am comfortable eating pork
Because... you happen to be a chink?

>> No.11729463


>> No.11730142

It's not often you see something this edgy

>> No.11731210

t. newfag

>> No.11731217
File: 209 KB, 1037x711, 1399795386655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11731345

He asked, I answered. What's your fucking problem, dickcunt?

>> No.11731448

I'll bust your head open for talking to me like that you little bitch

>> No.11732014

I have brought in a Korean specialist who operates a lestaulant.

>> No.11732021

>Though I’m actually interested why we have shitbulls
You are? People have loved to bet on fights since time immemorial. We've bred dogs for that purpose, just as how we've bred them to track game, herd livestock, guard the household, retreive shot birds, etc. Fuck, we even used to have a dog breed whose entire purpose was to run for hours in a giant "hamster wheel" in order to turn the spit to roast meat over a fire (e.g. the "turnspit" breed, now extinct)